HUNDREDS of New Yorkers May Already Be Infected with Polio — Disease Now Found in Waste Water in Two New York Counties

“According to the researchers, the first polio patient in New York who was left paralyzed was infected with the same strain of the virus that was found in London and Jerusalem, as reported by the Daily Mail.”

(Jim Holt- The Gateway Pundit) Experts are warning that HUNDREDS of New Yorkers may already be infected with polio after state officials found evidence of the disease in two New York counties.

See the map on the site

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Public Schools Are Cesspools Of Wokeness And There’s No Bringing Them Back

“It’s time for all Americans to reject the woke agenda that has permeated all aspects of society including public schools. We must find alternative solutions before the damage is irreversible.”

(Kendall Qualls – The Federalist) Teachers’ unions are pushing a radical Marxist-inspired agenda that is destroying public education in America.

Over the past several years, the left has aggressively infected the minds of the youngest children with the tenets of critical race theory (CRT) and gender ideology, while academic excellence has been shoved to the back of the bus. As a result, public schools are hemorrhaging students. Continue reading

Dick Cheney Tapes Ad for Daughter’s Campaign: ‘Never’ Has America Faced ‘Greater Threat’ than Donald Trump

“It is unclear how Liz Cheney retaining her House seat could block Trump from winning a potential 2024 election, but the media have contended that Liz Cheney may run for president on a third party ticket to siphon votes from the former president.”

(Wendall Husebo – Breitbart) Former Vice President Dick Cheney on Thursday rushed to the defense of his daughter’s downward-trending Republican primary campaign by releasing an ad that showed their obsession with former President Donald Trump. Continue reading

Are Enlistments Plummeting Because the Military Is Now a Woke Joke?

“Why would anyone taught since kindergarten to hate America want to serve in our military? Why would anyone who idolizes professional athletes for kneeling during our national anthem want to serve in a military uniform?”

(Selwyn Duke – The New American) In every mass shooting’s wake, there are understandable complaints about mentally ill people acquiring guns. Yet the U.S. military is apparently putting guns in mentally ill people’s hands, as it’s now recruiting individuals “with a history of ‘self-mutilation,’ bipolar disorder, depression and drug and alcohol abuse,” as USA Today wrote back in 2017. The reason why concerns a problem that has only worsened since that report. Continue reading

Release the Tape: Revolver Has Definitive Proof FBI Is Hiding Critical Footage of Jan 6 ‘Pipe Bomber’

“All the FBI needs to do is show the same video camera’s footage from 10 minutes later…”

(Revolver News) An exclusive analysis by Revolver News can prove that the FBI is in possession of, but has refused to release, security camera footage of the January 6 pipe bomber planting the pipe bomb at the DNC building at 7:52 p.m. on January 5th.

This extraordinary revelation should be the immediate subject of Congressional inquiry as to why the FBI has stonewalled release of the footage. Continue reading

God is Incomprehensible

High school students love biology class for one simple reason. They get to dissect frogs, worms and other once living things. In addition to grossing out their weak stomached classmates they also learn a thing or two.  They learn things not otherwise gleaned if the subject of dissection were still living.  The student gets to look at the frog’s internals. He can see what the stomach, heart and lungs actually look like. His biology professor can point out things he would not otherwise know and see. Continue reading

Settled! Millions to Healthcare Workers in a Huge Win for Religious Freedom

“Some people will never consider new information or admit they’re wrong let alone take responsibility. Conservatively, according to reporting site, Open VAERS, tens of thousands have died after taking the jab and over a million have had related side effects and injuries. There’s certainly blood on someone’s hands.”

(David Fiorazo) Hundreds of healthcare workers who were fired for refusing to take the injection just won a major case. We’re talking about a $10.3 million settlement in the nation’s first-of-its-kind classwide lawsuit…. Continue reading

Manchin bankrolled by out-of-state donors, just 1% of individual campaign donations are from West Virginians

Sen. Manchin backs the Inflation Reduction Act, which would raise your taxes and DOUBLES the size of the IRS which should frighten every American.

