Durham says Clinton lawyer engaged in a ‘political deceit’ when giving Trump dirt to FBI

Special prosecutor urges court to reject Michael Sussmann’s request for dismissal, says alleged lie to FBI was material to Russia probe.

(John Solomon – Just the News) Former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann engaged in “political deceit” during his contacts with the FBI and deprived agents of critical information that could have influenced the course of the Russia probe, Special Counsel John Durham declared in a new filing asking a court not to dismiss his criminal case. Continue reading

‘We’re Getting Creamed’ – NYC Small Business Owners Struggle To Confront Surge In Shoplifting

(Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge) New York City’s struggling small businesses are dealing with one of the worst spikes in retail theft rates in recent memory. And owners aren’t sure whether Mayor Eric Adams’ decision to roll back certain COVID restrictions will improve the situation, or make it worse.

The owner of a couple of downtown boutiques said she has never felt “more exhausted” trying to protect her businesses from emboldened shoplifters and criminal crews working small retail businesses. Continue reading

The Most Solemn Mandate

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard parents who are members of churches say to me:

I intentionally never discuss theology or religion with my children, because I want them to believe whatever they come to believe honestly and not because they’ve been indoctrinated by us in the home. I don’t want them to be slaves to a parental tradition. I want them to experience reality on its own terms and come to whatever conclusion they are drawn from the evidence.

Such sentiments mystify me because they are at such odds with the teaching of Scripture. Just consider Deuteronomy 6:4–9: Continue reading

World Economic Forum and Soros Rally Behind Ukraine: Delete Connection to Putin

In February 2020, a few months before the Great Reset meeting, Ukrainian President Zelensky called on “Western investors” during a speech at the World Economic Forum to become “the stakeholders, shareholders of the success of a new Ukraine.” He also said Ukraine was “a place where miracles come true.”

(Amy Mec – RAIR Foundation) Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, and George Soros, the Hungarian-born billionaire behind the globalist open borders Open Society Foundations, support Ukraine and their President, Volodymyr Zelensky. Both controversial Globalists are promising to do everything to help the country in the fight against Vladimir Putin and ‘Russian aggression.” 

Continue reading

After Merging With SIX Other Groups, ‘The People’s Convoy’ is Over 10,000 Vehicles Strong, 70 Miles Long

“All seven groups of truckers converged at Ted Everett Farm Equipment in Monrovia, Indiana for an overnight stay on Wednesday night, and they were greeted by a massive ‘Shifting Gears Rally’ that thousands attended to show their support for the group’s protest.”

(Julian Conradson – Gateway Pundit) American truckers are gearing up for a massive protest this weekend in Washington DC to oppose Biden’s tyrannical COVID mandates. Thousands of protesters are expected to arrive for the demonstration, with several groups departing from across the country daily. Continue reading

Canada’s Trudeau Faces Fallout After Trucker Protest

“Mr. Trudeau now faces a polarized country, says John Wright, executive vice president of Maru Public Opinion, who said his surveys indicate a level of sharp anger in Canada he hasn’t seen in more than three decades of polling.”

(Paul Vieira – MSN)The protests that rocked Canada are over, but they have undermined Canadians’ faith in their government and hurt the image of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, new polling shows. Continue reading

Woke Ed Litton will not seek reelection as SBC President

“Ed Litton was going to face a challenge in Anaheim from concerned Southern Baptists. The Conservative Baptist Network (CBN) has said as much. It was clear the organization planned to offer a slate of candidates as a conservative alternative to the Woke and plagiarist faction. Litton’s withdrawal changes the tone of the campaign.”

(Capstone Report) Sermongate tainted Ed Litton retreats in disgrace. Will preside at Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Anaheim but not seek reelection as SBC President. Continue reading

The Image of Gold

16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. 17 But beware of men, for they will hand you over to the courts and scourge you in their synagogues; 18 and you will even be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. 19 But when they hand you over, do not worry about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say. 20 For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you. Matthew 10:16-20 (NASB) 

If we listen to the common message from the vast majority of “Christian” leaders these days we will not receive one of eternal focus, power, or value. Instead, if we believe the message, we know that God desires for all of His people to have it their way, to have their best life now, to live any way they choose all the while seeing that the point of Christianity is to be blessed here and now…. Continue reading

The West’s Green Energy Delusions Empowered Putin

“It was the West’s focus on healing the planet with “soft energy” renewables, and moving away from natural gas and nuclear, that allowed Putin to gain a stranglehold over Europe’s energy supply.” 

