LGBT-CRU: Leaked Cru Training Materials Prove CRU is Teaching ‘Gay Christianity’

…the training materials feature “Side B” mainstays like SSA lesbian Rebecca McLaughlin, Gospel Coalition contributor and reparations hustler Justin Giboney telling trainees to somehow “affirm [the] human dignity and flourishing [of LGBTQ folks]”… (David Morrill) CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) … Continue reading 

Baptist University Invites Native American Mystic to Preach, Opens and Closes With Prayer to ‘Mother Mystery’

“Nowhere in any of Curtice’s works or writings does she show one iota of understanding of the biblical gospel. Of course, we should not expect a Catholic to understand the gospel as the Catholic Church’s gospel is false. Yet, even … Continue reading 

Gospel Coalition Writer/Speaker Comes Out in Full Support of Gay Marriage

“The Gospel Coalition believes in Gilson so much that not only is she a contributor at TGC, she is promoted in TGC as an upcoming speaker at TGC Women’s Training Network conference. The Women’s Training Network is The Gospel Coalition’s attempt … Continue reading 

Evangelical Race Consultant Says Only ‘Redeemed’ (Woke) White People Should be Hired and Promoted at Seminaries

(The Dissenter) The IF Gathering conference has been a blemish on the Evangelical Church since it started in 2014 hosting people from nearly every aberrant theological sect of Christendom while avoiding any actual gospel content. The annual conference exists to … Continue reading 

Gay CRU Leader, Turned Catholic, Explains How Tim Keller Helped Him Shape His Pro-LGBTQ Views

“Tim Keller’s views are toxic and spiritually poisonous and have only served to muddy the waters on cultural issues in the Church.” (Reformation Charlotte) In 2019, Reformation Charlotte broke the story that a Campus Crusade (CRU) leader — who identifies as … Continue reading