Travesty: Elderly Vet Told to Remove Trump Signs or FEMA Officials Would View Him As ‘Domestic Terrorist’

“The elderly homeowners were so frightened by this and afraid that they would not recover their loss that they removed the signs. Nevertheless, FEMA has not returned to their residence. This took place not in Florida, but Georgia.”

(Rusty Weiss – Red State) Chair of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer (R-KY), revealed that a new whistleblower has come forward alleging another incident of discrimination at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The allegations point to a FEMA contractor who suggested disaster victims with signs supporting Donald Trump outside their homes were viewed by officials as “domestic terrorists.” Continue reading

The Hidden Life

1 Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For you died and your life has been hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:1-3 (LSB) 

Our salvation is the start of our new life in Christ. We will never be more saved than we were at that moment. When God justifies one of His people by faith, that declaration is complete and eternal. (Romans 8:30) Also, each saved person receives the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 1:13) That is all of the Holy Spirit each of them will ever have. However, God’s will for each of His children is their sanctification. (1 Thessalonians 4:3) This is a process through which God conforms them unto the image of the Son. Continue reading

Deconstruction is the Highway to Sexual Anarchy

“So why do people keep deconstructing? Because they believe the lie. The lie that freedom is found in autonomy. The lie that sin isn’t really sin. The lie that God’s Word can be twisted without consequence.”

(The Dissenter) You’ve heard of deconstruction, it’s a term being tossed around increasingly frequently within Christian circles. But what exactly is deconstruction? It’s the trendy, intellectual-sounding label for what’s really just old-fashioned doubt dressed up in new clothes. Continue reading

The Shift In Child Rearing That Has Destroyed The American Family

“Women began to adopt a proprietary view of child rearing, believing that proper outcomes depended on THEIR devotion, THEIR dedication, and THEIR doing. “Mothering” became a works-based cult-religion of sorts, the implicit understanding being that the more a mother did for her child, the better a mother she was, which is why women often complain that parenting wears them down to a nub.”

(John Rosemond – Clear Truth Media) What happened to child rearing in America between 1965 (the publication of Between Parent and Child, by New York psychologist Haim Ginott) and 1980 (the publication of How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by family counselors Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish) is known as a paradigm shift, defined as a fundamental change in the understandings and procedures that inform a certain practice.    Continue reading


“Okay. Here is what Donald Trump believes: the majority of Americans want him to avenge perceived political corruption and not just drain the swamp; they want the morass annihilated.”

(Bill O’Reilly) “It’s business, not personal, Sonny.” – Tom Hagen to Sonny Corleone in “The Godfather”

President Trump is going to the mattresses.  He is bent on dismantling the Washington power structure, which has demeaned and persecuted him.  Many were shocked when he nominated Matt Gaetz to be Attorney General.  But why the surprise?  Gaetz is a dynamiter who would cleanse the Justice Department of leftist partisans.  That’s the plan, although the Senate will not confirm Mr. Gaetz. Continue reading

Cru Mourns Trump Victory In Leaked Devotionals

“The fact that Cru believed the 2024 election results are something to grieve over is rooted solely in secular liberalism.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Cru, formerly known as Campus Crusade For Christ, is the most prominent campus evangelism ministry. However, they have been subverted by wokeness for several years, wholeheartedly embracing Critical Race Theory and also getting exposed this year for training material that affirms homosexuality. Cru has reportedly ended its curriculum that relied heavily on Side B Theologian, Preston Sprinkle but did not repent for its past compromises. The latest actions within Cru reveal that wokeness is still alive and institutionalized at Cru. Continue reading

New Rule: Evangelicals Who Opposed Trump Don’t Get to Counsel Him

“Meanwhile, this is a prediction: In coming weeks and months, the Evangelical Intelligentsia will lament with great sorrow and at great volume, that Donald Trump has surrounded himself with evangelicals who have sub-standard doctrine. They will, with the weeping and gnashing of teeth, see that he has surrounded himself with the likes of Paula White or Mark Driscoll. That’s their fault. They own that. Evangelicals who opposed Trump need to sit in time-out. In the corner. With their nose in it.”

(Protestia) Woke evangelicals, who have opposed Donald Trump every step of the journey, are busying trying to offer advice to the new regime. Don’t let them.

Beginning in 2013, with the coronation of Russell Moore at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, the Evangelical Intelligentsia presented itself as the helpful companions of the Obama Administration and only reluctant co-belligerents (at best) with the rest of us. Continue reading

Exclusive: Pentagon ‘Scrambling,’ Wiping Evidence of DEI as Trump Readies to Fire Woke Generals

One source familiar with the plan told Breitbart News that an executive order has been drafted to create a panel to recommend those senior officers for elimination and that the EO is “definitely” going to Trump’s desk. “This is for real. This [EO] has made the cut,” the source said, adding that it is possible that it is still being revised and consulted with incoming leaders at the Pentagon.” 

