The Legacy Of Jan. 6 Should Be Massive Reform Of The FBI And DOJ

“One of Trump’s first and most important tasks once he takes office should be to investigate every person at the Justice Department and FBI involved in the Jan. 6 prosecutions for conspiracy against rights. The FBI should be gutted, reformed, and rebuilt from top to bottom. Every DOJ prosecutor who brought charges against Jan. 6 defendants should not just be fired but also investigated for possible criminal charges.”

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) Monday marked the four-year anniversary of Jan. 6, 2021, when tens of thousands of peaceful Trump supporters demonstrated outside the U.S. Capitol and a small number of them clashed with police before entering the Capitol itself. Continue reading

Multiple TV Personalities/ Shows Leave Daystar Network Amid Ongoing Scandal

(Protestia) purveyor Daystar Television Network continues to enjoy the fallout from their ongoing scandal, with several shows announcing they are departing or slinking off in silence.

In late November of 2024, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson announced she and her show Laura-Lynn Live at the Eagle’s Nest were parting ways, which was quickly followed by Baruch Korman of Love Israel.  Since then, others have parted, including arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis, prominent false teachers Hank and Brenda Kunneman, and the false prophet Lance Wallnau. Jack Graham of Powerpoint Ministries has also left. [David Jeremiah has not left] Continue reading

Trump Ascendant

“Donald Trump is perhaps the best-prepared new President in history.  He is laser-locked on fulfilling his campaign promises and has not refined his outlook.  He is likely to dust his critics and govern without subterfuge. Americans will know exactly how the President uses power on a daily basis. Some will not like that.  Donald Trump doesn’t much care.”

(Bill O’Reilly) The most powerful person in the world sits behind a large desk in his personal office.  It is Thursday, January 2, 7:40 in the evening.  President Donald Trump has been active since seven in the morning and now gazes at the six advisers sitting before him at his lavish Mar-a-Lago estate. Continue reading

It’s Official: 2024 Election Has Been Certified

“Ironically, the Democrats with the help of some Republicans previously pushed a law through Congress that requires the vice president to certify an election even if there is significant reason to doubt the legitimacy of official results. This was, of course, a reaction to the contesting of Joe Biden‘s “win” in 2020, but now it ensures that Harris had no alternative but to certify the election. Relegating the VP to “solely ministerial duties” protected and legitimized Democrats’ grip on power then, but now it has apparently backfired.”

(Catherine Salgado – PJ Media) In a consummation devoutly to be wished, the 2024 election and Donald Trump’s historic win have been certified by none other than Trump’s defeated presidential opponent and current vice president Kamala Harris. Continue reading

Gavin Ortlund Completely Collapses On Roman Catholicism

(DefiantBaptist – Evangelical Dark Web) Over the Christmas season, Gavin Ortlund decided to fully abandon the Reformation, and that’s no exaggeration. Once considered to be a premier Protestant apologist with a focus on countering Roman Catholic claims, Ortlund has lately descended into theological liberalism and far left political views. Now, he is completely undermining his entire apologetic ministry with a video he published called, “Are Catholics Christians? Why Protestants Can Say YES.” Gavin does so by making a three-part argument.

Historic Protestant Views

Ortlund starts off his video by claiming that the view of Catholics being Christians is the historic Protestant view. He does so by pulling various quotes from the reformers as well as some post-Reformation theologians. To be frank, it’s very dangerous to frame an argument this way…. Continue reading

As His Speech Flew Off in the Wind, Trudeau Resigned from the Party

(Mary Dowling) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has officially announced his resignation, and we hope Canadians can get some of their lost freedoms back with a new leader. He will step down as soon as a new leader is chosen. As he approached the lectern, his prepared speech blew away. He then quipped, “I’ll wing it.”

He’s not really leaving exactly. Trudeau resigned from the liberal party and intends to stay on as PM until the election. He asked for a prorogation of Parliament until March 24th, so no one can bother him. He doesn’t have to face their Parliament or the people. Continue reading

Author of ‘Widening of God’s Mercy’ Finds Out Just How Exclusive Jesus Really Is

“Just imagine a man who spent the remaining years of his life arguing against God’s clear commands suddenly standing before Him. The God who thundered from Mount Sinai, whose holiness caused Isaiah to cry, “Woe is me!”—this is the God Hays faced.”

(The Dissenter) Richard B. Hays, a New Testament scholar, was a heavyweight who began his career with what seemed like a solid foundation in conservative biblical theology. His earlier works ostensibly reflected, at least on the surface, a commitment to biblical accuracy. But somewhere along the way, Hays exchanged the truth of God for a lie—a lie dressed in the alluring garb of cultural acceptance. Continue reading

Deception Begins With Unbelief

53 When Jesus had finished these parables, He departed from there. 54 He came to His hometown and began teaching them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers? 55 Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers, James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? Matthew 13:53-58 (NASB) Read verses 56-58 on the site.

