A Legacy Lost: The Tragedy of a Fallen Leader

“First, for Lawson, it is far better to expose your sin and have the possibility of confession, repentance, and forgiveness than for the sin to remain hidden until the judgment. It is infinitely better for sin to be revealed than for it to remain concealed—even though it rarely feels that way in the moment. No ministry success can compare to our fellowship with the risen Christ. To know Him is far better than even to preach Him (Phil 3:10)”

(Grant Castleberry – Unashamed Truth) I was shocked three weeks ago to find out about the moral failure and disqualification of Steven Lawson from ministry due to an adulterous relationship with a younger woman.  In many ways, I am still shocked. I attended Lawson’s Bible study in Dallas when I served at a church in the metroplex, which met at Herb’s Coffee Shop off Greenville Avenue. After the Bible study, Steve and I would talk about preaching and Jonathan Edwards. Steve was always kind to me, and I looked up to him as one of the stalwarts and baton carriers in the reformed evangelical movement. Earlier this year, I did a short interview about his preaching with David Wheaton of The Christian Worldview (listen at the 48-minute mark).  And I have written about his preaching at Unashamed Truth. Continue reading

Why Christians must walk humbly before the Lord

 5 But if you do not send him, we will not go down; for the man said to us, ‘You will not see my face unless your brother is with you.’” 6 Then Israel said, “Why did you treat me so badly by telling the man whether you still had another brother?” Genesis 43:5-6 (LSB)

Unforgiveness is poison for the Soul as it ensnares those who refuse to forgive by binding them into the prison of bitterness. This world is not a peaceful, easy, benign place. It is fallen. The world system is the product of Man’s rebellion against God. There is war. There is crime. There is oppression…. Continue reading

Idolatry, Demons and Ecumenism (Reprise)

“Every false religion in the world is not just wrong. It is demonic. It is energized and powered by the kingdom of darkness that is ruled by Satan himself,” says Mike Riccardi. Mike goes on to say “There is absolutely no fellowship or spiritual partnership between the people of God and the people of this world.” So, if we’re in relationship with those who teach doctrines of demons, should we break fellowship with them? You must, says Riccardi. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. And he offers plenty of Scripture to back up what he says. Bottom line: “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.” 1 Cor 10:21

In the comments below the article, Riccardi responds to a question. In his thoughtful answer he urges believers not to pray with apostates: Continue reading

Lose the Gospel, Return to Childishness

“To seek relevance therefore requires not capitulation to, or emulation of, the infantile, but rather a recapturing of what it means to be an adult. The church must bear witness to a grown-up faith. That means that we need a renewed sense of the holy, the sacred, and the transcendent. And that must start at the top, where it is too often most absent. The X feeds of many of the loudest Christian pastors today indicate little difference from the categories, attitudes, and preoccupations of secular leaders.” 

(Carl R. Trueman – First Things) In Milan Kundera’s 1975 novel The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, Czechoslovakian president Gustav Husak—the “President of Forgetting”—declares, “Children! You are the future!” Kundera goes on to say that this is true “not because they will one day be adults but because humanity is becoming more and more a child, because childhood is the image of the future.” Continue reading

Catherine Herridge Spills the Tea on CBS Over Kamala Interview Editing Scandal

“Now former CBS reporter Catherine Herridge is calling CBS out with an example of what journalistic integrity and transparency are about. She began posting on X calling for them to release the full, unedited transcript.”

(Nick Arama – Red State) Kamala Harris was hoping to move the needle with her media tour.

She may have moved the needle alright, but in the wrong direction for her. She seems to be completely imploding along with her knuckle-headed running mate, Tim Walz. Interviews with friendly outlets are supposed to help prop you up. But her interview with “The View” just decimated her and her interview with “60 Minutes” has evolved into a full-blown scandal.  Continue reading

Why Christians shouldn’t celebrate Halloween

Halloween is a devil’s holiday, not a Christian observance.

(Nila Eslit)  Anton LaVey, the founder of the church of Satan, himself declared that by dressing up, either by wearing a costume or by coloring oneself in celebration of Halloween, signifies that you allow Satan to own you. He further said that when you adopt the pagan practices, you subconsciously dedicate yourself to the devil. He took joy in Christians who take part in the tradition, saying:

I am glad that Christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the year. Welcome to Halloween.

