Here’s How Many FBI Employees Were Tasked With Taking Down Trump

Andrew McCabe: The FBI is in “utter disarray right now.” “This is a moment of terror for these people.”

(Matt Vespa – Townhall) Some Federal Bureau of Investigation agents are suing the Justice Department to block them from compiling the list of agents who worked on the anti-Trump cases that have engulfed the bureau for years. The cases that went nowhere turned to vapor when Donald J. Trump completed the most remarkable political comeback in American history. The Trump White House is cleansing the FBI and the DOJ of the cancers that have sullied the reputation of the institution, which had become a personal police force for the Democratic Party, specifically Joe Biden. Continue reading

Satan Casts Out Satan, and Bethel Church Casts Out Shawn Bolz

“Here we are. Bethel Church, the great empire of counterfeit spirituality, is casting out one of its own for being… too much of a fraud? For taking things too far? For doing the exact same thing they all do, but with a little less finesse? It’s like watching a con man get banned from a casino—not for cheating, but for being too obvious about it.”

(The Dissenter) It was only a matter of time before Bethel Church, the grand cathedral of charismatic charlatanry, decided to throw one of its own to the wolves. And who better than Shawn Bolz—a man whose entire career has been built on the kind of “prophecy” that conveniently aligns with whatever the audience wants to hear? Continue reading

Trump Close to Signing Order for Dismantling Education Dept

“DOGE representatives were working at Education Department headquarters Monday and seeking access to agency records…”

(Charlie McCarthy – Newsmax) President Donald Trump reportedly is close to signing an executive order aimed at dismantling the Department of Education.

Trump advisers have been mulling actions to tear down the department as part of the advisory Department of Government Efficiency’s goal of reducing the size of government, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday. Continue reading

God is Light and Christ is the Way

What was from the beginning—which we have heard, which we have seen, with our eyes, which we beheld and touched with our hands—with respect to the Word of Life— 2 indeed the life was manifested and we have seen it and we give testimony and we proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us—3 what we have seen and we have heard we proclaim also to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and indeed fellowship with our Father and with his son, Jesus Christ. 4 And these things we write that our joy may be made full.  (1 John 1:1-4 translated from the NA28 Greek text to English)

While there is counterfeit Christianity all around us, let us stay focused on the “real deal.” How do we do that? We look to God’s Word as his truth and from it we learn of Christ’s divinity, his incarnation as the God-man, and his saving death on the cross. We also learn about our role in God’s Kingdom while we are still on this side of eternity such as intercessory prayer ministry…. Continue reading

New York Times Shock Poll Reveals the Complete Collapse of Democratic Party

[Here’s] the beauty of competing in a binary marketplace: You don’t have to be perfect. You can still make lots of mistakes. All that matters is that you’re better than the alternative. It’s like the old joke about two dudes hiking in the African savannah, when they’re suddenly chased by a lion. When the first guy starts sprinting, the second guy yells, “What are you doing?! You can’t outrun a lion!” “I don’t need to outrun the lion,” he replied. “I only need to outrun you.”

(Scott Pinsker – PJ Media) It happens a lot: You’ll hear about a new movie or TV show with a really cool, totally original premise, but alas, the writers and actors fumbled the football in the execution. The first few minutes are promising, but you quickly realize that the script’s premise far exceeded the participants’ talents. Continue reading

How Older Women Can Help Younger Ones

(Venessa Hunt – Clear Truth Media) Once a month, I host a group of women in my home. The purpose of this gathering is to bring together moms who are in different stages of motherhood because while it’s always great to spend time with your peers, there is something really special that happens when you spend time with people in another season of life. As we’ve been going through the book ‘Mama Bear Apologetics’ and discussing the various challenges of raising children in today’s culture, a theme continues to emerge. The moms who are younger than me (which is almost all of them) lament the fact that they feel completely overwhelmed by how many ideas and ideologies are cropping up both inside and outside the Church…. Continue reading

This Top Senate Democrat Is Now Under Federal Investigation

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Interim D.C. U.S. Attorney Edward R. Martin, Jr. has made a bold move, dismissing about 30 federal prosecutors involved in the Capitol riot cases. This decision, announced on Friday, signals a significant housecleaning of the top prosecutor’s office in Washington, D.C., as Martin gears up to purge partisans who weaponized the Justice Department against Joe Biden’s political enemies, including Trump, pro-life activists, and others.

