Biden spent billions to delay Medicare premiums spike, protect Harris campaign before election

(Steven Richards – Just the News) Democrats were confronted earlier this year with a terrifying reality: a cap on out-of-pocket costs for patients to limit Medicare drug spending passed as part of Biden’s signature Inflation Reduction Act was set to spike premiums for millions of senior citizens just weeks before the 2024 presidential election.

To avoid the political catastrophe of presiding over major premium increases in the middle of a closely contested election, the Biden-Harris administration used its authority to reroute appropriated funding to subsidize the premiums for seniors until after the election. Continue reading

‘I’m Done!’ Hugh Hewitt Quits Washington Post; Storms Out of Room During Live WaPo Broadcast Over Bias

“Hewitt pointed out that as “news people” they should try actually reporting the full story.”

(Debra Heine – American Greatness) Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt wrecked the Washington Post’s live online show “First Look,” Friday, storming out of the room and quitting in disgust after the host’s anti-Trump bias got too much for him.

Hewitt, who has written hundreds of columns for the Post since 2017, told Fox News Digital: “I have in fact quit the Post but I was only writing a column for them every six weeks or so.” Continue reading

Enjoying the Anger of Jesus

(Tim Chester – GCD) Here’s a surprise. In preparation to write about how we relate to Jesus day by day in the here and now, I re-read the Gospels. I was looking out for how he related to people when he was on earth as pointers to how he relates to his people now from heaven. Much of what I found was what I expected. He cares, protects, energizes, touches, and intercedes for his people—then and now. But one thing took me by surprise: Jesus on earth was often angry.

His emotional state may not often be specified, but his words can be surprisingly sharp and his attitude shockingly abrasive. Consider what happens when he goes to the home of a Pharisee in Luke 11:37–54.

Continue reading

Media Run Blatant Election Interference With Propaganda About Trump ‘Threatening’ Liz Cheney

“Note the shift from “unfit,” which is what Harris usually says about Trump, to “disqualified.” The purpose of that language shift should be obvious. Democrats and the corporate press know Harris is poised to lose the election, so here in the final stretch, they are grasping for a pretext to prevent a victorious Trump from taking office on Jan. 20. They will repeat the claim that he’s “disqualified” ad nauseam between now and then to prepare the rhetorical ground for what comes next.” 

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) If you woke up Friday morning and glanced at the headlines of any major media outlet, you would think former President Donald Trump had threatened former Rep. Liz Cheney with execution by firing squad. Four days before the election, you would think Trump had just said, on a stage in Arizona with Tucker Carlson, that if elected he would have Cheney killed. Continue reading

Rick Warren Promotes Female Pastors At Lausanne Congress

“Heretics, like Rick Warren and Andy Stanley, fetishize the early church as a means to introduce vain ideology into the church.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) America did not send its best to the Lausanne Congress. Among its attendees were Ed Stetzer, the gay-affirming dean of theology at Biola and media mogul, Trevin Wax of The Gospel Coalition, and Rick Warren, the liberal pastor of Saddleback Church which got disfellowshipped over overtly supporting female pastors. Rick Warren spoke at the Lausanne Congress in South Korea in late September, early October. Continue reading

The Amish Don’t Vote. Why This Year Could Be Different

“Entire Amish communities are travelling in carts with Trump flags, on their way to vote for Trump. This is unprecedented. Off-grid communities don’t tend to go out of their way like this to vote. People are sick of leftism in every single country.”

(Sarah Arnold – Townhall) The Amish traditionally don’t vote in presidential elections due to their faith-based beliefs and Christianity’s historic separatism from mainstream society. Still, this year brings a whole new ball game as the candidates seek support from the horse and buggy riding group.  Continue reading

A Biblical Example of Self-Righteousness

17 Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,” and you do not know that you are wretched and pitiable and poor and blind and naked. Revelation 3:17 (LSB) 

Self-Righteousness: the attempt to meet God’s standards based upon one’s own merits.

A thorough study of our Lord’s earthly ministry reveals with certainty the following truth. Our Lord was merciful in every instance to those who were broken, humbled, and spiritually helpless before Him. On the other hand, the proud, the self-righteous, and the self-sufficient He rebuked and shunned, which is thematically summarized for us by James our Lord’s brother in his epistle. Continue reading

Christians Who Hate Politics Need to Get (a Little) Involved in Politics

“We have to try to choose leaders who, while not spiritual giants, are at least influenceable. We have to work with what’s on the menu, and what’s on the menu will always be fallible, fallen, sinful human beings. That is not a reason for us to opt out of our advisor’s role. On the contrary, it’s all the more reason for Christians to use whatever influence they have to push politics in a righteous direction.”

