“To [Keith] Johnson and all those like him: Are you listening? Will you repent publicly? You claim to have a “Jesus First” approach. Ok then; we would like you to start sharing the biblical Jesus who calls sinners to repent and believe, not the imaginary Jesus of this anti-Christian age who uses “homosexual orientation” as a morally neutral category of personhood. We reject the banal claim that we merely disagree about a “vision for cultural engagement.” That’s a smoke screen. We are disagreeing about theology, and you are promoting a damnable one.”
(Rosaria Butterfield – Clear Truth Media) Progressivism is a stench within the church and parachurch that denigrates biblical promises by filtering them through the world’s values. And while it hates almost all faithful biblical doctrine, it seems to have particular ire for the doctrine of repentance unto life, that saving grace “by which a sinner, being truly aware of his sinfulness understands the mercy of God in Christ, grieves for and hates his sins, and turns from them to God, fully intending and striving for a new obedience.” (Westminster Shorter Catechism, Question 87).
So why does progressivism hate repentance? Let me give you three reasons. Continue reading