Prominent Attorney Nuked NY AGs Civil Case Against Trump

“They described Trump as being a whale client, someone you really want, and the disconnect of that testimony with what James is seeking is really breathtaking.”

(Mary Dowling) George Washington University law professor Dr. Jonathan Turley called the demands by New York Attorney General Letitia James “breathtaking” in the civil case against Donald Trump, his family, and his organization.

Larry Kudlow spoke with Professor Turley on Fox Business. Turley told the host that, despite Deutsche Bank supporting Donald Trump’s case, James wants to fine him hundreds of millions of dollars. Continue reading

The eternality of justification

28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; 29 for OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE. Hebrews 12:28-29 (LSB) 

In my younger days when I was working on my undergraduate degree, I had a professor who used to work in a major manufacturing company in the US. He used his experiences there in analogies pertaining to the management topics we were studying. He used one of his former co-workers there as an example, a bad example, as he taught us how we should work together toward our common goals, et cetera. This fellow’s nickname at that company was ‘Yeah-but.’…. Continue reading

Surrender: Blinken Tells Israel It Lacks ‘Credit’ to Defeat Hamas

(John B. Pollack – Breitbart) U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Israel that it lacks “credit” to conduct the kind of military campaign necessary to defeat Hamas, saying that the Biden administration would not tolerate large-scale bombing over months in southern Gaza.

Blinken’s remarks were leaked to the Israeli press. The Times of Israel quoted a transcript of his meeting with Israel’s war cabinet:

Blinken: You can’t operate in southern Gaza in the way you did in the north. There are two million Palestinians there…. Continue reading

A Roundup of No Quarter November, Moscow Shenanigans, and Sinful Sexual Desires

“TGC Council member Kevin DeYoung dedicated an entire blogpost to the tone of Pastor Wilson, an attack that was aptly critiqued by defenders of Pastor Wilson. Given that DeYoung has never taken time to publicly address the theological compromise of Tim Keller and the leftward drift of TGC in the same manner as his attack on Wilson, the attack on the tone of Moscow was certainly itself tone-deaf.” 

(Paul Brown) November ought to be considered a religious holiday for prickly pastrixes, empathetic feminists and effeminate Big-Eva types- a hallowed season where the pronouns-in-bio muckrakers of “concerned” Julie Roys-aligned “discernment ministries” work together with the sole intent of smashing the patriarchy in Moscow, Idaho and “examining” the so-called evils of Pastor Doug Wilson and Canon Press. This is because every nearly December, Doug and his delegates go an entire month without offering qualifying statements to the often incendiary but always relevant cultural and theological commentary, an occasion that is aptly named No Quarter November. Continue reading

Rep. Clay Higgins: 200 Feds on J6 & the Framing of Donald Trump

“Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside.” Watch the video.

(Mary Dowling) Rep. Clay Higgins reveals that “at least 200” undercover Feds set up Donald Trump on January 6. They infiltrated groups months before and during the January 6 Capitol breach. Some dressed as Trump supporters. Some were in the Capitol BEFORE the riot.

According to the Louisiana Representative, 200 undercover federal agents were among the crowd on January 6. The lawmaker further stated that some of the operatives were “dressed as Trump supporters” and were inside the Capitol before the breach. Continue reading

To Be Light in a Dark World

14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; 15 nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16 (LSB) 

Probably the quickest way for a Christian to discover the truth of the incredible depth and breadth of spiritual darkness in this present world is to stand firm on God’s Truth, and within that firm stand, tell that truth boldly to professing Christians. It will not take very long for those who hold to a version of Christianity that is apostate to make the reality of their spiritual darkness known in ways accompanied by fiery darts from our enemy…. Continue reading

How Will the Dems Do It in 2024?

“What sorts of things might the Democrats have up their sleeve for 2024? If we know one thing about Democrats, it’s that they live to win elections. That’s why they’re starting to freak out about the age and incompetence and awful polling of their 81-year-old standard-bearer.”

(Douglas Andrews – The Patriot Post) The 2020 presidential election was “the most secure in American history.” We know this because the Department of Homeland Security — specifically, the members of the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council Executive Committee and the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council — told us so on November 12, 2020, nine days after the election.

So it must be true, right? After all, nine days is plenty of time to conduct a thorough investigation and forensic examination, right? Right? Continue reading

Unreal: SBC Megachurch’s Multi-Million Dollar Man-Pleasing Aesthetics Upgrade

“The Bible calls us to a different standard. It speaks of sound teaching, equipping the saints for ministry, evangelism, and faithful Christian living. The Church’s role is not to conform to the world but to transform it through the power of the gospel.” 