(Michael Shellenberger) How has Vladimir Putin—a man ruling a country with an economy smaller than that of Texas, with an average life expectancy 10 years lower than that of France—managed to launch an unprovoked full-scale assault on Ukraine?

There is a deep psychological, political and almost civilizational answer to that question: He wants Ukraine to be part of Russia more than the West wants it to be free…. Continue reading

$7 Gas Is Coming and a Poll Shows That Americans Blame Joe Biden for It

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) Gas prices have been going up since Joe Biden began cutting off energy sources in the name of global warming Leftism on his first day of office. Now, a year later, Bidenflation has taken hold, Russia has attacked Ukraine, and the price of a barrel of oil on Wednesday stood at a gasp-inducing $112/barrel. We’re looking at gas prices close to $7.00/gallon.

Just four months ago, Don Lemon the rest of his CNN buddies waxed rhapsodic over Joe Biden for an eight-cent drop in gas prices. Now, as prices skyrocket, Joe Biden’s getting the blame, too. Continue reading

As Russia Wages War, US Army Trains Officers on Gender Identity

Photo courtesy US Defense Watch (usdefensewatch.com)

“All Army personnel, from soldiers to commanders and supervisors, are required to participate in the training by Sept. 30, 2022, according to the spokesman.”

(Adam Kredo – Washington Free Beacon) While Russia wages a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. Army is putting its soldiers through training on gender pronouns and coaching officers on when to offer soldiers gender transition surgery, according to an official military presentation on the subject obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. Continue reading

Russell Moore Runs Into Daily Wire Journalist at Airport, Refuses to Answer Questions About Francis Collins

“In her piece, Megan Basham explains how the federal government co-opted Evangelical leaders like Russell Moore and Ed Stetzer to spread leftist COVID-19 propaganda to Christians through people like Francis Collins.”

(Reformation Charlotte) Russell Moore has been a staunch advocate of former National Institutes of Health (NIH) director, Francis Collins. Moore and other Evangelical leaders [Tim Keller, Rick Warren, Ed Stetzer, N.T. Wright to name a few, plus Christianity Today and The Gospel Coalition] have touted Collins as a strong Christian advocate in public healthcare despite the fact that he’s pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ. Moore repeatedly platformed Collins during his tenure at the ERLC to adjure Christians to heed his advice on vaccines and other COVID-related issues. Continue reading

Doctors Declare ‘National Emergency’ In Children’s Mental Health

“Reports indicate overall emergency department visits by children have decreased each year since 2020 while visits for chronic illnesses, injuries, mental health and behavioral issues jumped during the same period.”

(OAN) Health experts are raising alarms about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s mental health. During the pandemic, parents have reported grief, anxiety and depression among children while citing school closures and forced isolation as the primary culprits. Continue reading

Praying in Times of Trouble

14 Then Hezekiah took the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it, and he went up to the house of the LORD and spread it out before the LORD. 15 Hezekiah prayed to the LORD saying, 16 “O LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, who is enthroned above the cherubim, You are the God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth. Isaiah 37:14-16 (NASB) 

In our study of temptation for the believer it has become apparent that our major weapon in this battle is prayer. Jesus told us that we should pray as He showed us in what has become known as “The Lord’s Prayer.”… Continue reading

The Wickedness of Putin and the Problem of Power

“Putin is committing acts of evil. Of that, there can be no debate. But it seems mankind is fated to be ruled by people who lust for the trappings of power and do not desire the burdens of service. Let us not forget that the wickedness of Putin can be found much closer to home.”

(Lincoln Brown – PJ Media) In an article in The Hill on Tuesday, Russia analyst Fiona Hill gave her take on the horrific situation in Ukraine. Of note, Hill said that Putin is motivated by a desire to reestablish “Russian dominance of what Russia sees as the Russian ‘Imperium.’” This includes more real estate than what was under the Soviet Union. And who knows? Putin may see himself as heir apparent to the tsars…. Continue reading

Post-Christian Ideologies at Christian and Secular Colleges

“Christian schools must recognize that these new progressive ideologies pose an existential threat to their continued existence. As colleges around the country struggle with enrollment and face the risk of closure at an unprecedented rate, Christian schools must send a clear message that their education is fundamentally different from what goes on in secular institutions. Parents, donors, and k-12 educators must have confidence that what happens at Christian U will build on, rather than tear down, the early education of their students.”

