The modern evangelical movement has embraced a gospel message of cheap grace

Pastor, author, and, dare I say, prophet A. W. Tozer cautions us about the danger of cheap grace: “To offer a sinner the gift of salvation based upon the work of Christ, while at the same time allowing him to retain the idea that the gift carries with it no moral implications, is to do him untold injury where it hurts him worst.”

(Ron Helle – Patriot Post) “Time to get our flu shot,” Lynne said as we drove past our local pharmacy. We blow hot and cold on getting the flu shot. Flu vaccines are developed based on the most likely variants expected the following flu season. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t…. Continue reading

Who Is ‘Destroying Democracy in Darkness?’

“The Party that had proclaimed democracy dies in darkness now favors the shadows as the preferable means to obtain and retain power—whether by ignoring primary voters, open conventions, or transparent venues with the voters.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) The 2023-2024 campaign season is not just the strangest on record, it’s also arguably the most anti-democratic.

Ostensibly, the Democratic Party has claimed over the last decade that Donald Trump posed a continued and existential threat to the republic. Continue reading

Heresy presented as mercy

“Be not confused. The Widening of God’s Mercy is a call for a new religion to replace Biblical Christianity. What it calls for is not a revised vision of Christian morality. This is a call for complete theological surrender.”

(Albert Mohler) In case you haven’t caught on, here’s how the world now works. If you want major attention and applause from the cultural left and its influencers, offer a loud and apologetic shift to a more liberal position on an issue of cultural obsession—especially an issue related to LGBTQ priorities. If you have ever affirmed a Biblical vision of human sexuality, you had better apologize profusely. If you ever put your more Biblical convictions into print as a book, you better be ready with another book that explains your newfangled beliefs. Continue reading

What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?

17 And as He was setting out on a journey, a man ran up to Him and knelt before Him, and began asking Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Mark 10:17

The natural man cannot conceive of eternal life coming to anyone who does not “earn” or somehow “deserve” it. Jesus’ teaching set the record straight, but many today still do not regard what He said. Even preachers and religious leaders have bent the truth and twisted it in such a way so as to provide a way for professing believers to have a “work” they could point back to that marks them as having done that one thing that enables them to inherit eternal life…. Continue reading

Untested. Unprepared. Ready to Do As She’s Told on Day One

“The Democrat hive mind knows exactly what Harris would do as president: anything the hive mind wants. More taxes? More DEI? More regulation? More Green New Deal? More Woke? More support for terrorists in Gaza and Iran?  Let’s go crazy!”

(Stephen Green – PJ Media) At long last, on Wednesday the world got to read Kamala “The Cypher™” Harris’s policy page but there’s just one catch — it was published by the Donald Trump campaign.

Kamala2024Policies attempts to fill in the blanks of Harris’ nearly content-free run at the White House…. Continue reading

Tucker: Biden-Harris Administration Allowed Trump to Get Shot

(Mary Dowling) Tucker explained to Jesse Kelly on The First that the Secret Service and the Biden-Harris administration let him get shot. They withheld adequate protection from Donald Trump, and they did the same with Bobby Kennedy, who fortunately didn’t get hurt.

Tucker said that it doesn’t matter what the intent is. The point is they let it happen. They gave phony doctor Jill more security than Donald Trump.

The message is they didn’t care if they got shot. No one has paid the price. Continue reading

Oprah at DNC: Without Abortion, There is No American Dream

(The Dissenter) In a performance worthy of her self-anointed status as America’s spiritual guide, Oprah Winfrey took to the stage at the DNC to deliver what can only be described as a sermon on the sanctity of abortion. With the gravitas of a high priestess delivering her divine revelation, she proclaimed,

“If you do not have autonomy over this, over this, if you cannot control when and how you choose to bring your children into this world and how they are, [gestures to herself], there is no American dream.” Continue reading

Do genuine Christians need to confess their sins and seek forgiveness and cleansing?