As we continue to look at the evidence of God sending out a strong delusion upon professing Christians who appear to be running headlong into apostasy in ever increasing numbers let us look at what it is in these people that has brought this about…. Continue reading

We Need More Jeremiahs

(John Rosemond – Clear Truth Media) It is my prayer that the members of my extended family who need to read this will do so and that it will help them begin to put their worldviews in order. The family members in question are young and full of themselves, convinced, as was I at the same phase of life, that they are smarter than someone like me—a 77-year-old conservative believer in the Lordship of Christ Jesus. It wasn’t until I was well into my middle years that I realized how deceived I had been and took full responsibility for having left the front door open to the deception. Continue reading

Elon’s ‘Trump Tower explosion’ updates shine new light on terror attack…

“A lot of folks are saying that something about this story doesn’t add up. Was he set up? Or was he deeply radicalized by someone—or maybe even a group? There are so many unanswered questions surrounding this attack. There’s definitely some strange things afoot.”

(Revolver) It feels like the wheels are coming off the wagon as we inch closer to President Trump’s inauguration day. Is the Deep State going completely rogue? There have been two back-to-back terror attacks involving former and current members of the US military that have sparked the million-dollar question: Who is radicalizing these men? Continue reading

Timeline and resources on the REAL Dr. Michael Brown.

For decades the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) have been using the Pentecostal and Charismatic ‘sheep skin’ to take over churches and suppress Christians or Christian groups/churches that have opposed them. Dr. Brown is one of the best examples of being one of its enablers who has used his ‘influential position’ and ‘Pentecostal/Charismatic’ sheepskin to further the cause of the NAR.

(Church Watch Central) This article is a repository of relevant documents, videos, PDFs, reports, tweets and posts that are relevant to the controversial life and ministry of [recently disgraced] Dr. Michael Brown. Its timeline and resources are available for everyone to use for their content creator needs.

Dr Michael Brown, his FIRE Church and Line of Fire (LOF) program is a practical example as to why the New Apostolic Reformation cult is quite prepared to lie for its cause to further spread its tentacles across the USA and other parts of the world. Continue reading

What is Death?

I am posting this today because my brother-in-law who came to stay with us just after Thanksgiving this year so he could be close to the hospital in Oklahoma City he needed for treatment of a cancer issue had, died on December 27th. My wife and I attended his funeral today. They had the “viewing” at the funeral home yesterday. I witnessed a great deal of weeping from his siblings and his children and grandchildren. My wife loved him and wept a great deal after he died and didn’t hold back during that time in the funeral home nor at the funeral service nor at the burial at the cemetery. My wife and I are about 3 years younger than he was when he died…. Continue reading

Todd Bentley Says He’s Been Given The Authority to ‘Cancel Death’ + Heal Terminal Illnesses

(Protestia) Todd Bentley, the famous false teacher and wolf extraordinaire (see endnotes), has unveiled his latest scheme to capitalize on his recent emergency hospital stay, claiming that his experiences gave him the power and authority to “cancel death” and cure terminal illnesses.

Six weeks ago, Bentley was taken to the hospital by ambulance after experiencing unexpected seizures. Within a day he’d recover, claiming he’d been miraculously healed. Apart from using this event as a fundraiser, we wondered how he would spin this to take advantage of the goodwill.

And now we know. Continue reading

Media Pay for the Largest Cover-Up in US History

“None of them are ‘fessing up to swallowing and regurgitating the White House propaganda about “sharp as a tack,” “running rings around us,” and especially “cheap fakes.” Remember “cheap fakes”? That was the White House term for videos that accurately depicted Biden in his aphasiac moments but which the Bidenites insisted were somehow illegitimate”

(Ed Morrissey – Hot Air) Yesterday, the President of the United States delivered a four-minute update to the American people about two terror attacks that had taken place earlier in the day. To put it mildly, Joe Biden’s performance from Camp David on another break from the White House — breaks which amount to roughly 40% of his presidency — did not instill confidence in current leadership…. Continue reading

General Flynn sees a frightening pattern forming as violence erupts all over US…


(Revolver) What’s going on in the United States right now? It feels like the hope and celebration of 2024—marked by champagne and fireworks—has been wiped out overnight, replaced by an unrelenting wave of violence and terrorist attacks. It’s like a rapid-fire barrage of chaos in an already unstable, upside-down world.

General Flynn is sounding the alarm. He believes we’re at one of the most dangerous and pivotal moments in our nation’s history. According to him, the road to Trump’s inauguration could be fraught with peril…. Continue reading

Four Prayers For The Western Church In 2025

“The fact of the matter is that there are churches to build, children to raise, marriages to strengthen, friendships to work on, books to read, businesses to start, ideas to be understood, souls to be reached, prayers to be said, worship to be offered, and sermons to be preached, most of which should not be centered around the latest White House press release.

