About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Hillsong Music is for the Spiritually Shallow

“If your church is still using Hillsong music, you need to urge them to stop. You should point out that this isn’t actual worship of God, it is in many ways a form of idolatry.”  

If you’ve paid any attention to the news lately, you’re probably aware of Hillsong’s latest sex scandal, this time, involving its founder and CEO, Brian Houston. In 2020, the pastor of Hillsong’s New York City branch, Carl Lentz, was fired after revelations of an affair he had with a Muslim woman…. Continue reading

Once Again, I Ask Andy Stanley to Resign

“It is one thing for an ignorant Christian who is not in a position of teaching authority to hold these views. It is an entirely different one for a pastor to hold these views. Pastors are entrusted with the oracles of God. They are to unfold the text, model a life in submission to that text, and call others to do the same. Their job is to accurately handle the Word of truth. If a man can’t do that in the pulpit, he has no business occupying one.”

(Grayson Gilbert – Patheos) A number of years ago, I wrote a blog post asking Andy Stanley to step down from ministry. The reason for this was fairly straightforward, in that while he would not deny the virgin birth, he made statements suggesting that the Christian faith doesn’t hinge off of the account of the virgin birth. This is false. Continue reading

Disney Cast Members Who Don’t Buy Into the LGBTQ Agenda Make Their Voices Heard

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) My family members have been major Disney fans for as long as we can remember. My parents honeymooned at Walt Disney World, and we go there at least once almost every year. I told somebody just yesterday that Disney keeps making it harder for families like ours to be Disney fans.

Between their constantly increasing prices and their continuing efforts to make trip planning more difficult, Disney has taken a lot of the fun out of our visits to the parks. On top of that, the company, which remained publicly apolitical for decades, has increasingly taken a hard-left stance. Continue reading

The Covid vaccine era is ending already

(Alex Berenson) Vaccine passports are dead.

Vaccine mandates are deader.

Actual vaccinations are deadest of all.

All over Europe, countries are dropping Covid vaccination passports only months after introducing them. Since Friday, Italy and Greece have become the latest nations to say they will dump passport requirements as of May 1. Continue reading

Biden says US must lead ‘new world order,’ warns of possible Russian cyberattack

“And now’s the time when things are shifting. We’re going, there’s gonna be a new world order out there and we’ve got to lead it and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world and doing it.”

(LifeSiteNews) U.S. President Joe Biden raised eyebrows Monday when he said that times had shifted and a “New World Order” is coming that the U.S. must lead.

Biden made the comments during Business Roundtable’s CEO Quarterly Meeting on March 21, noting that events currently occurring in the world have generated “significant opportunities to make some real changes” in the world economy. Continue reading

Hillsong Has Purged Brian Houston’s Preaching from Hillsong Website

(Protestia) Four days ago, Hillsong interim Global Senior Pastor Phil Dooley announced that Brian Houston, founder and former Global Senior Pastor of the 150,000-member, prosperity preaching, heresy-weaving multisite church committed several “indiscretions” with two women. Dooley previously led the South African campus and took over leadership duties from Houston in January so the founder could focus on his upcoming court case where he’s been accused of concealing the sexual abuse of a 7-year-old boy by his deceased father more than 30 years ago. Continue reading

Vetting the News…to Unmask Deceptive Reporting

(Paul Dowling – Independent Sentinel) “This is your last chance.  After this, there is no turning back.  You take the blue pill: the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.  You take the red pill: you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.  Remember, all I’m offering is the truth, nothing more.” – Morpheus to Neo, in the movie The Matrix

Separating Fact from Fiction Is Important

The purpose behind this article is to give Patriots a fighting chance to determine, to some degree of accuracy, what is fake versus what is factual in the news. Many journalists lie relentlessly, which irreparably pollutes the information stream flowing into the homes of Americans…. Continue reading

Texas Elementary School Has Kids Participate In Pride Parade Complete With Rainbow Flags And Everything

“The school is set to have another “pride” week this week… and they told students not to tell their parents about it.”

(Harris Rigby – Not the Bee) What was that thing about no religion in schools again?

Continue reading

The Hunter Becomes the Prey

“The corporate media couldn’t get on the phony Russian “disinformation” train fast enough. Night after night, NBC News and CNN pounded the story – so much so that legitimate reporting about the laptop got banned on Facebook and Twitter.”

(Bill O’Reilly) So now we know the laptop containing Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings is real because the New York Times finally admitted it after 18 months of suppressing the story. Not that we didn’t already know that Hunter grifted a number of foreign nations using his father’s position as vice-president – we did. Honest Americans definitely realized that. Continue reading

Former AG Barr Admits Democrats Rigged the Election

“That definitely made an impact on the election, suppressing that news. And it’s not a question of whether it was criminal or not. Just the facts alone were shameful and most Americans would immediately see what was going on and how repulsive it was and it would have had an effect.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Former Attorney General Bill Barr has been running around with his book, “One Damn Thing After Another,” which bitterly rails against Donald Trump’s “BS” complaints that the election was rigged. In his appearances on legacy media, his comments about Trump were harsh…. Continue reading

Dances with Wolves: Recognizing False Teachers

“There is an important corollary to the identification of wolves: that you don’t mistakenly label someone a wolf just because they disagree with you. I’m not warning you against people who worship differently, or have different beliefs about end times, or election, or creation, or who describe their experiences with God in more mystical terms, I am warning you against people who present you with information contrary to the Scripture that effects salvation.”

(Clint Archer – The Cripplegate) When the Academy Awards for best picture was announced in 1991 I remember thinking “What a strange name for a movie, I wonder what it means.” Dances With Wolves is a historical epic set in 1863 against the backdrop of the American Civil war…. Continue reading

Michael Brown Formally Endorses Raging Heretic

“Unsurprisingly, the book is rife with false teaching from front to back and functions as one big compendium of secrets “Jesus said” and other revelations Zadai has access to that no one else does. Note how casually he reveals conversations between Satan and Jesus surrounding his death.”

