New Education Secretary Signals End Is Near for the Department

“McMahon sent a letter to her new employees signaling the department will be shuttered if she and her boss can get their way…”

(Paul Dragu – New American) The Senate confirmed Linda McMahon as the new secretary of the Department of Education on Monday. That same day, she announced plans for the department’s “final mission.”

One of President Donald Trump’s many campaign promises included eliminating the federal Education Department…. Continue reading

A Rebuttal to Kevin DeYoung’s Non-Confrontational Christianity

“We cannot accept this cowardly theology. The role of the pastor is not merely to exegete texts in a vacuum but to apply them with force against the strongholds of the age. That is the entire point—to demonstrate the power of the gospel against a backdrop of darkness. The gospel is the power to save, and what better way to demonstrate it than to wield that sword against such darkness?”

(The Dissenter) History has never suffered a shortage of theologians who chose comfort over confrontation, accommodation over courage. In the courts of corrupt kings and the halls of dead and decaying empires, there were always those willing to drape cowardice in the language of wisdom, caution, and nuance. Continue reading

If The Supreme Court Is Going To Ignore The Constitution, Trump Should Ignore The Supreme Court

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) The Supreme Court’s shocking decision on Wednesday to allow a D.C. district court judge to order the Trump administration to disburse $2 billion in federal grant money is a major blow to the separation of powers undergirding our constitutional system of government.

But the thing about separation of powers is that they stand or fall together. All three branches of our government — legislative, executive, and judicial — have to respect the Constitution’s clear separation of powers. If one of them doesn’t, there’s no reason that the others should. Continue reading

And now, little children, abide in him

28 And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He is manifested, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming. 29 If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone also who does righteousness has been born of Him. 1 John 2:28-29 (LSB) 

There are two types of people in the world. There are God’s children (genuine Christians) and everyone else. One of the reasons I love to read the Gospel of John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Revelation is that John, the disciple whom Jesus loved (John 21:7), wrote very profound words that have no gray areas…. Continue reading

State of the Union Address Proves the Left Have Been Given Over by God to a Debased Mind

“I am not saying that voting Republican or even being “conservative” is synonymous with being born again. Plenty of conservatives are lost, just as there are those in leftist circles who may someday yet repent and turn to Christ. But what we are saying—what cannot be ignored—is that one side of this political divide has been unmistakably marked by the judgment of God.”

(The Dissenter) If there was ever a night that confirmed the Democrat Party and its allies have been handed over to a debased mind, last night’s State of the Union Address was it. The theater of malevolence was in full swing, an outright spectacle of loathing and rebellion against anything remotely good, true, or even recognizably human. Continue reading

Gavin Ortlund’s Third-Wayism Debunked

“The issues he cites as evils on the right are personality-based, not policy-based, and Third Wayism is generally about policy. Moreover, polarization in America is good. If America were not politically polarized, we would be content with open borders and endless wars.” 

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Gavin Ortlund is poised to be the next Tim Keller in so far as he’s attempting to popularize theological liberalism and political Third Wayism. In her book Shepherds For Sale, Megan Basham commented on his ability to package liberal talking points to reach the next generation. In a recent video, Gavin Ortlund sets off to argue why his Third Wayism is not like the Third Wayism you’re used to. Continue reading

Democrats Promised Theatrics At Trump’s Speech But Displayed Their Soullessness Instead

“I could find a cure to the most devastating disease — a disease that would wipe out entire nations — or announce the answers to the greatest economy in history, or the stoppage of crime to the lowest levels ever recorded, and these people sitting right here will not clap, will not stand, and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements…” 

(Breccan F. Thies – The Federalist) Democrats went into President Donald Trump’s speech to the joint session of Congress promising theatrics. But, amid Trump’s speech detailing major reforms and honoring Americans victimized by far-left policies, the American people saw Democrats devolve into the ice-cold soullessness one has come to expect from a party — and group of people — grasping for relevance. Continue reading

Latest SCOTUS Ruling Leaves Justice Alito ‘Stunned’

(Katie Pavlich – Townhall) The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Wednesday morning to uphold a lower court ruling forcing the Trump administration to reinstate billions of dollars in foreign aid. 

