“The smartphone has done grave damage to the news industry. Attention spans are much shorter, rank propaganda all over the device, and folks can build their own internet bubble. Cell phone addiction is the enemy of responsible citizenry.”
(Bill O’Reilly) There is a profound change underway in America that few citizens understand. The way news is being consumed is drastically different than just ten years ago, and that does NOT bode well for the United States.
Some history. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all consolidated power by eliminating a free press. That situation remains today in China and Russia. Folks in those countries have no idea what’s going on. They hear and read what the dictators allow.
The American Constitution protects freedom of information, but President John Adams did manage to get a law passed saying that criticism of his Federalist administration was “treason.” It was revoked when he left office, but it happened.
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