What ‘Christian’ author wrote ‘What I see here is God as Mother, receiving back into her womb the one whom she has made in her own image’?

[T]he author speaks of the “first and everlasting love of a God who is Father as well as Mother.” 

(John Lanagan – The Word Like Fire)  The author writes, “What I see here is God as Mother, receiving back into her womb the one whom she has made in her own image.” The author claims the return to “God’s womb” is the “deeper meaning” to the story of the prodigal son.

God as Mother? Nowhere in the Bible are we ever instructed to address God in this manner….

Yet this has become increasingly common. We have already seen in the past year an ostensibly Christian church worshiping a Mother Goddess. 

According to the author, “The mystery, indeed, is that God in her infinite compassion has linked herself for eternity with the life of her children.” View article →


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Contemplative Prayer

The title has been changed with John Lanagan’s permission. Original title: Did “The Shack” author write this?