(The Dissenter) In a world increasingly seduced by the allure of modernity and comfort, Prestonwood Baptist Church’s [Senior Pastor Dr. Jack Graham] recent multi-million-dollar renovation epitomizes a troubling trend in contemporary Christianity—a shift from substance to spectacle, from doctrine to dazzle. This lavish expenditure on aesthetics and technology, while impressive in scale, raises serious questions about the church’s commitment to the core tenets of the gospel. Continue reading

What Were the Hamas Monsters Thinking?

Hamas relies on useful Western idiots. It understands its terrorists repel the majority of Americans. But it figures Western and globalist institutions—academia, the media, popular culture—in their wealth, ignorance, and self-importance, alleviate guilt and find resonance by mouthing the shibboleths of the “underdog.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) We know the multifaceted strategy of the monstrous Hamas operation of October 7.

In precivilizational fashion it wished to kill and mutilate the most vulnerable of all Israeli civilians and thus to shock the world that it was capable of—and proud about— anything, from decapitation to necrophilia. Such animalistic savagery, in the reckoning of Western therapeutic society, was supposedly to be seen as forced upon Hamas murderers by the “occupation.” Continue reading

FBI Targets Donald Trump Followers as a Domestic Terrorist Army

(Mary Dowling) According to an October 4 report in Newsweek, “the federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbance around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.”

We’re an army now? Not the millions of single adult men pouring across the border? Continue reading

Repentance and Salvation

19 Therefore, repent and turn again in order that your sins will be removed. Acts 3:19 (translated from the NA28 Greek text) 

One form of religion that claims to be Christian but isn’t is based in something called “easy-believism.” On the other hand, many of the proponents of it will point to what we call “the Gospel” in what follows as the “damnable heresy” of Lordship salvation. I have often shared here using passages such as Acts 3:19 (above) making it clear that the Bible tells us that there is no salvation without repentance and again in Acts 2:38, “Πέτρος δὲ πρὸς αὐτούς· μετανοήσατε, [φησίν,] καὶ βαπτισθήτω ἕκαστος ὑμῶν ἐπὶ τῷ ὀνόματι Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ εἰς ἄφεσιν τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν ὑμῶν καὶ λήμψεσθε τὴν δωρεὰν τοῦ ἁγίου πνεύματος.” Or, “And Peter said to them, ‘Repent  [HE SAYS] and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’”… Continue reading

Proof That Preston Sprinkle is a Lying, Deceptive Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

(The Dissenter) Preston Sprinkle, the host of the podcast “Theology in the Raw,” an odd enough title for a podcast, I must say, recently hosted Dr. Jared Moore, pastor and author of the book, The Lusts of the Flesh. Moore’s book addresses the various false teachings that are pervasive within the Evangelical Church around aberrant sexuality, particularly the notion that one can sublimate their sinful sexual desires and sanctify them, turning them into something holy that can be offered back to God. Continue reading

Did They Go to Heaven? Red Flags On ‘After Death’ Film from Angel Studios

“This is tricky territory. The invisible and the unknown are realms governed by God alone, and these accounts are those on which the occult, the New Age, and false teachings thrive. There is no clear evidence for any out-of-body state and certainly none for having visited heaven (the books on visiting heaven have anti-Christian theology, conflict with God’s word, and/or present inconsistent accounts)”

(Marcia Montenegro – Midwest Christian Outreach) One of our readers recently sent me a link to the newly released film from Angel Studios titled “After Death.” This is a film featuring those who claim to have had near-death experiences and gone to heaven or hell and, of course, returned (or we would not have heard these stories). One trailer is at After Death.1 The film is one of the most recent promotions of what might be called the Heavenly Tourism Industry. Continue reading

The Next Phase of Communist Revolution in America

“So when the group “Progressive Maryland” says that we are “operating on stolen land” and voluntarily paying “a monthly land tax to the Cedarville Band of Piscataway Indians,” they are laying the groundwork for what is to come – reparations from the citizens of the state of Maryland, to be copied on a national basis.”