(Jamie Bambrick – Clear Truth Media) It’s the start of a new year, and here are four key things I think the church should be praying for in 2025.

1 – The Sheep Would Recognize Which Shepherds Were For Sale

If a Bible-believing Christian from a century ago were suddenly transported through time to our age and found that church leaders today endorse gay civil marriages and ‘Side-B Christianity, supported politicians who advocated for child sacrifice up until birth, advocated for the functional end of nations through unlimited mass immigration, and spent most of their time attacking believers who opposed such positions, all because large Marxist organizations funded their efforts, they would have thought they were witnessing the unbinding of Satan at the end of the age…. Continue reading

Top Ten Evangelical Stories of 2024

[There’s a] disparity between the laymen and the clergy who are to the left of their flock. It also highlights the disparity between White Evangelicals and every other religious demographic, especially Modern Jews, one of the few blocs that Kamala Harris improved upon. This election further highlighted the futility of the term “Judeo-Christians.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) With 2025 here, we can now give out top ten stories of 2024. It was difficult to narrow down the list of scandals that made the cut. The list has a lot of bad but also some reasons for optimism in 2025. Continue reading

Can We Put a Rush Job on January 20?

“Inauguration Day now seems a thousand years away. This country desperately needs President-elect Donald Trump to shed the “elect” and get to work undoing the damage that Joe Biden and his “America last” administration have done. It’s going to take a long time.” 

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) The phrase “Happy New Year” certainly had the life sucked out of it yesterday, didn’t it? The horror in New Orleans was followed by the cybertruck explosion outside of the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas. Then, late last night, there was a mass shooting at a concert hall in Queens, N.Y. Continue reading

Feminization and the Church

“By taking deliberate steps to re-engage men, the church can fulfill its mission more effectively, providing a space where both men and women can thrive in their God-given roles…” 

(Joshua Farris – American Reformer) Feminism has reshaped the Western cultural landscape in profound ways, influencing public education, media, corporate practices, and societal norms. The church, particularly in evangelical circles, has long sought to maintain a countercultural stance, but it has not remained immune to these shifts. As feminism’s ideological offshoots have permeated various aspects of society, their influence has also seeped into the church. Continue reading

Hope for America — We Survived Carter and Now (Almost) Biden

“Among his numerous disastrous policies still harming the world today are his decades of legitimizing terrorist Hamas and undermining Israel. While Americans eulogize a man with no major lasting accomplishment, some Israeli and Jewish outlets are more bitterly remembering an antisemitic politician who spent years backstabbing them to appease radical jihadis.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) When I began working on yesterday’s Briefing, it was just a few hours after the news of Jimmy Carter’s death had broken. I was trying to impose a 24-hour grace period on myself. Well, it’s a day later, and I’ve more than had my fill of the St. Jimmy of Peanut Farm revisionist history orgy in the mainstream media. Continue reading

The blessedness of forgiveness

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him in love, 5 by predestining us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He graciously bestowed on us in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:3-12 (LSB) Read verses 7-12 on the site.

The key to understanding the passage above is in getting who the “us” is that Paul mentions repeatedly all through it. Whoever they are, they are indeed blessed. Of course, Paul is talking about those who are called, those who believe the Gospel and are redeemed out of spiritual death unto eternal life in Christ…. Continue reading

This CNN Exchange Illustrates Everything Wrong With the Media

“The National Archives has finally released photos showing then-Vice President Biden meeting with two of first son Hunter Biden’s Chinese government-linked business partners — again proving that the president lied about not interacting with his family’s foreign patrons.”

(Guy Benson – Townhall) Over the holidays, the relatively few Americans who remained tuned into politics were treated to yet more evidence that President Joe Biden’s categorical denials of any knowledge about his now-pardoned son’s overseas business dealings were lies. There was already ample proof that Biden had lied repeatedly on this subject, and that he — ‘the Big Guy‘ — was at the center of a lucrative and years-long family enrichment scheme…. Continue reading

Costco Wants to Hold the Line on DEI

“So why is Costco staying the course when other companies have seen the light? It’s likely because it thinks it can. After all, there are only a few other outlets where a stricken public can panic-shop when the bird flu pandemic lays us all low. You have to hoard your toilet paper from some store, right?…”

(Lincoln Brown) In the interest of full disclosure, I want to say that Mrs. Brown and I have been Costco members for several years. I hate Costco trips for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the crush of humanity that ebbs and flows around the aisles with all of the tranquility of whitewater rapids during a flash flood. And it’s cold. Continue reading