New J6 Video Shows Police Ushering Protesters Into the Capitol

“There is no way they thought they would be prosecuted for crimes. They couldn’t possibly have thought they were committing crimes by entering.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) In a new video obtained from the United States Department of Justice, police officers are seen welcoming protesters into the Upper West Terrace Doors of the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

It might be used to defend two men — Brady Knowlton and Patrick Montgomery — accused of felonies for alleged obstruction of an official proceeding on January 6th. Continue reading

Southern Baptist Megachurch Pastor Attacks Justin Peters, Accuses Him of Ungodliness, Lying

(Dissenter) In 2016, David Uth, pastor of First Baptist Church in Orlando, FL, invited all of the homosexuals in Orlando to take the stage in his church after a gay nightclub shooting in 2016. Uth, allowed another pastor to refer to the “LGBTQ community” as the “head cornerstone,” — a title reserved for Christ Himself. Uth, in 2015 at the SBC annual meeting, affirmed an ex-Muslim’s “dream-conversion” story who said she converted to Christianity when Jesus came to her in a dream though she had never heard the gospel. Continue reading

Disney Releases ‘Gayest Kids Movie Yet,’ Produced Long Before Florida Grooming Controversy

“The film’s release, just as Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill into law, has forced Disney to pick a side between parents who want conversations about sex to stay age-appropriate and queer activist teachers who want children thinking about sex younger and younger, coaching them into elective medical procedures with life-long effects without their parents’ input or consent. After a brief attempt at neutrality, the public mega-corporation chose the latter option.”

(Warner Todd Huston – Breitbart) Disney has released what has been described as the “gayest kid’s movie yet,” as it continues to pay fealty to radical queer activists with its attacks on Florida’s anti-grooming law that gives parents a say in their children’s education. Continue reading

The Walls Are Closing In: Liz Cheney Touts Criminal Charges Against Trump

“We have not made a decision about referrals on the committee. I think that it is absolutely the case, it’s absolutely clear that what President Trump was doing, what a number of people around him were doing, that they knew it was unlawful. They did it anyway.” Actually, that’s not clear at all.

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) They’ve got him now! The walls are closing in! Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Establishment), one of the foremost Trump-haters in Congress, announced Sunday on CNN that the rabidly partisan witch-hunters of the Jan. 6 Committee have the goods on Donald Trump to the extent that they can actually bring criminal charges against him…. Continue reading

The Pelagian Captivity of the Church

Shortly after the Reformation began, in the first few years after Martin Luther posted the Ninety-Five Theses on the church door at Wittenberg, he issued some short booklets on a variety of subjects. One of the most provocative was titled The Babylonian Captivity of the Church. In this book Luther was looking back to that period of Old Testament history when Jerusalem was destroyed by the invading armies of Babylon and the elite of the people were carried off into captivity. Continue reading

Bombshell Pandemic Study: Blue States Killed People, Ruined Education- Businesses

“The cure became worse than the illness but medical tyrants like Dr. Anthony Fauci, a political operative, pushed them beyond all reason without any consideration of the collateral damage.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Currently, China is locking down Shanghai over a new COVID surge. Shanghai is a city of almost 25 million people who can’t get food and medicines. The CCP’s excuse for their radical lockdowns is to keep up its record of “zero deaths.” Zero deaths? China had people dropping dead in the streets. Continue reading

Former Hillsong NYC Pastor, Carl Lentz’s Wife Speaks Out About the ‘Relentless Lies’ About Their Family

“Lentz, who had been preaching a watered-down gospel for a decade, should actually hear what the gospel has to say about the sin he’s engulfed himself in right now. Repent and turn to Christ. Believe in Him….” 

(Dissenter) Carl Lentz, the former pastor of Hillsong NYC location, was removed from ministry by Hillsong’s lead pastor, Brian Houston after he admitted to having an inappropriate relationship [adultery] with another woman. The details of this relationship, which was sexual, were released in a recent documentary on Discovery+ where the woman Lentz had the relationship with described him as persistent in pursuing her. Continue reading

The Biden family scheme unravels

“Alarm bells are starting to ring in Democratic circles as the White House stonewalls in the face of increasing media inquiries. In two absurd statements in recent days, White House spokespeople said the president stands by his pre-election statement that Hunter never received any money from China, and he continues to deny that he knew anything about his son’s overseas business dealings.”

(Miranda Divine – NY Post) If the grand jury in Delaware investigating Hunter Biden’s business ventures does its job properly, it will be pulling on the threads that lead to the president, and already there are signs that is happening. Continue reading

Do You Participate In The Unfruitful Works Of Darkness?

6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 7 Therefore do not be partakers with them; 8 for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light 9 (for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), 10 trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. Ephesians 5:6-17 (NASB) Read verses 13-17 on the site.