(David Talcott – truthXchange) For some time now, truthXchange has been warning the church about the inroads that post-Christian ideologies are making into Christian colleges. The pagan worldview that reasserted itself in America in the late 20th century has now incorporated new ideas about sexuality, race, and other hot-button topics. A recent series of articles in mainstream outlets shows just how bad things have become in both secular and Christian higher education. Continue reading

Confused Old Man Yells at Nation for an Hour

“With the price of gas, homes, and groceries out of the reach of most Americans, Biden began by taking credit for doing nothing to stop Putin from invading Ukraine. And then vowed that he, along with a coalition of “freedom loving nations” would fight Putin until the last Ukrainian.”

(Daniel Greenfield – Frontpage Magazine) A confused political hack from Delaware staged a one-man insurrection by invading the sacred precincts of the Capitol building, hijacking all the TV networks, and yelling that the planet would be destroyed unless we gave him all our money so he could burn it and turn it into green energy. Continue reading

The Son of Man Came to Seek and to Save the Lost

9 And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he, too, is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:9-10 (NASB) 

If you listen to the vast majority of “gospel” preaching these days, the statement by our Saviour in the passage I place at the top of this post will appear to be somewhat backward. The reality that is preached from those pulpits is that salvation is a product of Human reason after hearing a sermon that shows the wonderful benefits of allowing Jesus to come into the hearer’s life. It is all Man’s choice or decision based solely upon a person’s own ability to reason. Continue reading

Putin’s Biden His Time

“It is true that some partisans will hammer the other side no matter what the circumstance, and that is destructive to our Republic. But in order to stop destructive policies like open borders, rampant inflation, erosion of criminal justice, you can’t just rally behind the guy who’s responsible – even if Biden is trying to contain the homicidal Putin.” 

(Bill O’Reilly) The Long Island newspaper Newsday is calling for all Americans to rally around President Biden in the conflict with Russia. Its editorial on February 26 states: “The undercutting of Biden by Republicans as he actively navigates armed conflict is shameful. The nation was stronger when domestic political squabbling ended at the water’s edge.” Continue reading

Pfizer mRNA Spike Protein Is Part of Your Cell Within Hours – NOT What the CDC Proclaimed

Watch the video!

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) A legitimate study that was revised, peer-reviewed, and published found that the mRNA from the Pfizer vaccine turns into DNA in the liver in vitro (an artificial environment outside a living organism). This is a legitimate study by prominent researchers. We don’t know if Pfizer knew. They haven’t said anything about it. However, the CDC insisted the RNA did not enter the cells. Continue reading

The Covid Cartel Lied, People Died. Now They Say It’s All Your Fault

“The body count was simply too high for them to admit they were wrong about the life-saving potential of these drugs  [hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin]. So instead of fessing up to their tragic  mismanagement, they allowed more people to needlessly die.”

(Ron Johnson and Robert Malone – The Federalist) In July 2021, President Biden, members of his administration, and the rest of the Covid cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech – began blaming the unvaccinated for the prolonged pandemic and calling it a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Continue reading

The Suicide of a January 6 Defendant: ‘They Broke Him’

“They broke him, they mentally broke him. He had run out of hope. I know he couldn’t take it any more.”

(Julie Kelly – American Greatness) Matthew Perna did nothing wrong on January 6, 2021.

The Pennsylvania man walked through an open door on the Senate side of the building shortly before 3 p.m. that afternoon. Capitol police, shown in surveillance video, stood by as hundreds of Americans entered the Capitol. Wearing a “Make America Great Again” sweatshirt, Perna, 37, left after about 20 minutes. Continue reading

Million Dollar Homes Become Status Symbols of Televangelists and Pastors

(Barry Bowen and Pete Evans, Trinity Foundation) Donors, where is the money going?

When a televangelist’s ministry or pastor’s church owns a private jet, you can almost be certain the leader lives in a mansion. That is one of the lessons Trinity Foundation has learned from investigating religious fraud and excess for more than 30 years.

In April 2021 the Houston Chronicle’s Jay Root asked Trinity Foundation for assistance on an article series about church parsonages in Texas…. Continue reading

Suffer the Little Children

“A fair bit of sudden-onset diabetes and DKA”

(Alex Berenson – Unreported Truths) VAERS – the federal side effects reporting system – has received more than 500 reports of life-threatening events, permanent disability,or deaths following mRNA shots in kids and adolescents.

In the light of today’s report that the jabs actually increase the risk of Covid infection in kids under 12 – and do little or nothing to reduce hospitalizations… Continue reading