The Ordeal and Triumph of Mr. Netanyahu

“Netanyahu struck before the election. That sent a message that even if Harris were to be elected, neither she nor Biden in the next few months will veto Israeli strategic options. (And the strike also reminded American voters that the current administration turned a calm Middle East into an inferno). …The surreal aspect of the Netanyahu retaliatory tour is that he has done more to neutralize European and American enemies—with decades of Western blood on their hands—than NATO, the CIA, the FBI, and Interpol combined, and yet more often received rebuke rather than gratitude.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – Victor Davis Hanson) After the October 7 massacres, the obituaries of the long political career of Benjamin Netanyahu, published both in Israel and in the West, became orthodox. He was considered as politically inert as Donald Trump once was after January 6, 2021. Continue reading

Biden DOJ fights election integrity efforts with lawsuits across the country ahead of the election

“Let’s be clear about what just happened: only eleven days before a Presidential election, a federal judge ordered Virginia to reinstate over 1,500 individuals – who self-identified themselves as noncitizens – back onto the voter rolls.”

(Natalia Mittelstadt – Just the News) The Biden administration’s Department of Justice is suing states and towns across the country in an effort to thwart election integrity measures ahead of the presidential election, resulting in pushback from election integrity advocates. Continue reading

Worst. Nazi. Rally. Ever.

“The only Nazi symbols you saw at all came courtesy of the Democrats.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) When Donald Trump’s campaign announced plans for a rally at Madison Square Garden, Democrats and their media allies knew they had a problem. Trump was going to pack the house on their turf. So they wasted no time pushing the tired Hitler narrative and claimed that the choice of venue was an homage to a pro-Nazi rally held there in 1939.

It wasn’t just liberals in the media pushing this narrative, either. Hillary Clinton accused Trump of “actually re-enacting the Madison Square Garden rally in 1939.” Continue reading

Do not be anxious about your life!

25 “For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Matthew 6:25 (LSB) 

God’s Kingdom is real. It is not completely fulfilled in this world. It exists in the hearts of His people here, but in eternity, it is totally manifest. God is transcendent. He is not affected in any way by His creation, the Universe. However, He is also imminent in that He sent His beloved son as a Man to become the New Adam. He did this to start the process of developing Kingdom Life in this world. Our Lord’s atoning work on the Cross purchased His people by His blood…. Continue reading

Trump Had an Epic Interview with Joe Rogan. Here Are Some Highlights.

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) On Friday, Joe Rogan sat down with former President Donald Trump for a candid three-hour interview, which was posted late that evening. The conversation was free-flowing and unrestricted, allowing for a deep dive into various topics. In contrast, sources reveal that Kamala Harris declined to participate in her own interview, due to strict limitations she wanted on what could be discussed. This stark difference highlights a significant divide: Trump scored a key interview that showcased a relaxed and engaging exchange, while Harris opted out, leaving questions about her openness. Continue reading

Fr. Vigano Warns Catholics Not to Vote for ‘Infernal Monster’ Harris

“The former archbishop went on to blast Kamala Harris as a George Soros “puppet,” who is controlled by former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.”

(Mary Dowling) The New York Post reports former Vatican Ambassador Archbishop Carlo Vigano encouraged Catholics not to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris, referring to her as “an infernal monster who obeys Satan.”

On Tuesday, he published a fiery open letter to Catholics, declaring that voting for VP Harris would be a “grave sin.” Continue reading

BREAKING: Israeli Strikes on Iran Are Underway

(Katie Pavlich – Townhall) Israel’s retaliatory strikes against the Islamic Republic of Iran are officially underway as explosions rock different parts of the country Friday night. The Israeli Defense Forces confirmed the news shortly after the strikes began – nuclear sites and oil fields were not targets.

“In response to months of continuous attacks from the regime in Iran against the State of Israel—right now the Israel Defense Forces is conducting precise strikes on military targets in Iran. The regime in Iran and its proxies in the region have been relentlessly attacking Israel since October 7th—on seven fronts—including direct attacks from Iranian soil,” an IDF spokesperson released in a statement on X….

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Babylon Bee vs Joel Webbon, Auron MacIntyre

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Justin Peters canceled the Babylon Bee in 2022 over their interview with Elon Musk where they jokingly treated Elon Musk as a believer because he accepted the “golden rule” and showed appreciation for the teachings of Jesus. Believing that they blew it, Justin Peters stated that he would not share another Babylon Bee article no matter how funny. In that interview, Elon Musk was more interested in talking about Jesus and the Bible than a Christian ministry. Musk seemingly has unanswered questions, but no attempt was made to answer them. They instead laughed them off. Justin Peters’s decision would age well as the Babylon Bee has only descended from that point. Continue reading

Former Reformed Podcaster-turned-feminist, Aimee Byrd, Ordains Herself and Officiates Her Brother’s Wedding

“It was subtle at first, only noticed by those pesky “discernment blogs” of the 20-teens who had nothing better to do than to “nitpick” at everything and “cause division” in the body of Christ.” 

