Masking the Truth

“President Biden has no strategy to stop the border madness and little ability to persuade anti-vaxxers.  Therefore, when yet another strain of Covid gathered strength, the federal government had no coherent response.  The result is the foolish and destructive panic … Continue reading 

When Will the ‘Experts’ Stop Pretending Natural Immunity Doesn’t Exist in Recovered COVID-19 Patients?

“Instead of conducting studies to determine whether this was the case with COVID, the global health bureaucracy recommended draconian lockdowns and other mitigation methods.”  (Stacy Lennox – PJ Media) For those of us who have recovered from COVID-19, the failure … Continue reading 

LifeSite News Launches Petition To Cancel Pope’s ‘Morally Rotten’ Conference

(Protestia)  LifeSite News has launched a petition against the Vatican for hosting a “Health” Conference on “Exploring the Mind, Body, and Soul,” explaining, “Everything about the conference is rotten — morally, scientifically, and culturally,” and amassing over 22,000 signatures calling for … Continue reading 

Vaccine-Hesitant Americans Aren’t Ignorant Rubes, They’re Understandably Cautious

Many people have “assessed the risks of getting COVID compared to the risks of an experimental medical treatment whose long-term effects are unknown, and decided that the former is a risk they’re willing to take.”  (John Daniel Davidson – The … Continue reading 

Losing Would Be a Fitting Coda for the Feckless GOP Senate

“Senate Republicans made nary a peep as unscientific lockdowns backed by governors of both parties destroyed sectors of the once-thriving U.S. economy, kept kids out of schools for months, and shuttered churches. The alleged party of liberty and freedom prostrated … Continue reading 

Terrifying Report: U.S. Funded Specific Research at Wuhan Lab that Led to Coronavirus

(Rick Moran – PJ Media)The World Health Organization is beginning an investigation into the scientific origins of the coronavirus. They’ve assembled a blue-ribbon panel of doctors, researchers, and scientists to get to the bottom of the mystery. As it turns … Continue reading 

Have COVID-19 Lockdowns Saved Any Lives? Let’s Take a Look at Federal Data

(Stacey Lennox – PJ Media)  Lockdowns have drastic consequences. Small businesses are closing for good at an alarming rate. Almost 100,000 were gone for good as of September, according to a Yelp survey. The impact on children and young adults is also enormous. … Continue reading 

Coronavirus Isn’t Nearly as Deadly as We Thought. So Why Did the Lockdowns Happen in the First Place?

“The World Health Organization (WHO) and Dr. Anthony Fauci justified the lockdowns by citing estimated death rates of 3.4 percent and 2 percent. Yet the less than 1 percent death rates have come after funeral home directors blew the whistle on the intentional inflation of … Continue reading 

What do Christian say as the normal foundations of our lives are dissolving like shifting sands?

“To see every country brought to its knees by an invisible virus is stunning. The solutions we saw above are hardly satisfying answers to this humbling event. Many feel that life will never be the same. Some hope the aftermath … Continue reading 

‘You’re Not Helpless, America’: U.S. Surgeon General Tells Americans How To Deal With Coronavirus

“But we need your help. Social distancing and mitigation, they’re not to protect the 30-year-old or the 20-year-old from getting coronavirus. They’re to protect your nana, they’re to protect your granddaddy, they’re to protect the people who you love in … Continue reading