About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch

The warrant charged Mark with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, due to a claimed “ATTACK OF A PATIENT ESCORT.”

(LifeSiteNews) A well-known pro-life author, sidewalk counselor, and father of seven was the latest victim of a U.S. Department of Justice-sponsored SWAT raid and arrest — for supposed “FACE Act” violations — at his rural home as his children looked on “screaming.” Continue reading

BARR LIED! FOIA Requests Reveal There Were No DOJ Investigations on Election Fraud After 2020 Election as Bill Barr Claims

“Bill Barr lied to the American public. Now he got caught.”

(Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit) In December 2020, US Attorney General Bill Barr said there was “no evidence” of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Barr said there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, defying President Donald Trump’s ongoing efforts to reverse the results. Continue reading

Alfred Kinsey — A Pioneer Of Perversion Who Paved The Way For Today’s Sex ‘Education’

Dr. Judith Reisman declared that if the general public learned the actual truth about Kinsey, “the sexperts in the field of human sexuality and the sex industry will be shaken to its foundations,” and entire shelves of books in libraries and schools would have to be removed or rewritten. Sex Ed courses thrown out, and “lucrative public grants will dry up.”

(David Fiorazo) Indiana University recently put up a life-size bronze statue of radical sex-researcher, Alfred Kinsey to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute at the college. The flawed theory of childhood sexuality based on his unmonitored, unscientific research paved the way for today’s sex education taught in public schools. [graphic content warning]  Continue reading

Bombshell! The Bidens Tried to Sell US Gas & Oil Assets to China

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) President Joe Biden’s family business just three years ago involved deals trying to sell key gas and oil assets to our enemies, Communist China. Obviously, the FBI should be investigating this family.

Just the News obtained memos from “the Hudson West III LLC partnership that presidential son Hunter Biden operated with a prominent Chinese business executive named Gongwen Dong…. Continue reading

House Republicans Have a Plan to Save America

(Steve Scalise – Breitbart) In less than two years, President Biden and Speaker Pelosi have forced an agenda that wrecked our economy, driving inflation to alarming levels. Far-left socialists have opened our southern border to illegal immigrants, made us dependent on hostile foreign nations for our energy, and empowered our enemies overseas. Week after week, Democrats refuse to consider any bills on the House Floor that would address the serious problems that families are facing. Continue reading

FBI hero paying the price for exposing unjust ‘persecution’ of conservative Americans

“In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Aug. 11, Grassley alleged that a committee of FBI field agents had been to see Wray to express the concerns of agents in all 56 field offices across the country that “the FBI has become too politicized in its decision-making.” Grassley further alleges “those concerns were removed from this year’s final report” of the FBI’s Special Agents Advisory Committee.”

(Miranda Divine – New York Post) Bombshell allegations by FBI Special Agent Steve Friend contained in a whistleblower complaint filed late Wednesday with the Department of Justice inspector general reveal a politicized Washington, DC, FBI field office cooking the books to exaggerate the threat of domestic terrorism, and ­using an “overzealous” January 6 ­investigation to harass conservative Americans and violate their constitutional rights. Continue reading

Vanderbilt Faces Intense Backlash Over ‘Pediatric Transgender Clinic,’ Faith Leaders Speak Out

Vanderbilt opened its trans clinic in 2018. During a lecture the same year, Dr. Shayne Taylor explained how she convinced Nashville to get into the gender transition game. She emphasized that it’s a “big money maker,” especially because the surgeries require a lot of “follow ups” – Matt Walsh

(Tré Goins-Phillips – Faithwire) “This page could not be found.”

Internet users are now met with that message — small black font at the center of a white screen — after Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) seemingly erased the website that once housed information about its “Pediatric Transgender Clinic,” according to an Aug. 31 archive of the site. Continue reading

COVID raises risk of long-term brain injury, large U.S. study finds

“Memory impairments, commonly referred to as brain fog, were the most common symptom. Compared with the control groups, people infected with COVID had a 77% higher risk of developing memory problems.”

(Julie Steenhuysen – Reuters) People who had COVID-19 are at higher risk for a host of brain injuries a year later compared with people who were never infected by the coronavirus, a finding that could affect millions of Americans, U.S. researchers reported on Thursday. Continue reading

Ligonier Survey Demonstrates Most Evangelicals are Heretics That Hold to Damnable False Beliefs

“We’re not talking about the mainstream apostate Protestant denominations, we’re talking about Evangelicals who are supposed to believe that the Bible is true, inerrant, and authoritative in all matters.”

There is a difference between holding loosely to beliefs where Scripture is not clear and holding to demonstrably false beliefs where the Bible is abundantly clear. When one denies the clear biblical teaching of Scripture, it becomes an issue of rebellion against God and His word placing one in serious danger of God’s judgment. Continue reading

Ligonier Survey Demonstrates Most Evangelicals are Heretics That Hold to Damnable False Beliefs

“We’re not talking about the mainstream apostate Protestant denominations, we’re talking about Evangelicals who are supposed to believe that the Bible is true, inerrant, and authoritative in all matters.”

