About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Pragmatism: Modernism Recycled

By John MacArthur – Grace to You

Is Pragmatism Really a Serious Threat?

I am convinced that pragmatism poses precisely the same subtle threat to the church in our age that modernism represented nearly a century ago.

Modernism was a movement that embraced higher criticism and liberal theology while denying nearly all the supernatural aspects of Christianity.

But modernism did not first surface as an overt attack on orthodox doctrine. The earliest modernists seemed concerned primarily with interdenominational unity.

They were willing to downplay doctrine for that goal, because they believed doctrine was inherently divisive and a fragmented church would become irrelevant in the modern age. To heighten Christianity’s relevance, modernists sought to synthesize Christian teachings with the latest insights from science, philosophy, and literary criticism.

Modernists viewed doctrine as a secondary issue. They emphasized brotherhood and experience and de-emphasized doctrinal differences. Doctrine, they believed, should be fluid and adaptable—certainly not something worth fighting for. In 1935, John Murray gave this assessment of the typical modernist: Continue reading

I Don’t Want to Be Greedy, but Can We Get Some COVID Comeuppance Now?

“It’s said that nothing is as bad as what you can imagine. Except, of course, for John Lennon’s “Imagine.” Particularly when it’s sung as a series of treacly solos by well-meaning (???) celebrities trying to make us little people feel better about being locked in our homes, and having our jobs, businesses, schools, playgrounds, and access to dying Nana in the nursing home all taken away.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) Look, I know that things are going very well these days for those of us over here on the right side of the political aisle. President Trump and his merry band of anti-Swampers have been hitting one home run after another since lunchtime on January 20. Heck, now that the dismantling of the Department of Education is underway, I should be so thrilled that I don’t care what happens going forward. Continue reading

Does Teaching Bible in Schools Make Kids More Moral and Mentally Healthy?

“As for faith leading to better “life wellness” outcomes, this isn’t indicated just by the Power of 4 study. As I illustrated in 2014, there’s much research showing that “religious” people are happier, better adjusted, more charitable, and generally enjoy better personal and social outcomes than secularists do.”

(Selwyn Duke – New American) While talking about “raising and training children” and “implanting” the proper “moral code,” a prominent politician had an interesting prescription. “The fundamental basis of this Nation’s law was given to Moses on the Mount,” he said. “The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings which we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul. I don’t think we emphasize that enough these days.” Continue reading

10 Times NPR Proved It Doesn’t Deserve Another Taxpayer Cent

Your tax dollars don’t just fund lies from NPR, they also fund super-serious journalism like podcast investigations linking the country music genre to racism. In August 2023, NPR’s Britany Luse  hosted an episode titled “How racism became a marketing tool for country music.”

(Elle Purnell – The Federalist) In a congressional subcommittee hearing on Wednesday, National Public Radio CEO Katherine Maher admitted the outfit’s blackout of the Hunter Biden laptop story was a mistake, acknowledged that NPR’s alleged 87-to-zero ratio of Democrats to Republicans in editorial positions is a “concern,” and stumbled through a defense of her publicly expressed views like “America is addicted to white supremacy” and calling the First Amendment “the number one challenge” to suppressing information. Continue reading

Obama’s ‘rent-a-riot’ scam just revealed…

“This latest news is concerning to say the least—but let’s be honest, it’s not exactly shocking, is it? The company Obama keeps tells you everything you need to know about his life—and his intentions. Take a look:”


(Revolver) It’s no secret that Barack Obama was the most divisive president of our lifetime—especially when it came to race. Who can forget the chaos and racial resentment that boiled over during his time in office, as he led the country down a path of confusion, division, and unrest? Continue reading

Cancer and the ABCs of Dealing with Worry

(Mike Abendroth – TruthScript) Do you ever worry? Are you ever anxious? Sadly, I have never worried more in my life than I have over cancer. I have lost two grandparents and both parents to cancer. I have had two different types of cancer. Maybe you can identify with me, especially in those moments in the middle of the night. The boa constrictor of worry starts to suffocate you, and the worries exponentially multiply. The English word for worry comes from a word that means “to strangle,” or grasp by the throat.

What do you think God’s attitude is about worry? While we compartmentalize worry and exclude it from grave sins such as adultery and murder, worry is still sin against the Lord…. Continue reading

Tesla Takedown Going Global on March 29th

(Mary Dowling) The Tesla Takedown will go global on March 29th until April 29th. It’s completely out of control. Arresting three people won’t do it. They need to arrest far more. They need police at every Tesla dealership and Tesla charging station.

March 29 is Rep. Crockett’s birthday, and she was hoping for this. She needs to be thrown out of Congress.

