Buddha & Jesus are ‘Great Healers’? More Blasphemy From the Pope As Rome and Buddhist Join Forces

(Magdalene Henah) The Vatican continues leaving a trail of bad theology and ecumenism in its wake, with The Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue releasing a joint statement with the Mahama Kut Buddhist University, Chinese Buddhist Order of Sangha in Thailand, and others, on a recently held Buddhist-Christian Colloquium.

As Buddhists and Christians, we see the Buddha and Jesus as Great Healers. The Buddha pointed to greed and Jesus to sin as the cause of suffering. On many levels, Jesus and the Buddha proposed love and compassion as medicine to drive out the darkness in the human heart and the world. Nourished by their respective spiritual teachings, Buddhists and Christians, for thousands of years, have adopted compassionate ways of living to address the suffering of life. Continue reading

Untwisting the Bible, Part IX: Will a Man Rob God? – Malachi 3:8

(The Dissenter) “Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me.” Malachi 3:8—a verse so frequently plucked from its Old Testament habitat and transplanted into the fertile soil of modern-day sermons, especially when the collection plate seems a little light. It’s become the go-to verse for proponents of “first fruits tithing,” a doctrine that, while superficially sounding spiritually rigorous, crumbles under the slightest scriptural scrutiny. Let’s untwist this verse and see what it truly tells us about tithing, giving, and the nature of our relationship with God under the New Covenant. Continue reading

Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens ‘Destroy’ Each Other Over the Use of Scripture, But Who is Right?

(Protestia) Daily Wire hosts Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens have brought their simmering feud to the public, seeking to ‘destroy’ each other over a couple of posts that have scripture as their center.

Ever since Hamas murdered 1200 Israelis and kidnapped hundreds more, Shapiro, an orthodox Jew, has been raging about the terroristic attacks, both against the perpetrators and those who are giving them cover. He, like many in Israel, views the actions against the country as an existential threat that will only be mitigated by Hamas being decisively dismantled. Any collateral damage to civilian life, though seeking to be minimized, is the fault of Hamas, and responsibility must be laid there. Continue reading

You May Not Want to Fly in a Plane for a While After Reading This

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Well, this isn’t very comforting. A team of aviation analysts called the National Airspace System (NAS) Safety Review Team (SRT), scrutinized the safety records of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and essentially hit the panic button over a surge in “serious close calls” between planes. Without more staffing, equipment, and better technology, the situation is only going to get worse, the analysts said.

The six-member group, headed by former FAA Administrator Michael Huerta, released a 52-page report on Wednesday, that is a shocking wake-up call as to just how much we take our safety for granted when we fly. Continue reading

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Clash with Police Outside DNC, Arrests Made

(Paul Bois – Breitbart) Several arrests have been made outside the DNC offices in Washington, DC, where pro-Palestinian protesters violently clashed with police on Wednesday.

“U.S. Capitol Police said they were making arrests at a pro-Palestinian protest on Wednesday night in Southeast D.C.,” noted NBC Washington.

“The protesters had gathered outside of the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) just south of the Capitol before authorities said several dozen demonstrators got into a shoving match with officers,” it added. Continue reading

Who Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God?

50 Now I say this, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the corruptible inherit the incorruptible. 1 Corinthians 15:50 (LSB) 

There are only two religions in the entire world. There is genuine Christianity and then every other form of religiosity including humanism. The latter are all opposed to the truth and are part of the rebellion against the sovereignty of God. Genuine Christianity is made up of those who have been redeemed from the slave market of iniquity…. Continue reading

‘Precise and Targeted’: Israeli Forces Storm Hamas Headquarters in Gaza City

(Matt Vespa – Townhall) Israeli forces were seen displaying their flag proudly in the captured parliament chamber of Hamas. They’ve also been giving extensive tours of the weapons caches and rocket sites used by the terror group; unsurprisingly, many were civilian facilities, like children’s schools. Hamas has done this for years, but their grip on Gaza is being methodically chipped away. As of now, they’ve lost control of Northern Gaza.

The remaining Hamas terrorists in Gaza City have nowhere to go…. Continue reading

‘March for Israel’ Breaks Record; Largest Pro-Israel Rally in U.S. History

“Left-wing CNN analyst Van Jones — once an icon on the same “progressive” left that now opposes Israel — spoke, as did conservative pastor [heretic] John Hagee.”

