‘I just have to start with my testimony of Jesus Christ.’ Mormon Glenn Beck Casts Himself as Faithful Believer at ‘Christian’ Men’s Conference

“If Fearless were a generic men’s conference that Beck was speaking at, that would be one thing. But this event was  specifically and intentionally marketed as a conference for Christians and has every hallmark of being one.” (Protestia) Noted member … Continue reading 

‘Fearless Army’ Host Jason Whitlock Affirms Mormon Glenn Beck as Christian Brother in Unearthed Videos

There are a gazillion reasons why Mormons, including Glenn Beck, are not Christians. Discerning Christians are fully aware that Mormonism is a pseudo-Christian cult. Clearly Jason Whitlock, who is well-meaning, is undiscerning and he’s unteachable to boot! For starters, the … Continue reading 

Jason Whitlock Defends Inviting Glenn Beck To Christian Men’s Conference

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Jason Whitlock is a Christian podcaster at Blaze TV, the host of the show Fearless. He actively wears his faith on his sleeve and acknowledges his previous sinful lifestyle. Last year he hosted his … Continue reading 

Disturbing New ‘Christian’ Conference Features Voddie Baucham, John Cooper (of Skillet) and…. Mormon Glenn Beck!!?

(Protestia) According to the promo material, Fearless Army: Roll Call 2.0 is a “gathering, celebration, and encouragement of men to put on the full armor of God to take a stand against the evil forces destroying American culture (Ephesians)” insisting … Continue reading 

Discerning Glenn Beck’s Influence: The Infiltration of Mormonism in Political Discourse

“Mormonism and Christianity might share some superficial similarities in language and values, the theological chasms between them are vast and unbridgeable and Mormonism is a damnable heresy.” (The Dissenter) In the current landscape of American political and religious discourse, Mormonism, … Continue reading 

Max Lucado Affirms Mormon, Glenn Beck, as a Believer Whom The Holy Spirit Intercedes For With Prayer

“While we can appreciate a lot of the conservative political work that Glenn Beck does, it often becomes too easy to fall into the trap of believing that these people share the same religious convictions as we do—but we do … Continue reading 

Mormon, Glenn Beck, Says Billy Graham Told Him He Was Christian, Removed Mormonism From Cult Status

“If Billy Graham truly loved Glenn Beck, he would not have allowed him to walk away believing that he thought he was a true Christian.” (Reformation Charlotte) Glenn Beck was recently interviewed on the Michael Malice show where Malice asked … Continue reading 

Glenn Beck Chokes Up Over His Recollection of When Billy Graham Defended Him, a Mormon, as Being Christian

(Christian News Network) “When we were children, we were making fun of the devil, and Daddy stopped us and said, ‘Don’t make fun of the devil. He’s a good devil,’” Ruth recounted, laughing. “Daddy never said anything ugly about anybody. … It’s quite … Continue reading 

Controversial Christian historian David Barton…misinterpretations…errors…and Glenn Beck

By Marsha West “If your family homeschools, or if you send your kids to a Christian school, or even if you are actively involved in Republican politics, listen to talk radio, and consider yourself a TEA party oriented person, the … Continue reading