About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

CRN Headline News 9/18-9/22

Need to read articles you may have missed this week. Plus, Most Popular, Past Popular and Quotable Quote.


Congress addresses another victim of COVID pandemic: the doctor-patient relationship

America’s Largest Evangelical Magazine Continues to Drift to the Left

How Biden Will Circle the Wagons


Quantitative Analysis Shows Google Steered 6 Million Votes to Biden in 2020 Continue reading

Christian Nationalism, G3, and the Church’s Duty to be Salt and Light

“The strategy of appeasement is futile and unbiblical. To those who would argue for a more compliant stance for the sake of societal harmony, I point you to the early Church, to apostles who rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer disgrace for the Name (Acts 5:41). The history of Christianity is a chronicle of men and women who chose to please God rather than man, knowing well the cost of such a choice. The same courage is demanded of us today.”

(The Dissenter) As I sit at the G3 Conference this week, I think about the raging debate between the Christian Nationalists and the Non-Christian Nationalists. While I am neither Christian Nationalist, in an official sense, (the term still seems not to have no definition) nor am I dispensational or anti-Christian Nationalist, I find myself in agreement with most of the speakers on what we as the Church face today. Continue reading

Hunting Hunter

“If President Biden has nothing to hide, he should release said records and reinforce CNN’s posture that there’s no evidence linking Joe to Hunter’s grifting.”

(Bill O’Reilly) Kimberly Strassel of The Wall Street Journal is an excellent columnist. On Friday, she reported that “suspicious banking transfers” were reported 170 times in transactions made by Hunter and Jim Biden, the President’s brother.

That may be a record. Continue reading

Jerry Falwell Digs Up The Bodies: Accuses University Leaders of Sexual and Financial Misconduct

He accuses Prevo of taking the University’s private jet on multiple personal trips to his homes in Alaska and Arizona, each trip costing $35,000 and $20,000 a pop, and Vines of conveniently receiving $100,000 in donations to ‘Jerry Vines Ministries’ from the school just months after joining their Executive Committee. 

(Protestia) Disgraced former Liberty President Jerry Falwell Jr. has tossed a couple of grenades into the public view during his nasty lawsuit with his former school, accusing several former leaders of hypocritical sexual misconduct and financial impropriety. Continue reading

Democrats to Abolish Meat, Dairy Products and Private Car Ownership

“No steak, no hamburgers, no lamb chops—no meat at all. Maybe some fake meat cooked up in a lab somewhere. And no milk, no eggs, no ice cream….No going anywhere unless the bus is going, too. Forget about going where you want to go: they’ll tell you where you can go, and when.”

(Lee Duigon – News With Views) I know someone who, fearing the onset of old age, sold her house and moved into an assisted living facility. The deal is, they take care of you for the rest of your life; and in return, you give them… everything. Continue reading

Shocking Corruption Becomes Clear in This Tucker Interview

“The goal is to make Texas blue, and then it will be all over. That’s why they need to solve the civil war in the Texas party that Dade Phelan, Karl Rove, and Soros started.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Lawfare is destroying the rule of law and Soros DAs control prosecution in Texas. Republicans are working with Democrats, and there is an insidious side to illegal immigration. This all becomes alarmingly clear in this interview. Continue reading

Dallas Jenkins, ‘The Chosen’ Creator, Insists Mormon Friend is a Christian. ‘He loves Jesus…I’d go to war with and for him any day’

(Protestia) ‘The Chosen’ director Dallas Jenkins doesn’t understand the gospel or Christianity, and this is no more apparent than his continued efforts to insist Mormons are Christians who love Jesus.

We’ve written about Jenkins in the past, with our post ‘Dallas Jenkins Says Mormons are Saved: ‘I’m Going to Die on That Hill,’ the time Dallas Jenkins Doubles Down on Controversial Mormon Comments, Straight up Lies the Dallas Jenkins Affirms Mormons are Christians in ‘Definitive, Final’ Video‘ and ‘The Chosen’ Director Says Jesus Transfiguration Not Important: ‘What Purpose Would It Serve Our Story?’ Continue reading

Garland Stonewalls Congress

“We all know why they did it,” Jordan said in response to Garland’s non-answer about the expiration of the tax charges. “Everyone knows why they did it … those tax years, that involved the president. It’s one thing to have a gun charge in Delaware. That doesn’t involve the president of the United States. But Burisma? Oh my, that goes right to the White House.”

(Douglas Andrews – The Patriot Post) It was all Donald Trump’s fault. That was Attorney General Merrick Garland’s message yesterday as he was being grilled by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan. Continue reading

Half of U.S. Young Adults Say Open Marriages Are ‘Acceptable’

“Acceptance of open marriages is most prominent among adults who identify as lesbian, gay, and bisexual, with 75 percent calling open marriages “acceptable,” compared to 29 percent of heterosexual individuals.”