(Joel B. Pollack – Breitbart) Tuesday’s “March for Israel” on the National Mall in Washington, DC, reached an estimated total of 290,000 participants — three times what organizers had expected and the largest pro-Israel gathering in U.S. history.

The rally was larger than similar events to support Israel during the terror of the second Palestinian intifada in 2002, and a rally to support Soviet Jews trying to leave the USSR in 1987. Continue reading

Sometimes, No Amount of Evidence is Enough

This seems to be what Jesus is talking about when he speaks about casting our pearls before swine. It’s certainly what he did with the Pharisees, when he reached a point where he insisted they would get no further signs from him nor would he even bother answering their questions anymore.”

(Stephen Kneal) It is not uncommon, nor unreasonable, for people to ask us for evidence of why we believe in Jesus. It is perfectly right and proper to give people a reason for the hope that is in us. Indeed, not only reasonable, but something the Bible demands. God condescends to reason with us (cf. Isaiah 1:18) and calls us to reason with others (cf. 1 Peter 3:15). It is good, right and proper to offer genuine reasons to believe. Continue reading

The Booking Process: No Corporate Media Invitations for Conservatives

“This awful abuse of expression began when Trump became president in 2016. Executives at Disney/ABC, Comcast/NBC, Paramount/CBS, and Warner Brothers/CNN all ordered their TV personnel to go after Trump and ignore his supporters. That’s called blackballing.” 

(Bill O’Reilly) The cancel culture is vicious, immoral, and gleefully embraced by all of America’s media companies.

All. No exceptions. Continue reading

‘I’ve Been a Left-Winger All My Life. Now I Realize How Naïve I Was.’

There is still a part of me that wants peace, of course I do. But these monsters – Hamas – have to be defeated.” That’s true. As the old saying goes, a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality. And here we are.” 

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) The Oct. 7 Hamas massacre in Israel and its aftermath have been a comprehensive wake-up call. Most notably, they’ve revealed that leftist and Islamic groups have been preparing for this moment for years and have been able to mobilize, all across the nation, a massive demonstration of support for Hamas and hatred for Israel. There has, however, also been movement on the other side: many leftists are discovering the sheer horror of what they’ve been supporting all these years and are bidding adieu to the left. Continue reading

Rosaria Butterfield Names Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, and CRU as Teaching Heresy on LGBTQ

(The Dissenter) Last Friday, author and speaker Rosaria Butterfield spoke at the convocation for Liberty University. Rosaria Butterfield is a former tenured professor of English and women’s studies at Syracuse University who became a Christian in 1999. Her conversion story, which includes leaving a lesbian lifestyle, is detailed in her memoir, “The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert.”

After coming to Christ, Butterfield quickly began a career in Evangelicalism where she would speak about her conversion story. However, she quickly became caught up in the wrong crowd at outlets like The Gospel Coalition and a lot of her teachings she has even admitted herself, were false teachings…. Continue reading

CNN Notices the ‘Ridiculous’ Number of Illegal Immigrants Entering the U.S.

(Spencer Brown – Townhall) Townhall’s loyal readers know that the U.S.-Mexico border has been a full-blown crisis on multiple fronts since President Joe Biden’s open-border policies were implemented. It’s a border crisis, a public health crisis, a national security crisis, and a humanitarian crisis. For most of Biden’s friends in the mainstream media who take their cues from the White House podium, however, it was never that big of a problem. It was “irregular migration” or some other sanitized version of reality. But now, even CNN’s reporters have no choice but to share the truth of life along the border for Americans. Continue reading

‘Surely I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

11 I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one will take your crown. Revelation 3:11 (LSB) 

3 knowing this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, 4 and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.” 2 Peter 3:3-4 (LSB) 

It is one thing to say, “Come soon Lord Jesus!” and quite another thing to live as if you mean it. There are some today that teach we should live this life with our focus on the here and now rather than eternity. Why? This is to create a better world or make this world a better place…. Continue reading

Pope Francis Fires Popular ‘Protestant Priest’ for Criticizing Him All the Time

“While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, since they are the head of an evil and wicked heterodox church, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion because the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization…”

(Protestia) Pope Francis continues his progressive romp through Roman Catholic church teachings, enraging conservative Catholics after personally firing Bishop Joseph Strickland and relieving him of his duties as bishop of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas. Continue reading