How did people get so crazy? Continue reading

The Era Of Presuming Liberal Moral Superiority Is Over

“Our founding document is a fairly succinct and compelling natural law argument for a government that recognizes all men are created equal and endowed by our creator with inalienable rights that cannot be abrogated, let alone by a king who claims the “divine right” to tax people on a whim.”

(Mark Hemingway – The Federalist) There’s a popular debate series on YouTube called “Surrounded,” where they take a pundit of some stripe — usually an older person with some degree of renown and experience — and put them in a room full of social media savvy youngsters who all disagree with that person…. Continue reading

Norm Eisen’s Judicial Revolution Against the Trump Administration

“Glenn Beck [someone CRN doesn’t normally recommend] has previously described it as a color revolution. The tactics come directly from the revolution playbook, and we have seen them play out the same way around the world.” (Watch Beck’s video)

(Mary Dowling) Far-left operative Norm Eisen is continuing his lawfare against Donald Trump. Aligned with the ACLU, Eisen is filing lawsuits with the far-left judges against everything President Trump is doing.

He frequently joins a boring podcast with Jennifer Rubin. Continue reading

A Third Of All DC District Judges Were Not Born In United States

“The United States is in the midst of a soft coup. Not the violent kind that takes out a nation’s leader, but one orchestrated by judicial actions that choke off executive power before our eyes.”

(Beth Brelje – The Federalist) The United States District Court for the District of Columbia, the source of many of the cases interfering with President Donald Trump’s authority, has 15 judges, (Counting Chief Judge James Boasberg) and five of them were born outside the United States.

While country of origin doesn’t come up in most jobs, it is worth asking if judges with ties to foreign nations and cultures are the right ones to make decisions affecting the U.S. military or immigration. Continue reading

Snow woke and the seven virtue signals: Disney’s poison apple exposed…

(Revolver) Mirror, mirror on the wall, what’s the wokest train wreck of them all?

Answer: Disney’s “Snow White.” Or should we say, Snow Woke and the Seven Virtue Signals—a painfully modern, unwatchable attempt to reimagine a classic fairytale into a limp, progressive sermon with goofy-looking CGI dwarves and zero charm.

Who didn’t see this crash and burn coming? It was as plain as the face staring back at us in the mirror (see the photo on the site): Continue reading

Cancelling Granny: The Toxic War On Family Being Waged By Therapists

“Any defense is regarded as evidence they are “in denial” concerning their emotional malignancy. If they choose not to defend themselves, that is evidence they “don’t want to deal honestly with or accept any accountability for their failure to provide emotionally safe spaces for their children and grandchildren.” If this narrative is to be believed, the grandparents in question are very sick people who, if allowed contact with the grandchildren, will transfer the corruption to them.”

(John Rosemond – Clear Truth Media ) “Your house isn’t an emotionally safe place, so if you want to see your grandchildren, you can come to our house, where we can supervise.”

“Our therapist says you’re obviously emotionally toxic, which isn’t entirely your fault, but you need to go into therapy and show us that you’re coming to grips with your contamination before we can have a relationship.” Continue reading

‘Glitter Blessings’ and Women Pastors Who Say ‘Queer’ a Lot

In the book, she asserts, “Authentic Christianity is and must be queer.” This comes as news to two millennia of faithful believers who not only know that homosexuality is a sin but also don’t happen to be “queer.” (I’ve mentioned this before, but my definition of “queer” is gay with an agenda.)

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) I took last week off from Progressive Christianity Watch because it was so busy but guess what? We’re back, baby. After all, there’s plenty of heretical nonsense to talk about — and as much as I love to make fun of this craziness, I’m also writing this week’s column with a twinge of sadness. You’ll see why. Continue reading

Cleveland Clinic: Millions of Covid-Vaxxed Will Die Within ‘5 Years’

“The damning update comes as experts around the world continue to raise the alarm about the long-term health impact of the mass vaccination campaign.”

(Frank Bergman – Slay News) The renowned Cleveland Clinic has dropped a bone-chilling warning that millions of people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines” are facing sudden death within the next “five years.”

According to the Ohio-based academic medical center, large numbers of the Covid-vaccinated “may need a heart transplant” to avoid a sudden cardiac arrest. Continue reading

Frankie and Donnie

“And here is a major historical difference between FDR and Trump. Roosevelt had the American press in his pocket.  Even when he forced Japanese-Americans into guarded camps, there was little media criticism.”

(Bill O’Reilly) Democrats are not going to like this column but won’t be able to refute any of it. That’s the beauty of fact-finding as opposed to shallow blather. So, listen up vapid TV pundits.

Democrat icon Franklin Delano Roosevelt governed the United States in ways similar to Donald Trump. The two have much in common with exceptions for style. Continue reading

Tren de Aragua Was a Planned Invasion & Boasberg Crossed the Line

“The left’s “sanctuary” and open-border policies facilitated the invasion of Tren de Aragua and other criminal illegal aliens into the country — with no regard for Americans’ safety or security.”

