(David Morrill – Protestia) In a multi-series Q&A podcast, Southern Baptist Convention President JD Greear has gone to Rebecca McLaughlin – purveyor of Same-Sex Attraction (SSA) “Christianity” – for the answers to questions on all things relating to sex, race, and faithful Christian witnessing – continuing his promotion of the myth of gay Christianity and that homosexuality is merely something the Bible whispers about. Many of McLaughlin’s answers and claims are verbatim repetitions of her appearance at the Gospel Coalition’s 2019 National Conference.
What is SSA “Christianity?” It is a movement within the larger evangelical movement that narrowly defines the sin of homosexuality to include only acting upon one’s sinful desires, and defines the sinful desires themselves as simply a part of a person’s identity and something God is content with not changing in the heart of the believer. Rather than instructing believers to “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry”(Colossians 3:5), SSA teaches that a regenerate believer can maintain their evil desires – even turning them into a cross to bear for the sake of the Gospel. For further reading, read Cody Libolt’s article Understand the New TGC Orthodoxy on Gay Christians.
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