14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us take hold of our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things like we are, yet without sin. 16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:14-16 (LSB) 

I am a firm believer in the Biblical Doctrine of Justification by Faith. Within that Justification is the Doctrine of Imputation of the Righteousness of Christ to the account of the believer. The Righteousness that God sees on our account is that of our Lord Jesus Christ which means we are forever in Him and will be for eternity…. Continue reading

Five Things To Know About The Democratic Party Today

(Clear Truth Media) Here are five key things Christians need to know about the Democratic Party this week.

1 – DNC Offers Vasectomies & Abortions

With the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) currently taking place in Chicago, Planned Parenthood Great Rivers set up a mobile health clinic near the United Center, offering free vasectomies and medication abortions. Though not directly organized by the DNC, it was strategically placed to coincide with the convention, and marks something of a point of emphasis for the party, especially in light of recent legislative changes across the U.S. following the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Continue reading

Christianity Today Hires Cussing, N-word Using, Marijuana Promoter as “Big Tent” Director

“This man, who’s so comfortable blurring the lines between the world and the ekklesia, the called-out ones, is being lauded by Christianity Today as the perfect fit to “catalyze the important work” of their Big Tent Initiative.”

(The Dissenter) You know it’s time to grab the nearest wall to bang your head against when you hear the latest news from Christianity Today. In a move that makes you question whether they’ve completely lost their minds—or perhaps their Bibles—the once-somewhat respected, somewhat conservative publication has hired Sho Baraka as the editorial director of its Big Tent Initiative. Continue reading

The Stakes Have Never Been Higher: Schumer Outlines Democratic Agenda ‘With the Guardrails Off.’

Budgets are irrelevant. Taxes are irrelevant. What matters is shoveling money to favored Democratic constituencies and billionaires so that the Democrats can, in the immortal words of FDR’s pal Harry Hopkins, “tax and tax and spend and spend…”

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) is a dreamer. And the dream he’s having this week during the Democratic National Convention isn’t of sugar plums and dancing fairies. Continue reading

An Open Letter to Pastors Who ‘Don’t Do Politics’

“I would never presume to tell you what you should preach. You have been called and anointed into leadership. How you choose to fulfill that anointing is entirely between you and God. But you are not called to silence. About anything.”

(Jason Anderson – Clear Truth Media)

Dear Faithful Shepherds,

Goodness knows, it’s hard out there nowadays for church leadership in America. Tensions are high, and the air is thick with opinions. Nobody has a polite disagreement anymore; every conversation about current events has the potential to devolve into a 3 AM Waffle House fight. Continue reading

Kamala Harris to Snub First Debate – Trump Announces Alternate Plans

(Jack Davis – Western Journal)  Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris has pulled out of a proposed Sept. 4 debate on Fox News, according to former President Donald Trump.

“Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the Fox News Debate on September 4th,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

“I am not surprised by this development because I feel that she knows it is very difficult, at best, for her to defend her record setting Flip-Flopping on absolutely everything she once believed in,” Trump wrote. Continue reading

Biden Leaves As He Came In: With Lies, Hate & Divisiveness

(Mary Dowling) Joe Biden raged at one point during his farewell address last night. He claimed democracy prevails, has delivered, and must be preserved after the Democrat Party bosses nominated a woman who never won a vote for the position.

Chants of “We Love Joe” broke out.

President Joe Biden started screaming in rage during the DNC speech and smeared Donald Trump once again with the Charlottesville ‘Very Fine People’ lie that has been repeatedly debunked, even by some of the legacy media, including CNN and Snopes.

He does it to spread hate and division. Continue reading

Democrats’ Abortion Van At The DNC Offers A Glimpse Of America’s Future

“…the rationale used in the gay marriage debates of the 2010s is exactly the rationale deployed today in the transgender debate, which will in turn eventually be successfully deployed on behalf of plural marriage, polyamory, and pedophilia and things we have yet to imagine.”