(Thomas Phippen – Fox News) Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin raised only a fraction of his campaign funds from voters in his home state, according to a Fox News Digital analysis, while out-of-state contributions and corporate donations make up the bulk of his fundraising. Continue reading

Biden Signs Executive Order Authorizing Use Of Medicaid To Fund Out Of State Abortions

“This does not, uh, will not, uh, will not violate the Hyde Amendment. It is law and we follow the law here. I have to go.” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

(OAN) President Joe Biden signed a new executive order in an attempt to to circumvent the Supreme Court over their decision on Roe v. Wade. While speaking virtually in front of other top White House officials on Wednesday, the President signed the order, which authorizes the use of Medicaid funds to help pro-abortion states provide the procedure to women traveling to receive an abortion. Continue reading

Gavin Newsom Demands Hollywood ‘Choose’ to Boycott Pro-life States

Newsom’s message suggests that the state is willing to impose its own ideological views on the entertainment industry — and that the “freedom” the industry enjoys in the state, including its access to tax credits, depends on conformity to the state view.

(Joel B. Pollack – Breitbart) California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) demanded Wednesday that Hollywood studios boycott states that pass pro-life laws and restrictions on abortion, as he backed a five-year extension of a $1.65 billion state tax credit to the entertainment industry. Continue reading

False Teacher of the Day: Daniel Kolenda

“Daniel Kolenda is more than just a false teacher—he is a dangerous wolf in sheep’s clothing. He needs to be warned about and to be avoided at all costs.”

(The Dissenter) Daniel Kolenda is a popular New Apostolic Reformation false teacher who calls himself a “missionary evangelist, pastor, author, and teacher, who has led tens of millions of people to Christ face-to-face through massive open-air evangelistic campaigns in some of the most dangerous, difficult, and remote locations on earth.” Kolenda is the president and CEO of a “ministry” called Christ for All Nations. Continue reading

Christian BlazeTV Hosts Blast The Blaze For Supporting Transgenderism

Mark Levin & Glenn Beck

“Absent from the discussion was Jason Whitlock, a Christian cultural commentator with BlazeTV, and unsurprisingly absent were Dave Rubin, Glenn Beck, and Steven Crowder.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Over a year ago, Evangelical Dark Web did a report on how pro-transgenderism Conservative media was, and as it turned out, most of Conservative Inc, was on board. The metrics of the study was to view how Conservative media reported on transgender issues and what pronouns they used. TheBlaze, the online news website for Blaze Media was flagged as a serial offender, despite their prominent hosts who notoriously opposed this. Continue reading

Inside The Corrupt World Of Alzheimer’s Science (And What Its Failure Means For All ‘Settled Science’)

“And what about Covid science, where celebrity scientists have admitted mistakes and even lies; yet  plow  forward  shamelessly, pillorying  and censoring any who would dare speak against them?”

(Christopher Bedford – The Federalist) An international cabal of scientists who believe in their own righteousness. Scientific journals, conferences, and grants that suppress dissent. Tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer, Big Pharma and venture capital money. Decades of research — and precious little to show for it all. Continue reading

Portland School District Indoctrinates Students To Become LGBTQ Activists In K-5th Grade

(John Rigolizzo – Daily Wire) Portland’s public school system is indoctrinating its students to become queer activists as early as kindergarten through 5th grade.

Documents obtained by writer and activist Christopher Rufo show that from as early as kindergarten, students are taught the tenets of radical queer gender theory. They are taught that ideas about human sexuality are “colonized,” that white colonizers from Europe forced their views on other people and cultures, and that current discourse around sex and gender is still affected by colonization…. Continue reading

Iran Threatens to Turn NY Into ‘Hellish Ruins’ If US or Israel Attack

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Iran threatened to build nuclear warheads and warned that it has the capability to turn New York into “hellish ruins.” This is as the great giveaway deal between Iran and the US has stalled.

