About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Todd Bentley Says He’s Been Given The Authority to ‘Cancel Death’ + Heal Terminal Illnesses

(Protestia) Todd Bentley, the famous false teacher and wolf extraordinaire (see endnotes), has unveiled his latest scheme to capitalize on his recent emergency hospital stay, claiming that his experiences gave him the power and authority to “cancel death” and cure terminal illnesses.

Six weeks ago, Bentley was taken to the hospital by ambulance after experiencing unexpected seizures. Within a day he’d recover, claiming he’d been miraculously healed. Apart from using this event as a fundraiser, we wondered how he would spin this to take advantage of the goodwill.

And now we know. Continue reading

Media Pay for the Largest Cover-Up in US History

“None of them are ‘fessing up to swallowing and regurgitating the White House propaganda about “sharp as a tack,” “running rings around us,” and especially “cheap fakes.” Remember “cheap fakes”? That was the White House term for videos that accurately depicted Biden in his aphasiac moments but which the Bidenites insisted were somehow illegitimate”

(Ed Morrissey – Hot Air) Yesterday, the President of the United States delivered a four-minute update to the American people about two terror attacks that had taken place earlier in the day. To put it mildly, Joe Biden’s performance from Camp David on another break from the White House — breaks which amount to roughly 40% of his presidency — did not instill confidence in current leadership…. Continue reading

General Flynn sees a frightening pattern forming as violence erupts all over US…


(Revolver) What’s going on in the United States right now? It feels like the hope and celebration of 2024—marked by champagne and fireworks—has been wiped out overnight, replaced by an unrelenting wave of violence and terrorist attacks. It’s like a rapid-fire barrage of chaos in an already unstable, upside-down world.

General Flynn is sounding the alarm. He believes we’re at one of the most dangerous and pivotal moments in our nation’s history. According to him, the road to Trump’s inauguration could be fraught with peril…. Continue reading

Four Prayers For The Western Church In 2025

“The fact of the matter is that there are churches to build, children to raise, marriages to strengthen, friendships to work on, books to read, businesses to start, ideas to be understood, souls to be reached, prayers to be said, worship to be offered, and sermons to be preached, most of which should not be centered around the latest White House press release.

(Jamie Bambrick – Clear Truth Media) It’s the start of a new year, and here are four key things I think the church should be praying for in 2025.

1 – The Sheep Would Recognize Which Shepherds Were For Sale

If a Bible-believing Christian from a century ago were suddenly transported through time to our age and found that church leaders today endorse gay civil marriages and ‘Side-B Christianity, supported politicians who advocated for child sacrifice up until birth, advocated for the functional end of nations through unlimited mass immigration, and spent most of their time attacking believers who opposed such positions, all because large Marxist organizations funded their efforts, they would have thought they were witnessing the unbinding of Satan at the end of the age…. Continue reading

UPDATE – Research: New Apostolic Reformation

Now includes a section on Why Churches Shouldn’t Use Hillsong United, Bethel Redding, Jesus Culture and Elevation Church Music. Names of NAR wolves you should run from, and several new articles & videos have been added.

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a dominionist movement which asserts that God is restoring the lost offices of church governance, namely the offices of Prophet and Apostle.

Leading figures in this seemingly loosely organized movement claim that these prophets and apostles alone have the power and authority to execute God’s plans and purposes on earth. They believe they are laying the foundation for a global church, governed by them.

They place a greater emphasis on dreams, visions and extra-biblical revelation than they do on the Bible, claiming that their revealed teachings and reported experiences (e.g. trips to heaven, face-to-face conversations with Jesus, visits by angels) can not be proven by the ‘old’ Scripture. (Source)

…NAR, the New Apostolic Reformation. … It is like Grape Nuts – it’s not grapes and it’s not nuts. It’s like Christian Science – it’s not Christian and it’s not scientific. Well, the New Apostolic Reformation isn’t new, it isn’t apostolic, and it isn’t a reformation. But it is a rapidly expanding movement being generated by some of the same old troubling false teachers and false leaders that have been around in Charismania for decades, always dishonoring the Holy Spirit, always dishonoring the Scripture, always claiming miracle signs, wonders, visions, dreams. ~ John MacArthur

Fast Facts:

  • Also known as Dominionism, Third Wave, Latter Rain, Kingdom Now, Joel’s Army, Manifest Sons of God, Charismatic Renewal, Charismania.
  • Its founder was C. Peter Wagner who claims that the Church of the 21st Century will be ruled by Apostles and Prophets. Wagner has anointed himself NAR’s “Presiding Apostle.”
  • Linked with the Kansas City Prophets “who brought grandiose claims that a ‘new breed’ of super prophets was beginning to arrive on planet earth who would change the world forever”; likewise Word Faith and Pentecostal movements.
  • Not governed by an official denomination, it is led by alleged apostles and prophets.
  • Teaches that the new apostles and prophets are to be the government for the emerging “New Order” church.
  • Claims there will be a reformation greater in scale than the Protestant Reformation.
  • Claim direct revelation from God and many allege that Jesus and angels visit them in person. Some of them declare that they have visited heaven many times and had conversations with Jesus as well as the Prophets and Apostles.
  • NAR’s extensive mission outreach throughout the globe has caused the astonishing church growth that’s happening in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
  • Denigration of the Bible and Sola Scriptura.
  • Experience oriented theology and based in emotionalism.
  • Steeped in mysticism and the occult.

Common Traits

Here are 6 traits, beliefs, and some of the common lingo used by adherents:


We’re in a “Second Apostolic Age.” There are new Apostles are on the earth today, anointed by the laying of hands to represent and speak for God here on Earth. These “Super Apostles” are equal to the original Apostles – the ones who witnessed Jesus’ life, death and resurrection and were appointed by Christ Himself to the office. Since these new apostles are commissioned by God, their authority may not be questioned.


Rather than preach the Gospel of the cross, Apostolic leaders are working to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth.  They do this by taking dominion of earthly kingdoms or “mountains” of government, media, entertainment, education, business, family, and religion. Leaders often talk of city building and organize prayer walks to pray against demonic strongholds. They often speak of being mission-focused rather than being Christ-centered.


Though members are not always charismatic, they frequently emphasize a manifestation of “Glory” and “God’s presence,” and often have a special anointing to receive direct revelation from God, perform healings and other signs and wonders. They teach that our purpose is to achieve our dream destiny so that we can change the world.


Revival on a massive scale is key in this movement. There is a strong emphasis on an “end times harvest” through a great awakening that we can usher in.  Often these revivals are held in stadiums and reach millions around the world via live stream technology; they are marketed and produced like rock concerts. They do not hold to an end times falling away as some Christians believe is going to happen. What they promote is hyped-up claims about the Next Big Thing that’s always just around the corner.

5. “UNITY”

Unity (at the expense of biblical doctrine) is almost always used as both the how and the why in this movement.  Unity for the sake of bringing Heaven to Earth is leading to the blurring of doctrinal and denominational lines, often bringing together well-known leaders charismatic, Reformed, Word of Faith, seeker-emergent, progressive and Roman Catholics churches, all under one umbrella.

Finally, NAR churches almost always abandon major tenets of the Christian faith:


NAR adherents may believe in the inerrancy and authority of the Bible, but God’s breathed-out Word is just not enough for them. Jesus’ sacrificial death for our sins is not good enough; the promise of eternal life in Heaven is not good enough.


The founder of the New Apostolic Reformation is church growth specialist C. Peter Wagner. Wagner served as Professor of Church Growth at the Fuller Theological Seminary’s School of World Missions until his retirement. Until recently he was president of Global Harvest Ministries and is currently Chancellor emeritus of the Wagner Leadership Institute. Prominent member of the International Council of Apostles Chuck Pierce was his successor.

“Apostles” and “Prophets” and others entrenched in the NAR cult:


Charles Finney, Daniel Nash, Doris Wagner, John Kelly, Bill Haman, Kenneth Hagin, Dutch Sheets, James Goll, John Eckhardt, Jim Laffoon, Jack Deere, Johnny Enlow, Barbara Yoder, Charles Kraft, Bob Beckett, Naomi Dowdy, Mary Crum, Jack Hayford, John & Carol Arnott, Stacy Campbell, Patricia King, Phil Pringle, Yonggi Cho, Beni Johnson, Jen Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Carl Lentz, David Barton, Steven Strang, Robert Stern, Stephen Strader, George Otis, Ed Silvoso, Gloria Copeland, Janet Porter, George Barna, Mary Glazier, Thomas Muthee, Tom Hess, Samuel Rodriguez, Eddie Smith, Lance Wallnau, Loren Cunningham, Bob Beckett, Os Hillman, Oral Roberts, Rodney Howard-Browne, Jill Griffith, Francis Oda, Graham Power, John Wimber, Randy Clark, John Kilpartick, Francis Frangipagne, Paul de Jong, Kong Hee, Wendy Alec, Amanda Wells, Katherine Ruonala, Lana Vawser, Kong Hee & Sun Ho, Theo Wolmarans, Jennifer LeClaire, Ben Fitzgerald, Shawn & Stacie Bolz, Vladamir Savchuk, Michael Koulianos & Jessica Hinn Koulianos, Joshua Mills and many others.

