About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Democrat Leaders Increasingly Demonize Republican Voters — Not Just Politicians

“The political danger of the Democrats’ hateful rhetoric ought not be underestimated. Republican voters are already feeling threatened — by “cancel culture” in the workplace, for example, and by the sense that there is a double standard of justice, allowing left-wing activists to riot while imprisoning ardent Trump supporters for trespassing at the Capitol.”

(Joel Pollack – Breitbart) President Joe Biden plans to host a “Unity Summit” at the White House last month, after telling Democratic donors last week that Republicans who support Donald Trump were guilty of “semi-fascism.” Continue reading

How Doug Wilson and Co. Are Wailin’ on the Culture War

(Protestia) There is a growing concern over The Federal Vision (FV) again in North American Reformed Churches, here is why and here’s how to stop it:

  1. Very few (at least initially) are attracted to its theological positions. Most people aren’t interested in Baptismal Regeneration, Padeocommunion, and a questionable view of Justification. They aren’t being drawn by the Romanizing Tendency of FV. It’s something else.
  2. The major draw is what they are saying in the areas of gender roles, politics, culture, and issues within the church. Doug Wilson is addressing these issues at a rapid pace. He responds to issues in real time. Continue reading

Will the Republicans Really Win Back the Congress?

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) The late spring scenario of a massive GOP win—in historic proportions analogous to 1938, 1994, or 2010—is said now to be “iffy.”

The Left boasts that it now has a chance at keeping the House, with even better odds for maintaining control over the Senate.

Polls are all over the place. Now they show generic Republican leads, now Democratic. Continue reading

Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time

Here’s what silenced healthcare workers from all over the world want you to know and why they aren’t able to speak out directly.

(Steve Kirsch) I created a form to ask healthcare workers to speak anonymously about what they are seeing.

Here’s what they said in their own words.

Here is a quick summary of some of the things they said: Continue reading

The Archdiocese of Omaha Has Issued Gender Policies for Its Schools, and Not Everyone Is Happy About It

According to the Omaha World-Herald, some people are fine with the new policy while others understand that, for lack of a better phrase, “it is what it is.” 

(Lincoln Brown – PJ Media) As of January 1, 2023, Omaha, Nebraska, schools that are under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha will have a firm set of rules regarding gender. You can read the policy issued by the diocese on this page, but here is a summary: Continue reading

Biden’s Student Loan ‘Forgiveness’ Is an Unjust, Cynical Abuse of Power

“Biden is compelling American taxpayers to foot the bill for graduate degrees.”

(David Harsanyi – Townhall) “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” That’s what it says right there in the Constitution. And yet, without any legislation, President Joe Biden now promises to “cancel” up to $10,000 in student loans per borrower ($20,000 for Pell Grant borrowers), limited to those with annual incomes of less than $125,000. Continue reading

Southern Baptist Leaders Join Leftists Signing Pro-Vax Statement Calling Francis Collins a Faith Healing Minister

“It’s already come to light in recent months that these vaccines are useless and have ultimately caused more harm than good. Evidence is mounting that these vaccines are the cause of unforeseen illnesses, heart issues, and other serious medical problems including autoimmune disorders. Yet, the people who signed this statement want us to believe that it is a miracle of science, and that Francis Collins is the number one Apostle.”

(The Dissenter) Biologos, the pro-evolution “science” wing of professing Christendom of which Tim Keller has been a major contributor over the years, has released a pro-vaccine statement with over 8 thousand signatures which include original signers like Southeastern Baptist Seminary professor, Ken Heathley. Continue reading

Lawsuit Sheds Light on CDC’s Collusion with Big Tech to Censor Americans

“It now appears that the CDC was actively feeding disapproved viewpoints to these companies, including a list of tweets that the CDC regarded as misinformation.”

(Allum Bokhari – Breitbart) A federal lawsuit filed against the Biden administration alleging public-private collusion that violated the First Amendment rights of American citizens during the coronavirus pandemic is shedding new light on how deeply Big Tech coordinated with the Biden administration to censor public dissent about official pandemic policies. Continue reading

FBI officials slow-walked Hunter Biden laptop investigation until after 2020 election: whistleblowers

“These new allegations provide even more evidence of FBI corruption and renew calls for you to take immediate steps to investigate the FBI’s actions regarding the laptop.” 

(Timothy Nerozzi – Fox News) FBI officials told agents not to investigate Hunter Biden’s so-called “laptop from hell” for months due to concerns about influencing the 2020 presidential election, whistleblowers told Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.

According to Johnson, “individuals with knowledge” of the Hunter Biden case told his office that the investigation was intentionally slowed on orders from “local FBI leadership.” Continue reading

Mennonites Go Gay, Pass Resolution Allowing LGBTQ Weddings and ‘Repents’ for Excluding LGBTQ People

“The pastor of Portland (Oregon) Mennonite Church and representing the “Inclusive Mennonite Pastors” said, “This resolution is not punitive. It does not punish pastors, members or congregations who refuse full participation of queer people in their churches.”

(The Dissenter) Similar to the Amish, the Mennonite Church was formed out of the Anabaptist movement and, like the Amish, in many ways has become synonymous with a simple lifestyle apart from modern luxuries…. Continue reading

House Republicans Want to Know Why the TSA Is Allowing Illegal Immigrants on Planes with ARREST WARRANTS for ID

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Could the Biden administration all be some huge joke? A parody or some crazy dark comedy in which a career political hack with rapidly advancing dementia somehow becomes president and bumbles around as his radical handlers begin implementing a dizzying number of measures to weaken America and endanger Americans? Is there anything the Biden administration is doing that would make it clear that this is not actually what’s happening here? Continue reading

Might, Maybe, Possibly

“At this point in history, it is Garland, not Trump, who has the most to lose. The pressure is on him to justify the raid. So far, he has failed to do that. His initial public briefing was shaky. The man looked frightened.”