(Cliff Kincaid – News With Views) Conservatives regard Thanksgiving as a Pilgrim achievement but the Marxists in our midst see it differently. To them, Thanksgiving is a stain, a stigma, an opportunity for Marxist exploitation of racial differences to advance a communist revolution. Continue reading

Moral Inability

19 Then Joshua said to the people, “You will not be able to serve the LORD, for He is a holy God. He is a jealous God; He will not forgive your transgression or your sins. (Joshua 24:19 NASB)

When my faith was young, Joshua’s statement in Joshua 24:19 seemed puzzling. Of course, I was a member in some churches that did their best to ignore anything resembling deep theological study. I remember a Q&A session with one of my former pastors in which this passage was read (not by me) then he was asked to explain it. The answer was that this was just an abstraction not to be taken literally and not to be applied to the Church age. Let’s take a closer look. Continue reading

The Disturbing Trend of Being Fired for Refusing to Embrace the Absurdity of Leftism to its Fullest

“Leftists do not play by the rules of balanced discourse. Instead, they wield their power to suppress any ideology that contradicts their narrative, especially those rooted in Christianity or conservative values. This overreach is more than just a threat to individuals like David Bloch; it’s a threat to the very fabric of our society, undermining the foundational freedoms upon which our nation was built.”

(The Dissenter) In the case of David Bloch, a snowboarding coach at Woodstock Union High School in Vermont, we see a textbook example of discrimination fueled by today’s cultural and political biases. Bloch, who not only founded the school’s snowboarding team but also spearheaded its success since 2011, was unceremoniously fired. The trigger for this unjust dismissal? A mere casual conversation with two students, during which Bloch stated the obvious: that there are inherent biological differences between males and females, particularly in the realm of sports. Continue reading

Disney Admits Woke ESG ‘Adversely Impacted’ Revenue and Profit

“Consumers’ perceptions of our position on matters of public interest, including our efforts to achieve certain of our environmental and social goals, often differ widely and present risks to our reputation and brands.”

(Spencer Brown – Townhall) In an unsurprising development for sane Americans, another major company is admitting that woke ESG — environmental, social and governance — policies are bad for its bottom line. As it turns out, going woke does in fact correlate with going broke, and this time, it’s Disney making the uncomfortable realization that putting virtue signaling to intolerant leftists ahead of turning a profit was a mistake. Continue reading

More than 7,000 churches split from United Methodist Church over homosexuality

Methodist ministers previously enacted a disaffiliation process for more conservative churches four years ago, through which congregations can disaffiliate by the end of this year if they disagree with the denomination’s views on homosexuality.

(Ben Zeisloft – The Sentinel) Nearly 7,300 congregations have left the United Methodist Church as the denomination continues to embrace homosexuality and transgenderism. Continue reading

New Gnosticism

5 And this is the message, which we have heard from him and we proclaim to you, that God is light and there is not any darkness in him. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness, we lie and are not practicing the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from every sin. 8 If we say that we do not have sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1:5-10 translated from the NA28 Greek text) Read verses 9-10 on the site.

The following definition for the word “esoteric” is from the New Oxford American Dictionary: 

esoteric |ˌesəˈterik|


intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest : esoteric philosophical debates.


esoterically |-(ə)lē| adverb

esotericism |-ˈterəˌsizəm| noun

esotericist |-ˈterəsist| noun

ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: from Greek esōterikos, from esōterō, comparative of esō ‘within,’ from es, eis ‘into.’ Compare with exoteric.

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The Only ‘Prophets’ the Bible Says Will Endure Throughout the Church Age are False Prophets

“While the early Church was indeed characterized by the extraordinary offices of apostles and prophets, the New Testament does not teach their continuation after the apostolic age. Instead, it warns vehemently against false prophets and emphasizes the need for doctrinal vigilance.” 

(The Dissenter) In today’s Christian landscape, an intriguing trend is unfolding: a surge of people claiming the titles of “Prophet” or “Apostle.” With an air of spiritual authority, they assert themselves as contemporary mouthpieces of God, equipped with new revelations and divine insights. However, a thorough examination of the New Testament reveals a different narrative, one that does not endorse an ongoing office of prophets or apostles but rather focuses on cautioning against false prophets. Continue reading

The CDC Is STILL Talking About How to ‘Keep Your Family Safe This Holiday Season’

“Getting vaccinated is still really the most important way you can protect yourself and your family,” Cohen claimed, despite how people who have been vaccinated can still get the virus.

(Rebecca Downs – Townhall) It was over three-and-a-half years ago that the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic. It’s since pretty much become endemic. Back in May, the WHO declared it was no longer such an emergency. And yet the Biden administration’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is still trying to lecture Americans on keeping safe for Thanksgiving, through CDC Director Mandy Cohen, MD. Continue reading

Ex-cop Derek Chauvin, who was convicted of killing George Floyd, stabbed in prison

(Katherine Donlevy – New York Post) Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin –- who was convicted of murdering George Floyd — was stabbed by another inmate at a federal prison in Arizona on Friday, a source told The Associated Press.

Chauvin was seriously injured in the attack around 12:30 p.m. at Federal Correctional Institution, Tucson, according to the source and the Bureau of Prisons, which did not name the inmate in a statement to the outlet. Continue reading