(The Dissenter) Once a co-host of the popular Reformed podcast The Mortification of Spin, alongside Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt, Aimee Byrd seemed to be aligned with these self-proclaimed champions of Reformed theology. But it didn’t take long before this seemingly orthodox voice in the conservative Reformed world unraveled in spectacular fashion. Continue reading

‘No Concessions’: Kamala Harris’s Alarming Response to Religious Freedom on Abortion

Baby at 15 weeks. babycenter screenshot

“There are no two ways about it. Kamala Harris utterly fails to understand the American project. She is not only anti-Constitution and anti-American. She is anti-human. She has revealed her religion for all to see, and it isn’t in keeping with the spirit of the American founding.”

(Colin Smothers – Real Truth Media) Kamala Harris is the most radical candidate ever to seek the office of President of the United States, but with less than two weeks to go until election day, she has been racing to downplay or reverse nearly every progressive policy position she has held in a cynical play for moderates, independents, and even religiously-minded voters. However, in a recently televised interview with NBC News, the mask slipped, and a Molech-worshipping totalitarian peered out from behind. Continue reading

The Conflict of Two Natures

24 Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body of this death? Romans 7:24 (LSB) 

This is written to Christians, that is, those who were dead in their trespasses and sins in which they formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among them they too all formerly lived in the lusts of their flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest…. Continue reading

The hit piece in The Atlantic is part of a psy-op designed to provoke a third assassination attempt and justify mass post-election violence.

“This is not just the normal heated rhetoric that comes out in the final weeks of a close presidential election. This is something else. It is at least a tacit call for violent resistance, for insurrection, and even for a third assassination attempt against Trump.”

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) The outlandish hit piece on Donald Trump published this week by Jeffery Goldberg at The Atlantic, which was immediately denied on the record by all the people who were in the room with Trump, isn’t just a shoddy smear that would never have passed muster in a newsroom 20 years ago. Continue reading

Book Report: ‘Discerning the Voice of God’ by Priscilla Shirer

(Nick Peters – Deeper Waters) Should we expect to hear the voice of God? Let’s plunge into the Deeper Waters and find out.

My boss at the Post Office was surprised when I told her that hearing the voice of God is not a part of normative Christian living. It hasn’t been for centuries. It’s only been in more recent times that Christians have been convinced they are hearing the voice of God and that this is what everyone is supposed to do.

Someday, I would like to know where it started. Continue reading

Discernment, divisiveness, unity, and proof of salvation

1 Therefore, since there is encouragement in Christ, consolation of love, fellowship of the Spirit, affection, and compassions, 2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, the same love, as ones joined in soul and of one mind. (Philippians 2:1-2 translated from the NA28 Greek text)

The exercise of true discernment is not divisiveness regardless of that very charge by those who like to throw around the label “hater” against those who obey God by revealing the truth about their ministries to the Body of Christ. In fact, those who are being divisive are the very ones who are corrupting the truth through their false teachings, leading people astray and by not leading people to become God-focused in their life and worship rather than self-focused. Yes, that is truly divisive and their exposure to the discerning by those being obedient to God is both painful and necessary. Continue reading

It is Time for Christian Parents to Completely Abandon Disney for Good

“What’s most frustrating about it is that so many Christian parents still just don’t get it, or don’t care. They’ve let nostalgia for the Disney of their youth cloud their judgment. After all, how could the same company that gave us The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast possibly be leading their children into spiritual danger?”

(The Dissenter) The war on children is real, and Disney is on the frontlines waging that war against them. And let’s be honest, everyone knows that Disney’s own sexual revolution isn’t just a weird little rebranding to stay “relevant” in modern cultural zeitgeist. No, Disney has become a full-fledged weapon of the left, carefully constructed to shove queer theory and homosexual propaganda right into the minds of children. Continue reading

Modern-day witches and the Harris campaign

“The Quest Book Shop is where U.N. officials gather to meditate and read material from the Theosophical Society. Founded by a Russian mystic named Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891), who wrote The Secret Doctrine, Theosophy teaches that man can become God through mystical experiences, and can even perform miracles.”

(Cliff Kincaid – RenewAmerica) When Christian evangelist [NAR wolf] Lance Wallnau said that the Kamala Harris campaign was being driven by an occult spirit and witchcraft, he was denounced by the Big Media as a lunatic. What the media don’t want you to know is that a “Witches for Harris 2024” group has actually been formed and that another movement is casting spells against President Trump. Continue reading

The Compromised Compassion of ‘Side B’ Ministries

(Mike Solecki – TruthScript) As Christians, we have a sincere desire for the lost to be saved. We also understand, “the gospel is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16 NKJV), including homosexuals. Yet today, the church is being sold a bill of goods that claims our disciple-making efforts have been unloving, harsh, and even oppressive. We are told this is especially true when it comes to homosexuality.