(Bill O’Reilly) No American industry is more troubled than journalism/media. It is now rife with incompetence and corruption, a largely destructive force that has betrayed its obligation to accurately inform Americans about events of importance. Continue reading

Pedophiles Are Proliferating in Our Schools

“Eric Burgess, a high school English teacher in Rosemead, CA was found to have repeatedly groomed students for sex, and had sexual relationships with female students over a 20-year period. Infuriatingly, he was allowed to resign without admitting to any wrongdoing and continued to receive his salary for another six months.” 

(Larry Sand – Frontpage Mag) In the social hierarchy of prison inmates, mob bosses, bank robbers, and cop killers tend to get respect. But “short eyes,” those convicts who have committed crimes against children, especially sexual abuse, are hated, harassed, and abused. In schools, however, this group of detestable perverts rates a “meh.” Continue reading

Timothy Keller’s Anti-Biblical Science: Beware Of 2 More Ways He Fails

(Tom Hill) In his article, “Creation, Evolution, and Christian Laypeople,” Keller stated that the ability to know God could result from an evolutionary process. He supposed that traits necessary for evolutionary survival and reproduction can also enable a person to believe in the existence of God and to believe the gospel.

He further said that no logical reason precludes God from using evolution to predispose humans to believe in God and to consider the gospel. Continue reading

FBI Was After Docs Trump Believed Would ‘Exonerate’ Him

“Two weeks after the unprecedented FBI raid, we have very little reliable information about what the bureau was looking for.”

(Douglas Andrews – The Patriot Post) Wait a sec. We thought the FBI raided Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home two weeks ago to recover top-secret information about our nation’s nuclear secrets.

After all, that’s what we were told by The Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media, right?… Continue reading

In a state that appears to have no interest stopping violent crime, it’s not surprising that they’re taking this into their own hands.

“Your crime is out of control if a Beverly Hills boutique is turning its back on the face masks!”

(Daniel Payne – Not the Bee) Sweet irony of ironies — and in California, no less!

“There’s a customer coming in with a mask,” he said, “and I need to tell them they can’t come in with one.” Continue reading

Dr. Fauci’s Legacy of Secret Files, Chinese Communists, & Dangerous Pathogens

“I don’t think he has been honest. In the immediate aftermath of them finding out the sequence of the RNA for this virus, a host of his buddies were emailing him all day and all night long saying, ‘Oh, my goodness. This looks like it was manipulated in the lab.’” 

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The Galveston National Laboratory (GNL), part of the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) and funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) run by Dr. Anthony Fauci, focuses on “dangerous pathogens” with the “potential to be used as weapons around the world.” Continue reading

Justin Peters on Shawn Bolz and Disney: Why Are Charismatics So Weird

(The Dissenter) Shawn Bolz is the founder and former senior pastor of Expression58 Church and is now the CEO of Bolz Ministries. Bolz is closely tied to Bethel Church in Redding California, a hyper-charismatic, New Apostolic Reformation church which is known for its music and its working of false signs and wonders. According to Bolz’s bio found on Bethel’s website, he “has been a pioneer in ministry, including the prophetic movement, since he was in his teens,” and “his focus is on intimacy with God, creativity through entertainment and social justice.” Continue reading

Biden White House facilitated DOJ’s criminal probe against Trump, scuttled privilege claims: memos

“I have therefore decided not to honor the former President’s ‘protective’ claim of privilege,” acting National Archivist Debra Steidel Wall wrote Trump’s team in May.

(John Solomon – Just the News) Long before it professed no prior knowledge of the raid on Donald Trump’s estate, the Biden White House worked directly with the Justice Department and National Archives to instigate the criminal probe into alleged mishandling of documents, allowing the FBI to review evidence retrieved from Mar-a-Lago this spring and eliminating the 45th president’s claims to executive privilege, according to contemporaneous government documents reviewed by Just the News. Continue reading

New Poll: Most Americans Believe the FBI is Now ‘Biden’s Gestapo’

(Robert Spencer – Frontpage Mag) Up until recently, it would have been unthinkable, but one of the numerous catastrophic consequences of the Biden administration’s reign of terror has been a plummeting of trust in once-revered institutions. Former Trump advisor Roger Stone said it in November 2021: “We have a group of politicized thugs​ ​at the top of the FBI who are using the FBI … as Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo​.” Continue reading

Prayer Is an Act of Submission to God’s Will, Not a Means to Change His Mind

“God has decreed that certain things will come to pass from all eternity and God has also decreed the means by which they will come to pass.”

(The Dissenter) Mostly prominent in charismatic circles, people will often claim that prayer moves God, and the more we pray—the more “prayer warriors” we invoke—the more we can move Him.

But does prayer actually move God? Continue reading

‘Defamed’ Dr. Robert Malone sues Washington Post. Watch exclusive interview

(Art Moore – WND) Dr. Robert Malone, a leading critic of the COVID-19 vaccines and an inventor of the mRNA technology platform on which they are based, filed a $50 million defamation lawsuit against the Washington Post on Friday for accusing him of spreading “dangerous lies” and “leading his followers on a journey to illness, suffering and possible death.”

In an hour-long video interview Friday with WND (embedded below), Malone explained that many major news outlets, including the New York Times, have cast him in a similar light. But the Post’s report Jan. 24 on his speech at the “Defeat the Mandates” rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial was “particularly egregious,” he said. Continue reading