Are You Working to Earn Everlasting Life?

28 Therefore they said to Him, “What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?” John 6:28 (NASB) 

The flesh is still with us all, even those who have been born again unto eternal life. The flesh does not understand grace. The flesh does not understand the relationship to the Christian being born again unto good works (Ephesians 2:10). Therefore, the visible church is ripe with false teaching at this time that emphasizes all the wrong things and, coupled with rampant Biblical illiteracy, most professing Christians are like those Jesus was confronting in John 6 who could not conceive what our Lord boldly told them in vv35-40 that belief and salvation was a gift from God not something earned or deserved. Continue reading

Freelance Journalist Takes a Tomahawk to the Media’s Narrative About Canada’s Freedom Convoy

(Matt Vespa – Townhall) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, along with the rest of the liberal media, have denigrated the truckers of the Freedom Convoy. It’s not a band of white supremacists. There is no violence. These are all lies. There’s no looting. There’s no arson. There’s no security issue present that would warrant the government rolling in the tanks. Luckily, the Canadian military has rejected any overtures that they be used to clear these people out. Ontario’s government tried to block the donation stream. It failed. GoFundMe pinched off donations to the truckers; GoSendMe picked up where they left off. Continue reading

Durham: Clinton allies spied on the Executive Office of the President

“Durham also divulged, to an extent, that contractors and tech experts – those same people involved in the Alfa Bank hoax – essentially spied on President Trump.”

(Techno Fog) The Michael Sussmann case is heating up.

On February 11, 2022, Durham filed the Government’s Motion to Inquire into Potential Conflicts of Interest in the Michael Sussmann case. Read it here…. Continue reading

Pentagon Pushes CRT in All Decisions – We’ll Never Win a War Again

“The Pentagon has been pushing an extreme version of critical race theory into the armed forces.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Radical leftist Bishop Garrison, the senior advisor to the secretary of defense for human capital and diversity, equity, and inclusion, drew up an outline for a Department of Defense article describing how the US military needs diversity, equity, and inclusion (CRT) in all decision making. Continue reading

Is the CIA Spying on You?

The CIA surveillance took place “entirely outside the statutory framework that Congress and the public believe govern this collection, and without any of the judicial, congressional or even executive branch oversight that comes from [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] collection.”

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) The phrase “Big Brother is watching you” has turned into such a cliche that we can easily forget the bracing shock that it brought when George Orwell published 1984: Continue reading

The Difference Is Love

If you’ve ever played a Bible trivia game, you likely know that “Do not fear” is a frequent command found throughout Scripture. I haven’t personally counted, but some say it can be found hundreds of times. Yet there’s also another frequent command. This command stands in stark contrast: “Fear the Lord.”

Oh, fear the Lord, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack! (Ps. 34:9)

“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matt. 10:28) Continue reading

Joe Rogan to the media: ‘The answer is not to silence me,’ it’s for ‘you to do better’

Podcast star says ‘nobody’ sees CNN’s Brian Stelter, Don Lemon as ‘voice of reason’

(Joseph A. Wulfsohn – Fox News) Podcast giant Joe Rogan offered advice to the legacy media as efforts to get him deplatformed from Spotify continue.

On Thursday’s installment of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” Rogan spoke about the “problem” various news sources have with him that “more people believe me or trust me or want to listen to me talk.” Continue reading

Beni Johnson, co-pastor of Bethel Redding, has been battling cancer. Recent reports reveal that her condition has deteriorated.

“We’re not begging for a miracle. It’s already been bought and paid for. The entire Christian life for me is learning what’s in my possession and what’s in my account and how to make withdrawals, and that’s the entire Christian life.” Bill Johnson

(Reformation Charlotte) I want to preface this article with the disclaimer that this is in no way intended to be spiteful or distasteful nor is it meant to disgrace these people in any way. Despite the grave errors and even damnable heresies of the extreme charismatic movement and, in particular, Bethel Church, these are still people who, like you and me, are sinners in need of a savior. Continue reading

Scientists Will Create Unborn Babies Who are Part Human, Part Animal for Research

“Ethical research alternatives do exist, such as adult stem cells, and these alternatives are already helping patients, while the embryo-destructive research has failed.”