Groups include:

Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), GodTV, Word Network, American Family Association, Campus Crusade for Christ (cru), Youth With A Mission (YWAM), International Coalition of Apostles, PrayforNetwork, International Transformation Network, Marketplace Leaders, International Coalition of Workplace Ministries, Alpha Course (Alpha), Renovar (Richard Foster) and many more.

Groups supporting C. Peter Wagner include:

Wagner Leadership Institute, Global Harvest Ministries, World Prayer Center, Global Prayer Movement, Generals International, Fuller Theological Seminary, Council for National Policy, Promise Keepers, Barna Group, World Vision, YWAM, Prison Fellowship and many more.

It is no wonder, then, that liberalism is totally different from Christianity, for the foundation is different. Christianity is founded upon the Bible. It bases upon the Bible both its thinking and its life. Liberalism on the other hand is founded upon the shifting emotions of sinful men. – J. Gresham Machen

Helpful Diagram: 

The Latter Rain Origins and Developments – William Branham Historical Research – How to map the many different groups surrounding the Latter Rain movement.

Leaving the NAR Church:

In a series of blog posts, we take readers beyond the textbook What is the New Apostolic Reformation Movement explanation, into the personal experiences from those who have been there, and what happened when God opened their eyes to the truth. You can read their stories here.

Why Churches Shouldn’t Use Hillsong United, Bethel Redding, Jesus Culture, and Elevation Church Music

There is no doubt that so-called worship music exposes Christians to the heretical theology of Hillsong, Bethel Redding and Elevation Church and other writer’s unbiblical theology, not to mention supporting performers, churches and ministries of fierce wolves. Most Christians are unaware that the worship and praise music they sing in church to glorify God and to encourage one another is composed by a small number of songwriters, and guess what churches they attend?

What does God say on this subject? “A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit” (Matthew 7:18). According to a genuine apostle, Paul: “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). In Acts 20:28-30 church leaders are admonished to “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them.”


Justin Peters EXPOSES Truth About Hillsong and Bethel Music – Todd Friel interviews Justin Peters on what makes these bands a threat to the congregation.

This Is NOT Worship… –Voddie Baucham

Should your church sing Jesus Culture & Bethel Music? By Costi Hinn

The Watchman’s Bagpipes: Open Letter to “Worship” Leaders By Glenn Chatfield

What You Can Do:

First, pray!  Then, DO YOUR HOMEWORK. If your church has any part of the six traits listed above, you’ll want to humbly alert your leaders. Gently remind them of Peter’s warning:

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction (2 Peter 2:1).

Helpful articles:


Helpful sites:

UPDATED 12/29/24

Views expressed by individual authors and/or sources don’t necessarily reflect those of Marsha West 

Top Ten Evangelical Stories of 2024

[There’s a] disparity between the laymen and the clergy who are to the left of their flock. It also highlights the disparity between White Evangelicals and every other religious demographic, especially Modern Jews, one of the few blocs that Kamala Harris improved upon. This election further highlighted the futility of the term “Judeo-Christians.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) With 2025 here, we can now give out top ten stories of 2024. It was difficult to narrow down the list of scandals that made the cut. The list has a lot of bad but also some reasons for optimism in 2025. Continue reading

Can We Put a Rush Job on January 20?

“Inauguration Day now seems a thousand years away. This country desperately needs President-elect Donald Trump to shed the “elect” and get to work undoing the damage that Joe Biden and his “America last” administration have done. It’s going to take a long time.” 

