Blasphemy in the Presbyterian Church in America: A Reflection before the General Assembly

“Does he believe sexual immorality is shameful (Eph. 5:12) and corrosive (1 Cor. 6:18) and ought not to be discussed, or does he believe that being a [insert sin here] Christian is just another form of Christian experience? Does he believe that it is blasphemy to associate Christs holy name with enduring sin and to make that sin central to ones identity, experience, personhood, or authentic self, or does he think it is needless alarmism and decidedly unwinsome to object strenuously to such obviously worldly notions?”

(Tom Hervey – The Aquila Report) It is one of the ironies of life that the writings of dead men often contain a better understanding of contemporary affairs, albeit unwittingly, than do many contemporary observers. They have the advantage of being immune to the distorted thought patterns, banal conventional wisdom, and often imbalanced priorities and mistaken values that frequently cause contemporary pundits to see only a part of any given matter, and to see even that askew…. Continue reading

Rick Warren Can’t Stop Insulting Southern Baptist Laity: ‘Angry Fundamentalist,’ ‘Legalist Showmen’ ‘Angry Fighters’

(Protestia) As braggart Rick Warren faces the gallows at this week’s 2023 SBC Annual Meeting- his church set to be defeated and personally disfellowshipped for possessing multiple lady impastors in contravention to the BFM2000- he continues to take potshots at Southern Baptists who disagree with his desperate attempts to turn the denomination egalitarian, lobbing insult after insult as he copes and seethes with his dramatic demise.

Keen on creating as much division as possible upon his exit, Warren castigates 30% of the convention as angry fighters looking for victims to demonize. Continue reading

Move over American flag. Now U.S. troops salute ‘rainbow flag’

“More proof that the military has put their main focus on corporate agendas to appease the progressive crowd. Their recruitment numbers are plummeting and this is the main reason. So rather than simply focus on war fighting and the like, they continue down this path that is destroying them. Sad state of affairs for the military.”

(Peter LaBarbera) The United States Air Force is celebrating LGBT “pride month” with a serviceman ‘saluting’ the activist homosexual-bisexual-transgender-“queer” “rainbow” flag. Continue reading

MTG Reveals FBI Holds Two More FD-1023 Forms On Biden

(Danial Baldwin – OAN) Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene said the country needs to come to terms with a harsh reality.

“The agencies truly and purely protect the Deep State,” Greene said. “And the reason why they protect Joe Biden is because Joe Biden is so controllable. Because they have all this evidence. They’ve got mountains of evidence of Joe Biden’s crimes, and that makes him the most controlled president that we’ve ever had in US history.”

Greene, a member of the House Oversight Committee, explained that the FBI is holding two more FD-1023 forms related to President Joe Biden’s alleged criminal bribery scheme. Continue reading

Are you Spiritual Christian or are you a Soulish Christian?

12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the depths graciously given to us by God, 13 of which depths we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual depths with spiritual words.14 But a natural man does not accept the depths of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually examined. 15 But he who is spiritual examines all things, yet he himself is examined by no one. 16 For WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, THAT HE WILL DIRECT HIM? But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:12-16 (LSB) 

Several years ago God drew me into a personal revival/awakening that resulted in me learning the difference between what a Spirit-led Christian was and what most professing Christians are, which is self-focused, soul-led, immature Christians who are all about living and getting by in this lost and dying world instead of being the sold-out slaves of the Lord Jesus Christ who know His truth and obey Him because they know the Truth and know what they are supposed to be doing in His Kingdom because they are Spirit-led rather than being controlled by heir Soul, which is completely unspiritual in nature…. Continue reading

Congress Mandates Breathalyzers for All Drivers – Possible Video Monitoring

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) A law has been passed that will affect every person in the United States. It’s part of the infrastructure bill. The government often overreaches and is doing so in the case of drunk drivers – robbing people of their freedoms.

The 2021 Infrastructure and Jobs Act now requires all cars built after 2026 to implement systems to passively monitor the driver’s performance to detect drunk driving.

H.R. 3684 Section 24220 now requires all new cars built after 2026 to implement systems to passively monitor the driver’s performance to detect drunk driving. Continue reading

WH Brings Back Face Masks, Social Distancing for the Unvaccinated

“Masking guidance: Fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear a mask on the White House grounds. Guests who are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask at all times and maintain at least six feet distance from others while on the White House grounds.”