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) Did you hear about the free abortions and sterilizations on offer at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this week? Incredibly, the news is real. Abortion-inducing drugs (mifepristone and Plan B) will be doled out from the back of a Planned Parenthood RV, along with vasectomies, just a few blocks from a convention that will embrace a radical abortion-until-birth policy that would have been unthinkable, even for Democrats, just a decade ago. Continue reading

Are you abiding in Christ?

4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit from itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. 5 I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned. 7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples. 9 Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. 10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. John 15:4-10 (LSB) 

For the first 20 or so years of my Christian pilgrimage I was in a very immature spiritual state. I was utterly convinced during that time that my worth as a disciple depended upon my performance, my learning, my obedience…my righteousness…. Continue reading

This NYT Headline Captures the Larger Liberal Media Reaction to the Biden Impeachment Report

“This is the story that Trump wanted to know more in better detail during his presidency and got impeached for it. It’s now in The New York Times; he’s vindicated again.”

(Mat Vespa – Townhall) President Joe Biden has been cited for committing impeachable offenses that defrauded the United States and the American public stemming from his operations with his son, Hunter, regarding their government access for cash scheme. Millions of dollars were funneled to the Biden family or through family members and other associates in the form of a network of shell companies…. Continue reading

Panic in the Year 2024

“There is no sympathy here for adults who cannot absorb perspective and who relish propaganda like a fine wine.  However, I am worried about the kids.  Mouth-foaming liberal teachers are legion in this country and some parents live in panic mode round the clock.  Tough on the urchins.”

(Bill O’Reilly) In 1962, a movie called “Panic in the Year Zero” scared the buttered popcorn out of me, a preteen who loved scary stuff.

The film starred Ray Milland and teen idol Frankie Avalon and chronicled a Los Angeles family trying to survive two hydrogen bombs being dropped on California…. Continue reading

The Lord Tests the Righteous

4 Yahweh is in His holy temple; Yahweh’s throne is in heaven; His eyes behold, His eyelids test the sons of men. 5 Yahweh tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates. Psalms 11:4-5 (LSB) 

According to some professing Christians, if anything unpleasant comes into their lives then it proves that God is displeased with them. They say it proves that God is punishing them. Also, they proclaim that the ones suffering are simply victims in the ongoing battle between God and Satan. Is there another explanation? Let’s see! Continue reading

Evangelicals For Kamala?

“My goal here is not to discuss all of the political issues surrounding this presidential election.  If you have not made up your mind on these issues, then you are probably sinking in spiritual quicksand. I simply want to remind the reader of two things—how critical this election is, and what part evangelicals must play in it. Elections have consequences.”

(Larry E. Ball – Aquila Report) David French is at it again.  In the New York Times he recently pinned an opinion piece entitled To Save Conservativism from Itself, I Am Voting for Harris. Now he is making his rounds on anti-Christian platforms like MSNBC.  He is also part of a movement called “Evangelicals for Kamala.”… Continue reading

Preliminary Report Finds Thomas Matthew Crooks Was ‘Fragged,’ Rifle Likely Disabled After SWAT Operator’s Incredible Shot

The American public didn’t have a picture of a local law enforcement SWAT team officer taking one shot — from the ground — at Thomas Crooks and his murderous weapon.”

(Joe Saunders – The Western Journal) It was a shot from above that killed would-be assassin Thomas Crooks at a July campaign rally where he almost murdered former President Donald Trump.

But it was a shot from below that took Crooks out of action first, according to a congressional report made public Thursday. Continue reading

God is Sovereign

19 But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; 20 for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.” 21 When they had threatened them further, they let them go (finding no basis on which to punish them) on account of the people, because they were all glorifying God for what had happened; 22 for the man was more than forty years old on whom this miracle of healing had been performed. Acts 4:19-28 (NASB) Read verses 23-28 on the site.

When we make statements like, “God is Sovereign.” we sometimes include a qualifier in that statement like this, “God is Sovereign over ‘something.” That is a fallacious statement though meant well. God is Sovereign…. Continue reading