(David Prentice – LifeNews) As we expected, the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) issued its revised guidelines on stem cells and embryo experiments at the end of May 2021, and as expected, the ISSCR recommendations are rife with proposed experiments on young human beings. Continue reading

Biden’s New Energy Department Pick Is His Most Outrageous and Appalling Yet

[Sam] Brinton is also involved in “puppy play,” which apparently involves grown men putting on dog masks and behaving like animals for sexual kicks.,,,Brinton is identified in the article as a “handler” of the men pretending to be puppies, and explains: “It’s the concept of the teacher and nurturer…. My job is to make sure that while he’s in headspace, I’m keeping him safe.”  

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Sam Brinton (“they/them”), had some “pretty BIG news” for his friends and followers on LinkedIn recently: “I have accepted the offer to serve as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy…. Continue reading

While Media Lie-Trashes Canadian Truckers, Truckers Say They Will Die for This Cause

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The head of the Trudeau-funded Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN), spread a picture of an antisemitic flier on social media claiming it to have originated with the Ottawa Freedom Convoy, an anti-mandate protest led by truckers.

Chair Bernie Farber tweeted it on Sunday, stating, “Taken by a friend in Ottawa at the Occupation. Apparently in plain sight,” captioning a picture of an antisemitic flier. Continue reading

What is the Treasure?

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21 (NASB)

Treasure has always fascinated me. As a boy, I loved to read stories and watch movies about people who find buried treasure. Now that I am an adult, the idea of possessing a fortune is compelling. Of course, that treasure is worldly and material. I have found material possessions don’t last…. Continue reading

Father Breaks Down: ‘I Will Never Forgive Myself For Not Fighting More’ Against Child Mask Mandates

(Guy Benson – Daily Wire) ‘The Science’ continues to magically shift before our very eyes, with additional liberal states joining the cascade of soon-to-be-lifted restrictions.  Some states, like California, New York and Illinois are set to relieve these burdens on everyone except  children, for now — which is, of course, the opposite of what the real science has been teaching us for almost two years.  Top Democrats have declared that the Biden administration has achieved enough progress to warrant ending mitigation, but that’s truly embarrassing spin.  Some media doctors are prancing along to their political tribe’s choreography, insisting that yes, the ‘Science’ has suddenly changed: Continue reading

Rebel News Co-Founder DEMOLISHES Canadian Media’s Lies About the Freedom Convoy

“Private media companies in Canada are under the thumb of the Trudeau administration because of his largesse. Many privately-owned media outlets are smaller subsidiaries of cable and utility conglomerates, which means that their leadership doesn’t care when woke publishers and editors squeeze out conservative points of view.”

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) If anyone in the conservative media environment should know about the Canadian media works, it’s Ezra Levant. He was one of the key personalities on the short-lived conservative Sun News Network, and before that, he wrote columns for years. Continue reading

Christian writers, preachers, and organizations that promoted Francis Collins should break their silence

“This who’s who of evangelicalism included Ed Stetzer, Rick Warren, Tim Keller, NT Wright [Russell Moore], and notable Christian publications like The Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, and the Billy Graham Center.”

(Peter Heck – Not the Bee) It is now a matter of public record that former National Institute of Health director Francis Collins either presided over, ordered, funded, or indirectly participated in the following during his tenure:

    • Record-level spending on scientific experimentation performed on fetuses obtained from abortions
    • University of Pittsburgh experiment that, among other things, grafted infant scalps onto lab rats

Continue reading

Simeon’s Prophecy

25 And there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel; and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. 27 And he came in the Spirit into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to carry out for Him the custom of the Law, 28 then he took Him into his arms, and blessed God, and said, 29 “Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace, According to Your word; Luke 2:25-32 (NASB) Read verses 30-32 on the site.

Genuine (saving) faith is not well understood by most professing Christians. I have learned as God has matured me over the years that He saved me. I was not saved because I decided anything. Those whom God saves are given the faith to believe. When He does this they believe and are saved. Jesus said: Continue reading

The Return of Roman Religion

“None of these policies can be identified as merely political. Rather, in the once “Christian” West we are faced with direct opposition to biblical truth, and encouragement to worship pagan gods and condone their practices. We respond as the Apostle did in ancient Rome two thousand years ago, with a courageous and full-scale defense of biblical truth.”

