Biden’s Vaccine Mandates Are Racist and Elitist

“…President Biden says that the mandates are to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. What do fully vaccinated individuals need to fear if the vaccines prevent serious illness, hospitalization, and death?” (Stacey Lennox – PJ Media) The glee of the … Continue reading 

BREAKING: Biden Will Try to Impose COVID Vaccine Mandate on All Businesses with 100 or More Employees

(Breitbart) President Joe Biden on Thursday is announcing sweeping new federal vaccine requirements affecting as many as 100 million Americans in an all-out effort to increase COVID-19 vaccinations and curb the surging delta variant that is killing thousands each week … Continue reading 

Biden White House stonewalls two key senators in inquiry into president’s use of private email

“It is unclear whether now-President Biden has continued the use of non-government email for official business and whether he has continued to provide government information to his family members, including Hunter Biden.” (John Solomon – Just The News)  The White … Continue reading 

SIX PLANES in Northern Afghanistan NOW HELD HOSTAGE BY TALIBAN — Filled with Americans and Afghan SIV Holders #BidenEffect

(Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit)  Now we know why the media was ignoring this story. The Taliban is holding the planes filled with Americans HOSTAGE in Northern Afghanistan! As reported earlier, several retired Special Forces and US Veterans traveled to Afghanistan … Continue reading 

7 Major Biden Disasters in 7 Months

(John Hayward – Breitbart)  Joe Biden’s first half-year in office concluded with a string of disasters and failures to deliver on his campaign rhetoric. Afghanistan: Of course, the list must begin with Biden’s hideously bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan, a debacle that claimed … Continue reading 

Trump: Biden Afghanistan Failure Is ‘Single Most Embarrassing Moment in the History of Our Country’

(Matthew Boyle – Breitbart)  Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively that his successor President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan is the “single most embarrassing moment in the history of our country.” Trump’s comments came in a lengthy … Continue reading 

Thanks to Biden, his regime, and their shameless politicking, Afghanistan is in complete chaos

The long term consequences, not just of the Biden Administration’s complete failure in Afghanistan but their obsession with January 6 and imaginary “domestic terrorists” will be deadly. (Julie Kelly – American Greatness)  As of midafternoon on Thursday, several hours after … Continue reading 

What Team Biden Is Saying Behind Closed Doors Is Much Different Than What They’re Telling the Public

“Let me be clear if any American is harmed, injured, or killed and not safely evacuated out of Afghanistan or if any of these weapons or this military equipment is used to harm, injure, or kill an American now or … Continue reading 

Washington Post fact check accuses Biden of inflating size of Afghanistan military: ‘Bogus’

“Kessler slapped Three Pinocchios on Biden’s assertion, stating in his analysis how Biden barely escaped the worst rating of Four Pinocchios.” (Fox News) The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler accused President Biden of inflating the numbers after claiming Afghanistan‘s military is bigger than … Continue reading 

All eyes on Biden’s response to COVID variants, Afghanistan, border crisis, inflation

(Audrey Conklin – Fox News)  All eyes are on President Biden as he responds to threats facing the U.S. and other countries, including COVID-19 variants, the Taliban’s growing stronghold over Afghanistan, the U.S.-Mexico border crisis and inflation. The spring of 2021 … Continue reading 

Biden and Democrats Lack Mandate for Their Destructive, Leftist Push

“If Democrats can bully Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, Republicans may have no input on so-called “soft” infrastructure favored by the socialist wing. Tax and spending bills are not subject to the Senate filibuster, therefore Democrats can pass what … Continue reading 

Biden Goes Full Schizophrenic on Ever-Changing COVID Rules and Lies

“What I find totally unacceptable is the lack of action on the part of the Republicans to step up, speak out and then act. This is the time for Donald Trump and his supporters to come together and put together … Continue reading 

BREAKING: CDC Director Says Biden Admin Is Considering a Vaccine Mandate

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) In an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky revealed that she and Joe Biden are “looking into” the possibility of establishing a vaccine mandate. “Are you for mandating a vaccine on … Continue reading 

Biden, Don Lemon roasted for performances during CNN town hall: ‘Uncomfortable to watch’

(Brian Flood – Fox News)  CNN’s heavily promoted town hall event with President Biden lit up social media for all the wrong reasons on Wednesday night as everything from crowd size to moderator Don Lemon’s performance was roasted. Bloomberg News reporter Jennifer Epstein … Continue reading 

VICTORY: Biden Caves on Critical Theories Grant After Parents Push Back

(Stacey Lennox – PJ Media)  It seems the Biden administration will listen to the public when the rejection of their ideas is clear and loud. On April 19, 2021, the Department of Education (DOE) proposed a new regulation to promote culturally … Continue reading 

Trump Winds and Biden Whirlwinds

“Why in our 233rd year of the republic are Democrats so intent to destroy the Electoral College, pack the court, admit new states to the Union, junk the filibuster, and federalize national election laws? What was so wrong with assimilation, … Continue reading 

New Emails Raise New Allegations of Influence Peddling By Hunter Biden And Direct Knowledge Of President Biden

“The new emails contain additional information directly contradicting President Biden. In addition to earlier pictures from golf trips and references to his involvement or knowledge, new material refers to a notable dinner arranged in Washington, D.C.” (Jonathan Turley – We … Continue reading 

Tucker Carlson: ‘The Biden Administration Is Spying on Us — We’ve Confirmed That’

(Breitbart)  Monday, FNC host Tucker Carlson said the federal government was spying on him and those associated with his program, which Carlson said was revealed through a whistleblower within the government. According to Carlson, the proof was the whistleblower revealed … Continue reading 

Buckle Up, Democrats. The Biden Border Backlash Is Coming, and CRT Will Make It Worse

(Tyler O’Neil – PJ Media)  While President Joe Biden may want to distract Americans from the border crisis and downplay the threats of Marxist critical race theory (CRT) and inflation, Americans know better. Most Americans recognize the border crisis as … Continue reading 

Catholic League Slams Biden For 32 Direct Violations Of Core Church Teachings

The report especially criticizes Biden’s support for the Equality Act, which according to the Catholic League, would be detrimental to religious freedom if enacted. “State laws that protect religious liberty would be gutted … taxpayer-funded abortions would become a reality,”  (Maggie … Continue reading