The move left Justice Samuel Alito “stunned.”

“Does a single district-court judge who likely lacks jurisdiction have the unchecked power to compel the Government of the United States to pay out (and probably lose forever) 2 billion taxpayer dollars?… Continue reading

Pastrix Paula White: Your Words Create Your Destiny

Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries wrote this piece in 2012 in his endeavor to expose the rank heresy of Paula White and several other prosperity preachers mentioned here. Ken included a video of Bishop T.D. Jakes close to the end that is a MUST WATCH. Jakes is quite the showman…and a master of manipulation.  

Now brace yourself for what Ken reveals here: 

Apprising Ministries will now bring to your attention a major reason why Word Faith prosperity heretics like T.D. Jakes—the spiritual father of White—are being ushered into the mainstream of evangelicalism.

You may not like it, but often the truth hurts: It’s inundated with weak-kneed milquetoasts crawling throughout that camp who would like to make all of us forget that we are in a war for the souls of men. Continue reading

What is a True Jesus Follower?

18 Now as Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. 19 And He *said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” 20 And immediately they left their nets and followed Him. 21 And going on from there He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and He called them. 22 And immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him. Matthew 4:18-22 (LSB) 

It seems just like the other day, but I suppose it was nearly 20 years ago or so that the old Slice of Laodicea blog was going full tilt, Ken Silva and Ingrid were taking it as well as giving it from those who hated to hear the truth that there actually is a dividing line between Orthodox Christianity and everything else that calls itself Christian, but isn’t, that is, apostasy in one form or another…. Continue reading

The Same Pixar Series That Ditched an LGBT Character Introduces a Christian Character

“Some people may frame the inclusion of this character as a pendulum swing away from the wokeness that has characterized Disney’s output the last couple of years. I’d rather see it as a return to Walt’s original vision for a studio whose output represented Judeo-Christian and American values. It’s a welcome sight to behold.”

(Chris Queen) The times, they are a-changing at Disney. Last month, I wrote about how The Walt Disney Company decided to distance itself from its past Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies. Continue reading

The Ukraine Blues

(Bill O’Reilly) Volodymyr Zelensky should have called me before he strolled into the White House on Friday. Talk about not being able to read the room. The Big Z is as clueless as a seal pup who waves a Polar Bear over.

If asked, I could have suggested to Zelensky the following facts of life.

– President Trump believes the $175 billion that the Biden administration has sent to Ukraine is not money well spent.  He thinks the battered country is not trying hard enough to get a ceasefire deal. Continue reading

Trump Setting Stage to Suspend or Even Ban COVID Vax

“What’s mind-boggling is that some institutions continue to enforce COVID vaccine mandates when the overhyped virus is no longer an urgent public-health threat (if it ever really was in the first place).”

(Samantha Chang – The Western Journal) President Donald Trump has set the stage for the suspension — or the complete ban — of the Covid-19 vaccine amid mounting evidence of injuries, side effects, and even deaths. Continue reading

New details reveal just how disastrous Zelensky’s faceplant really was…

“War is the will of the few, not the many. Speaking of, a viral clip is making the rounds on social media, allegedly showing Ukrainian soldiers hoping for an end to the war.”

(Revolver) Zelensky’s grip on power is crumbling, and the Ukraine war narrative is collapsing along with it. With the Biden regime out and America First is in, President Trump and Vice President JD Vance are refusing to bankroll the Deep State’s endless wars.

The “blank-check” era is over. Let’s face it, Americans are fed up with sending billions overseas while their own country spirals into the abyss…. Continue reading

Is Progressive Christianity Christian?

Will the “old guard” liberals stand up for ideals they devoutly championed just “yesterday?” Or will they just keep their mouths shut and embrace the new – and very dogmatic “religion” of the far-left “Progressives”?