What does it mean to “participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness”? Read the entire passage of Ephesians 5:6-17 (above), and then we will look at the word participate, and at what unfruitful deeds of darkness are. Continue reading

WEF Planning Documents Exposed– The New World Order Is Here

“This and other comments build up to the following that suggests nothing must interfere with gender bizarreness, and open borders.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Rebel News, a conservative Canadian outfit, obtained planning documents that hint at the true goals of The World Economic Forum led by Klaus Schwab. The documents suggest using COVID instability to restructure society, cancel oil and gas development, and censor the Internet. Continue reading

Check Out This Trash Promoted On YouTube Kids And Tell Me They Aren’t Grooming Children

“Parents have to be vigilant and realize that there is now no media, online or over the air, that you can trust children to watch unsupervised.”

(Harris Rigby – Not the Bee) There is no safe way to allow children to use the internet.

Even with companies like Disney, Nickelodeon, Netflix, and YouTube creating content and platforms specifically “for kids” the content is never as innocent as presented. Continue reading

What is the basis for Genuine Christian Living?

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine-grower. 2 “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He cleans it so that it may bear more fruit. (John 15:1–2 Legacy Standard Bible)

Something has changed. Of course, I am sure the changes I am referring to have not suddenly taken place, but are, in fact, the result of years of God’s judgment upon nations, church groups (denominations), church leaders, and professing Christians because Christians at the core along with their leaders have compromised…. Continue reading

Proof has emerged from the White House that Biden’s presidency is over

“Worse was still to come.  Normally, everyone in the room should be clamoring to be near the American president.   After all, political power is the strongest magnetic force in the world.  But in Biden’s case, he was the creep at the party, the one everyone assiduously ignores and avoids,”

(Andrea Widburg – American Thinker) Barack Obama was at the White House yesterday, making it clear, as did others at the reception held in Obama’s honor, that Biden’s presidency is over. Watching Obama suck the oxygen out of the room made me wonder if Obama is planning a comeback, something he can easily do. Continue reading

Bombshell Coming to Blow Open the Biden Crime Family

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) New startling revelations are due this week, It will allegedly be a bombshell that “will blow open the Biden crime family”:

Watch the Grassley interview on the site.


CBS News reported that more than 150 financial transactions involving either President Joe Biden’s son or his brother were “flagged as concerning” by U.S. banks. Continue reading

Researchers Found Puberty Blockers And Hormones Didn’t Improve Trans Kids’ Mental Health At Their Clinic. Then They Published A Study Claiming The Opposite.

Father injecting son with puberty blockers.

What’s surprising, in light of all these quotes [in the article], is that the kids who took puberty blockers or hormones experienced no statistically significant mental health improvement during the study. The claim that they did improve, which was presented to the public in the study itself, in publicity materials, and on social media (repeatedly) by one of the authors, is false.

(Jesse Singal) An article called “Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care” was published in JAMA Network Open late in February. The authors, listed as Diana M. Tordoff, Jonathon W. Wanta, Arin Collin, Cesalie Stepney, David J. Inwards-Breland, and Kym Ahrens, are mostly based at the University of Washington–Seattle or Seattle Children’s Hospital. Continue reading

The Nihilism of the Left

“When an American president predicts a food shortage in what used to be the breadbasket of the world, then we see the wages of socialism in all their unapologetic cruelty. When the Left can scarcely hide its glee that diesel fuel hit $7 a gallon in California, the public is finally seeing that the Bidens, Newsoms, and AOCs of the world care nothing for the real-life consequences of their elite utopian green fantasies….”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) The last 14 months have offered one of the rare occasions in recent American history when the hard Left has operated all the levers of federal government. The presidency, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the permanent bureaucratic state are all in progressive hands. And the result is a disaster that is uniting Americans in their revulsion of elitists whose crazy ideas are tearing apart the fabric of the country. Continue reading

‘The Chosen’ Is An Affront To A Holy God

I am sorry, but enjoying the “personality” Dallas Jenkins has given his false Jesus is wrong. Enjoying The Chosen with your family, because it helps provide “discussion points,” is wrong.

(John Lanagan – The Word Like Fire) I am the wrong guy for this. My friends, especially in my old church, know how flawed I am. But I ask again, how can we think this….creation….by Dallas Jenkins (the earthly middleman) can in any way bless or help us in our walk? Continue reading

‘Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit’. What Does It Mean?

28 “Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— 30 because they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.” Mark 3:28-30 (NASB) 

I am sure most of those reading this have at one time or another become concerned to some degree that they had committed the unpardonable sin. Several people who I have witnessed to have told me that they couldn’t be saved because they had blasphemed against the Holy Spirit. What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Let’s look at the passage from the book of Matthew that parallels the one I placed at the top of this post. Continue reading

Tim Keller Wrongly Portrays Pharisees as ‘Bible-believing Religious People’

“To suggest that the Pharisees were “Bible-believing religious people” is, in and of itself, false teaching, which makes men who propagate that lie false teachers. It makes Tim Keller more like the Pharisees than those he is trying to paint as Pharisees. By this definition, these people would call Jesus Himself a Pharisee.”

(Reformation Charlotte) When Jesus walked this earth, he spent a seemingly inordinate amount of time in verbal combat with the various religious leaders of the Jewish faith, the Scribes, Pharisees, and the Sadducees. Most often, though, we see Jesus rebuking the Pharisees for what seems to be their strict interpretation and detailed adherence to the law of Moses. Continue reading