Robert Jeffress Invites Trinity-Denying Heretic to Lead Sunday Worship

“Oneness Pentecostalism is a branch of the Pentecostal movement that denies the Trinity. It is a heretical movement that teaches that God reveals, or manifests, himself in three ways at different times, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but rejects the belief in three separate and distinct concurrent persons of the Godhead.” 

(The Dissenter) There have been times when I’ve appreciated some of the stances that Southern Baptist megachurch pastor, Robert Jeffress has taken, particularly when it comes to culture and morality…. Continue reading

Liz Cheney Gives Weird Concession Speech Suggesting She’s Like Abraham Lincoln

“In Cheney’s eyes, evidently, she and Abraham Lincoln have a lot in common because… they both lost elections.”

(Spencer Brown – Townhall) After losing her primary on Tuesday night in an unsurprising end to her family’s political dynasty in Wyoming, Liz Cheney addressed what supporters she had left in the state.

Despite losing to challenger Harriet Hageman, Cheney insisted “our work is far from over,” but the work she described had little to do with the people of Wyoming…. Continue reading

Quadruple-Vaxxed Pfizer CEO Has COVID, Is ‘Thankful’ for the Shots

“…Biden finally tested negative on August 6 after recovering from his own long bout with COVID. Chief Medical Advisor to the President Dr. Anthony Fauci suffered an extended battle with the ‘rona, too, as both he and the president experienced “rebound COVID” after the Paxlovid treatment.”

(Bob Hogue – Red State) Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tested positive for COVID Monday despite receiving four injections of his company’s vaccine, which was developed with BioNTech. He says he’s experiencing mild symptoms and is taking a course of Paxlovid. Paxlovid, coincidentally made by Pfizer, is an anti-viral that is now used to treat symptoms of the virus. Continue reading

Jim Jordan says 14 FBI whistleblowers have come forward

Some of these good agents are coming to us, telling us what is baloney, what’s going on — the political nature now of the Justice Department — God bless them for doing it — talking about the school board issue, about a whole host of issues.”

(Daniel Chaitin – Washington Examiner) More than a dozen FBI whistleblowers have come forward to Republican investigators in Congress, according to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). Continue reading

Polemics’ Threefold Display Of Love

“A polemicist contends for the faith. He disputes arguments leveled at the faith and refutes false teachers. He is like a Shepherd’s watchdog; he barks at wolves and warns the sheepfold to flee — when necessary he will bite.”

(The Dissenter) Christians are commanded to love one another. This command permeates through all of life and every facet of ministry. Paul commands the Corinthians church “Let all that you do be done in love.” Continue reading

Whistleblower Inside Hillsong Alleges Major Financial Misconduct +Money Fraud

(Protestia) A whistleblower and former employee of Hillsong church is suing the embattled denomination, alleging that the Australian megacorp has moved millions of dollars out of the country to hide its finances from Australian charity regulators and regularly engaged in money and tax fraud.

In March of this year, the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) launched an investigation after employee Natalie Moses, who worked in the church’s finance department as the Fundraising and Governance Coordinator, stepped forward and made the bold claims. Continue reading

Is the Biden Administration Trying to Start an Insurrection?

“There is nothing remotely normal or democratic about a raid on the home of an opposition leader and former president. Democrats, who claim a faithful devotion to “norms,” should understand that such actions are strongly discouraged—unheard of, really—because the United States is supposed to be a republic, not a banana republic.” 

(Matthew Boose – American Greatness) There should be no tut-tutting about the unprecedented FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. It is exactly what it looks like: a show of force against the opposition leader by the head of state and his personal bodyguards. If this happened in any other country, it immediately would be denounced as the act of a dictator…. Continue reading

DOJ Admits FBI Over-Collected Trump Docs, Will Give Back Passports and Privileged Docs in the ‘Next Two Weeks’

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) When a phalanx of SWATted-out FBI agents descended upon Donald Trump’s Palm Beach home, they also walked off with boxes of what the DOJ claimed were “classified” documents, photographs, the former president’s passports, and privileged legal documents that, the last time we checked, the Trump-Russia collusion hoaxers or any other government actor shouldn’t put their prying fingers on. Continue reading

