Special Counsel Finds Joe Biden ‘Willfully Retained’ Classified Docs — but Is Too Mentally Feeble to Prosecute

(Breitbart) Special Counsel Robert Hur will not charge President Joe Biden for his handling of classified documents but included stunning revelations in his report of the deterioration of Biden’s mental state that are perhaps more politically damning.

The report says the investigation “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen” but does not establish guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Continue reading

The New World Order is Satanic

“Christianity, and it’s influence, is almost non-existent in our government today.  In fact, all the power of God’s people has been surrendered to the Luciferians.  The American government is tyrannical.  It operates at the behest of Satan and his minions. A coup has been underway since 1947 when the SCOTUS ruled Jesus un-Constitutional.”

(Coach Dave Daubenmire – News With Views) “What is the Old World Order and why do we want to replace it with a new one?”

What you are about to read will make perfect sense to some of you.  Others, not so much. Continue reading

Jonathan Merritt Announces Gay Grooming Children’s Book

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Jonathan Merritt is the homosexual son of James Merritt, the former president of the Southern Baptist Convention. In 2021, James Merritt endorsed the preaching of his openly homosexual son at a mainline church in New York. The preaching that James Merritt called “brilliant and faithful to the gospel and the second coming” was trite, new-age, and contained a false gospel. This issue ultimately forced James Merritt to pre-emptively resign from joining the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary staff. But James Merritt made a comeback in 2023 where he led the charge on the floor of the Annual Southern Baptist Convention to fight for a procedural move to protect female pastors in the SBC. Now his son is promoting his homo-grooming book for small children, titled, My Gungle and Me. Continue reading

CNN Quietly Admits Mental Decline Has Forced Biden Into Hiding After Denying Super Bowl Interview

(Sarah Arnold – Townhall) As the 2024 presidential election nears the corner, critics ramp up their speculation that President Joe Biden will not be able to handle a second term. 

After the White House announced that Biden would not be partaking in the traditional presidential interview before the Super Bowl, CNN suggested his declining mental health may be the reason for it. 

During CNN This Morning, Salena Mohsin— Bloomberg’s senior Washington correspondent— questioned why Biden was skipping the Super Bowl interview, saying it is expected of him to do it. Continue reading

I never knew you; depart from ME, you who practice lawlessness

15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15 (LSB) 

With the ever-increasing move away from Orthodox Christianity into various forms of Experiential religion that we are witnesses of here and now, it seems that the bottom is falling out of Christianity. It’s bad enough that we have all of these “wolves in sheep’s clothing” drawing the unaware into false religions while pretending to be Christian, but there are seemingly endless numbers of our “Christian” leaders falling all over themselves embracing these heretics…. Continue reading

Mayorkas Paid Chinese Communists to Come Illegally

(Mary Dowling) Former FBI agent, West Point graduate, and patriot David Baumblatt has an important message for Americans:

“Illegal Chinese migrants are the fastest growing group crossing into the U.S. from Mexico. I am a US Citizen and Military Veteran, and when I travel to America, I am Detained, Searched, Interrogated, Surveilled, Humiliated, Deceived, and Assaulted by my government.

“However, all of these illegal Chinese spies are allowed to enter FREELY. Continue reading

Queers for Palestine: An Unholy Alliance

“The pro-Palestine mob isn’t buying what the gays are selling, no matter how mightily they flirt and flutter their eyelashes at them. Gays are just going to have to learn that no means no. A skirmish broke out upon the sighting of a Pride flag at a recent protest. The flag was ripped down and trampled on.” 

(Joshua Winston – Front Page) Queers for Palestine. What an unlikely slogan. It makes my brain stop working. It’s a thought-terminating cliché along the lines of “Trans rights are human rights” or “Black Lives Matter.” At the heart of Christian mysticism lies a pathway to knowing God, and it is contained in contradictory or paradoxical speech. The “dazzling darkness” of Pseudo-Dionysius, who also talks about “knowing all by knowing nothing” (how is that possible?)…. Continue reading

Megachurch Willow Creek Closing Campus Amid ‘Unsustainable Financial Scenario,’ Losing 10,000 Members

(Protestia) It’s a blow for Willow Creek, the multi-campus 10,000-member church founded by Bill Hybels that pioneered the church growth and seeker-sensitive movement but has seen its fortunes over the years as it hemorrhaged money, people, and reputation.

Their losses began in 2018, the same year they purchased and moved into their Chicago location, after allegations of decades of sexual misconduct came forth against Hybels. These allegations included inviting women to his hotel room, making suggestive comments to female employees, extended hugs, kissing a woman against her will, and engaging in oral sex with an employee, leading Hybels to resign, along with the co-pastors who succeeded him, and then eventually the entire elder board. Continue reading

Can Christians Attend Gay Weddings?

“…to lose sight of the religious dimension of marriage risks allowing people to commit “blasphemy against themselves and against God.” That means Christians have a moral responsibility to stand firm on this issue. We fool ourselves if we think the bride and groom as individuals are the most significant part of any wedding. They are not. What their union symbolizes with regard to Christ and the Church is far more important.”  

