World Vision Goes Woke, Says All White Christians are ‘Racist’ who have ‘White Gaze’

(Protestia) Last year World Vision created an online course designed to equip churches and pastors to understand “racial justice.” In reality, it was a hotbed of Critical Race Theory and unbiblical syncretism, infecting the organization and resulting in the wokefication … Continue reading 

Spiritual Molester ‘Daystar Television Network’ Drops Physical Molester Robert Morris From Lineup

“These men and women have been molesting the scriptures for years, abusing it so they might, in turn, spiritually abuse and molest victims of their prosperity scams and heretical doctrine.” (Protestia) Daystar Television Network has removed all of disgraced pastor … Continue reading 

U.S. Gov. Spending Millions in Tax Dollars to Promote Homosexuality in Third World Countries

“Translation: let’s pat ourselves on the back for pushing our perversion onto cultures that might just have a different perspective. Countries like Uganda, for example, a nation that has experienced AIDS epidemics and understands the practical danger of allowing such … Continue reading 

Who Will You Serve, God Or The World?

(Marsha West – Christian Research Network)  Recently I was going through my archives and stumbled on an article I penned in 2005, “Who Will You Serve, God Or The World”. Fifteen years ago I was pretty worked up over the … Continue reading 

Tony Evans Incites Disunity and Division, Encourages Protest of ‘Dove Awards’

“If evangelicals are so intent on finding ‘black leadership’ they need to look right past Tony Evans. Not only is he a Pelagian, inclusivist, and limited theist, but he is leading young black men into anger and resentment, making racial … Continue reading 

David Platt Repeats Stories of Muslim Dreams and Visions

The magical, mystical, desire to live “like Christians, false notions of how prayer was answered, healings, deliverance from demons, answer to disillusionment with Islam, “scriptural” truths, and/or influenced by vain imaginations does not “convert” anyone to Christ. (Cherie Vandermillen)  The Apostle … Continue reading