Biden wins presidency, Trump denied second term in White House, Fox News projects

(Fox News)  Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has defeated President Trump, denying him a second term after a bitter campaign and dramatic, prolonged vote count in battleground states that sparked a flurry of lawsuits. The Fox News Decision Desk projected Saturday that Biden will … Continue reading 

Sleepy Campaign Strategy Mystery Solved! Biden didn’t really campaign because he knew the fix was in

“Consider the conspiracy of silence about Hunter Biden’s laptop or the revelations of Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski. With the exception of a few dissident outlets, there was an extraordinary conspiracy of silence about these and other stories critical … Continue reading 

Media Put a ‘Blanket’ Over Biden Scandal, Massive Corruption, ‘No Coverage’

(Lucy Collins – CNSNews) Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released a video on Tuesday decrying the mainstream media’s failure to investigate the New York Post’s story about Hunter and Joe Biden and their business dealings in the Ukraine and Communist … Continue reading 

‘The Biden Five’: The Definitive Breakdown of One of America’s Most Corrupt Families

“The Bidens…are unprecedented in the extent and scope of the corruption, because I’ve been doing this for a long time. I’ve exposed Republicans and Democrats. The most that I’ve ever seen up to this point was a Republican senator from … Continue reading 

‘Plausible deniability’: Tony Bobulinski claims Biden family shrugged off concerns about risk to 2020 bid

(Adam Shaw & Brook Singman – Fox News) Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, claimed in an interview Tuesday that the Biden family shrugged off concerns that Joe Biden’s alleged ties to his son’s business deals could put a future presidential … Continue reading 

Trump vs. Biden: A Rundown

“Would Biden reopen America’s southern border and allow foreign nationals their old accustomed free access to enter the U.S. illegally? Would he perhaps stop the wall’s construction or even dynamite its soon to be completed 400 miles? Would he ask … Continue reading 

Debate Recap: Trump Was in Command While Biden Told a Bunch of Whoppers

“Biden’s claim that his son has not made money in China is utterly, disgustingly false. In fact, there’s an entire movie about it!” (Tyler O’Neil – PJ Media) Democratic nominee Joe Biden lied his way through the final presidential debate with … Continue reading 

America’s most powerful people want you to shut up about Hunter Biden

“Our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case,” the letter reads. Now, these are so-called “intelligence operatives.” But they offered no evidence to support that reckless, very serious claim. Why didn’t they … Continue reading 

Director of National Intelligence says Hunter Biden laptop, emails ‘not part of some Russian disinformation campaign’

“It’s funny that some of the people who complain the most about intelligence being politicized are the ones politicizing the intelligence,” Ratcliffe said. “Unfortunately, it is Adam Schiff who said the intelligence community believes the Hunter Biden laptop and emails … Continue reading 

Whoa. ‘Prosecutor’ Rudy Guiliani Details Devastating Case Against ‘Biden Crime Family’

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media)  Unless you depend exclusively upon Facebook and Twitter for news, you’ve probably heard of the shocking story about Hunter Biden’s shady dealings with China and Ukraine and the alleged kick backs given to “pops,” former Vice … Continue reading 

Biden Says Enactment of Homosexual, Transgender ‘Equality Act’ Is ‘Top Legislative Priority’ if Elected

The page also states that in addition to pushing for Congress to make the Act law, he will use his executive authority to “immediately reverse the discriminatory actions of the Trump-Pence Administration and then go further to end discrimination against … Continue reading 

Censoring the Biden story: How social media becomes state media

“If thousands of emails and images were fabricated, then serious crimes were committed. But if the emails and images are genuine, then the Bidens appear to have lied for years as a raw influence-peddling scheme worth millions stretched from China … Continue reading 

Source on alleged Hunter Biden email chain verifies message about Chinese investment firm

(Sam Dorman & Mike Emanuel – Fox News)  One of the people on an explosive email thread allegedly involving Hunter Biden has corroborated the veracity of the messages, which appear to outline a payout for former Vice President Joe Biden as … Continue reading 

POLITICS Biden Campaign Staffer Suggests SCOTUS Nominees Should Be Disqualified For ‘Intolerant’ Religious Views Like Amy Coney Barrett’s

(James Samson – LifeZette) A campaign staffer for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden those who have strong religious views, such as Orthodox Catholics, Jews, and Muslims, should be disqualified from being on the Supreme Court. Biden campaign Deputy Data Director … Continue reading 

Debate Recap: Trump Wins, Biden Doesn’t Faint, Chris Wallace Goes Down Hard

Joe won’t answer whether he’d pack the court and end the filibuster. Candidates are candidates and they’re supposed to, you know, take positions on things. Him ducking this shows how he is not “the Democratic Party” (Tyler O’Neil – PJ … Continue reading 

Dr. Marc Siegel calls Biden’s willingness to lock down US this winter ‘very disturbing’

(Sam Dorman – Fox News) It is “very disturbing” to hear Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden say he would be willing to put the country through another costly economic shutdown this winter if elected due to a combination of seasonal flu and coronavirus, … Continue reading 

Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting On January 5 Was Key To Entire Anti-Trump Operation

“An analysis of the timeline from early 2017 shows a clear pattern of behavior from the federal officials running the collusion operation against the Trump campaign. It also shows how essential media leaks were to their strategy to sideline key … Continue reading