(Breitbart) Young adults, as well as Democrats, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those living with a partner are most accepting of open marriages — “a marriage where both spouses agree that they can date or have sex with other people” — Pew Research Center found. Continue reading

Mark Levin names them: here are the five cabal members who hijacked the DOJ…

(Revolver) Mark Levin is naming names and calling out the cabal.

When we look back to 2016, it’s clear we were all pretty naive, right? Sure, we knew of the disarray within our government and media, and our desire for change led us to choose an outsider, Donald J. Trump, in the hopes of setting things right. But even the sharpest among us couldn’t have grasped just how dark, evil and corrupt the government had become while “we the people” were fast asleep at the wheel for so many decades. Continue reading

Well, Well, Well, Look at the ‘Conspiracy Theory’ the J6 Cat Finally Dragged in. Why Now?

“Ray Epps is believed by some, including many who have seen videos of him before and during the riot, to be a federal agent of some kind planted in the crowd on J6. Indeed, he appeared to be more than that. He was a person who looked like an agent provocateur that day.”

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) “60 Minutes,” The New York Times, Adam Kinzinger, and the FBI’s favorite J6 Capitol protester has gotten a slap on the wrist for what sure looked like helping to incite the January 6 riot at the Capitol Building. Why now?

Ray Epps, the man the news media said was the object of conspiracy theorists of the “hard right,” was charged Tuesday with one  misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct for his antics at the Capitol Complex on Jan. 6, 2021. It has taken the federal government more than two and a half years to bring the single charge against Ray Epps. Continue reading

‘Gay Married’ Speaker Strikes Back at Al Mohler for Criticizing Andy Stanley’s Queer Conference

(The Dissenter) Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and arguably one of the most influential theologians in the Southern Baptist Convention has been repeatedly criticized for his failure to lead in a timely manner by conservative Christians. As a matter of fact, most of the time Mohler ends up landing on the right side of theological issues, from Ed Litton’s plagiarism to homosexuality in the Church—but his voice is always too little too late. The term coined to describe his leadership is “leading from behind.” Continue reading

When Christians Tolerate Anything and Everybody, You Cannot Guard the Flock Against Wolves

By Marsha West

Like the Burger King Whopper, many people customize Jesus so that they can have Him their way. Nowadays the Jesus portrayed in the Bible is out! Passe! People who customize Jesus for whatever reason have no problem admitting that they do not hold to the infallibility of Holy Writ. Out with the Bible! The customizers have sculpted a modern-day culturally relevant man of the people Jesus who is fully onboard with their social justice agenda. Their Jesus would have no problem participating in a yoga class. In fact, he’d most likely lead the class. These customizers can imagine their Jesus beginning his class with the Hindu greeting: “Namaste (the divine in me bows to the divine in you).”

The person I described is “Have Him Your Way Jesus.” There is nothing biblical about him. Progressives believe that culturally relevant Jesus would march in an LGBTQIA+++ parade. He would also participate in a pro-abortion rally. Continue reading

Bethel Church Buries ‘Prophetic Time Capsule’ Under $97M ‘Apostolic Training Center’

“Bethel [has] a ‘Lab’ where they apply ‘scientific methods’ to the prophetic, and where you or your business can get a custom prophetic report for only $2750. They offer courses on interpreting dreams for $150, and they offer ‘acting classes’ for $26,700 and a dance certificate for $14,000.”

(Protestia) Despite Bethel Church showing themselves to be a false teaching factory that partners with their Supernatural School of Ministry to spew out a bevy of blasphemers, this has not demurred their desire for more influence and power, with the devilish devotees recently revealing they “had the privilege of encapsulating declarations and prophetic words sent in from believers and supporters around the world” in “sowing them into the foundation” of their $97M Apostolic Training Center. Continue reading

Detransitioned woman files latest of several suits over sex-surgery performed when they were teens

The “snap” diagnosis by the clinic “fails to meet the standard of care for the proper evaluation of gender identity disorder,” and created a “feedback system that manipulates patients like Luka to deeper–and more damaging–levels of transgender medical intervention.” 

(John Solomon – Just the News) A woman who surgically transitioned as a teenager into a transgender male is suing the doctors who performed a double mastectomy on her.

Luka Hein, a woman from Minnesota who is now 21, had a double mastectomy performed on her when she was 16 years old at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, DailyMail.com reported…. Continue reading

Quantitative Analysis Shows Google Steered 6 Million Votes to Biden in 2020

“…outgoing president Dwight Eisenhower…warned of the rise of a “scientific-technological elite” that could surreptitiously, undetected, rig public discourse and public policy without the public knowing what was happening.”