Continue reading

Christ’s Blood and the Atonement

7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our transgressions, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He caused to abound to us in all wisdom and insight, 9 making known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Him 10 for an administration of the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth in Him. 11 In Him, we also have been made an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, 12 to the end that we who first have hoped in Christ would be to the praise of His glory. Ephesians 1:7-12 (LSB) 

A proper study of the doctrine of Penal Substitution will reveal that it is actually a line of contention, or line of demarcation if you will, that divides Orthodox Christianity from those forms whose advocates have in some way come up with their own version of the Gospel. These forms are diverse and too numerous to go into here…. Continue reading

CDC: One in 30 High Schoolers Is Transgender

“If these numbers are even close to accurate, then some profound and unprecedented influence has driven this dramatic rise. That is most likely a “social contagion.” The phenomenon refers to the spread of behaviors, ideas, and attitudes through peer influence, media exposure, and cultural shifts.” 

A new government report from the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) has drawn attention to alarming trends related to the promotion of transgenderism among young Americans. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 3.3 percent of high school students now identify as transgender, with an additional 2.2 percent “questioning” their sex. Continue reading

Cru Ends Gay Affirming Curriculum Amid Backlash

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dak Web) Back in May, Evangelical Dark Web, Protestia, and Jon Harris of Conversations That Matter exposed the gay-affirming curriculum of Cru, the most prominent campus evangelism organization. Cru was heavily influenced by Preston Sprinkle of the Center For Faith Sexuality and Gender, as well as other people in the Side B Theology movement. The curriculum is characterized by its effeminate language push, villainizing the church, affirming transgenderism, and promoting a gay seeker-friendly model. Side B Theology asserts that homosexual and transvestite identities and desires are not sin. Continue reading

Heads up, liberal Jews––Don’t be Jews with trembling knees

“President Biden heartily endorses the Iran nuclear deal—which President Trump canceled––and has let Israel know that he adamantly opposes Israel attacking Iran’s nuclear sites. This is the same Iran whose stated mission for decades has been to eradicate “The Big Satan” (America) and to exterminate from the face of the earth “The Little Satan” (Israel).”

(Joan Swirsky – RenewAmerica) “Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.” Continue reading

Over 13,900 U.S. Kids Have Received Damaging ‘Sex Change’ Treatments (So Far)

“The database also records what medical facilities are providing these harmful “treatments” to kids, from puberty blockers to surgeries to cross-sex hormones. The majority of transgender youth are depressed and more likely to be suicidal, and most children naturally grow out of gender dysphoria if allowed to do so.”

(Catherine Salgado – PJ Media) Between 2019 and 2023, over 13,900 American kids received LGBTQ “sex change” treatments, temporarily or permanently damaging their growing bodies. U.S. leftists are really giving Moloch worshippers a run for their money on child sacrifice. Continue reading

Are you still in your sins?

22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming. 24 Then comes the end, when He hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power. 1 Corinthians 15:22-24 (LSB) 

“Christian Universalists” say that God would not send people to burn in Hell for eternity. What is their basis for this? They misquote passages such as the one I placed at the top of this post saying that “all’ and “all’ means all people. The basis for taking this stand is this, “I reject that God will send all unbelievers to burn in Hell eternally!” Really?… Continue reading

ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Fake News ’60 Minutes’ Caught Editing Kamala’s Nonsensical Answer with Previous Soundbite to Make Her Sound Coherent and Normal

(Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit) This is the definition of election interference.

Apparently, Kamala’s interview with 60 Minutes was much worse than we first thought.

Fake news 60 Minutes was caught editing Kamala’s answers to make her sound coherent and normal.

In fact it was so bad that ’60 Minutes’ spliced her nonsensical answer and replaced it with a completely separate sentence she said earlier in the interview. Continue reading

Strikeout: Kamala Harris Fails to Show How She Would Be a ‘Change Candidate’ in 3 Straight Interviews

“Would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?” The View‘s host Sunny Hostin asked.  “There is nothing that comes to mind in terms of, and I’ve been a part of most of the decisions that have had impact.”

(Wendell Husebo – Breitbart) Vice President Kamala Harris, who once campaigned as an agent of change, shattered that image on Tuesday when she failed to name any specific policy that she would change from the past four years.

The whiplash cemented President Joe Biden’s bizarre and repeated attempts to tie Harris to their failures as if he was overtly attempting to tank her candidacy after Democrats pushed him aside in July. Continue reading

The Democrat’s Quest for the Souls of Children and What the Bible Says About It

“What does this say about those who support the Democrat party? To vote for Democrats in the face of this evil is to become complicit in their wickedness. There’s no middle ground here. You can’t claim to be a Christian and turn a blind eye to the destruction of the family and the sexual exploitation of children.”