Confronting Charlie Kirk’s Idolatry

“Many Christians go to the Western Wall out of ignorance and participate in the idolatry of the spectacle. This likely includes your favorite politician. However, Charlie Kirk…is keenly aware of the idolatry he is participating in.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA, is one of the most lucrative brands in American conservatism. His brand of conservatism is renowned for a big tent approach with extra homage to Israel. The result of his support for sodomy in 2019 was an event known as the Groyper Wars in which trolls infiltrated TPUSA events and asked him how sodomy was worth conserving. The Groyper Wars resulted in Kirk responding to criticisms by leaning more into faith and spirituality. TPUSA Faith is a result of that. Continue reading

Hamas Fighters Beat Gazans and Steal Their Food

(Red State) From the United States to Europe, Western leaders have spent the last few weeks calling for a “pause” so that “humanitarian aid” can be driven into the Gaza Strip.

How naive is that? A new piece of video [on the site] illustrates that it’s incredibly naive.

Hamas “police” can be seen hitting Gazans as they try to get food from the truck, which is painted in UN white, though that may just be a coincidence. In one frame, something that resembles a machete is swung. Continue reading

Triumph in Christ

17 But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you obeyed from the heart that pattern of teaching to which you were given over, 18 and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. Romans 6:17-18 (LSB) 

Much of the heresy being taught and preached by the apostates in our time is the product of a wrong view of Christ. Their knowledge of Jesus Christ is flawed, incomplete, or man-made. On the other hand, we should not despair that this is happening because our faith is not in any man, but in Christ Himself who promised to build His Church and the gates of Hell would never be able to prevail against it (Matthew 16:18)…. Continue reading

Sadly, It Appears House Speaker Mike Johnson Has Aligned Himself With the New Apostolic Reformation

“The NAR’s teachings about Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit diverge sharply from orthodox Christian doctrine. They promote a distorted view of Jesus, often referred to as the kenotic Jesus, which undermines the biblical truth of His full divinity and humanity​​.”

(The Dissenter) In a surprising turn of events, it appears as though the newly-elected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, has aligned himself with the nefarious unbiblical movement, the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). According to a report in Rolling Stone, Johnson is flying a flag outside of his office that represents one of the most pernicious characters of the NAR, Dutch Sheets. Continue reading

Biden’s ‘Brave New World’ Solution: Mind-altering Drugs

(Benjamin Martin – The Patriot Post) Recently, a colleague referred me to an article in The Hill concerning the Joe Biden administration’s request for drug companies to increase the manufacture of certain behavior-altering drugs. The report notes: “Drug manufacturers have agreed to increase their production of stimulant medications like Adderall to help address the ongoing shortage in the U.S., with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) making changes to its quota process. The U.S. is experiencing a shortage of several stimulant drugs, including Adderall, Ritalin and Vyvanse. The Adderall shortage has gone on for more than a year now, impacting the thousands who rely on it for school or work.” Continue reading

Hamas Terrorist Attack Drove the Left’s Growing Antisemitism Into the Open

“Standing with Israel and against anti-Semitism and all forms of hatred is the American way. Israel is a democracy and a strong ally of the United States that deserves the support of all Americans. And anti-Semitism is an ancient and toxic prejudice that has no place in our great nation.”

(Fred Fleitz – American Greatness) The recent huge anti-Israel and anti-Semitic demonstrations in several U.S. cities and on college campuses, as well as harassment and threats against Jewish Americans, surprised many Americans and the mainstream media.

But the truth is, if you were unaware of the rise in anti-Semitism and hostility toward the State of Israel from some segments of American society in recent years – especially on the Left – you either have not been paying attention or have been looking the other way. Continue reading

Elon Musk’s Neuralink asks for volunteers to have brain chip implanted

“Neuralink says the ideal candidate is a quadriplegic under the age of forty; a human surgeon will remove a section of the skull, after which a seven-foot-tall robotic surgeon will implant a chip composed of 1,000 electrodes into the volunteer’s brain.”

(Amy Jo Underwood – The Sentinel) Neuralink, the brain implant company launched by Elon Musk, is asking for a volunteer to have a chip implanted into their skull by a robotic surgeon during the firm’s first clinical trial. Continue reading