GoFundMe Relents After Backlash, Will Refund All Donors to Canadian Trucker Fund

(Allum Bokhari – Breitbart) Following the publication of this article and an intense backlash against the company, GoFundMe has announced that all donors to the fundraiser for the Canadian Freedom Convoy will be “automatically” refunded. The Company claims it reversed … Continue reading 

The Biden Administration’s Truly Ominous Christmas Wish List for America

“The Biden administration is so committed to its draconian, authoritarian, and hysterical COVID policies that it is staking its credibility upon the lives of Americans. This is nothing less than monstrous; in a sane political culture, there would be insistent … Continue reading 

Major evangelical figure comes out as gay

“Followers of Jesus Christ have to completely disregard the teaching in the pages of Holy Writ to cling to their belief that God condones sex outside of marriage. Anyone who is involved in sex outside marriage is committing a sin … Continue reading 

There is no coherent way to combine the identities ‘gay’ and ‘Christian.’

Some advocate a practice of “spiritual friendship,” in which two homosexuals of the same sex form an enduring and comprehensive friendship: making joint decisions, living in the same house, even referring to each other as their “other half.” Apart from … Continue reading 

The Clintons, the Obamas, Gavin Newsom became multimillionaires by monetizing their political careers through lucrative insider networking

“Our elites are anti-democratic. They talk of forcing change down the throats of scared citizens by federal or state edicts, executive orders, court decisions, or bureaucratic new directives. Neither multimillionaires Obama, Newsom, and Clinton nor the Great Resetters want to … Continue reading 

Christian publishing houses are advancing the apostasy pandemic in the Church

(Marsha West – Christian Research Network)  Dr. David F. Wells lamented that he has watched “with growing disbelief as the evangelical church has cheerfully plunged into astounding theological illiteracy.” How can a believer in Jesus Christ plunge into biblical illiteracy?  … Continue reading 

In Historic First, Rick Warren’s SBC Megachurch Ordains ‘Women Pastors’

(Protestia)  The second-largest Southern Baptist Church in the world has proudly announced that they have chosen to ordain their first three women pastors, ending 40 years of having only men as elders and repudiating their former convictions that the office … Continue reading 

Who or what is the force that drives the Left to cancel conservatives?

(Marsha West – Christian Research Network) It has become clear to discerning Christians that the Spiritual Forces of Darkness engineered America’s shift to the far left.  And anyone who chooses not to toe the line, anyone who won’t buy into … Continue reading 

China declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where’s LeBron? Where’s Disney?

“The bottom line here is that crude declarations of mental illness for what homosexuals themselves believe is an innate, immutable state are not the global standard, not the United Nations conventional wisdom, and China once again proves it doesn’t care … Continue reading 

Once-secret FBI informant reports reveal wider-ranging operation to spy on Trump campaign

“But the memos’ most explosive revelations are the sheer breadth of the FBI’s insufficiently predicated dragnet targeting the Trump campaign, and the agents’ clearly stated purpose of thwarting any Trump campaign effort to get dirt from Russia that could hurt … Continue reading 

Have You Seen the Insane Hillsong Church 2020 Christmas Video?! Well You Have Now!

(Protestia)  Hillsong Church is no stranger to controversy when it comes to their Christmas productions, most of which feature lascivious displays of writhing flesh and poor choices, resulting in Hillsong frequently deleting the videos so as to avoid criticism. In … Continue reading 

Christian Options Living Under a Marxist Regime

“My own assessment of our predicament is probably a combination of these options.  I obviously don’t believe in escapism.  The church must begin speaking to the cultural issues of the day.  Our people must be taught how to think biblically.”  … Continue reading