(Jason Anderson – Clear Truth Media) Do you love Jesus but hate politics? Good for you! Your priorities are in the right place. Besides, just look at the people who love politics: Miserable cranks, grasping careerists, and power-mad sociopaths that make James Bond villains look like sensible moderates. Nobody wants to be like those guys. Continue reading

The PR Fallout of JD Vance Joining the Joe Rogan Experience: Let the Bromance Begin!

“Your first takeaway is that Vance is unusually intelligent. Not kinda smart or “smart enough” (*cough* Kamala *cough*) but genuinely a genius. His depth of knowledge (and ability to pivot) allows him to communicate compassionately and thoughtfully, even in a three-hour interview. Not all smart people can pull this off: Lots of them come across as uncaring eggheads who prefer numbers to people.”

(Scott Pinsker – PJ Media) In the first five minutes, there were at least half a dozen profanities as host Joe Rogan and Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) recounted cute, adorable stories of young kids swearing and cussing.

This ain’t your daddy’s Republican Party. Continue reading

Political Antinomians: This Pastor Says Heaven is Full of Pro-Abortion People

“In order for McKissic or other Evangelicals for Harris to have any chance of success in convincing Christians to betray Christ in the ballot box, they have to project themselves as being equally interested in spiritual matters. Which, of course, they’re not.”

For the record, Pastor Dwight McKissic of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas, claims to be pro-life. In related news, Dylan Mulvaney claims to be a woman, Elizabeth Warren claims to be an American Indian, and Joe Biden claims to be Catholic.

We live in a time when apparently anybody can claim to be anything, without much serious introspection. But just as sure as transgender ‘women’ bleed XY chromosomes, those who set about to elect politicians who consider abortion to be their version of Holy Communion aren’t pro-life in any serious or meaningful way. Continue reading

The Plan to Install Kamala Harris as the Democrat Candidate

Kamala Harris & Alex Soros

George and Alex Soros spend tens of millions of dollars each election cycle. Shortly after Biden’s resignation announcement, Alex Soros shared an image with Harris and wrote: “It’s time for us all to unite around Kamala Harris and beat Donald Trump. She is the best and most qualified candidate we have. Long live the American Dream!”

(Mary Dowling) Who really installed Harris as the Democrat presidential candidate, and why? We think we know the answer to those two questions.

George Soros published his plan for massive migration in 2015, and his confidential documents were leaked. According to data from the United Nations (UN) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), one million migrants and refugees arrived in Europe in 2015…. Continue reading

Semper Reformanda: No Peace With Rome

“Their Council of Trent curses those who believe otherwise, those who dare cling to Ephesians 2:8-9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Rome hurls anathemas at the very words of God, “If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified…let him be anathema” (Trent, Canon 9,14). Yet Paul’s own warning in Galatians 1:8 still stands—If anyone preaches a gospel contrary to the one he received, let him be accursed.”

(The Dissenter) Picture the dawn of October 31, 1517—a world on the brink of spiritual and cultural revolution. The cold morning air in Wittenberg bit at the hands of a young, restless monk as he walked distinctly determined through the streets, the sun barely rising to meet his stride. Continue reading

This Race Is Close Only Because the Public Education Indoctrination Mill Has Succeeded

“If Kamala Harris does emerge victorious at some point next week, voting “irregularities” will no doubt play a part. What it will really be, though, is an almost complete victory for — as the headline to this column says — the public education indoctrination mill. What will make it a complete victory is if the Democrats hang onto their Senate majority and also take back the House.” 

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) Any discussion among conservatives about the possibility of Kamala Harris winning the election quickly turns to voter fraud or polling problems like the under-sampling of Trump supporters. Those are both valid discussions but not the essence of the problem here. Continue reading

‘The Carpenter’ Film, Where Jesus Has an MMA Viking Apprentice, Releases Nov 1

If you want to learn who Jesus is, open up your Bible. Plead in prayer to God to reveal him to you. Don’t a watch a ridiculous movie in which 100% of it is fabricated and made up by some fool who thinks he’s being clever. My my, what a terrible idea.”

(Protestia) A film about Jesus of Nazareth having a Mixed Martial Artist (MMA) apprentice is set to be released in theaters this Friday. Garrett Batty is the writer, producer, and director of ‘The Carpenter.’ A devout Mormon, he has a small handful of indie films beneath his belt, including The Saratov Approach in 2013, which is perhaps his best ‘known’ film, and Out of Liberty, which is a dramatic telling of LDS founder Joseph Smith’s time in jail before an unruly mob killed him. Continue reading

Should Christians Participate in Halloween? 7 Scriptures to Consider (Reprise)

Is it appropriate for evangelicals to celebrate Halloween? Some say “absolutely not” while others say “what’s the big deal anyway?” Bible study author, speaker and podcaster Michelle Lesley goes right to the scriptures to help Bible believing Christians make their decision. She writes:

Since there is no specific Bible verse that says, “Thou shalt/shalt not participate in Halloween and its related activities,” this is an area of Christian liberty that must be decided by each individual or couple on the basis of scriptural principles and prayer. If there are Halloween activities available to you that do not violate scriptural principles or your conscience or cause you to become a stumbling block to someone weaker in the faith (which may even be your spouse or child), you are free to participate in those aspects of Halloween.