(Protestia) During the October 20 Line of Fire, Jim Osman (author of God Doesn’t Whisper) called into Michael Brown’s show and criticized him for platforming the worst of the worst of charismatic ne’er do wells, telling him, “I would say that you have given a lot of shade, in fact, shade to some of the worst and most egregious charismatics, charlatans, false prophets, and hucksters that the charismatic movement has turned up in recent years…” Continue reading

The New Evangelical Latitudinarians, Emptying Christianity of All Meaning

(Ed Dingess) From the very beginning, the church has had to preserve its integrity and purity by protecting and fencing its membership. Jesus said that many would come in his name and make claims to faith falsely. Paul told the Ephesian elders that ravenous wolves would arise even from among them who would not spare the flock of God. Peter warned that just like false prophets arose among ancient Israel, so too, false teachers would appear from among the ranks of the visible church. Jude also warned that men have crept in unnoticed, men who were long ago marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of God into licentiousness. Continue reading

Transgender Lia Thomas Wins NCAA Championship Swimming Title

“The Times and other media outlets are pretending to be astonished at Thomas’s transformation from a male swimmer ranked 462 to the number one women’s division swimmer in the NCAA. It’s a question of wokeness winning over common sense.”

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) Lia Thomas became the first transgender person to win an NCAA Division 1 swimming championship, destroying the competition to win the 500-yard freestyle event by nearly two seconds. Continue reading

GOP fury at Big Tech, Dems after NYT admits Hunter Biden laptop is real

“They told you President Trump colluded with Russia. He didn’t. They told you Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake. It wasn’t.”

(Emily Crane – New York Post) Outraged Republicans have accused Big Tech, Democrats and the liberal media of colluding to censor reports on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop after the New York Times finally admitted the device was real.

“The New York Times admits what we’ve known for years: the Hunter Biden laptop story was true. Big tech’s censorship of this story was a disgrace,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) tweeted Thursday morning. Continue reading

Breaking! Interim Hillsong Leader Says Founder Brian Houston Committed ‘Indiscretions’ with Two Women

(Protestia) A year after Hillsong head honcho Brian Houston fired Pastor Carl Lentz of their New York Branch for having an adulterous relationship, interim Global Senior Pastor Phil Dooley, who took over leadership duties from Brian Houston in January so the founder he could focus on his upcoming court case where he’s been accused of covering up the sexual abuse of a minor, told over 800 staff members at during a Zoom meeting Friday morning that Houston committed several ‘indiscretions’ towards two women, according to Crikey News. Continue reading

NAMB & David Platt church plant promotes Enneagram for church training

(Capstone Report) A church in Virginia planted by the New City Network–a partnership funded by NAMB and McLean Bible Church promotes the use of the Enneagram in its new member training class.

Conservative Christian experts warn of the dangers of the Enneagram.

SBC Presidential candidate Willy Rice is vice chairman of the NAMB trustees charged with oversight of NAMB. Continue reading

Mom Speaks Out In Explosive Video Over Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas: ‘A Full-Grown Male’ ‘Taking’ From Women

“They’re frightened of losing friends. They’re frightened of being kicked off their teams. They’re frightened of being told by their universities that they’re transphobic and hateful.”

(Amanda Prestigiacomo – Daily Wire) A mother of a female swimmer in the Ivy League spoke out in an explosive video condemning those in charge for allowing a transgender swimmer, who is biologically male, to compete against females. Continue reading

Julie Roys dupes interviewer as they discuss her accusations against John MacArthur

“For better or worse (and to what degree he was still an abuser), Grace Community Church elders believed David was fully repentant, and there is no evidence she was counseled to stay with him while he reigned down blows, submitting to his fists and “submitting” to his abuse.”

(Protestia) Despite Ruslan KD taking a few shots at us in a recent video he did with Julie Roys outlining the John MacArthur saga, we have no ill will towards him, and in fact have featured him before. What we did want to focus on, however, are several claims made by both parties showing the careless way they handle facts and truth.

The first claim came from Ruslan, who said, “she was the first journalist to cover Ravi Zacharias” to which Roys responds: Continue reading

The Dignity Act Gives Amnesty to Millions Here Illegally

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Republican Rep. Marie Salazar of Florida has promoted her bill, The Dignity Act, to allegedly give dignity to 10 – 20 million or so illegal aliens who poured into the country over the past five years by letting them remain.

She proposes the usual border security that is never implemented and increases penalties for illegal border crossers. The bill calls for the deportation of criminals…. Continue reading

Marvel Comics Joins the Ranks of Child Groomers, Opposes Florida’s Child Safety Legislation

(Reformation Charlotte) Earlier today, Reformation Charlotte reported that 35 percent of the nation now supports state-sponsored child grooming in public schools—an unprecedented number up from nearly zero just a few years ago. A growing percentage of the population now opposes the Florida Bill HB 1557, which simply gives parents greater control over their children’s education and mandates that school officials contact parents immediately if there is any change in the mental, social, or emotional state of a child enrolled in the school. Continue reading

Disney employees are planning a major walkout because Florida won’t let teachers talk to 5-year-olds about transgenderism and homosexuality

So… I just want to be clear: If teachers aren’t allowed to discuss same-sex attraction or male hormonal castration with children still too young to read… this constitutes a “threat to LGBTQIA+ safety”?

(Daniel Payne – Not the Bee) Near the end of the corny but compellingly heartfelt “Good Will Hunting,” after the working-class Will Hunting takes yet another insecure shot at his upper-class girlfriend’s considerable wealth, she asks him: Continue reading