Two Telegram channels with ties to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps posted a 2-minute video Saturday that vowed to quickly start building nuclear bombs if the “US or Zionist regime make any stupid mistakes,” according to Iran International, a London-based news outlet. Continue reading

Discerning Presbyterians Vindicated After Aimee Byrd Preaches Sermon, Gives Church Benediction

“What some OPC leaders failed to realize is that those sounding the clarion call weren’t being cruel, but rather saw a threat and had to fling it out by the scruff of its neck, understanding the destruction a little leaven can bring. It looked mean at the time, but was in reality a mercy.”

(Protestia) Former professing complementarian Aimee Byrd has not only preached another sermon at a Presbyterian church, but she also gave the closing benediction. This is something she would have been forbidden from doing in her former denomination, highlighting the downgrade she’s been plying and vindicating many who have been warning about her drift for years. Continue reading

Harvard Study Wrecks Insurrection Narrative of Capitol Riot

This was clearly not the outcome the authors of the study anticipated. “I don’t think I expected the result to be this stark…I also certainly didn’t expect those two motivations to come up nearly exactly as often as they both did.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Democrats and the media claim the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, was an insurrection, and they’ve pushed that narrative relentlessly. But last week, the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center published a study that debunked their claim. According to the analysis, most of the rioters were motivated by loyalty to President Trump. Continue reading

San Francisco Holds Kink & Fetish Fest: Get Monkeypox Vaccine and Go for It

“Officials said only hired professional fetishists would be involved in sadomasochistic activity.”

(Penny Starr – Breitbart) San Francisco held its “Kink and Fetish” sex festival on Sunday despite the spread of the monkeypox virus among homosexual men. Organizers said they took precautions such as putting booths ten feet apart and requiring vaccination cards for coronavirus and monkeypox to enter the venues.  Continue reading

The FDA Bids Adieu to Science

“In contrast to ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, the FDA has been silent as the grave regarding the administration of puberty-blockers and cross-sex hormones opposing the natural function of a 13-year-old-child’s own natural pituitary function and that unauthorized and FDA “off label” administration may render children permanently altered and infertile….”

(Dr. David Gortler – Independent Sentinel) While uncertainty occurs in every generation and with new policies, certain fundamental principles associated with our federal government’s independent agencies should always remain the same.  Public Health decisions for one, should be made based on evidence and data, not catering to the political whims of whoever is in office. Continue reading

State-Owned BBC ‘Disappearing Women’ by Filling Gender Quotas with Trans Staff

(Peter Caddle – Breitbart) A senior insider within Britain’s state-owned BBC has claimed that the broadcaster is now “disappearing women” by allowing gender quotas to be filled by “trans” individuals.

In what appears to be the latest episode of the left eating itself, insiders within the British Broadcasting Corporation have claimed that the organisation is “disappearing women” by allowing trans individuals who would have historically been seen as men to fulfil gender quotas for women. Continue reading

Is Christian Post Worse Than Gospel Coalition?

“The Christian Post, though surprisingly a much smaller website, is far more aggressive in its push of bad doctrine and far less polished in doing so. The example that rings most true is their recent column drawing a moral equivalency between wokeness and anti-feminism.” 

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Recently Evangelical Dark Web hosted a livestream where I posited a theory that Christian Post is worse than The Gospel Coalition. This is not to say that The Gospel Coalition has done less damage. However, my reasoning is that The Gospel Coalition is defeated and diminished in influence. Majority of the damage they have done has been done. They’ve been exposed…. Continue reading

Nevertheless I am continually with Thee

1 Surely God is good to Israel, To those who are pure in heart! 2 But as for me, my feet came close to stumbling, My steps had almost slipped. 3 For I was envious of the arrogant As I saw the prosperity of the wicked. 4 For there are no pains in their death, And their body is fat. 5 They are not in trouble as other men, Nor are they plagued like mankind. 6 Therefore pride is their necklace; The garment of violence covers them. 7 Their eye bulges from fatness; The imaginations of their heart run riot. 8 They mock and wickedly speak of oppression; They speak from on high. Psalms 73 (NASB)  Read verses 9-28 on the site.

The following devotional is from Spurgeon’s Morning by Morning for July 29 Continue reading