(Don and Joy Veinot – Midwest Christian Outreach) In his 1923 book Christianity & Liberalism, J. Gresham Machen asserts that liberalism is another religion unto itself, far removed from the biblical Christianity from which it came. We think he makes some good points. In Chapter Two of his book, he takes the liberalism (of his day) to task concerning their public hostility toward doctrine – when, in fact, they had simply created new doctrines that comport with what Machen points out is essentially a new religion…. Continue reading

Christians should reject ‘gay identity’ in its entirety

“When we surrender to Christ as Lord and Savior all of us are surrendered to Him, including our sexual brokenness. Scripture tells us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), not to hold onto our dirty flesh and pridefully argue for its perpetual existence in our lives (Pr. 8:13). The belief that homosexual desires are permanent implies that God is not powerful enough to deal with homosexual sin.”

(Taylor Simon Maxwell) There is a sinister movement that has crept into the Church. It goes by a few names, some of which include “Gay Celibate Theology” or “Side B Christianity.” I like to call it demonic.

Those who identify as Gay Celibate Christians will mostly affirm that God created two genders, male and female (Gen. 1:27), and that sex is reserved for marriage (Gen. 2:24). So far so good, right? Wrong…. Continue reading

Perjury? Former NIH director Collins defends COVID record by distorting mask study, author says

(Greg Piper – Just the News) Stanford medical professor Jay Bhattacharya faces his first confirmation hearing to lead the National Institutes of Health next week, but his predecessor –  who once dismissed Bhattacharya as a “fringe epidemiologist” for opposing COVID-19 lockdowns – is still a lightning rod for controversy and could even find himself in legal trouble.

Lawyers for Francis Collins, the longest-serving director in NIH history, protested the “material misrepresentations” about COVID mitigations and himself in the final report of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which said the feds lacked evidence for “broadly requiring masking,” before it shuttered last year. Continue reading

Trump Blows up at Zelenskyy in Fiery Oval Office Meeting, Boots Him From White House

Update: President Donald Trump has kicked Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy out of the White House following the tense exchange:

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Original Article:  In a tense Oval Office meeting on Friday, President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance engaged in a fiery exchange with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, marked by sharp accusations and heated rebuttals. The confrontation underscored deep frustrations as Trump and Vance pressed Zelenskyy on his apparent ingratitude for the Trump administration’s efforts to end the war. Continue reading

The Problem with Personality Tests

The Enneagram was developed in 1916 by man named G. I. Gurdjieff who believed it was a mystical way to understand all truth (which Jesus would have a thing or two to say about.) It did not become a personality test until the 1970s, when Claudio Naranjo engaged in the occultic practice of “automatic writing” by entering a trance-like state that permitted spirits to guide his hand as wrote about the Enneagram (1 John 4:1 anyone?). 

(Doug Ponder – Clear Truth Media) I once spoke at a conference where I was asked to address several controversial topics, the kind that tend to get someone’s hackles up when they do not like what the Lord has said about this or that. Yet I drew the most ire, not from the exposition of hard truths in our soft times, but from an offhanded remark I made about my disdain for personality tests…. Continue reading

Megyn Kelly reveals on program that she was likely injured by mRNA covid vaccine

(Ben Marquis – Conservative Institute) Though previously largely silenced or dismissed by the federal government and the media, thousands of Americans have spoken out about alleged injuries and new medical issues they were diagnosed with after receiving an mRNA-style covid-19 vaccine.

That legion has now been joined by a particularly prominent and loud voice, conservative-leaning podcaster Megyn Kelly, who revealed on her show this week that she, too, is suffering ill effects from vaccines she previously received, according to the Daily Mail. Continue reading

Should Christians dialogue with obvious apostates and heretics?

