Biden Uses His Budget to Force His Abortion Agenda on Taxpayers

(Tyler O’Neil – PJ Media)  President Joe Biden released his proposed budget for fiscal year 2022 on Friday, and the whopping $6 trillion budget has a stunning omission. The Hyde Amendment, which has prevented taxpayer dollars from directly funding abortion for decades, was … Continue reading 

Media Pathetically Creates a Biden We All Know Isn’t There

“Imagine this slow-thinking, barely coherent president in charge during a crisis that requires quick decision-making and clear communication. You can bet our enemies are doing just that right now.” (Steven Kruiser – PJ Media)  My entry into the world of … Continue reading 

This 9-0 SCOTUS Ruling on Guns Shows Just How Extreme (and Dangerous) the Biden Administration Really Is

(Bryan Preston – PJ Media)  Did you hear that Joe Biden’s Department of Justice wanted the Supreme Court to rule that police could search Americans’ homes for firearms — and confiscate them — without a warrant? In the case of Caniglia … Continue reading 

Sen. Cruz: Biden and Harris undermine ‘our friends’ and finance ‘enemies’

(WND)  The current conflict in the Holy Land could escalate into a “shooting war,” warned Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. In an interview Thursday with “The Todd Starnes Radio Show,” he noted President Trump consistently stood with Israel. “We moved our embassy … Continue reading 

Yes, Biden Is Swindling Americans: White House Staffer Lets the Cat Out of the Bag

(Tyler O’Neil – PJ Media)  The myth of the “moderate” Joe Biden stubbornly refuses to die — partially because the Democrats and the legacy media are working overtime to keep it breathing. From day one, Biden has aimed to erase … Continue reading 

When Can We Expect That Apology From ‘Biden Republicans’?

(Issues & Insights) In the run-up to the 2020 elections, we were bombarded with stories about Republicans who were not only opposed to Donald Trump’s reelection but were actively campaigning on behalf of Joe Biden. These Republicans didn’t just express … Continue reading 

Biden Bust: Unemployment Rate Up, Numbers ‘Way Worse Than Expected,’ Inflation May Be Coming

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media)  With the creation of multiple vaccines in historic time, the COVID-19 pandemic seemed close to being over, paving the way for rapid economic growth. Unfortunately, the economy appears to be struggling under Joe Biden, based … Continue reading 

Biden Coronavirus Relief Prioritizes Funds for Non-White Business Owners

(John Binder – Breitbart)  Restaurants and venues owned by white men will be last in line for federal relief under President Joe Biden’s “Restaurants Revitalization Fund” (RRF), prioritizing funds for women and minority groups first. As part of Biden’s American … Continue reading 

The Bleak Biden Way

“Biden’s Napoleonic 100 days will be remembered in the left-wing halls of Versailles as a golden moment of defiant activism. More mundanely, it is far easier for Joe to earn the wrath of Republicans than to take on the take-no-prisoners … Continue reading 

Radical Democrat Priorities in Biden’s First 100 Days: Packing Courts, Amnesty, Reparations, Federalizing Elections, DC Statehood, Banning Electoral College

(Breitbart)  The Democrats have proposed, within President Joe Biden’s first 100 days, radical initiatives contrary to Biden’s “back to normalcy” campaign sold to the American people. Accordingly, the Democrats have introduced the following radical initiatives: Packing the courts, amnesty, reparations, federalized … Continue reading 

Biden Intelligence Community Breaches Authority to Target the Right

“Over the past several years, sadly, it’s become almost impossible to tell who poses the biggest threat to our democracy—foreign adversaries or our own government. Tens of millions of Americans undoubtedly would argue it’s the latter.” (Julie Kelly – American … Continue reading 

Biden is the most anti-American president in US history

“These people are so disconnected from reality it is truly frightening.  Either that or they continue to assume the American people are very, very stupid when it is becoming clearer and clearer that it is the radical leftists who fraudulently got … Continue reading 

Biden’s Team of Racists and Anti-Semites: An Anti-American Coalition in the Heart of the White House

Late in his presidency, Donald Trump issued an executive order establishing The 1776 Commission, an advisory committee designed to encourage American schools to provide students with a “patriotic education,” and to counter the America-hating narrative of critical race theory and … Continue reading 

Tucker Carlson rips Biden’s ‘unhinged’ ATF pick as ‘a conspiracy nut’

(Tim Tillison – BPR)  President Joe Biden proudly reaffirmed on Thursday that he has nominated David Chipman to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. An ATF special agent for 25 years, Chipman is a fierce advocate for … Continue reading 

Comrade Biden

“The horrifying truth is Democrats want the federal government to run everything; to provide cradle-to-grave entitlements. Free child care, elder care, health care, community college, food, housing, job and wage guarantees.” (Bill O’Reilly)  Okay, now it’s getting serious.  No more fooling … Continue reading 

Hunter Biden blockbuster: Memos detail quiet effort to assist indicted Ukrainian oligarch

The emails and text messages indicate that on-and-off effort to assist Firtash stretched through the summer and fall of 2015, with discussions centering on contacting various State Department officials including then-Secretary of State John Kerry…and then-Deputy Secretary Tony Blinken, now … Continue reading 

The Biden Admin Is Covering up the Number of Illegal Immigrants with COVID, Says Texas Gov

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media)  Illegal immigrants have been flooding to the southern border of the United States, and they’re bringing COVID-19 with them. According to the CBP, Illegal immigrants are testing positive for COVID at a rate double the … Continue reading 

9 Viral ‘Forgetful Joe’ Moments: Names, Dates And The Pledge Of Allegiance

(Ian Haworth – Daily Wire)  Since Joe Biden entered the 2020 presidential race, there have been ongoing concerns regarding his mental acuity. Instances of confusion are dismissed as lovable Biden “gaffes,” and lapses in speech are chalked up to a … Continue reading