(Sarah Arnold – Townhall) If you thought Democrats were done pushing the Covid hysteria, think again. 

Despite announcing an end to the authoritarian Covid-19 government mandates, the Biden White House requires guests to practice social distancing and wear masks during their visit. Continue reading

Google Doesn’t Want You to See This Letter From a Christian Pastor About Pride Month

“Parents, your job is to inculcate your kids with the truth of God’s word. Saturate their lives with it. Memorize scripture with them, take them to a Bible-believing church, and model your faith boldly and without apology. The world wants your children. Do everything in your power to protect them from the “flaming darts of the Evil One.” The sword of the spirit—the Word of God—is your most effective weapon.

(Paula Bolyard – PJ Media) Dan Phillips, a Christian pastor and sometimes blogger, recently posted a letter he sent to his congregation to help parents explain Pride Month to their children.

The letter (read it in its entirety below) was posted on June 5 on the Pyromaniacs blog, which is hosted on the Google-owned Blogger platform…. Continue reading

Former President Donald Trump Charged in Classified Documents Probe

“The ongoing investigation into January 6, however, poses far greater legal jeopardy for Trump.”

(Julie Kelly – American Greatness) Former President Donald J. Trump has been indicted in the district court in Miami on federal counts stemming from Special Counsel Jack Smith’s months-long investigation into Trump’s handling of classified documents.

The indictment represents the first time in U.S. history a former president will face criminal charges. Trump announced the indictment Thursday night on Truth Social…. Continue reading

Controversial Charismatic Televangelist and False Prophet, Pat Robertson, Dies at 93

“During his career, Pat Robertson gained attention not only for his conservative Christian views but also for his controversial statements and prophecies. One notable instance was his prediction in 2020 that Donald Trump would be reelected as President of the United States and serve for another term.”

(The Dissenter) The latest in a string of death of prominent Evangelical leaders, following Charles Stanley and Tim Keller, is the notorious charismatic televangelist and founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Pat Robertson, who passed away at his home in Virginia Beach at the age of 93…. Continue reading

James Comer Cancels Contempt Vote After FBI Caves on Alleged Biden Bribery Doc

(Wendell Husebo – Breitbart) Eleven hours before the House Oversight Committee would assemble to vote on holding FBI Director Wray in Contempt of Congress, the FBI agreed to permit members of the Oversight Committee to review an unclassified informant file that allegedly links President Joe Biden to a $5 million bribery scheme.

Wednesday evening, Comer canceled the 9 a.m. Thursday vote to hold Wray in contempt. In exchange, the FBI finally agreed to allow the members to review the document, a demand on which Comer insisted from nearly the beginning of the negotiations. Continue reading

The Shady Business Practices of Dallas Jenkins and The Chosen

UPDATE: The article says, “The Chosen is an LLC …” This is a mistake. In 2022 the LLC converted to a corporation. The new name is The Chosen, Inc., according to a reliable source.

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Dallas Jenkins has been on the defensive over allowing pride flags on his set of The Chosen, a show that dubiously claims to depict the “authentic Jesus.” On Sunday, Dallas Jenkins released a video explaining his position in allowing pride flags on his set. In that video he insisted that The Chosen was not a church or a ministry, and that it was a “for profit public company.”

It’s worth noting that Dallas Jenkins casually lies about The Chosen being a public company. The Chosen is an LLC that initially launched its product through equity crowdfunding based on a Christmas pilot Jenkins produced…. Continue reading

Feds inform Trump he is target likely to be indicted as DOJ rebuffs prosecutorial misconduct claim

“Trump defense has submitted secret evidence alleging a prosecutor tried to sway witness testimony by discussing federal judgeship”

(John Solomon – Just the News) Federal prosecutors have notified Donald Trump that he is a criminal target and likely to be indicted imminently in a probe into alleged classified documents – even as the Justice Department declined to delay charges to give time to investigate allegations of witness tampering submitted by the former president’s legal team, according to multiple people on Wednesday familiar with the case. Continue reading

Multiculturalism in the Church is not a Biblical Mandate, It is a Heresy

“Multiculturalism has erected itself as a golden calf in our culture, beguiling believers with the enchantment of inclusivity and acceptance. Yet its tenets are deceptive, fostering an unhealthy fixation on racial and cultural issues from a secular standpoint, an approach starkly at odds with God’s kingdom principles.”