(Peter Jones – truthXchange) The West is increasingly anti-Christian. Recent opposition is not secularist or rationalist, nor is it merely political. It is deeply religious. Continue reading

Biden Stands by CDC Mask Mandates Even as Democrat Governors Revolt

(Charlie Spierling – Breitbart) President Joe Biden continues standing by the mask mandates advised by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), even as Democrat governors announce their decisions to lift them.

News broke that New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker will announce their decisions to lift mask mandates in their states after a flood of other Democrat governors led the way forward. Continue reading

Beth Moore Scolds Men Who Believe Women Shouldn’t Post Immodest Pictures on Social Media

“The raging feminist wing of professing Christendom always likes to come in and defend the indefensible. First up, Beth Moore…”

(Reformation Charlotte) First, I want to start by stating that the problem of immodesty is not unique to women–there are plenty of men who do the exact same thing. It is unclear why some give a pass to men while not to women. However, in the context of this latest incident, the men involved would not give a pass to men. Continue reading

Democrats in 2020 Wrote the Book on Voter Suppression and Election Subversion

“Joe Biden is right in saying that voter suppression and election subversion must be stopped. The problem for Democrats is that they have seen the enemy in the mirror.”

(William Doyle – American Greatness) Recently Joe Biden tweeted:

Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion. It’s about making it harder to vote, who gets to count the vote, and whether your vote counts at all. We have to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Continue reading

German Catholic priests come out as queer, demand reform

(DW) The Roman Catholic Church in Germany on Sunday faced renewed calls for better protection of LGBTQ rights and an end to institutional discrimination against queer people.

Around 125 people, including former and current priests, teachers, church administrators and  volunteers, identified themselves as gay and queer, asking the church to take into account their demands and do away with “outdated statements of church doctrine” when it comes to sexuality and gender. Continue reading

It Has Been Given to You

4 Yet to this day the LORD has not given you a heart to know, nor eyes to see, nor ears to hear. Deuteronomy 29:4 (NASB)

God is Sovereign. He is on the throne in Heaven. He is high and lifted up. The seraphim around the throne of God cry to one another, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!” The arrogant and the proud have no portion with Him for all who encounter Him will immediately see their sin and cry, “Woe is me for I am ruined!”…. Continue reading

Are the Covid Winds Shifting…and Why?

I would like nothing more than this whole mess to be over and done with, just like you. But we have to not take the bait and realize we’re dealing with Satan.”

(Bill Perkins – Compass) In the past, the Communists/Satanists have pushed as far as they can and then drop back—but nowhere near where they started—always gaining ground—only to start again in the future.

That’s probably what’s happening now. Seems they feel it’s time for a pull-back to make people feel better. Continue reading

COVER UP: DOD Silent After Whistleblowers Expose Covid ‘Vaccine’ Injuries in Military

(Patricia Nal – RAIR Foundation) In a February 1, 2022 letter addressed to DOD leader Lloyd Austin, Senator Ron Johnson cites the “dramatic increases in medical diagnoses among military personnel,” as well as evidence that the “diagnoses of myocarditis had been removed from the database.”

Senator Ron Johnson has been fighting for answers from Secretary Lloyd Austin of the Department of Defense (DoD) after three whistleblower doctors represented by attorney Thomas Renz came forward under penalty of perjury. Continue reading

TGC Author Tells Parents God Uses Transgenderism and Homosexuality to Make Kids More Like Christ

“I’m wanting the young people who come to this event to know that Jesus is the one person that they can fully trust with their sexualities, identities and gender because he is both their Creator God and a human being who knows what it is like to grapple with a sexuality, identity and gender….” — Ed Shaw

(Reformation Charlotte) One can only wonder how much longer Jesus will wait before unleashing full wrath and judgment on those who continue to blaspheme His name. I wish I could say that I was surprised by such an absurd assertion, but clearly, with the history of The Gospel Coalition and it’s many LGBTQ activists it continues to platform, nothing is surprising anymore. Continue reading