Your Kids Need REAL Answers To Hard Questions

(Vanessa Hunt – Real Truth Media) I felt his little body tense up next to me in the pew. We had arrived at one of those interludes during the worship portion of the church service where everything gets a bit quieter, lights are lowered, the music softens and the worship leader begins to speak from the heart; a mini-sermon if you will. “Church”, he said, “If you don’t enjoy singing in worship here on earth then you’re definitely not going to enjoy heaven!”

As soon as I heard those words my heart sank because I knew how they would be interpreted by my inquisitive, busy, rambunctious 8-year-old son…. Continue reading

Christianity Today Editor Urges Parents to Ship Children Off to Public School Indoctrination Camps

“This is about as well-thought-out as sending lambs into a den of wolves and calling it “strength training” for the lambs. McDade, and her ilk—people like Russell Moore, David French, Mike Cosper, and every other wolf in sheep’s clothing trying to convince Christians that their kids need exposure to secular indoctrination camps—are deeply confused at best, and dangerous at worst.”

(The Dissenter) Stefani McDade, a cronie of Russell Moore—both of whom seem to have taken up residence as thought-leaders in leftist Christianity—has been named the “theology editor” at Christianity Today. Yes, that Christianity Today—once a respectable outlet for serious Christians but now a glorified progressive mouthpiece masquerading as a platform for the faithful. Continue reading

The Kamala Mystery

“But there is a counter-strategy and that is Donald Trump seizing the moment on Tuesday evening to “muse” about things he would like Kamala to address.  Not questions from Trump, just statements. Such as, “As an American I’m confused how the 1.4 inflation rate I left the country turned into 9 percent under Biden-Harris. It would be great if my opponent could explain that.”

(Bill O’Reilly) We the people don’t know much about history, as the song goes.  Especially where Vice President Harris fits into it. It’s not our fault.  Kamala won’t say how she will solve the massive problems Joe Biden created or even what her vision for the country actually is. Continue reading

Enjoying the Anger of Jesus

“Perhaps we’re shocked by an angry Jesus. This Jesus may be less familiar and perhaps even less attractive. But this is not only an essential aspect of his character; it’s also good news. We can and should enjoy the anger of Jesus.”

(Tim Chester) Here’s a surprise. In preparation to write about how we relate to Jesus day by day in the here and now, I re-read the Gospels. I was looking out for how he related to people when he was on earth as pointers to how he relates to his people now from heaven. Much of what I found was what I expected. He cares, protects, energizes, touches, and intercedes for his people—then and now. But one thing took me by surprise: Jesus on earth was often angry. Continue reading

House Republicans put Hunter Biden on hold, switch investigative focus to Harris, Walz

“Walz long promoted a Minnesota-based medical research center with a history of working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.” 

(Charlotte Hazard – Just the News) As election day is just two months away, House Republicans will shift their focus away from investigating first son Hunter Biden and instead investigate Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim Walz.

House Republicans have already launched probes into Minnesota Democratic Gov. Walz and in the coming days, Harris is expected to be investigated by the House. Continue reading

Pure Fire: Gov. Sarah Sanders Hits the Big Issue With the Cheneys, Other ‘Republicans’ Endorsing Harris

(Becca Lower – Red State) Liz Cheney’s fifteen minutes were up several years ago, to borrow the famous phrase from the late, pop artist/filmmaking genius Andy Warhol. Yet she persists, seemingly only fixated on one goal in life: Demonizing former President Donald Trump and doing whatever she possibly can to prevent voters from returning him to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in November.

RedState has written many stories on her and her family’s (among others’) recent endorsement of the radical leftist Dem nominee, Kamala Harris. Continue reading

What is the Purpose of Being Filled With the Spirit?

15 Therefore look carefully how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 17 On account of this, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, Ephesians 5:15-18 (LSB) 

From September 2001 to December 2012 my wife and I lived in the Kansas City area because I was employed by a large hospital management group that was located in Lenexa, Kansas. I was their Senior Database Administrator. In Kansas City, Missouri is a charismatic “church” that calls itself the International House of Prayer. While we lived there that church advertised heavily on TV during the evening news hour…. Continue reading

Do Not Worry

22 And he said to his disciples, “Therefore, I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you may eat, nor for your body, what clothes you may put on. 23 For the soul is more than food and the body more than clothing. 24 Consider the ravens that they do not sow nor reap, they have neither a storeroom nor a barn, and God feeds them. How much more worth are you than the birds? 25 And which of you by worrying is able to add upon his lifespan a cubit? 26 If then you are not able to do as little a thing as that, why do you worry about the rest? (Luke 12:22-34 translated from the NA28 Greek text) Read verses 27-34 on the site.