We Are Not a Republic & the FBI Is ‘Sort of a Private Stasi’

“Mr. Hanson noted that the FBI has become a retrieval service for the Biden family. If you lose a diary, go get the FBI to fetch it, march the person who might have it out in his underwear and then have CNN film it.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Historian Victor Davis Hanson (VDH) states that we are no longer a Republic and he backs it up in the clip below from his appearance last night on Life, Liberty, and Levin. He said we are in “transition to a radical democracy.”…. Continue reading

Democrat Operatives Control Voter Rolls in 31 States

“The purpose of ERIC by now is clear: It’s not about cleaning voter rolls but identifying and registering likely Democrat voters.” And, again, 31 states are using it.

(Douglas Andrews – The Patriot Post) Imagine being a Republican governor and allowing a system created by a hyper-partisan Democrat to manage your state’s voter rolls. No one — especially not in today’s deeply suspect voting environment — could be that stupid, right?

Wrong. Continue reading

The Danger

“The anti-Biden narrative is mostly based on his inability to govern in a positive way. He does not solve problems; he may not even understand them.”

(Bill O’Reilly) No matter how it turns out, the Justice Department bungled its probe into Donald Trump’s classified document deal. Just like it screwed up Russian/Collusion, Hillary emails, Hunter Biden, on and on.

Somewhere in a very warm climate, J. Edgar Hoover is blinking rapidly. Continue reading

No Court, Legislature, or President Has a Right to Decide on Perversion—Let Alone Approve it!

(Don Boys) I realize this issue is debatable, delicate, and as dangerous as an attempt to shave a bobcat in a phone booth. Millennials should do their research about phone booths.

Same-sex “marriage” was wrong yesterday, today, and tomorrow regardless of what any court, church, legislative body, or professor declares. If a million experts claim an error, no one is expected to believe it but must call out their mistake, even with a lonely voice. Continue reading

Is the Transgender Cult in Trouble Now?

“Over the past couple of weeks, #LGBTdroptheT has trended on Twitter as members of the gay community are finally speaking out.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) The transgender cult has been targeting our children for some time now, and as long as this has been going on, many of us have been wondering why more people in the gay community weren’t speaking out about these dangerous grooming practices. Drag queen readings, transgender closets in schools, graphic sex ed, gender transitions for little children… you don’t have to be heterosexual to see these are dangerous. Continue reading

Have you left your first love?

1 Now the word of the LORD came to me saying, 2 “Go and proclaim in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, ‘Thus says the LORD, “I remember concerning you the devotion of your youth, The love of your betrothals, Your following after Me in the wilderness, Through a land not sown. 3 “Israel was holy to the LORD, The first of His harvest. All who ate of it became guilty; Evil came upon them,” declares the LORD.’” Jeremiah 2:1-3 (NASB) 

Christian, think back to those early days of your walk with the Lord. Your entire value system seemed to be turned upside-down. You loved God and your devotion to your Saviour was the most important thing in your life. Old sins had no power over you. You were full of joy and wanted only to serve the Lord Jesus with your all….

Continue reading

Want to See What Crazy Self-Appointed NAR ‘Prophets’ Do, Look No Further Than Hank Kunneman’s Latest ‘Revival’

Watch the video.

(The Dissenter) I saw someone on social media post this with the comment “Wow, this one will make you feel like you’re on drugs.” Well, I took the bait and even I was shocked at just how weird and crazy it was. I’ve sat through hours and hours of the nonsense these New Apostolic Reformation “prophets” and “apostles” put out, but the effort put into this production of deception is mind-blowing. Continue reading

The Destroyer of the Republic

“Pelosi and co. insist that it shows that “no one is above the law,” an argument that would have more force if Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Hunter Biden, the FBI’s Russian Collusion hoaxers, and a host of other Leftist lawbreakers were behind bars today. But they aren’t.” 