(Kristina Wong – Breitbart) The Pentagon is in “absolute disarray” with “generals scrambling” due to the incoming Trump administration’s plans to fire woke senior military leaders who prioritized diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) over combat readiness, according to sources. Continue reading

Union Seminary Performs Last Supper in Drag, Mocks Communion, and Mocks Christ

Watch the video.

“If you ever wondered what happens when theology dies and narcissism takes the pulpit, wonder no more—Union has given us the answer, complete with sequins and cheap wigs.”

(The Dissenter) Union Theological Seminary held a “Drag Communion” event in their chapel, featuring drag performers presiding over the Lord’s Table while attendees were invited to dress in drag or any other “fabulous” way they saw fit. Continue reading

The Apostate Church

30 “But as for you, son of man, the sons of your people who talk about you by the walls and in the doorways of the houses, speak to one another, each to his brother, saying, ‘Come now and hear what the word is which comes forth from Yahweh.’ 31 They come to you as people come and sit before you as My people and hear your words, but they do not do them, for they do the lustful desires expressed by their mouth, and their heart goes after their greedy gain. 32 Behold, you are to them like a lustful song by one who has a beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument; for they hear your words but they do not do them. Ezekiel 33:30-32 (LSB) 

In the book of Revelation, chapters 2 and 3 contain the seven letters Christ dictated to John to be sent to seven churches that existed in John’s time in Asia Minor. I have heard several sermons and read some exposits of these chapters that were geared towards these seven churches each representing one of the seven church ages…. Continue reading

The Pastor Said What? Deception In Our Time

“How did we get here? I’ve observed that this slow but steady descent into the dark hole of a morally depraved society typically starts when church leaders embrace the ‘Love’ Gospel doctrine. This teaching says that we are simply to love everyone all the time. We must accept them and welcome them with open arms…”

(Amy Travis – Clear Truth Media) Last year, a prominent pastor hosted a pro-LGBT+ conference at his church. Holding an informational seminar on the topic isn’t a bad thing in and of itself. But when the focus is to normalize sexual depravity in the church—rather than offering compassionate ministry and an opportunity to repent—that’s a problem. Continue reading

Cultural Curators Face Reckoning for Mocking Middle America

“Voters weren’t turned off by Trump’s brash approach. They wanted the bull to break up the china shop. Black, white, Asian and Hispanic voters told me that, and AP VoteCast, a survey of more than 120,000 voters nationwide, confirmed it in a postelection analysis that showed well over half of voters said they wanted to see substantial change.”

(Salina Zito – Hot Air) Walking out of the Allegheny County Republican election night event at a local luxury hotel, the young men waiting to valet my car got into a discussion with me about the just-announced election results. Continue reading

Donald Trump’s Iconic ‘YMCA’ ‘Trump Romp’ Becomes a Cultural Phenomenon

(Wendell Husebo – Breitbart) President-elect Donald Trump’s so-called Trump Romp to the iconic “YMCA” tune is the latest Trump-inspired phenomenon in pop culture.

World leaders, athletes, and regular citizens have been captured using the Trump Romp since his landslide victory last week.

The dance moves feature something like a double horizontal fist pump with hip swings to the beat of the Y.M.C.A.

“The funniest thing is that YMCA already had a dance … but Trump has rebranded it so successfully that world leaders have now adopted it,” Kiersten Pels, an aide to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), pointed out on X. Continue reading

Leftism Is a Death Cult

“Look back at those videos from last week. Sure, they lashed out as usual against white male Christians. But they explode into hate-driven frenzy when ranting against women and minorities who didn’t vote for Harris. As blasphemers. As traitors. As Judases. To paraphrase the great Nigel Tufnel, these cultists went to 11.”

(C.A. Skeet – PJ Media) When the TikTok freakout videos first started being posted the morning after the election, showing assorted leftists in various stages of post-election mental breakdown, I was initially amused. Here, I thought, were the usual pampered, suburban brats throwing tantrums because the world doesn’t look like their living room. They did the same thing in 2016. They’ll get over it. Continue reading

The Atonement of Christ

11 And not only this, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation. Romans 5:11 (LSB) 

The very heart of Christianity is the doctrine of the Atonement. Is it no wonder that so many proclaiming a “new type of Christianity” also attempt to do away with this doctrine? Any attempts to redefine Christianity by modifying or eliminating this doctrine are marks of heresy. I have seen professing Christians argue and write off former brothers in the faith over aspects of our faith that are nowhere near as vital to orthodoxy as the doctrine of the Atonement.  I have been cursed and called heretical because I have differed from those doing so on things like eschatology or on the Sovereignty of God…. Continue reading

On Nov 5th, the Kingdom of Sauron (Satan) was defeated

(Linda Kimball – Renew America) During the “Fading Years,” many things of “beauty and wonder remained on earth…” but also many things of “evil and dread.” Then all things began to change. A living darkness—Sauron’s (Satan’s) kingdom of evil– crept slowly through Greenwood the Great, and fear walked there in shadowy glades. Then the name of the forest was changed to Mirkwood, for the “nightshade lay deep there,” and few dared pass through. Whence the evil came few could tell,

“…and it was long ere even the Wise could discover it. It was the shadow of Sauron and the sign of his return…and all folk feared the Sorcerer of Dol Guldur, and yet they knew not at first how great was their peril.” (The Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien, p. 299) Continue reading

G3 Ministries Insists Steve Lawson Was Member Of Trinity Bible Church. But was he?