(Ben Bartee – PJ Media) Nothing is so sacred as our Democracy™ — so goes the corporate state media mantra, repeated endlessly in print and on the airwaves of mainstream outlets. It’s the alpha and the omega — never mind what democratically elected politicians do once they’re in office. It’s much more of an end than a means. Continue reading

How Biden Will Circle the Wagons

“The resulting picture that emerges is an out-of-control Hunter—who lost a laptop, a crack pipe, and an illegally registered handgun—now very worried that he will become Joe’s scapegoat. Hunter still believes he is a Samson that can pull down the Biden temple upon them all—if the alternative is that he is the only Biden to stew for years in jail.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) The strategies of saving the Biden presidency from an impeachment and a Senate trial despite overwhelming evidence of his corruption are starting to emerge.

The Family is confronted with damning evidence from the laptop, from the testimonies of Hunter’s business associates Bobulinksi and Archer, from Ukrainian oligarchs and Viktor Shokin, from IRS whistleblowers, from FBI writs, from a likely pseudonymous Biden trove of 4,000 emails to his son and associates, and from the absolute paranoia of a White House that must constantly change its narrative of denials to adjust to a growing portrait of utter corruption, bribery, and perhaps even the treason of warping U.S. policy to fit Biden family interests. Continue reading

America’s Largest Evangelical Magazine Continues to Drift to the Left

“But the truth is that even Christians should have a problem with people abusing the system. Yes, it’s nice that we have a safety net for people, but the Bible doesn’t call for government welfare programs to be the primary solution to society’s problems.” 

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) I subscribed to Christianity Today for several years. For over half a century, the magazine and its accompanying website were the best source of news about what’s going on in mainstream Christianity,  not just in America but also throughout the world. Billy Graham founded the magazine in 1956 as an evangelical answer to the mainline magazine The Christian Counterpoint. Continue reading

Congress addresses another victim of COVID pandemic: the doctor-patient relationship

Government affiliated physicians who were not epidemiologists… dismissed actual epidemiologists as, quote, fringe when those specialists dared to question the conventional wisdom. In my essay, I postulate that the deference to government endorsed positions is probably related to funding.”

(Just the News – John Solomon) Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks dedicated most of her professional life to medicine before entering politics. The Iowa Republican is one of several doctors in Congress now trying to treat one of the neglected victims of the COVID pandemic: the physician-patient relationship. Continue reading

CRN Headline News 9/11-9/15

Need to read articles you may have missed this week. Plus, Most Popular, Past Popular and Quotable Quote.


What Game is Hunter Biden Playing?

Letter to the Editor From Two Women: What Are We Doing Wrong?

Acts 29 Pastor Says Gay Atheist Came to Christ Through a Psychic Tarot Card Reader Consulting a Native American Spirit Guide


Impeachment Inquiry Into Joe Biden May Be Imminent Continue reading

The Mormonization of American Christianity

“When we look at the claims of the apostles recorded throughout the New Testament, they appear to follow this same approach. Rather than appealing to their own feelings or internal experiences, they continually pointed to that which they heard with their ears, saw with their eyes, and touched with their hands (1Jn 1:1, 3).”

(Shane Rosenthal – The Humble Skeptic) In 1835, just a few years after the initial release of The Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith published a supplemental volume called Doctrine & Covenants in which he claimed to have received the following revelation from God: Continue reading

Stanford ‘Star Chamber’ restricted early COVID research to protect profit opportunity: professor

(Greg Piper – Just the News) Stanford University rewarded recently resigned President Marc Tessier-Lavigne with further research opportunities and tenure after belatedly finding that labs he had run for over two decades, including ones at Stanford, had an “unusual frequency of manipulation of research data.”

The elite Silicon Valley university allegedly took a drastically different approach, however, when medical professor Jay Bhattacharya threatened government narratives and Stanford’s bottom line by setting out to determine how far SARS-CoV-2 had spread locally in spring 2020. Continue reading

Something Is Seriously Wrong With Our Leaders

“Where does this stuff finally stop—and what will be left of our country when these people get everything they want?”

(Lee Duigon – News With Views) Have you a nose for nooze? Can you tell the chaff from the wheat?

We call our leaders “newsmakers” (not “noisemakers”—be polite) because most news stories are about them: they’re always on center stage.

Let’s see how well we understand them…. Continue reading

Before you get your teen jabbed, you need to see what the CDC just admitted to…

“That’s a very startling revelation, and the numbers are jaw dropping. We genuinely hope that parents grasp the gravity of this situation and take the time to gather more information.”

(Revolver) Most of the readers here probably wouldn’t consider having their children vaccinated. However, if you’re contemplating the idea or know someone who is, it’s important for you to know what the CDC has recently admitted to. This knowledge will help you or a loved one make an informed decision, because there are red flags flying everywhere. Continue reading