Over the last several days (or is it weeks?) as I have written various posts about the Sovereignty of God in Salvation, I have found myself in a crossfire of sorts. It’s been a while since the accuser has had such a field day with so much help from his minions who are mired so deeply in their religious traditions that they are blind to Biblical truth no matter how clearly it is presented to them…. Continue reading

God’s Plumbline

7 Thus He showed me, and behold, the Lord was standing by a wall made with a plumb line, and in His hand was a plumb line. Amos 7:7 (LSB) 

In John Bunyan’s classic The Pilgrim’s Progress, the characters’ names usually define their character. For instance there is Ignorance. He refuses to believe Christian and Hopeful when they tell him that unless he goes through the narrow gate to begin his pilgrimage, he will not be allowed into the gate of the Celestial City. Then there is Talkative who equates making a fuss about one’s sin with actual repentance…. Continue reading

Photo Essay — Kamala Harris’s ‘Middle-Class’ Upbringing in Westmount, Canada

“Extremely fortunately for her, she has found herself running for president in a moment when the media and elites are at their absolute dumbest and laziest, won’t bother to analyze policy, and, instead, sum up a candidate’s entire identity and worldview solely on physical traits, like race. So, she takes advantage of this moment — using her race as some sort of tool to give the opposite impression of the immense privilege (as you can see) she really comes from and deflecting from her lack of connection to or solutions for the real working class.”

(Emma-Jo Morris – Breitbart) Now that she is running for president in a political moment when victimhood is currency, Vice President Kamala Harris paints herself as being brought up on the “streets” — complete with fake accents as part of her bit. Continue reading

All of This Hunter Biden Stuff Might Have Been Helpful Four Years Ago

“Hunter Biden is a bottomless pit of sleaze, side-hustle grift, and outright criminality. Even the most cursory examination of his “career” reveals that he’s the kind of guy you would definitely not want to be associated with the leader of the free world. Had the American people been given the chance to take a closer look at Hunter’s various dealings, Joe Biden might not have gotten elected even with the help of the Magic Mail-In Ballot Machine. Many polls taken since 2020 have borne that out.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) It has been almost two years since Elon Musk completed his acquisition of Twitter, which he has since rebranded with the gentlemen’s club name “X”, and the leftists haven’t toned down any of their shrieking about it. To them, Musk is a thought criminal who allows people from all across the political spectrum to express themselves…. Continue reading

N.T. Wright Trashes American Christians For Their Views on Abortion and Gun Rights: ‘I do not see an educated electorate’

(Protestia) N.T. Wright says Americans’ defense of gun rights is inconsistent with their defense of the unborn, because they are too polarized by social media, they accept “over-simplified” arguments to fall in line with a particular leader, they can’t handle “nuance,” and ultimately, they just aren’t an “educated electorate.”

But does this sound like a nuanced, educated take on gun laws?

“When I go to America, it always astonishes me that the same people are vitriolically opposed to abortion and vitriolically in favor of everybody carrying guns and being prepared to shoot people at any time. Continue reading

Mike Signorelli Blames Online Discernment Ministries for the Shooting of Greg Locke’s Home

“Let’s take a moment to consider something even more obvious—with all of Locke’s inflammatory rhetoric on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it’s far more likely that this attack was carried out by some pro-Palestinian fanatic than by anyone associated with a Calvinistic or cessationist discernment blog.”

(The Dissenter) Earlier this week, Greg Locke’s home was sprayed with bullets—an act of violence that could have claimed the lives of Locke’s children, demonstrating just how spiritually lost some people have become. The fact that anyone would place children in harm’s way over political disagreements should raise alarm bells about the condition of our society. Continue reading

With Bad and Worse Options, How Should Christians Think About Voting in This Climate?

(The Dissenter) The tightrope we conservatives are forced to walk these days is starting to feel more like a razor’s edge—painful, precarious, and sometimes downright unbearable. On the one hand, we have a GOP that can’t seem to muster the backbone to stand firm on one of the most crucial moral issues of our time: the sanctity of life. On the other, we have the Democratic Party—a political juggernaut of moral decay, soon to be led by the likes of KKKamala Harris, whose hypocrisy, deceit, and incompetence would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous.