(The Dissenter) In this age of moral relativism, where every wind of doctrine is blowing and the foundations of biblical truth are being vigorously attacked, the Church of God cannot afford to shrink back. The Word of God, unadulterated and absolute, stands as our guide and the voice of the Holy Spirit as our counselor in these turbulent times. The clarion call to holiness and unity in the body of Christ, grounded firmly in the Word of God, should be louder than ever. Continue reading

If You Can Keep It

“The Constitution allows for religious beliefs to be stated and supposedly protects spiritual organizations from harm. In America today, that is not happening.”

(Bill O’Reilly) On Friday night, June 2, a sold-out crowd watched the L.A. Dodgers defeat the New York Yankees at Dodger Stadium.

So much for the “boycott” over the Dodger organization honoring the anti-Catholic hate group “The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.” Continue reading

Congresswoman Makes Shocking Claim About Biden Informant After Leaving House Oversight Meeting

“Just left meeting for House Oversight. The @FBI is afraid their informant will be killed if unmasked, based on the info he has brought forward about the Biden family.”

(Jack Davis – The Western Journal) A Republican U.S. representative said Monday that information possessed by an FBI informant who made an allegation against President Joe Biden could cost him his life.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida is a member of the House Oversight Committee…. Continue reading

The Absurdity of Liberal Schools Promoting Porn and Banning Bibles in Their Libraries

“Take for example these disturbing incidents in elementary, middle, and high schools across the USA, where books on transgenderism and homosexuality, brimming with sexually explicit language and detailed graphic depictions, are openly endorsed.”

Bear witness to the appalling descent into farcical absurdity that has overtaken our educational system, the utter degradation of pedagogical values wrapped neatly in a mantle of feigned moral superiority. Our case in point?… Continue reading

J6 Unmasked: Security footage confirms Capitol door opened, allowing 300 to enter building freely

“Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, a former sheriff who wrote a book challenging the Democrats’ portrayal of Jan. 6, said the new footage shows the tragic day was far more complex than the original narrative set by the media and House Jan.6 committee.” 

(John Solomon – Just the News) A door on the West side of the U.S. Capitol was left open and mostly unguarded for key moments during the Jan. 6 riot, allowing more than 300 people to enter the building unimpeded even as officers fought valiantly to keep protesters out of other sections of the official home of Congress, according to police security footage obtained by Just the News. Continue reading

This Is What Your Child Sees This Month – Beyond the Rainbow

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) When you groom children, lure them in, and indoctrinate them into what many see as perversion or just too sexual for children, you should be arrested, not invited into schools.

Is that too moralistic? I don’t think so.

Children should not be exposed to S&M when they are too young to understand. They should not be enticed into what can be a sordid life. When you see polls that show 21% of GenZ identify as LGBTQIA2SS++ Pride, and that’s double the double increase from Millennials, there is only one reason – indoctrination. Continue reading

Rick Warren Publishes Open Letter in Gay-Affirming Publication Pushing Women Pastors in SBC

“That Rick Warren or other Southern Baptists would dare to brush off such a clear biblical mandate is to flirt dangerously with apostasy, to willfully cast aside God’s revealed will for His Church.” 

(The Dissenter) In an unsurprising display of theological ineptitude, Rick Warren, the former pastor of Saddleback Church, published an open letter to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in Baptist News Global, a publication notorious for its pro-homosexual, pro-abortion stance…. Continue reading

Navy and MLB forced back into the closet by fed-up conservatives…

“There’s absolutely no justification for the Navy or a sports franchise to align themselves with such a controversial progressive political agenda. The primary role of the military is to safeguard the nation, while MLB’s purpose is to provide entertainment. We don’t require political or social declarations from either entity, or any corporation, for that matter.” 

(Revolver) Conservatives have reached their breaking point. They’ve been pushed around for far too long, but now they’re boldly rising up and making their voices heard. And it all began with a couple boycotts targeting Bud Light and Target. Continue reading