There is a difference between holding loosely to beliefs where Scripture is not clear and holding to demonstrably false beliefs where the Bible is abundantly clear. When one denies the clear biblical teaching of Scripture, it becomes an issue of rebellion against God and His word placing one in serious danger of God’s judgment. Continue reading

Court Filing Reveals Mike Lindell Is Target Of DOJ Investigation

(Ryan Ledendecker – PJ Media) Just over a week ago, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s Minnesota duck-hunting getaway was abruptly interrupted when a team of FBI agents rolled up to a Hardee’s parking lot and surrounded him in the drive-thru line as if he was an ordinary fugitive and seized his mobile phone. The incident sparked intense backlash online, with many remarking that the FBI is — once again — being used as a political weapon. Continue reading

Brilliant Analysis of Civilization on the Brink and What We Can Do

“If you tell middle-class people you can’t fill up their gas tank, make them pay for someone who is a gender studies major in New York, and keep calling them names like fascists, and marry that with an agenda that makes it impossible for them to succeed, then…the people who kept this country going will be gone. He points to the military’s inability to get enough recruits.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Civilization, as we know it, is on the brink of extermination and the people who will fight for its continuation are the middle class. The Left has all the resources and is the face of the new totalitarianism. We must fight back by speaking out. We are looking at an insidious crisis of civilization. Continue reading

Trump Reveals Why He Hasn’t Released Footage of Mar-a-Lago Raid but Says It Resembled ‘Military Coup’

“The FBI abuse was made all the worse because the agents left Mar-a-Lago in shambles after they ransacked the house.”

(Samantha Chang – The Western Journal) Former President Donald Trump said he hasn’t released video from the FBI raid on his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida because he doesn’t want to compromise the safety of the agents involved.

“They would rather not have me [release the footage] because of the safety of the FBI agents that swarmed the place,” Trump said Tuesday on Newsmax’s “Wake Up America.” Continue reading

Crime, No Punishment

“President Biden has not addressed this brutal reality in any meaningful way. He does not have a solution to inner city violence and knows most chaotic towns are run by Democrats. So, exactly like the border, Biden sees no evil. He lives in luxury. He doesn’t have to cower in fear as drug gangs run wild. He doesn’t care.”

(Bill O’Reilly) It has all become very dark for the designer sunglasses guy. Joe Biden cannot, as the biblical creator did, command “let there be light.” No, Joe is governing in darkness. Continue reading

This Should Terrify Every American: DOJ Harasses Citizens for Exercising Their First Amendment Rights

“The Justice Department wants to turn the Eagle Forum inside out, forcing it to turn over its records on everything it does. This would let government lawyers paw through and scrutinize everything, including privileged communications and even personal discussions and communications with other private citizens and nonprofit organizations.”

(Hans Von Spakovsky – PJ Media) The Justice Department has hit the Eagle Forum of Alabama with a voluminous subpoena that violates the organization’s First Amendment rights to speak freely, engage in the political process, and talk to their elected representatives. It’s an intimidation tactic, pure and simple, and shows just how partisan the department has become…. Continue reading

Evolutionists Are Mentally Unstable if They Believe Nothing Created Everything!

(Don Boys) According to many significant scientists, the universe popped out of nothing with a neon sign proclaiming, “Well, here we are.” That is a little irreverent, but that is what many “experts” teach. Moreover, they are offended if you roll your eyes at that ludicrous assumption and are downright insulted if you roll on the floor, holding your sides in raucous laughter.

After all, scientists are supposed to be respected, even revered, never ridiculed. Continue reading

Biden ‘Kicking’ Unvaccinated Soldiers Out After Declaring Pandemic’s End

(Charles Kim – Newsmax) Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo scolded President Joe Biden for still kicking soldiers out of the military for not getting vaccinated against COVID-19 after declaring the pandemic’s end during a “60 Minutes” interview on CBS Sunday.

“Biden now says ‘the pandemic is over’ as he’s kicking tens of thousands of healthy soldiers out of the military with his COVID vaccine mandate,” Pompeo posted on Twitter Monday. “These soldiers should be reinstated immediately.” Continue reading

The Decline of Christianity in the U.S.

“How many of these “Christians” were nominally so because of their cultural upbringing? If they grew into early adulthood and left the faith, did they ever really believe in the first place? Are we simply witnessing the ripples of a rock that sank long ago?”

(Thomas Gallatin – The Patriot Post) A recent Pew Research Center study estimates based on various scenarios that Christians in America will become a minority in the next two to five decades. Since the 1990s, the study notes, the number of Americans leaving Christianity has been accelerating, as the number of those identifying as nonreligious or “nones” has ballooned over the last couple decades. Continue reading

NIH-Funded Study Doesn’t Offer Great News for Vaccinated Children

(Spencer Brown – Townhall) A new study conducted by public health researchers at the University of North Carolina and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services uncovered new information on the efficacy of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in young people age 5 to 11. The research, funded in part by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, found that against the omicron variant of COVID-19, children in the study group ended up seeing negative — yes, negative — effectiveness some 20 weeks after being vaccinated after peaking between 60 and 70 percent effectiveness. Continue reading

TGC’s Christopher Yuan says, ‘God Didn’t Say Be Heterosexual’

“Unrepentant homosexuality is evidence that God has given one over to the lusts of their hearts.”

Last week, The Dissenter put out extensive documentation of the rising star of The Gospel Coalition’s circle of eunuchs platformed to lecture the church on sexual morality. Christopher Yuan, a man previously caught up in regular homosexual escapades and drug addiction, says that he no longer believes in that lifestyle after he found Christ while in prison for selling drugs. Continue reading

Rosaria Butterfield Blasts Tribalistic ‘Gay Christians’ + ‘Side B’ Revoicers

“Tribalism is infectious and poisonous, and it leaves a wake of division in its path. It destroys the peace and purity of the church and produces false professions of faith as well as unstable Christians held captive to destructive sin patterns. Tribalism falsifies the blood of Christ.”

(Protestia) Rosaria Butterfield is the author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert and The Gospel Comes With a House Key. She’s one of the main go-to people for Christian leaders to point to as an example of the power of the gospel on account of being a lesbian Women’s Studies professor who was saved and having her sexuality redeemed. She ultimately married a man, had a family and turned aside from her wayward ways- being a shining success story in an ocean littered with failures. Continue reading