The dilemma we face is real, and I feel it as much as anyone. Continue reading

What the Covenant School Killer’s ‘Manifesto’ Revealed

“Secularism as an ideology promotes the idea that God does not exist or is entirely inconsequential if He does exist. Furthermore, secularism suggests that meaning and purpose ultimately don’t exist. With young people being fed this inherently hopeless and depressing ideology, it comes as little surprise that it breaks many of them…” 

(Thomas Gallatin – The Patriot Post) After almost 18 months of legal proceedings in Nashville, Tennessee, the relevant journal pages kept by the Covenant School assailant have been published. Tennessee Star Editor-in-Chief Michael Patrick Leahy had filed suit to obtain numerous diaries and messages the assailant had written prior to the assault. Continue reading

Christ is the Center

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up. (John 3:14)

When Moses lifted up the snake on a pole, many Israelites disapproved of God’s command to look at it because it wasn’t pleasant. Only believing Israelites–and no one else–understood and were healed because of their faith in the Word. Who else but our Lord could have used this story to point to Christ? I never would have been so bold to interpret this story the way Christ did. He explains it by pointing to himself and saying, “That is the bronze snake, but I am the Son of Man…. Continue reading

Democrats Want To Keep The U.S. Border Wide Open As An Electoral Strategy

“For many years it was openly and unashamedly argued among Democrats that the key to future electoral success was importing immigrants in the belief that they would vote Democrat.” 

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist)  If you want to know where Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrats stand on the border and immigration, a recent exchange between former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Bill Maher tells the tale. Continue reading

Our Nation Needs To Repent. How Do We Actually Do That?

“God has blessed our nation. We need fearless leaders, from every place of influence, to be a collective voice in leading the nation in repentance, just as Josiah and Jeremiah did.”

(Wes Martin – Clear Truth Media) We are indebted to God for his many blessings to us as a nation. Though not the only nation to have experienced something like this, things like the founding of modern democracy that has established a constitutional republic with checks and balances, the Bill of Rights that has set a precedent for individual liberties and inspired human rights across the globe, massive economic blessing, innovation and entrepreneurship or Christian missions to the world, we’re beyond blessed and we know it. The term ‘American Exceptionalism’ has a lot of truth to it. Continue reading

The Willful Gross Negligence in the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

“But what we have found is this: We know that after the shooting that was taking place by Thomas Crooks that you had people on the stage who didn’t even know [what] the security plan was, because you [could] hear them going: what are we doing: what are we doing: what are we doing.

(Mary Dowling) We may not know enough to say the Secret Service knew President Trump would be shot on July 13th, but we have enough information to say there was willful gross negligence by the Secret Service, and no one has been fired or gone to prison for it. The cover-up has been blatant and extensive, from cleaning the crime scene immediately, burning the killer’s body, and hiding the killer’s family and the collection of evidence from the public. Continue reading

A Call to Repentance

8 He came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, which was in the seventh year of the king. 9 For on the first of the first month he began to go up from Babylon; and on the first of the fifth month he came to Jerusalem, because the good hand of his God was upon him. 10 For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the LORD and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel. Ezra 7:8-10 (NASB) 

If we study God’s Word from cover to cover we will find that only God is perfect. He is Sovereign. He is Holy. He is complete and perfectly righteous…. Continue reading

It’s the Values, Stupid

“[Kamala] is not a problem solver and, in my view, doesn’t even understand most problems.  Calling for the cliched “two-state solution” in the Gaza mess demonstrates that. There is only one state, madam, and that’s Israel.  The other side is run by homicidal terrorists.  You should have noticed.”

(Bill O’Reilly) Vice President Harris wants everyone to know that she hasn’t changed her values. Excellent.  What she has changed is her stated positions on the border wall, fracking, “Medicare for All,” and assigning “consequences” to foreign nationals who sneak into the country. Continue reading

Deliverance Minister Claims There are Nephilim Living in the Hollow Earth, and that Jonah and the Whale Used Underwater Portals To Get There

“[Robert Van Dries Mitchell] went into the Hollow Earth through some of the entrance points. He even gave me a list of them on the physical earth- this is how they go in go through these gates and they come out in the hollow earth. He described to me corporations, there are Nephilim giants down there, there are different continents down there, a ton of activity and certain beings….”

(Protestia) Daniel Duval is the founder and Executive Director of Bride Ministries International, a church and family of believers that “specialize” in healing the sick, doing deliverance ministry, and “manifesting miracles.” They “unlock these realities in a practical way through equipping men and women with tools for advanced spiritual warfare, deliverance, inner healing, and discipleship to maturity in Christ.”

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