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) The phrase “Happy New Year” certainly had the life sucked out of it yesterday, didn’t it? The horror in New Orleans was followed by the cybertruck explosion outside of the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas. Then, late last night, there was a mass shooting at a concert hall in Queens, N.Y. Continue reading

Feminization and the Church

“By taking deliberate steps to re-engage men, the church can fulfill its mission more effectively, providing a space where both men and women can thrive in their God-given roles…” 

(Joshua Farris – American Reformer) Feminism has reshaped the Western cultural landscape in profound ways, influencing public education, media, corporate practices, and societal norms. The church, particularly in evangelical circles, has long sought to maintain a countercultural stance, but it has not remained immune to these shifts. As feminism’s ideological offshoots have permeated various aspects of society, their influence has also seeped into the church. Continue reading

Hope for America — We Survived Carter and Now (Almost) Biden

“Among his numerous disastrous policies still harming the world today are his decades of legitimizing terrorist Hamas and undermining Israel. While Americans eulogize a man with no major lasting accomplishment, some Israeli and Jewish outlets are more bitterly remembering an antisemitic politician who spent years backstabbing them to appease radical jihadis.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) When I began working on yesterday’s Briefing, it was just a few hours after the news of Jimmy Carter’s death had broken. I was trying to impose a 24-hour grace period on myself. Well, it’s a day later, and I’ve more than had my fill of the St. Jimmy of Peanut Farm revisionist history orgy in the mainstream media. Continue reading

This CNN Exchange Illustrates Everything Wrong With the Media

“The National Archives has finally released photos showing then-Vice President Biden meeting with two of first son Hunter Biden’s Chinese government-linked business partners — again proving that the president lied about not interacting with his family’s foreign patrons.”

(Guy Benson – Townhall) Over the holidays, the relatively few Americans who remained tuned into politics were treated to yet more evidence that President Joe Biden’s categorical denials of any knowledge about his now-pardoned son’s overseas business dealings were lies. There was already ample proof that Biden had lied repeatedly on this subject, and that he — ‘the Big Guy‘ — was at the center of a lucrative and years-long family enrichment scheme…. Continue reading

Costco Wants to Hold the Line on DEI

“So why is Costco staying the course when other companies have seen the light? It’s likely because it thinks it can. After all, there are only a few other outlets where a stricken public can panic-shop when the bird flu pandemic lays us all low. You have to hoard your toilet paper from some store, right?…”

(Lincoln Brown) In the interest of full disclosure, I want to say that Mrs. Brown and I have been Costco members for several years. I hate Costco trips for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the crush of humanity that ebbs and flows around the aisles with all of the tranquility of whitewater rapids during a flash flood. And it’s cold. Continue reading

Massive spending on woke programs at Wikipedia draws attention of Elon Musk

“The criticism toward the woke priorities of Wikipedia comes after studies have determined that there indeed exists a leftist bias on the website, which is one of the most popular in the world.”

(Ben Zeisloft – The Sentinel) Elon Musk drew renewed attention in recent days toward the progressive bias at Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit parent company of Wikipedia, as shown by their budgetary priorities. Continue reading

Ginning Up the Next Pandemic: Bird Flu?

“If we have another leak, the hardcore leftists, globalists, socialists, commies, feudal lords, Bernie, and AOC followers on X, Hochul-ites, whatever they call themselves these days, will inflict more totalitarian measures that will never go away.”

(Mary Dowling) Politico wants to help the CDC raise your fears of the potential next pandemic — the Bird Flu. They said that veteran health officials like the ignominious Dr. Birx are angry the CDC isn’t making more of it. Continue reading

Burn it all down: Jill consumed by vengeance as she prepares her White House exit…

(Revolver) By now, most of us understand that the real “force” behind the day-to-day operations inside the White House was Jill Biden. Let’s be honest—Joe wasn’t capable of much, whether it was finding his way off a four-foot stage or leading the so-called free world. Jill was the one making key decisions that impacted not only our lives but also the very existence of the United States on the world stage—all without any political, business, or negotiating experience.

This was an article written back in July 2024, revealing that Jill Biden was the “real” (fake) president. Continue reading

To Trade Love for Discernment is not Discernment

“Paul argues that it is worse to lack biblical love than it is to lack the correct understanding or proper use of these other gifts of the Spirit.”

