Kyle Rittenhouse to Sue Joe Biden, Attorney Says He’ll ‘Teach Biden a Lesson He’ll Never Forget’

“After issuing a formal demand for retraction, and the Biden campaign’s refusal to do so, said he’s going to teach Joe Biden a lesson he’ll never forget.” (Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  Following Tuesday night’s debate between Donald Trump and … Continue reading 

Joe Biden Is Absolutely the Vehicle for the Communist Takeover of the Democrat Party

“The AfGJ is also a communist organization. Its mission is overtly collectivist and internationally focused. These are the communists that fought the fascists back in the early 20th century. While none of these organizations claim association with antifa, you can … Continue reading 

Beth Moore and double standards for Joe Biden?

“If Moore is consistent, and her allegations about the evangelical culture are true, will her apparent “disregard” of Biden’s accuser “enable” Biden’s rise?  Moore admitted that “the target of her scorn is an evangelical culture that downplays the voices and … Continue reading 

Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden Claims: ‘Transgender Equality Is Civil Rights Issue of Our Time’

“While some view transgenderism as a medical condition, or state that those who struggle with homosexual feelings were “born this way,” Christians believe that it all goes back to the same spiritual issue — the same predicament all men everywhere … Continue reading 

Biden probe shifts to National Archives with discovery of private emails between Joe and Hunter

“…the Committee questions why the then-Vice President’s son, Hunter Biden—and only Hunter Biden—was copied on this email to then-Vice President Biden.” (John Solomon – Just the News) In a dramatic shift in the Biden family corruption probe, House investigators on … Continue reading 

IRS whistleblower says search warrants, charges for Hunter Biden blocked, Joe met Chinese client

“I am blowing the whistle because the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office, Department of Justice Tax, and Department of Justice provided preferential treatment and unchecked conflicts of interest in an important and high-profile investigation of the President’s son, Hunter Biden,” (John Solomon – Just … Continue reading 

House GOP Announces Biden Probe: Establishing the corruption of Joe and Hunter Biden is crucial

(Nate Jackson – The Patriot Post) Joe Biden is a corrupt 50-year resident of The Swamp who used his drug-addled son Hunter to make a lot of money from the ChiComs and the notoriously crooked Ukrainians in an influence-peddling scheme. … Continue reading 

SMOKING GUN: Hunter Biden Paid Joe’s Bills, Joe Benefited From Shady Business Dealings

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Joe Biden has long denied any involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings, but according to documents reviewed by Just the News and the Government Accountability Institute, Joe Biden was very much financially involved with Hunter and … Continue reading 

Here’s What the Chinese Defector Has Reportedly Given Us About COVID…But Also on Joe and Hunter Biden

“Not only is the COVID lab leak theory looking more credible by the hour, but also Joe being compromised by China and for being a shady dealer with his son looks like it got corroborated.” (Matt Vespa – Townhall)  As … Continue reading 

Bombshell Statement: Biden Insider Claims He Was ‘Recipient of the Email’, Says He Witnessed Joe, Hunter Discussing Deals

(Matthew Boyle – Breitbart)  A whistleblower CEO and Biden insider, Tony Bobulinski, released a public statement on Wednesday evening backing up the reporting of the New York Post from last week and claiming that he personally witnessed Democrat presidential nominee … Continue reading 

All of This Hunter Biden Stuff Might Have Been Helpful Four Years Ago

“Hunter Biden is a bottomless pit of sleaze, side-hustle grift, and outright criminality. Even the most cursory examination of his “career” reveals that he’s the kind of guy you would definitely not want to be associated with the leader of … Continue reading 

Trump Honors Kabul Victims, Blames Biden-Harris

(Catherine Salgado – PJ Media) Donald Trump paid tribute to the U.S. military victims of the Kabul terrorist attack who died during the disastrous 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal. This comes after he rightly blamed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for the catastrophe … Continue reading 

Biden Leaves As He Came In: With Lies, Hate & Divisiveness

(Mary Dowling) Joe Biden raged at one point during his farewell address last night. He claimed democracy prevails, has delivered, and must be preserved after the Democrat Party bosses nominated a woman who never won a vote for the position. … Continue reading 

This NYT Headline Captures the Larger Liberal Media Reaction to the Biden Impeachment Report

“This is the story that Trump wanted to know more in better detail during his presidency and got impeached for it. It’s now in The New York Times; he’s vindicated again.” (Mat Vespa – Townhall) President Joe Biden has been … Continue reading 

Deeply Disturbing: Biden Campaign to Brainwash Americans

“Flaherty said “misinformation narratives” include “conversation online about corruption or mental fitness…or [Biden’s] record on the Crime Bill”—effectively defining “misinformation” as anything that the Biden team found inconvenient.” (Mary Dowling) Matt Orfalea dug into Twitter to expose the Biden campaign’s brainwashing … Continue reading 

Obama’s Backstabbing Of Biden Demonstrates The Democrat Party’s Moral Bankruptcy

“Democrats aren’t worried that Biden’s cognitive decline is a real, serious, and immediate threat to national security. They only fretted about Biden’s electoral ability to carry a far-left administration forward for another term.”  (Tristan Justice – The Federalist) Democrats just … Continue reading 

Where’s Joe? What’s Going On? Is Any of This Really Happening?

“Is he so far gone at this point that he has to be kept under wraps while others, presumably the people who have been running this administration from the beginning, make decisions in his name? That wouldn’t be too different … Continue reading