Let the billionaires spend their millions: A review of Shepherds For Sale

“The details of each chapter vary. In the case of COVID, for example, evangelical leaders platformed a guy (Francis Collins) who was literally paid by the government to message their political agenda, and then those same leaders turned around and … Continue reading 

More Pathetic ‘Fact Checking’ of Megan Basham’s Shepherds for Sale

“Basham’s book has blown the whistle – not for progressives in mainline churches waving trans flags – but for traditional evangelicals discovering they’ve been the frogs in progressive evangelicalism’s slow boil. These churchgoers thought their leaders were stomping on the … Continue reading 

Shepherds for Sale: The Definitive Review

(David Morrill) The online pushback and downright vitriol directed towards Daily Wire writer and reporter Megan Basham in advance of her book Shepherds for Sale demonstrate one very important reality: There is an entire industry (dare we say “mindustry?”) invested in suppressing … Continue reading 

Gavin Ortlund Breaks Ranks, Bolsters Basham Book Sales

“By transparently and narcissistically attempting to be the hero for progressive opposition to Shepherds for Sale, Gavin Ortlund (and his laundry list of decidedly un-conservative positional baggage) broke ranks. He violated the cone of silence. He drew unwanted attention to the theological … Continue reading 

Ruslan KD Defends Preston Sprinkle’s Side B Theology

“I point out a distinction between associations and alliances. Ruslan speaking at Preston Sprinkle’s conference is an association. It doesn’t make him a false teacher but it’s a glaring red flag. However, Immanuel Church has Gavin Ortlund, Sam Allberry, and … Continue reading 

A Response to JD Greear’s Response to Megan Basham: ‘Whispering About Homosexuality’

“Greear’s entire sermon was constructed to soften the perception of homosexuality by lumping it together with other, less shocking sins. Sure, homosexuality is sin, Greear concedes, but so is greed, so is pride, so is lying—so why not stop making … Continue reading 

Big Eva Is Afraid Of Megan Basham’s New Book

“Big Eva is afraid of Megan Basham’s book. She carries an institutional credibility that Evangelical Dark Web, [Christian Research Network] and several other allies do not possess, and it’s excellent to see the truth we strive to bring to light … Continue reading 

Megan Basham Beats up David French, Russell Moore on Tucker Carlson Show

(Protestia) Tucker Carlson continues to host a series of prominent Christian guests on his show, including Doug Wilson earlier this week. In a new segment, Carlson had on author and journalist Megan Basham, discussing the recent anti-Christian Nationalist flick ‘God & Country’ … Continue reading