RTS president Ligon Duncan wrote the forward to Eric Mason’s infamous book Woke Church.
“Tong’s influence and prominence among some Reformed Americans is growing. In fact, D.A Carson, John Piper (a now avowed anti-Trump Christian), Sinclair Ferguson, Steven Lawson, and Timothy Keller were speakers at Tong’s Jakarta Conference during October 2020.”
(Capstone Report) Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) partnered with convicted Clinton donor James Riady to launch the Center for Reformed Theology in Indonesia. Riady violated campaign finance laws that resulted in the largest fine for campaign finance violations in US history. But that has not stopped Riady’s involvement with and donations to evangelical institutions like BIOLA, RTS and Arkansas Baptist Convention affiliated Ouachita Baptist University.
According to a report from World Reformed Fellowship, “In 2018, after Dr. J. Ligon Duncan, III, and other members of the Board of Trustees, visited Indonesia, they entered into a memorandum of understanding with YPPH, establishing the Center for Reformed Theology (CRT).”
YPPH is the “Pelitan Harapan Educational Foundation (YPPH), a foundation that develops and supports Christian schools, universities, and hospitals throughout Indonesia,” and the partnership between Riady and RTS developed because “Riady wanted to move YPPH’s theology in a Reformed direction,” the report said.
Current RTS president Ligon Duncan, who inked the deal with Riady’s group, is a regular face on the Evangelical conference circuit. He’s a headliner with Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Albert Mohler—including at T4G. Mohler and Duncan were scheduled to share the stage at this year’s T4G set for April 14-16 in Louisville but canceled due to the pandemic. Mohler and Duncan were regulars at T4G events beginning way back in 2006.
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