(Carl Trueman – First Things) To update the famous comment of Leon Trotsky, you may not be interested in the sexual revolution, but the sexual revolution is interested in you. Some of us are still privileged enough to be partly sheltered from this revolution. I count myself as one, along with those whose detachment from real-life pastoral situations apparently qualifies them to sell political pedagogy to others. But as the push among the progressive political class to dismantle traditional sexual mores continues apace, it is harder and harder to find a pastor or a priest who has not faced a difficult question from congregants about Christian obedience and their livelihood…. Continue reading

Bordering on Insanity

“The progressive left controls all aspects of the Biden administration, and it believes the “white patriarchy” in America must be dismantled. The easiest way to do that is to flood the country with migrants, many of whom will eventually vote for progressive candidates.”

(Bill O’Reilly) So, the latest is President Biden saying he’s done everything he can to solve the southern border crisis, which, of course, he created by destroying President Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy. Continue reading

Wheaton College Fires Back After Fox News Accuses Them of Being Woke, But Were They Right?

They may be a fully committed to Christian service, but that doesn’t mean the cracks haven’t started to form, and aren’t growing bigger, and bigger, and bigger…”

(Protestia) Wheaton College President Philip Ryken has responded to a recent article published at Fox News that accused the “Harvard of Christian schools” of “banning biblical words, teaching critical race theory, and psychologizing gender identity issues,” saying that the “various claims about the College…are either false or misleading” and that “the mischaracterizing post seems to be cobbled from out-of-context items found on the Internet.” Continue reading

Being Spirit-filled and submission

18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; 20 always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father; 21 and being subject to one another in the fear of Christ. Ephesians 5:18-21 (LSB) 

The proper worship of our Lord is done by Spirit-filled Christians and no others. Perhaps the number one attribute that is evidence of being truly Spirit-filled is the submission of our will to the will of God, proper submission, as He has defined it…. Continue reading

Whistleblower reveals to Tucker dark, REAL reason Big Pharma advertises pills on TV, and it’s not what you thought…

TUCKER: “If you have a vaccine injury and many people have, including some I know very well, even a profound vaccine injury, you’re not allowed to complain about it.”

(Revolver) You know those medication ads on TV, right? With the catchy jingle and the animated pill that practically does a jig while it cures everyone it touches. Let’s not forget the adorably quirky names they give these pills, like “O’beeboop” or what have you. It all seems so helpful, almost harmless, doesn’t it?

Who can forget the Chantix ad with Herb? Just take a minute to take in the horrific list of potential side effects that come with it. Continue reading

Haters Hosting After School Satan Clubs Say They Aren’t About Satan. Don’t You Believe It.

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) The devil’s making headlines again by coming to your kids’ schools in 2024.

It’s nothing new, of course. We know the spirt of darkness never went anywhere. The inspired Word of God speaks of Satan. Hollywood gave Satan his own TV show, “Lucifer,” and there have been other TV shows and movies about the personification of evil. They don’t even hide it. But the people who bring you the “After School Satan Clubs” say they’re really not proselytizing about evil, they’re just anti-Christian. Codswallop. Continue reading

13 GOP Governors Join Abbott at the Border, Vowing to End Joe Biden’s Destructive Policies

(Sarah Arnold – Townhall) Red states are staying committed to putting an end to President Joe Biden’s disastrous border crisis, vowing to defy the administration’s orders “as long as it takes” to secure the U.S.

On Sunday, 13 Republican governors joined Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) for a press conference at Shelby Park as the conflict between the Biden Administration over border security continues.

“America’s Governors have banded together to make one thing clear: Texas has the right to protect & defend our border,” Abbott wrote on X…. Continue reading

The Truth About the COVID Vaccine Is Finally Becoming Known

(Mark Tapscott – PJ Media) Mark Twain famously said that a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth even starts putting on its shoes. Here is Exhibit A in contemporary proof of the most famous American writer’s maxim.

It only took four years, the courage of a handful of independent medical experts who risked their careers by contradicting the federal government, the mainstream media, and the medical establishment, and the fact that something resembling the free press remains viable in this country, thanks largely to the internet. Continue reading

Russell Moore’s New Curriculum Exists to Give Pastors ‘Plausible Deniability’ For Avoiding Politics in the Pulpit

“This clip is representative of how many of these gospel-centered parachurch organizations work. They encourage pastors to focus narrowly on the gospel while these organizations disciple people with bad application that smuggles in leftism and egalitarianism.”

(Protestia) Months after former ERLC President and current Editor of Christianity Today Russell Moore joined forces with David French, who recently came out in support of gay marriage and child genital mutilation, and Curtis Chang, who launched the website ‘Christians and the Vaccine’ where he routinely shamed Christians for refusing to get vaccinated to launch ‘The After Party” a teaching curriculum to educate Christians on how to have a proper view of politics, we have begun to see the rotten fruit of their ministry endeavor. Continue reading

New York Times Shows the Teens Victimized by Transgenderism

“There is an uptick in what are known as “detransitioners,” who say that only conservative media outlets seem interested in telling their stories. They say that when they change their minds, they feel abandoned. “I was always a liberal Democrat. Now I feel politically homeless,” one woman whose son changed his mind after coming out as trans and starting hormone therapy said.”

