Disgraced Pastor Greg Locke’s New Film Gets a Poster and Release Date+ Will be in ‘Thousands’ of Theaters

“This fiery film documents the beginnings of their journey. “Come Out In Jesus Name” will be followed by a live simulcast event where Pastor Locke and his fellow demon slayers will lead a supernatural mass deliverance… in Jesus name.” (Protestia) … Continue reading 

The World Health Organization, Johns Hopkins, and Bill Gates Just Conducted Another Pandemic Simulation — This Time The Virus Is Deadlier And Targets Children

“A pundit named Jeanne Meserve of GNN, a fictional news outlet, is seen in footage during the pandemic simulation announcing the high death toll, particularly among children, from a pandemic that would have been prevented if countries adopted pandemic operational … Continue reading 

It Gets Worse: Look Who Worked Together to Frame Donald Trump With Fake Russia Hoax

“Stories of Soros’s meddling in elections around the world are legion. When he’s not tanking  markets or creating fake revolutions, he and his minions are opening borders, destroying reputations, and making the world safer for assisted suicide, hard drugs, and released inmates … Continue reading 

At Least 50 ISIS-K-Related Illegals Are in the U.S. and No One Knows Where They Are. Thanks Joe!

(Kevin Downey JR – PJ Media) Three unnamed and broadly defined “U.S. officials” spoke to NBC about a disturbing report from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The report revealed that 400 illegal immigrants from southeast Asia have been slipped into our country … Continue reading 

When people stay tightly within a closed set of ideas that require the blockade of competing ideas, they are in a type of cult.

“Now let’s think about how thought-stopping devices are being used in the Church. Christians have a Holy Book that should make this whole thing a lot easier. It’s called The Bible. When anyone teaches anything in the church it must be … Continue reading 

Taylor Swift may be causing her fans to stumble into witchcraft

By Marsha West — Christian Research Network Most Christians understand that witchcraft has its roots in paganism and that God admonishes His chosen ones to resist the temptation to participate in pagan practices. It’s imperative for Christians who hold a … Continue reading 

Climate Professor Thinks We Should ‘Cull’ the Human Population to Reach Emissions Targets

“I’m convinced that people like McGuire and other climate catastrophists are actually rooting for the end of the world. They dream of melting glaciers, rivers flooding across the land, oceans covering skyscrapers, and Middle America becoming a desert.” (Rick Moran … Continue reading 

The World Is Paying A Deadly Price For Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy Legacy

“To truly comprehend how demented our foreign policy has become, consider this: Iran reportedly informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, and the U.S. told Iran through Ankara that the attack should be “within certain limits.” This … Continue reading