(Robert Spencer – The Federalist) It strains credulity, but given Old Joe Biden’s deteriorating mental state, it doesn’t really strain credulity all that much: the Biden White House insists that it only found out about the twilight-of-the-republic raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home when the establishment media did, and not a moment before…. Continue reading

New twist in FBI raid: Trump had ‘standing order’ to declassify documents taken to residence

“Officials familiar with national security law said courts generally have held the president’s power to declassify is far-reaching and that the process for how that happens can be more happenstance, something the Bush and Obama executive orders from 2003 and 2009 made clear.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) Donald Trump’s office told Just the News on Friday that the classified materials the FBI seized from his Mar-a-Lago estate were declassified under a “standing order” while he was president that allowed him to take sensitive materials to the White House residence at night to keep working. Continue reading

Judge Roy Moore Vindicated, Wins $8.2 Million Defamation Lawsuit

“Moore’s attorneys argued the ad falsely claimed he solicited sex from young girls at a shopping mall, including another 14-year-old who was working as a Santa’s helper, and that resulted in him being banned from the mall.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) A federal jury awarded Republican Roy Moore $8.2 million in damages Friday after finding that a Democratic super PAC defamed him in an advertisement during the 2017 U.S. Senate race in Alabama. Continue reading

Department of Justice Investigates the Southern Baptist Convention

(Protestia) The United States Department of Justice has formally initiated an investigation into the Southern Baptist Convention’s handling of clergy sexual abuse, with the government likely setting the stage for a prolonged and expansive probe into the inner workings of the denomination.

The general counsel for the Executive Committee has confirmed that they’ve already received subpoenas from the government, but no specific person has been called to testify yet. In response to the news, entity heads have released a statement, saying they will fully comply with any investigations, writing in part: Continue reading

Beth Moore Says Jesus is Trying to Get Her to Have a ‘Crush’ on Him

(Protestia) Beth Moore made stomachs turn on social media by saying what only gay men and newly converted 11-year-old girls who just got their first Message Bible at church camp say about our great God and Savior. Coopting the ‘Jesus is my boyfriend’ culture that characterizes much of squishy and unlearned evangelicalism today, Moore indulged in some romanticized view of the Holy God, saying, “If Jesus is trying to get me to have a crush on him, it’s working.” Continue reading

Boston Children’s Hospital Offering Gender-Affirming Hysterectomies To Kids Who Can’t Even Drink Legally

(Virginia Kruts – Daily Wire) Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH), ranked the number one children’s hospital in the United States, is offering “gender-affirming hysterectomies” to children who aren’t even old enough to legally purchase alcohol.

According to the hospital’s website, BCH offers comprehensive medical care for children from birth to age 21 — and that includes “gender affirming” care for transgender youths as well. Continue reading

Matt Chandler’s Church Settles Sex Abuse Lawsuit

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Before Matt Chandler went woke, he was one of the most influential young pastors in America. However, aside from his decline in prominence in Evangelical Christianity, one such threat to his sprawling megachurch is a sex abuse allegation against one of his former youth pastors. As we have noticed here at Evangelical Dark Web, the words “sex abuse” cause many people to stop critically thinking or hold a biblical standard for justice. This has been weaponized by people like Jennifer Lyell and to a lesser degree, Lori Anne Thompson to achieve an maintain an impenetrable victimhood status and financial gain. Therefore, it is important to ask what happened? Who is responsible? What does the Bible say about that? Continue reading

CDC Ends Differentiation of Unvaccinated Under Coronavirus Guidelines

(Paul Bois – Breitbart) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its coronavirus guidelines to end the differentiation of the unvaccinated.

Released Thursday, the new guidelines make a variety of changes that would have been unthinkable a year or even six months ago, including a lift on mandatory quarantines for individuals exposed to the virus, an end to screening people with no symptoms, and the elimination of testing recommendations after potential exposure. Contact tracing will also be limited to hospitals and high-risk groups living in nursing homes. Continue reading

DOJ asks court to unseal Mar-a-Lago raid warrant; AG Merrick Garland personally signed off on Trump search

(Brook Singman – Fox News) Attorney General Merrick Garland said he “personally approved” the decision to seek a search warrant for former President Trump’s private residence at Mar-a-Lago, saying the Justice Department has filed a motion to unseal the search warrant and property receipt from the FBI’s raid, amid “substantial public interest” in the matter, while defending the “integrity” of law enforcement officials.

In a rare public statement, days after the FBI’s early morning raid on Trump’s private residence in Palm Beach, Fla. Continue reading