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Last week, a major development occurred in the Steve Lawson adultery scandal in which Steve Lawson was revealed not to have been a pastor at Trinity Bible Church in Dallas. Though at a minimum Trinity Bible Church hid this in plain sight, the reporting that Lawson was also not even a member of the church gained just as much traction. Evangelical Dark Web pointed out that Steve Lawson operated in ecclesiocentric circles, ones that have a far higher-than-average view of church authority. This calls into question the vetting process of some of the ministries that platformed him, mainly G3 Ministries, The Master’s Seminary, and Grace Community Church. Continue reading

Here’s Hoping the Dems’ Cluelessness About the Election Lingers

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) As we are all aware, the Democrats struggle with things like reality and the truth. That’s got them in a bit of a pickle right now. They know that many things went horribly wrong for them in this election. They also know that they have to figure out exactly what. They just don’t have the skill set to do it, at least not quickly, anyway. It’s like they’re trying to find their way out of the middle of the Mojave Desert in a dust storm with a map of Philadelphia.

This is very good news for the Republicans. Continue reading

FEMA Director Compared Trump Yard Signs to Vicious Dogs to Justify Skipping Homes. Are Bibles Next?

“Our taxpayer-funded national emergency team passing by Trump-supporting homes is a prophetic glimpse of what the left would happily do to Christians if given the chance. The same progressive ideology that demonizes conservatives today would gladly persecute Christians tomorrow.”

(The Dissenter) As if we needed another reminder of how far the left is willing to go to punish their ideological opponents, the news out of Florida is yet another ugly revelation. FEMA, the federal agency supposedly tasked with providing life-saving disaster relief, has been exposed for skipping over storm-ravaged homes in the wake of Hurricane Milton simply because they displayed Trump signs in their yards. Continue reading

ABC in ‘Panic Mode,’ Scrambles to Bring in Pro-Trump Personalities for ‘The View,’ Other Shows

“I predict that if ABC brings in a host who may not be MAGA but isn’t a flaming left-wing nutcase, half those women will quit rather than share the stage with someone who disagrees with them.”

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) The TV networks are in scramble mode as they try to find voices and personalities that match the country’s pro-Trump mood. Discussions about bringing a pro-Trump voice onto ABC’s daytime moneymaker “The View” are underway, and changes to other programming are also being considered.

ABC execs were apparently so insulated in their own ideological cocoon that the extent of Trump’s victory caught them completely by surprise. Continue reading

Are you walking in the light?

1 See how great a love the Father has given to us, that we would be called children of God; and we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. 2 Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not been manifested as yet what we will be. We know that when He is manifested, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is. 3 And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. 1 John 3:1-3 (LSB) 

Over the last several weeks I have been led to read three books by A.W. Tozer. The first one I bought was The Essential Tozer Collection, which contains three of his books, The Pursuit of God, The Purpose of Man, and The Crucified Life. The second book I bought was The Pursuit of Christian Maturity. I devoured that book and had it read in about a week. After I finished that book, I went to Mardel’s and found a whole section of A.W. Tozer books…. Continue reading

America’s Largest False Church to Expand Empire Into Hillsong Territory, Sydney, Australia

“Australia, brace yourself. Bethel isn’t bringing the light of Christ to your shores—they’re bringing the smoke and mirrors of a counterfeit gospel. And if their track record is any indication, Sydney is in for a flood of glitter clouds, grave-sucking theology, and emotional manipulation masquerading as the work of the Holy Spirit.”

(The Dissenter) Bethel Church in Redding, California, pastored by Bill Johnson and co-pastored by Kris Vallotton—men who arrogantly believe themselves to be “prophets” and “Apostles”—has earned its reputation as a factory of spiritual fraudulence. This is the same Bethel that gave us “glory clouds,” the thoroughly debunked stunt involving stage smoke and glitter coming from the air ducts while selling it as the “presence of God.” Continue reading

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby resigning amid outrage over child abuse cover up scandal in CofE

An online petition was started last week calling for Welby to step down, with it garnering more than 13,000 signatories by the time that the Church of England leader had agreed to resign. “Given his role in allowing abuse to continue, we believe that his continuing as the Archbishop of Canterbury is no longer tenable. We must see change, for the sake of survivors, for the protection of the vulnerable, and for the good of the Church,” stated the petition.

(Michael Gryboski – Christian Post, a site CRN does not recommend) Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, leader of the Church of England and the global Anglican Communion, has announced that he will be resigning amid outrage over an abuse cover-up scandal. Continue reading