In light of these claims, ministries such as, “The Center for Faith, Sexuality, & Gender,” “Revoice”, and “Posture Shift” have all emerged to help the church shift its unloving posture and revoice its “harsh voice” to embrace a more compassionate way of ministering to the LBGTQ+ community…. Continue reading

When will Heaven and Earth pass away?

17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 “For I say to you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:17-20 NASB)

Some have used the passage above to teach that Christians must still keep the whole Law, but a careful reading of the passage clearly shows that it is conditional. Did Jesus come to destroy the law or the prophets? No, He came to fulfill them. What does that mean? This speaks of fulfillment in the same sense that prophecy is fulfilled…. Continue reading

‘Heaven is for Real’ Author Todd Burpo Shares Update On Son 14 Years After ‘Visiting’ Heaven

(Protestia) Fourteen years ago, Todd Burpo, an evangelical pastor, wrote the New York Times best-selling book “Heaven is for Real,” which detailed what his three-year-old son Colton saw in heaven after he lost consciousness on a hospital operating table, the result of getting his appendix removed.

The book became an international sensation, sold 11 million copies, and spent nearly a year atop the book charts, ultimately getting made into a movie that did over $100M at the box office.

“Heaven is for Real” also served to demonstrate that discernment is floating dead atop the surface of the wide stream of American evangelicalism, like a bloated corpse drifting with the current, because nothing about this fantastical, extra-biblical tale is remotely believable or biblical. Continue reading

Why Vote?

“Because we live in a constitutional republic, citizens have power and therefore certain duties. Just as a husband should love his wife (even when respect isn’t reciprocated from her), so too should a citizen fulfill his duty even if his ideal candidate isn’t on the ballot or if his vote is radically different from his neighbor’s and might be “wasted.” Many evangelicals who live in blue areas and sense that their vote won’t matter are disinclined to vote because they don’t think they can win. While we should aim to win, voting is about fulfilling your neighborly duty first.”

(Chase Davis – Clear Truth Media) Many Christians are politically demoralized. They sense that politicians do not care about them and that the available candidates fall short of the virtues they hold dear. Decades of propaganda have had their intended effect in suppressing the evangelical vote in America, so much so that Barna recently reported that 41 million born-again Christians are not planning to vote this year. Continue reading

Harris, Cheney Receive ‘Pre-Determined’ Questions at Scripted Town Hall

“Cheney is a neocon, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, and a longtime establishment figure in Congress. She helped Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on the partisan January 6 Committee, reportedly leaked on former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, asked for Democrats’ vote in her 2022 reelection campaign, and grew her net worth from an estimated $7 million when she first took office in 2017 to possibly more than $44 million in 2020.”

(Wendell Husebo – Breitbart) The host of a Harris campaign “town hall” in Pennsylvania on Monday warned the audience the event would feature “pre-determined” questions for Liz Cheney and Vice President Kamala Harris. Continue reading

Christian maturity and discernment

12 Not that I have already obtained or have already been perfected, but I press on that, if indeed, I may lay hold of that for which I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

Discernment is not a dirty word. I saw read a statement by friend the other day which stated that if a Christian leader demands to be shielded from those with discernment then that is a sure sign that he (or she) has some sort of theology problem or worse and that very thing calls for those with discernment to take an even closer look at that person’s ministry…. Continue reading

Night Fever…or a vision?

(Bill O’Reilly) Had a vision the other night which was actually a feverish dream.  The Vice President of the United States agreed to be interviewed by me.  Crazy, I know, but here’s how it went down.

O’R:  Madam Vice President, thank you for doing this.

KH:  I hate you.

O’R:  Wow, any wiggle room there?

KH:  None.  You are a pecksniffian and a troglodyte.  I can’t believe I’m here, even in a dream.

O’R: Got it.  Let’s proceed.  Are you standing by your statement that you can’t think of anything the Biden administration should have done differently? Continue reading

John MacArthur Speaks Out on Steve Lawson: “The Lord Said ‘That’s Enough.'”

(Protestia) During a Grace Community Church Sunday night service, Pastor John MacArthur answered a question about his friend, former Trinity Bible Church pastor and former Master’s Seminary professor Steve Lawson, stating one of the ways God loves and purifies the church is “to expose someone in a position they have no right to be in.”

Watch the video on the site.

MacArthur provided an update on his heart surgery, recovery, and an estimated 5-6 weeks before his strength returns enough to preach, even while noting humorously that he was “strong enough to have a conversation.” Continue reading