(Alana Mastrangelo – Breitbart) The New York Times bucked powerful pressure from the transgender lobby to showcase some of the teenagers who were pushed and harmed by irreversible surgery and body-changing hormones. Continue reading

Elon Musk’s Neuralink Heralds The Beginning Of A Dystopian, Post-Human Future

“When Musk talks about how Neuralink will help quadriplegics and people with Parkinson’s, or when Harari waxes poetic about how great subcutaneous implants will be for health care, or when Johnson glories in our imminent AI-dominated future, understand what they are really talking about. Neuralink will not be for the huddled masses, for Harari’s “useless people.” It will be for him and his fellow neopagan elites.”

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) Humanity quietly crossed a threshold this week when Elon Musk announced on X that the first person has received a Neuralink brain implant. “Initial results show promising neuron spike detection,” said Musk, later adding that the first Neuralink product is called Telepathy, which enables “control of your phone or computer, and through them almost any device, just by thinking.” Continue reading

Fake News Is Getting Even Faker

“Popular sites like Sports Illustrated, Buzzfeed, CNET, and Gannett have all been caught using AI in recent months. The Associated Press admits it uses AI to generate some stories, but it at least lets readers know that AI was used to assist in creating the content.”

(Paula Bolyard – PJ Media) “Is it live or is it Memorex?” was an advertising slogan for a line of cassette tapes in the 1970s and ’80s, the idea being that the quality of Memorex was so good that users couldn’t distinguish taped material from live.

We should all now be asking a similar question about the news media: “Is it real, or is it artificial intelligence?”  Continue reading

How to Ensure a Big, Ugly War With Iran

“[Iran views} Joe Biden’s serial appeasement as a force multiplier of these perceptions of American weakness. After entering office, the Biden administration begged for a renewed Iran deal from a preening theocracy….” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – Townhall) Iranian-backed militias have attacked American installations and forces in Syria, Iraq, and Jordan some 170 times.

Ostensibly, these terrorist groups claim they are hitting U.S. forces to coerce America into dropping its support of Israel and demanding a cease-fire in the Gaza war. Continue reading

Pastoral Advice: Shepherding the conscience is a significant pastoral responsibility.

“It’s a blessing to be brought into the questions that concern people, and to seek to help them with the answers. We need that in the Christian life. Wise King Solomon said: “Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.” The best way to do this is to humbly live in fellowship with Wisdom incarnate — the Lord Jesus Christ who says: “I have counsel and sound wisdom; I have insight; I have strength” (Proverbs 8:14).”

(Kyle Borg) I do not remember who said it, but someone once said: “When I was young I gave advice to everyone fearful no one would listen. Now that I’m older I give advice to no one fearful everyone will listen.” There’s a note of wisdom in that self-experience. The Bible praises and commands the need for counselors and counsel. But those most equipped to give advice are those guided by humility in this work of stewardship. Continue reading

The prayer of God’s people

27 For You, O Yahweh of hosts, the God of Israel, have revealed in the hearing of Your slave, saying, ‘I will build you a house’; therefore Your slave has found courage in his heart to pray this prayer to You. 2 Samuel 7:27 (LSB) 

Is there a difference between how a genuine believer should pray and how most professing Christians actually pray? Our perception is that we pray as we feel or desire or as the result of viewing both our needs and other’s needs. What we often overlook is that God is heavily involved in all aspects of our sanctification and that includes leading us in prayer. God loves those who are His and blessing them is part of His expression of that love. Continue reading

New James O’Keefe Undercover Video Exposes Dysfunctional Biden White House

Language warning.

“On Wednesday afternoon, O’Keefe dropped his latest video. And boy did it deliver. For a long time now, we’ve heard reports of dysfunction in the Biden White House. But now, there’s confirmation.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Earlier this week, undercover journalist James O’Keefe revealed he had a juicy story coming up. He declared, “I’m not suicidal, but I’m not afraid to die.”

“Now, I’m indifferent to the outcome and frankly numb to the consequences of truth-telling…. Continue reading

Ligonier’s RefNet and Shepherd’s Conference Cancels Alistair Begg

Before we get to Evangelical Dark Web’s report, Religion News Service is reporting that Alistair Begg will no longer be speaking at John MacArthur’s Shepherd’s Conference. According to RNS’s January 31 report:

Begg had been scheduled to speak in March at the Shepherds Conference, a major Reformed evangelical pastors’ gathering led by California pastor and author John MacArthur. After Begg’s comments became public, he and MacArthur talked and decided the controversy would be “an unnecessary distraction,” according to a spokesman for Grace to You, one of the conference sponsors.

“Pastor MacArthur’s counsel on that issue would be completely different from the counsel Alistair Begg said he gave an inquiring grandmother,” said Phil Johnson, executive director of Grace to You told Religion News Service in an email. “So both agreed that it was necessary for Pastor Begg to withdraw.” 

To find out more about the Begg brouhaha, check out the articles and podcasts below. Now to EDW’s piece. Continue reading