(The Dissenter) As a father of four myself, I know firsthand how precious and vulnerable our children are—children truly are our future. God has entrusted us with the immense responsibility of raising, protecting, and preparing them for the real world. This isn’t just a suggestion or a nice idea—it’s a command, deeply rooted in the nature of God the Father Himself. Continue reading

The Word of God makes us clean

3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. John 15:3 (LSB) 

All people are born dead in their trespasses and sins. (Ephesians 2:1; Colossians 2:13) This condition of spiritual death also means that each person, though desperate for fulfillment that can only be satisfied in God, cannot come to God, know God, or even seek Him. Because of this, they pursue fulfillment from everything around them. The number one method of doing this is via the flesh. The flesh is all about self and self-gratification. The problem with this is that nothing works for very long, including religiosity. Continue reading

Warning to everyone who has had a share in, and profited from, the entire culture of self-perpetuating big Christian events.

By Don Green

I thought about not laying down this gauntlet, in part because I’m not excited about being on the receiving end of the backlash it will create from defensive or undiscerning people with a stake in the outcome.

It applies to churches, organizers, speakers, vendors, authors, publishers, *and attendees* alike in the light of the exposure of Steve Lawson—everyone who has had a share in, and profited from, the entire culture of self-perpetuating big Christian events. Continue reading

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Weather Manipulation Claims Backed by Science — Must Read Deep Dive into History of Weather Manipulation — Shocking Facts Revealed!

Yes, the government is actively modifying the weather. They tell the media it is to “combat climate change”. Wouldn’t it be appropriate for a journalist to ask the obvious question, “Is it safe?”

( – Gateway Pundit) Marjorie Taylor Greene was right. Yes, scientists do control the weather.

But as the old saying goes- “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Continue reading

Jack Graham and Mike Huckabee Launch Replica Idol At Prestonwood Baptist Church

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Pastor Jack Graham of Prestonwood Baptist Church, a prominent Southern Baptist megachurch in Texas. On Sunday, Jack Graham and Mike Huckabee announced a new fixture at Prestonwood Baptist Church, a “facsimile” modeled after the Western Wall of Jerusalem, a holy site for Talmudic Jews.

View the video on the site.

Prestonwood made a wall with predrilled holes in it so that people could make prayer notes modeled after the one in Jerusalem…. Continue reading

Update on Hurricane Helene Rescues and Rebuilding

See photos below.

(Mary Dowling) The 82nd Airborne officials said they mobilized Title 10 troops in North Carolina on October 3rd and sent additional forces in on the 5th. Title 10 and Title 32 troops are reportedly involved in the relief efforts.

Significant delays were reported in giving the orders to the military. Volunteer rescuers believe they had stand-down orders because the help was so slow in coming. It is activated now.

One of the Aerial Recovery groups, Heal the Heroes, said:

Continue reading

‘Long Live Oct. 7’: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Celebrate Slaughter Of Israelis One Year Later

“Agitators also reportedly accosted pro-Israel protestors in the city. One video shows a man pull an Israeli flag out of his coat pocket, at which point a pro-Hamas anarchist attempts to grab it away from him. After a brief scuffle, another pro-Hamas demonstrator repeatedly hits the man with her tambourine.”

(Shawn Fleetwood – The Federalist) celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Iranian-backed terrorist group’s attack on Israel that left roughly 1,200 civilians dead.

In New York City, protestors reportedly blocked streets while waiving Palestinian flags and signs…. Continue reading

Why Trouble Followeth the Preaching of the Gospel

34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; 36 and A MAN’S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD. 37 “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it. Matthew 10:34-39 (LSB) 

Cleansing the heart of man-made religiosity is not fun and games. In fact, it hurts. Many resist God’s truth even to the point of bitterly expressing their anger over what is taught or preached. God’s ways are not man’s ways. The way that seems right unto man is not God’s way…. Continue reading

Kamala Harris Claims To ‘Love America,’ But Her Record Shows She Hates It

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) At a campaign rally in Wisconsin last week with former Rep. Liz Cheney, Vice President Kamala Harris opened by saying, “we love America.” She repeated the phrase several times, emphasizing that what brought her and Cheney together is a love for country that transcends partisan politics.

Set aside whether the endorsement of Cheney matters at all to voters in either party. Her neocon Never-Trump brand of Republican politics is repugnant to most GOP voters, and Democrats have long denounced her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, as a war criminal. Continue reading

Is JD Greear A False Teacher?

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Part of how this Discernment  ministry operates is taking in reader questions about prevalent teachers. JD Greear was requested but did not have the most. In this case, Evangelical Dark Web chose to write about him. Our patrons can see who has the most active requests. You can make a request here and see our answered verdicts here.


JD Greear is an American evangelical pastor, author, and theologian. He was born on May 10, 1974, in Mobile, Alabama…. Continue reading