But he’s also taken another bold step, effectively launching an investigation into Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer over comments he made back in March 2020 during a #MyRightMyDecision rally outside the Supreme Court…. Continue reading

The Danger of Entering Temptation

9 “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. 10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. [For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’] Matthew 6:9-13 (LSB) 

In this post we will look at the danger of “entering temptation.” There is no doubt that most believers walk in defeat in this battle much of the time. On top of the guilt and self-abhorrence that are natural products of Christians sinning, there is also the battle fatigue that comes upon them which results in more guilt simply for being “tempted” in the first place…. Continue reading

Oh No, We Lost Two Fake News Anchors in a Week

(Mary Dowling) NBC finally ditched activist Chuck Todd. He was the infamous left-wing blatherskite of Meet the Press. He had low ratings. Todd said he’s leaving to start his own podcast. Another far-left reporter, Kristen Welker, has gradually taken over his audience and his spot in the anchor chair.

“There’s never a perfect time to leave a place that’s been a professional home for so long, but I’m pretty excited about a few new projects that are on the cusp of going from ‘pie in the sky’ to ‘near reality.’ So I’m grateful for the chance to get a jump start on my next chapter during this important moment,” Todd said in the memo obtained by USA TODAY. Continue reading

Trump Executive Order Seeks End to K-12 ‘Indoctrination’

“The order also will reinstate the 1776 Commission that Trump created during his first term to promote patriotic education and counter lessons that divide Americans on race and slavery.”

(Michael Katz – Newsmax) President Donald Trump signed three executive orders Wednesday that build upon his campaign promises of fundamental changes to the U.S. education system.

The executive orders, the latest in a flurry of presidential actions Trump has taken since Inauguration Day, focus on ending “indoctrination” in K-12 schools, launching investigations into antisemitic campus protests, and enacting a federal school choice initiative. Continue reading

Christians Who Opposed Trump Should Examine Their Hearts After His Week Of Big Biblical Wins

“Christ-followers are indeed called to be faithful regardless of who is president. But Christians who donate to, promote, and vote for candidates who proudly assault the kingdom of God are undoubtedly complicit in that attack.”

(Jordan Boyd – The Federalist) Only 10 days into President Donald Trump’s second term it’s abundantly clear that Christians who opposed his presence in the White House and condemned their brethren for supporting it have some repenting to do. Continue reading

Christians’ sin problem and its mortification

9Now I was once alive apart from the Law; but when the commandment came, sin became alive and I died; 10 and this commandment, which was to result in life, proved to result in death for me; 11 for sin, taking an opportunity through the commandment, deceived me and through it killed me. 12 So then, the Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.  Romans 7:9-24 (NASB)  (Read verses 13-24 on the site)

If we are honest, each of us would have to confess that there are sins that have an incredible hold on us. It seems that no matter how devoted we become in our walk before our Lord, there will be some sins that trip us up, making us stumble and fall to our deep chagrin. Our self-loathing resulting from this can be quite severe…. Continue reading

It’s All About the ‘Victims’

“Then he will say to those on his left [goats], ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Mat 25:41

“That last sentence goes way beyond the pale. This administration’s efforts to secure our border, protect American citizens, and rein in out-of-control spending aren’t the machinations of a mustache-twirling villain. Nevertheless, Christianity Today needs an enemy, and instead of the “cosmic powers over this present darkness” and the “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” that God’s Word speaks of (Ephesians 6:12), the magazine has chosen Trump.”

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) There’s a definite change in mainstream media coverage when a Republican president is in office. Rush Limbaugh used to point out how homelessness was only a problem when the GOP was in charge. Erick Erickson came up with what he calls the Erickson Rule of Press Coverage: “When Democrats are in charge, the press covers individuals who benefit from the Democrats’ policies. When Republicans are in charge, the press covers individuals who are perceived as victims of the policies.” Continue reading

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth Pulls General Milley’s Security Detail, Suspends Clearance, Orders Review into His Conduct

(Kritina Wong – Breitbart) Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has informed former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff retired Army Gen. Mark Milley that he is revoking his personal security detail and suspending his security clearance, according to senior defense officials.

Hegseth is also directing the acting Department of Defense Inspector General to conduct a review board to determine whether he should keep his rank as a retired-four star general, due to his actions undermining the chain of command at the end of President Donald Trump’s first term. Continue reading

Trump Puts an End to Taxpayer-Funded Child Mutilation

“This is a pivotal statement that underscores the administration’s commitment to ensuring that taxpayer dollars do not support these evil practices.” 

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) On Tuesday, President Trump issued a new executive order aimed at safeguarding children from the transgender cult. This order addresses one of the biggest evils threatening our society today: the chemical and surgical mutilation of children in the name of transgenderism. Continue reading

MAGA Goes FAFO: Trump Purges USAID Leadership for Defying Executive Orders

“As Colombian President Gustavo Petro found out, the new Trump administration isn’t playing games. Trump has learned a lot from his first term and isn’t tolerating insubordination in his second term.” 

