TGC Compares Pro-LGBTQ Pop Star to the Revealing of Jesus in His Eternal Glory to His Followers

(The Dissenter) There’s a bewildering trend overtaking certain corners of Evangelicalism, and it’s impossible to ignore the glaring departure from orthodoxy when publications like The Gospel Coalition keep putting secular pop culture on a pedestal. After an inconceivable attempt to extract spiritual value from Hollywood’s latest blockbuster, Barbie, TGC has now turned its sights on secular pop icon, Taylor Swift—a plummet into a canyon of worldly preoccupations. Such contortions to align the church with the modern secular zeitgeist are foolish at best, but undoubtedly destructive. If we weren’t already convinced of TGC’s wayward trajectory, this latest piece it published—and then deleted—should erase all doubt.

The Gospel Coalition recently published an article and then deleted it (still available at that warrants nothing but mockery and scorn, if only to expose its bewildering attempts to continue to spiritualize secular pop culture. The piece, titled 7 Things Christians Can Learn from Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, aims to reveal how pro-LGBTQ, anti-Christian secular pop icon, Taylor Swift’s music tour is apparently fertile ground for Christian edification. View article →


Research: Progressive (Social Justice) ‘Christianity’

CRN’s homepage contains a list of professing Christians to keep an eye on. Scroll down to WARNING. The list contains many people you’ll want to mark and avoid as per Rom 16:17-18 such as TGC.


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