(Mary Dowling) Documents reveal Tren de Aragua deliberately invaded the United States as part of an effort to expand operations throughout the hemisphere. Meanwhile, we have Judge Boasberg, a friend of Justice Roberts, demanding we keep these monsters, murderers of young girls, in the country. Continue reading

False Teacher of the Day: Kathryn Krick

I was actually called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ… to reach the nations, and God was going to do many miracles through me”​. Forget seminary or pastoral training – all it took was one grandiose prophecy from a globe-trotting miracle man and voilà, Apostle Kathryn was born.

(The Dissenter) While we here at The Dissenter along with other discernment ministries have been sounding the alarm on her for some time, any False Teacher of the Day series would be woefully incomplete without a full expose on “Apostle” Kathryn Krick. After all, this self-styled prophetess-turned-faith healer has amassed a massive following and stirred up no small amount of controversy. Continue reading

Trump Revokes Security Clearances for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Others

(Elizabeth Weibel – Breitbart) President Donald Trump announced that he had revoked security clearances and access to classified information from people such as former President Joe Biden, former Vice President Kamala Harris, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as well as several others.

Trump also revealed that he had also revoked the security clearances of former Secretary of State Antony Blinken, former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), and “any other member” of the Biden family.

“I have determined that it is no longer in the national interest for the following individuals to access classified information:… Continue reading

Judge Jeanine Destroys Leftist Jessica Tarlov in Epic Takedown Over the Dems Failure to Educate Public School Children

Judge Jeanine also took aim at the Democratic handling of education, specifically addressing the “No Child Left Behind” policy. She criticized it for ensuring that students, regardless of their academic ability, passed without truly mastering the material. “Now we’ve got kids who can’t even read at an 8th-grade level because they were passed…”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) On Thursday, President Trump took decisive action by signing an executive order to dismantle the ineffective Department of Education. As expected, left-wing voices erupted in outrage, including Fox News’ resident leftist, Jessica Tarlov. Continue reading

ABC News Was Forced to Retract Some Grade-A Fake News About Israel’s Gaza Offensive

(Matt Vespa – Townhall) The liberal media can’t get Israel right. It was always bad but had a frequency like seasonal allergies, and the errors were never this horrendous. At least the stories were real from previous trip-ups. The stabbing intifada and the numerous terror attacks against innocent Israelis at bus stations did occur, though the headlines would sanitize who was committing the attacks. In this case, ABC News was forced to retract some grade-A fake news about pamphlets that were dropped before a minor ground force operation in Gaza, which has resumed being bombed by the IDF after Hamas kept dithering on hostage releases [emphasis mine]: Continue reading

The How and Why Questions

“For Jason, Jane’s inability to articulate the mechanics of exactly how God created everything invalidated the idea that God was the creator. But then, as we read further, we find that Jason himself takes his belief in evolution just as much by faith as does Jane.”

(Don & Joy Veinot – Midwest Christian Outreach) There are many things in life that we believe in by faith. This is true of Christians and non-Christians, Creationists and Darwinian Evolutionists, those who believe in God and atheists alike. Some do not want to admit this is the case, but it is true nonetheless. Continue reading

Biden Admin Altered Study to Suggest LNG Exports Harmed the Environment

“The Energy Department has learned that former Secretary [Jennifer] Granholm and the Biden White House intentionally buried a lot of data and released a skewed study to discredit the benefits of American LNG. They were prioritizing their own political ambitions over the interests of the American people…”

(Michael Tennant – The New American) The Biden administration secretly altered its own study of the effects of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to justify delaying LNG export approvals in 2024, Department of Energy (DOE) sources told the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF). Continue reading

Musk Reacts to What The Daily Show’s Audience Did During Segment on Tesla Attacks

“This is super messed up,” Musk commented, to which Sen. Mike Lee said it’s “pure evil.”

(Leah Barkoukis – Townhall) Elon Musk, senior adviser to the president and CEO of Tesla, blasted the reaction from the Daily Show’s audience during a segment discussing the recent attacks on the electric vehicles, charging stations, and dealerships from progressives angry over his role reining in waste, fraud, and abuse in the federal government. Continue reading

Legal Analysis: Biden’s Autopen Pardons Are ‘Invalid’

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) PJ Media has been covering the Joe Biden autopen scandal ever since it broke earlier this month. According to the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, the White House used an autopen to sign nearly every document Joe Biden signed. Given Biden’s cognitive decline, this revelation prompted concerns about whether he was aware of or authorized these actions.

The media largely ignored the issue until Donald Trump intervened, declaring Biden’s autopen-signed pardons “void” and claiming Biden “did not know anything about them.” This movie finally forced the media to pay attention to the scandal, and that’s pretty huge…. Continue reading