8 Now to sum up, all of you be like-minded, sympathetic, brotherly, tender-hearted, and humble in spirit; 9 not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but giving a blessing instead, for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit a blessing. 10 For, “THE ONE WHO DESIRES LIFE, TO LOVE AND SEE GOOD DAYS, MUST KEEP HIS TONGUE FROM EVIL AND HIS LIPS FROM SPEAKING DECEIT. 11 HE MUST TURN AWAY FROM EVIL AND DO GOOD; HE MUST SEEK PEACE AND PURSUE IT. 12 FOR THE EYES OF THE LORD ARE TOWARD THE RIGHTEOUS, AND HIS EARS ATTEND TO THEIR PRAYER, BUT THE FACE OF THE LORD IS AGAINST THOSE WHO DO EVIL.” 1 Peter 3:8-12 (LSB) 

This era of the Church is one of extreme deception due to compromise with the standards and focus of the world. Separation between the Church and the world is not being kept. Instead, the holy barrier between the two has been breached as false prophets have welcomed in not only the world and its ways into their churches, but have also embraced the mysticism of the Eastern religions…. Continue reading

PCUSA Policy Places ‘Trans’ Boys in Girls Cabins and Showers at Camps and Blames Girls If They Don’t Like It

“The same denomination that can’t figure out why their pews are emptying at record speed is bending over backward to accommodate whatever the activists demand this week. Boys in the girls’ cabins? Sure. Gender-fluid theology that makes a mockery of God’s created order? Of course. Apologies for all the centuries of so-called “bigotry” for believing men and women actually exist? Absolutely.”

(The Dissenter) There’s an old saying about foxes guarding henhouses. It turns out the Presbytery of Western North Carolina has taken that metaphor and cranked it up to eleven, not just letting the foxes guard the chickens, but setting up a cozy little Airbnb for them right inside the coop…. Continue reading

President Trump appoints Paula White, who has been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades, to head new faith office

By Marsha West – Christian Research Network

Calm down those of you who oppose Donald Trump’s appointment of his long time “spiritual adviser” (choke) Paula White-Cain as head of the reestablished White House faith office to “assist faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship in their efforts to strengthen American families, promote work and self-sufficiency, and protect religious liberty.” The way I look at it is that having a high-profile position like this is going to make it a whole lot easier to identify her friends and supporters, the folks conservative Christians must watch out for and avoid as per Romans 16:17-18. Some individuals we already know about, some we don’t know about, and we’re on the verge of discovering who makes up the latter.

In 2016 I penned the following in Would Jesus Refer to Certain People On Trump’s Christian Advisory Committee As Serpents and Hypocrites: Continue reading

Did an acting US Attorney erase a major Dem scandal right before Trump took over?

“This doesn’t sound like your run-of-the-mill shady financial scandal—it’s seeming to paint a very clear picture of how deep the corruption runs when politics, power, and privilege collide. A Dem mega-donor, Hollywood elites and a so-called environmental crusader—protected by the very system that should’ve held him accountable. More Dem lawfare, working to protect them at all costs.”

(Revolver) Looks like the swamp was working overtime in the final hours before President Trump took office. That’s what Daily Wire reporter Luke Rosiak thinks happened. He just dropped a bombshell story that raises one glaring question: Did an “acting” US attorney quietly erase a major Dem scandal just before Trump took the reins? Continue reading

SBC Credentials Committee Approves and Affirms Church With Female Teaching Pastor

“The credentials committee, supposedly the doctrinal watchdog of the SBC, was caught flat-footed. What were they to do? Was a “teaching pastor” really a pastor-pastor? Could they really be expected to act decisively when so many important people—JD Greear, Griffin Gulledge, Danny Akin—preferred to look the other way? The Baptist Faith & Message said one thing, but without an enforcement mechanism, what did it matter?”

(The Dissenter) Once upon a time, Southern Baptists knew what a pastor was. Not that it was ever complicated. The Bible, clear as a bell, lays it out—a pastor is a man, called by God, qualified by Scripture, and entrusted with the shepherding of the flock. And for a while, the SBC followed suit. Then came the termites. Continue reading