Even Washington Post Admits That Covid Is Now a Pandemic of the Vaccinated

“On the same day that Dr. Fauci made his final speech from the podium, “The Health 202” newsletter proclaimed that vaccinated people now make up a majority of Covid deaths: It’s no longer a pandemic of the unvaccinated…For the first … Continue reading 

Ivermectin: 100% Rate Reductions in Hospitalization & 92% in Mortality from COVID-19

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) A peer-reviewed study first posted in mid-July shows that regular use of ivermectin as a preventative works against COVID-19. Ivermectin costs $.50 a tablet. The authors of the study determined that regular use of ivermectin led … Continue reading 

Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID — BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC

(Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit) There have now been 67 Ivermectin COVID-19 controlled studies that show a 67% improvement in COVID patients. See the grafts on the site There have been 298 Hydroxychloroquine studies that show a 64% improvement in patients for … Continue reading 

Germany & France Recommend Against Moderna Vaccine

“The one thing that bothers me the most is the fact that since day 1, many nations and officials, especially Dr. Fauci, have pushed wealthy, money-doling Pfizer over Moderna and J&J, and all others.” (Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel)  As … Continue reading 

CRN Weekly Headlines – April 12-17


Deborah Birx Promotes Pro Abortion AIDS Relief at Christianity Today

“PEPFAR is nothing but another perpetual government waste program, so why should a generation of Americans Christians be rallied to the cause, especially one that was sold through hyperbolic alarmism?” (Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Horse) Covid brought many vile … Continue reading 

Tucker Carlson: Biden’s COVID destroys government narrative

These findings, Carlson said, are a “profound indictment, maybe the greatest indictment in our lifetime, of our leaders…Their recklessness, their pigheadedness, their dishonesty.” (Art Moore – WND) Is there anything to be learned from the fact that President Biden – … Continue reading 

Bombshell Pandemic Study: Blue States Killed People, Ruined Education- Businesses

“The cure became worse than the illness but medical tyrants like Dr. Anthony Fauci, a political operative, pushed them beyond all reason without any consideration of the collateral damage.” (Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Currently, China is locking down Shanghai … Continue reading 

Why Did so Many Fall for the Covid Narrative?

“…governments worldwide….have joined with international bodies and large financial interests to produce harmonized propaganda through a wide variety of media outlets, including Big Tech, social media, and mainstream media. We have entered a new era of total thought control exerted … Continue reading 

CDC data signaling vaccine catastrophe

(Art Moore – WND) In 1976, after 32 deaths were attributed to the swine flu vaccine, the U.S. government halted the mass vaccination campaign. But now, despite the VAERS database run by the CDC and the FDA reporting more than 23,000 deaths related … Continue reading 

Vaccine-induced Myocarditis in Young People ‘Way More Serious’ than COVID-Induced Myocarditis says top cardiologist

(Debra Heine – American Greatness)  Dr. Peter McCullough, a top cardiologist and leader in the medical response to the COVID pandemic, said in a recent interview that myocarditis in young people post vaccine is far more dangerous than the COVID … Continue reading 

I Watched The Nation’s ‘Top Scientists’ Lie About COVID And Get Away With It

President Trump turned to me on his right, smiling wryly but with a genuinely puzzled look on his face. “Is Redfield political or just stupid?” he asked, subtly shaking his head. I looked right back at the president and hesitated. … Continue reading 

History Will Grind Out the Truth

“The millstones of the gods grind late, but they grind fine.” (Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) “History will figure that out on its own.” That is what Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) recently replied to Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News 11/1-11/6

Need to read articles you may have missed this week… MONDAY The Woke vs. The Awakened Lesbians, Racists, Charismatics, and Matt Chandler Headline 2022 IF Gathering Conference Stasi in Kansas City: Student Denounces Christian Teacher to Authorities, Gets Him Suspended … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News 10/25-10/30

Need to read articles you may have missed this week… MONDAY 10/25 Steven Furtick and Other Heretics Win ‘Christian Music’ Dove Awards for 2021 Dr. Michael Brown Blasts Critics Who Call False Teachers ‘Loons and Hucksters’ Treasury Sec: Americans Will … Continue reading 

Liars who lie for the ‘common good’

“In some of these cases, when caught and exposed, the liars will hedge by claiming temporary amnesia….sometimes they admit they lied but suggest they did so for higher purposes like national security.”  (Victor Davis Hanson, The Ignoble Lie)  In a … Continue reading 

Welcome to the Forever Pandemic

Americans have a choice: either we can choose to live under restrictions forever to prevent a minute risk of post-vaccination hospitalization and death, or we can go back to normal. (Ben Shapiro) This week, as President Joe Biden attempted desperately … Continue reading