Here are some Scriptures and principles that may be of help as you make your decision: Continue reading

Reasonable Voters

“The top ten most important considerations for reasonable voters.  Click and save.  Spread them around.”

(Bill O’Reilly) This column is written for clear-thinking individuals who need a concise primer on the presidential candidates….let’s begin with an honest assessment of where Trump and Harris REALLY stand. We will bullet point the fact-based data.

Government Spending: Huge issue few care about.  Kamala Harris will increase the already massive entitlement giveaways that will eventually bankrupt the country.

Donald Trump is a big spender as well, especially in military situations.  $35 trillion in debt, heading to $40 trillion, no matter who wins. Continue reading

The Fallout From Biden Calling Trump Supporters ‘Garbage’ Is Huge

“President Trump is backed by Latinos, Black voters, union workers, angel moms, law enforcement officers, border patrol agents, and Americans of all faiths — and Harris, Walz, and Biden have labeled these great Americans as fascists, Nazis, and now, garbage.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Honestly, could you think of a better way for Joe Biden to suck the oxygen out of her “closing statement” speech than to call millions of Americans who support Donald Trump “garbage?” Continue reading

The Heart of Christian Maturity

3 My tears have been my food day and night While they say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” Psalm 42:3 (LSB)

Those whose hearts are bound to the pursuit of Christian maturity have long understood that it their passion which is their primary fuel or determinant which makes the process from becoming shipwrecked due attacks from the enemy or simply the remnants of our old nature seemingly coming out of hiding at the worst possible times to cause havoc in our Christian walks. This passion is seen in the Word of God in David’s heart which was stirred after God and would not allow anything to come between him and God, so shouldn’t our passion be today as we grow in Christ? Continue reading

Trump’s Spiritual Advisors are Vultures, and Yes, We Should be Concerned

NAR – rotten fruit!

“While Evangelicals should fiercely denounce these distortions of the gospel and those who spread them, an alternative that veers sharply leftward to someone like Kamala Harris isn’t a solution. In fact, it’s not an option at all. While Trump’s spiritual team is deeply disturbing, remember, these principalities have no power over the Church and these gatekeepers of Hell will not prevail over Christ’s bride.”

(The Dissenter) Under a heavy sky, they circle—their black wings slicing the air in slow, silent anticipation. The vultures descend, talons stretched, to settle upon the rotting remains of faith laid bare in the dust. Their beaks are sharp and unforgiving, tearing into the sinews of souls too numb to resist, gnawing on the dried marrow of hope once held sacred. Continue reading

Something Strange and Wonderful is Happening with Young Men

“Have you noticed a strange trend where prominent men are expressing appreciation for the Christian faith? I’m not saying these men have become born-again believers, but they seem to be hungry for something more than our fake, plastic world of gimmicks and marketing can offer.”

(Michael Clary – Real Truth Media) Have you noticed how many well-known men are expressing interest in Christianity lately?

I’m not talking about Christians. I’m talking about non-Christians who are discovering that all the freedoms and blessings of Western society, which are being attacked and undermined at every turn, came from Christianity…. Continue reading

There’s Something Weird Going On With the Media Coverage of Kamala Harris and Her Marxist Father

“Did you know the Stanford Daily (Stanford’s student newspaper) described Professor Harris as a “Marxist economist” and said he’s teaching “radical political economics”?

(Scott Pinsker – PJ Media) Question for the American people:

How well do you know Kamala Harris?

We know Donald Trump extremely well. Not to wax all Eastwoodian, but when it comes to Trump, we already know the good, the bad, and the ugly. We know all about McDonald’s, the divorces, the money, the accusations, the successes, and the hair.

He’s transparent. Continue reading

Christianity Today Refuses To Endorse Kamala Harris, Encourages Christians Not To Vote

“This is a sign of how badly Kamala Harris is campaigning as an attempt to co-opt the Evangelical vote is failing, so they are resorting to suppression.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Christianity Today is one of the most liberal outlets posing as Christian. It has a particularly egregious history of recognizing the faith of Democrats, including Pete Buttigieg the homosexual, and Kamala Harris back in August. Several members of the organization Evangelicals For Harris are connected to Christianity Today. Evangelicals For Harris was founded to subvert the Evangelical voting bloc and has a lot of money backing it…. Continue reading