A Cabinency of Dunces

“The common denominator to these Biden appointees is ideological rigidity, nonchalance, and sheer incompetence.”   (Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) As the nation sinks inexplicably into self-created crisis after crisis, debate rages whether Joe Biden is incompetent, mean-spirited, or an … Continue reading 

We Know Where the Baby Formula Went — to Illegal Aliens

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) As you know, there is an alarming nationwide shortage of baby formula in the United States. Yet Joe Biden and his officials have found plenty of baby formula to keep illegal aliens well-supplied. Rep. Kat … Continue reading 

Imagine the Unimaginable

“When revolutionaries undermine the system, earn the antipathy of the people, and face looming disaster at the polls, it is then they prove most dangerous—as we shall see over the next few months.” (Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) Americans … Continue reading 

The Exasperated American

“Bullied Americans are angry that people who control the nation’s institutions deliberately mislead them and do so because they hate them…Let us hope that they channel this historic exasperation in November in a manner we have never seen before in … Continue reading 

Dem Election Campaign Begins with Insurrection: Burn It All Down!

“Roe is unconstitutional. Turning it over to the states is the right thing to do. This way the people can vote for their own abortion laws.” (Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The Democrat election campaign has begun over abortion. They … Continue reading 

FBI Warns of Ransomware Attacks on Food Processing Plants

“This all took place during and after Joe Biden warned of impending food shortages. He didn’t mention the ransomware attacks. When the ransomware attacks occurred against energy supplies in 2021, Russia blamed the CIA. The CIA said Russia did it.” (Mary … Continue reading 

Who Is Running This Show, Anyway?

“Who rules? The people, articulating their interests through the metabolism of ordinary politics? Or the bureaucratic elite, who claim to discern the inevitable direction and goal of history and are prepared to marshal the coercive power of the state to … Continue reading 

The plan to destroy America: Cloward-Piven and Obama

(Wayne Allyn Root) I’m just back from Florida where I had the great honor of speaking at a “Club 45” event that had two speakers: myself and former President Donald J. Trump. Thousands of tickets sold out in 20 minutes. … Continue reading 

The Hunter Becomes the Prey

“The corporate media couldn’t get on the phony Russian “disinformation” train fast enough. Night after night, NBC News and CNN pounded the story – so much so that legitimate reporting about the laptop got banned on Facebook and Twitter.” (Bill … Continue reading 

Most Americans Blame This Person for Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) You have heard the Left’s talking points: despite the complete discrediting of their Russian collusion propaganda, they continue to insist, without a shred of supporting evidence, that Donald Trump was in Vladimir Putin’s hip pocket … Continue reading 

The Suicide of a January 6 Defendant: ‘They Broke Him’

“They broke him, they mentally broke him. He had run out of hope. I know he couldn’t take it any more.” (Julie Kelly – American Greatness) Matthew Perna did nothing wrong on January 6, 2021. The Pennsylvania man walked through … Continue reading 

Democrats in 2020 Wrote the Book on Voter Suppression and Election Subversion

“Joe Biden is right in saying that voter suppression and election subversion must be stopped. The problem for Democrats is that they have seen the enemy in the mirror.” (William Doyle – American Greatness) Recently Joe Biden tweeted: Jim Crow … Continue reading 

The Big Lie 2024: A Peek Inside the Ruling Elite’s Playbook to Kneecap Trump, Purge Military, and Neutralize MAGA

Writing in the Washington Post one week before Christmas, three retired Army generals further developed the open conspiracy against a free and fair election in 2024. The three stooges charted new waters of hyperbole and hysteria, warning of an impending civil … Continue reading 

Fentanyl Is the Leading Cause of Death, Ages 18-45, How Many Have to Die?

“Fentanyl comes from over our open borders. Joe Biden and his crime syndicate in the DC swamp aid and abet these drug runners. That is to say nothing about sex trafficking which is SLAVERY, often of young children.” (Mary Dowling … Continue reading 

Fact Check: Sotomayor Claims 100,000 Children ‘in Serious Condition,’ on ‘Ventilators’

(Joel B. Pollack – Breittbart) CLAIM: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor: “We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, many on ventilators,” from coronavirus. VERDICT: FALSE. There are about 4,000 children in hospital from … Continue reading 

The Truths We Dared Not Speak in 2021

“Those Americans, who claimed moral superiority for their masks and three shots—and still got COVID—cannot decide whether they were lied to by Donald Trump, lied to by Joe Biden—or simply lied to themselves…. Those Americans who praised defunding the police … Continue reading 

Democrats Want Jan. 6 to Be a Holy Day for Their Dark Church

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) Believe it or not, 2021 is finally about to come to an end. No, really, I’ve got several calendars and I’ve checked them all. If there is one thing we’ve learned from the 2020-to-2021 transition it’s … Continue reading 

Illinois’ Esther Joy King After ‘Wild Wild West’ Afghanistan Rescue Effort: I Know People Who Are Still in Kabul

During the withdrawal, King said she “was part of the Wild Wild West civilian effort” and that she “got 51 young girls from [her] parents’ high school out of Kabul.” She added that she had a “front row seat to … Continue reading 

The Madness of Anthony Fauci

(Julie Kelly – American Greatness) It’s nearly impossible to select the most maniacal comment made by Dr. Anthony Fauci in his nearly 70-minute interview with “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan that aired over the weekend. Joe Biden’s chief coronavirus advisor … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News 10/25-10/30

Need to read articles you may have missed this week… MONDAY 10/25 Steven Furtick and Other Heretics Win ‘Christian Music’ Dove Awards for 2021 Dr. Michael Brown Blasts Critics Who Call False Teachers ‘Loons and Hucksters’ Treasury Sec: Americans Will … Continue reading 

Attorney General Garland’s Son-In-Law Benefits From Critical Race Theory

“This comes after Garland’s Department of Justice suggested parents who oppose such teachings in public schools are engaging in “domestic terrorism.” America First Legal said these ties raise ethical concerns in the DOJ to advance far-left propaganda for financial gain.” … Continue reading