(Jared Moore – Real Truth Media) As Christians, we often deceive ourselves into thinking we love others when in reality, we have redefined “love.” The Internet and Social Media have tempted Christians to say things that may be true in unloving ways towards those they disagree with. In the name of defending the right use of miraculous spiritual gifts, deep doctrine, faith, or sacrifice, Christians argue without love as if being discerning is greater than exercising love, and in so doing, functionally relegate love to a secondary matter…. Continue reading

GOP Rep Humiliates CNN Host With Evidence of Biden Corruption

Lawler quickly countered with a detailed explanation of the financial trail uncovered in House Oversight Committee investigations, saying, “A Chinese company transferred money to a shell company owned by Hunter and Jim Biden that then transferred money directly to Jim and Sara Biden’s shell company that then transferred the money to Jim and Sara’s personal account who then immediately wrote a check for $40,000 to Joe Biden.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Can you believe there are still voices in the liberal media clinging to the claim that Joe Biden never financially benefited from his family’s corrupt business schemes?… Continue reading

Don’t blame insurers’ greed — government made a mess of our health care

“You have health plan representatives who have never met the patient, have never been at the bedside or practiced medicine, but are now making treatment decisions.” 

(Betsy McCaughey)  Everyone’s blaming health insurance company greed for soaring costs, rising claims denials, and daunting roadblocks to care.

That’s naïve.

Follow the money to find the real culprits: lying politicians.

In 2013, before Affordable Care Act regulations kicked in, insurers denied roughly 1.5% of claims, according to the American Medical Association. Continue reading

Is Todd White A False Teacher?

“The kenosis heresy suggests that in becoming human, Jesus divested himself of his divine attributes such as omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience, but not his divine essence. This would mean that during his earthly ministry, Jesus was not all-powerful, all-knowing, and present everywhere, but was rather a finite human being in every respect except his sinless nature. This view was controversial in early Christianity and was condemned by some church fathers, such as John Chrysostom and Augustine, as heretical.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Todd White is an American charismatic teacher and evangelist, best known for his work with Lifestyle Christianity, a movement that emphasizes the importance of living out one’s faith in daily life. Born on December 7, 1975, in Texas, USA, White grew up in a religious family and gave his life to Christ at a young age. Continue reading

Trump’s New FCC Chief Just Read the Riot Act to Disney’s Bob Iger

“ABC wants to pull the programming you’ve been enjoying for free or as part of your existing cable package away from your local affiliate and stick it behind ABC’s streaming paywall.”  

(Stephen Green – PJ Media) “Dear Bob, Nice fake news network you have there. It would be a shame if anything were to happen to it. Love, Brendan.”

That isn’t quite what incoming FCC chair Brendan Carr wrote to Disney CEO Bob Iger this week, but it was pretty dang close. Continue reading

Sean McDowell Promotes Feminist David and Bathsheba Narrative

“Sean McDowell compromises Scripture by allowing a woman to teach and nuance functionally 2 Samuel 11 to legitimize feminist standpoint epistemology regarding Bathsheba’s role in the story. It is not the first compromise he has made and will unlikely be the last.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Within the realm of Christian apologetics, there are numerous figures that have built up followings via apologetics but when it comes to more polemical issues within the church, they are severely compromised. One such example is Sean McDowell, the son of Josh McDowell, who runs a large YouTube channel while also being a teacher at the liberal Biola University…. Continue reading

Is Christmas Pagan? You Decide.

“Just because pagans used a day, an object, or a symbol for their wicked practices hundreds or thousands of years ago does not mean those days, objects, or symbols carry the same meaning today. Think about the way a mere word can change meanings in such a short time.”

(Michelle Lesley) If you’re a Christian, you might have heard the anti-Christmas rumblings on social media, or maybe even in real life: Christmas has pagan origins…Santa’s elves started out as demons…the Roman winter solstice celebration of Saturnalia morphed into Christmas…Mithras…Krampus…the “naughty list” about the origins of Christmas goes on and on. Are these things true? Should Christians celebrate Christmas? Continue reading

Actor Denzel Washington Baptized, Ordained as a Licensed Minister

“Services frequently blur the line between genuine spiritual expression and theatrics, with worship driven by an almost compulsive need for emotional highs rather than an uncompromising commitment to Scripture….” 

(The Dissenter) Denzel Washington’s baptism at the Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ (COGIC) in Harlem on December 21, 2024, has made headlines across the religious and secular worlds alike. Touted as a significant spiritual milestone, the event was live-streamed—for maximum visibility, of course—complete with Washington receiving his minister’s license. Continue reading

Trump Vows to Stop ‘Transgender Lunacy’

(Madeline Leesman – Townhall) In remarks on Sunday, President-elect Donald Trump promised to put a stop to the radical transgender agenda once he enters office.

In his remarks, Trump said that his administration would stop “transgender lunacy,” including keeping men out of women’s sports and putting a stop to so-called “gender-affirming care” for children. This type of “care” encompasses hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and sex reassignment surgery. Continue reading