President Trump isn’t messing around. In a bold move, he has placed as many as 60 senior bureaucrats at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) on indefinite administrative leave for actions that deliberately circumvented his executive orders. Continue reading

Follow the Money

“…Congressmen James Comer and Jim Jordan will continue to investigate Joe Biden, and both have publicly stated that they believe he took secretive payments. But Congress cannot prosecute the case; only the Justice Department can do that.”

(Bill O’Reilly) President Trump has an extremely difficult decision to make. There is mounting evidence that Joe Biden took tainted money from his son and brother when he was Vice President. No such gain is listed on Mr. Biden’s tax returns, which are public. Continue reading

A J6 Investigation That Could End in Criminal Charges

“The prosecutors did almost nothing to Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Those self-described communist/anarchist groups killed people, burned down buildings, and attacked the police. They cost over $2 billion in property damage. At the time, the media reported that property damage was insignificant compared to the worthiness of their cause.”

(Mary Dowling) President Donald Trump’s administration is investigating the Biden DOJ’s gross injustices against Jan. 6 protestors…. Continue reading

T. A. McMahon steps down from Berean Call

(T.A. McMahon – Berean Call) As I look back over the decades since I started The Berean Call (TBC), there are three words that come to my mind: “Thank you, Jesus!”

Whoa! Hold on a moment. Many have mistakenly thought that Dave Hunt was the head of TBC because they misunderstood the ministry’s major function. From the beginning, its purpose was to free Dave up to do research, write books, write articles, debate those opposed to the gospel, confront those changing the gospel, and expose those deceiving the body of Christ with “oppositions of science falsely so called” (such as psychotherapy) as indicated in 1 Timothy:6:20…. Continue reading

Steve Lawson Interview

(Clint Archer – The Cripplegate) Steve Lawson and I became friends during the process in which he was used by the Lord to convince me to be the pastor of the church he planted in Mobile, Alabama. He preached at my installation service and was a continued support and encouragement to me in the unique ministry of being a Calvinistic SBC church in the Deep South.

I was just as shocked, appalled, hurt, and bewildered as everyone else when in September of last year he confessed to an adulterous relationship…. Continue reading

Woah! Target Finally Gets a Clue

“Target will not market Pride merchandise to kids going forward, this was not in their statement today but confirmed to me by a Target rep via phone today.”

(Sarah Anderson – PJ Media) Ditching DEI programs is all the rage these days. As our own Stephen Green wrote earlier this week, “President Donald Trump ‘took aim’ at the federal government’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs on Tuesday, with an Office of Personnel Management memorandum ordering ’employees to be placed on leave no later than Wednesday and for DEI offices to be closed down,’ according to a Washington Post report.” Continue reading

Idaho Drafts Resolution to Overturn Obergefell, and Leftists are Going Crazy

“Standing for eternal truths about marriage is hardly bullying, it’s common sense—something sorely lacking among their ranks.”

(The Dissenter) Leftists and LGBT activists are predictably losing their collective minds over Idaho’s new resolution against Obergefell v. Hodges, and frankly, it’s a spectacle worthy of popcorn. Like vampires hissing at the sunlight, homosexuals, queers, and every sexual deviant under the sun are recoiling at the thought that their pet project of societal deconstruction might finally face the scrutiny it has long deserved.

Continue reading

The Calves of Jeroboam and Depression

1Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For you died and your life has been hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory. Colossians 3:1-7 (LSB) Read verses 5-6 on the site.

We are born from our mothers’ wombs depraved and separated from God because we are sinners. Unless God intervenes in our lives we will be self-absorbed and temporally focused in every part of our lives. We are “depraved” because we desperately seek fulfillment from our only avenue open to us for any circumstance which will tell us we are special or deserving of a positive “feeling” of contentment or fulfillment…. Continue reading

Homan Calls Pope’s Bluff, Highlights HUGE Vatican Walls

“The man who keeps renewing the catastrophic deal with Communist China to the detriment of Chinese Catholics is in absolutely no position to lecture Donald Trump.”

(Catherine Salgado – PJ Media) After woke Pope Francis whined about the Trump administration’s deportations of illegal alien criminals, lifelong Catholic and new border czar Tom Homan searingly exposed the hypocrisy of a man who lives behind the famed Vatican walls.

Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, and those who live behind massive medieval walls shouldn’t tear down other people’s fences…. Continue reading

Hegseth WINS, but what happened on the Senate floor after the vote revealed everything…

“Thankfully, McConnell and his globalist cronies lost big. But it was close—too close for comfort. This has to be our final wake-up call: there’s still a lot of cleanup work to do in the GOP if we’re serious about Making America Great Again.”

(Revolver) Tired of winning? Well, buckle up, because we just scored a massive victory while you were sound asleep. And on top of that, we got a real-time glimpse into the dark and sinister world of the uniparty.

More on that later… Continue reading