John MacArthur Under Fire for Questioning Mental Health Diagnosis: ‘There’s no such thing as PTSD’

(Protestia) Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church has come under fire for comments he made questioning the mental health diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), suggesting that at least in the latter, it … Continue reading 

John MacArthur Rebukes Alistair Begg in New Q&A +’We’ve Been Friends for 45 Years…And Now He’s Going to be Defined By That’

(Protestia) Grace Community Church Pastor John MacArthur has weighed in after longtime friend and prominent pastor Alistair Begg was dropped from his Shepherds Conference, after Begg famously urged a woman to attend an LGBTQ wedding, and then doubled and tripled down with … Continue reading 

John MacArthur Blasts The Gospel Coalition: “Woke,” “Useless Entity,” “Like Christianity Astray”

(The Dissenter) We at The Dissenter have been warning about The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and its clones like Together for the Gospel (T4G) for years and years upon years and concluded that these organizations were compromised in such a way … Continue reading 

Rick Warren Casually Lies About John MacArthur in Russell Moore Interview

“Warren is a liar, and his deceit should surprise no one.” (Protestia) It doesn’t take much to remind ourselves how catastrophically bad a preacher and teacher Rick Warren is. Famous for peddling to the church the poison and spiritual strychnine that … Continue reading 

John MacArthur Calls out Ministry for Criticizing Him During COVID Lockdowns: ‘What are you Talking About? We Fight EVERY Battle’

“Sometimes what might appear to be a kind of a one on a scale of 1 to 10 is still an assault on the church and on the truth. So it isn’t that we all of a sudden become courageous … Continue reading 

Why John MacArthur Called Out Tim Keller And Andy Stanley At ShepCon

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) John MacArthur made some waves over the weekend at Shepherd’s Conference, more commonly known as ShepCon when he was not only able to appear but name dropped Tim Keller and Andy Stanley. But the … Continue reading 

John MacArthur Criticizes Tim Keller and Andy Stanley During ShepCon Q & A

Watch John MacArthur’s response to Keller and Stanley’s cultural Christianity. (Protestia) Pastor John MacArthur took some time during his Shepherds Conference Q &A to answer questions about the role of the pastor, centering in on the need to feed the … Continue reading 

A few years ago John MacArthur withdrew his endorsement of Greg Laurie’s Harvest Crusade. Here’s why.

CRN discovered the following article that was written in 2016 by Bud Ahlheim. It’s important that our subscribers are aware that John MacArthur removed his endorsement of Harvest Crusades because of what Phil Johnson referred to as Greg Laurie’s “significant … Continue reading 

Lies Abound in Liberal Christianity Today’s Rehashed Smear Piece on John MacArthur

In the same post, Cho hinted at “other GCC matters that have come to [his] attention,” and issued a coy threat that he may or may not go public with them depending on “the nature and extent of the response … Continue reading 

Greg Locke Accuses John MacArthur and Justin Peters of Lying About the Spiritual Gifts Because it ‘Feeds Your Ego’

(The Dissenter) Cessationism is the doctrine that the Apostolic sign gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and the gift of healing (not to be confused with God actually healing people), are not practiced today but, instead, were gifts given to … Continue reading 

John MacArthur Releases Scorching Open Letter to CA Governor Gavin Newsom

(Protestia) Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, has released an open letter to California Governor Gavin Newsom, blasting him for “the diabolical effects” of his worldview and policies, as well as the “many immoral decisions” … Continue reading 

John MacArthur Rebukes Church Hosting Ligonier National Conference

“…why didn’t Ligonier take a stand against FBO as well? While MacArthur withdrew, for whatever reasons those were, many prominent speakers remain such as Steven Lawson, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Stephen Nichols, Burk Parsons, Derek Thomas, and Michael Reeves, amongst … Continue reading 

John MacArthur Explains on Laura Ingraham What’s Behind the Teen Crime Explosion

(Reformation Charlotte) Despite the relentless attacks from lost causes like Julie Roys and the feminist blowhards whose entire lives revolve around defaming a God-fearing church leader, John MacArthur is demonstrating his resolve and faith and it appears that he is … Continue reading 

Beth Moore Complains That John MacArthur and Others Didn’t Apologize for Telling Her to ‘Go Home’

(Reformation Charlotte) Several months ago, Beth Moore—the foremost false prophetess in all of modern Evangelicalism—announced to the world that she was leaving the Southern Baptist Convention. Her reason? Southern Baptists just weren’t moving fast enough toward embracing her feminism and … Continue reading 

YouTube Labels John MacArthur’s Homosexuality Sermon as ‘Hate Speech’ and Removes It

“The content, which YouTube single-handedly censored from the entire world, was nothing more than than the truth directly preached from the Scriptures.” (Reformation Charlotte) This past Sunday was John MacArthur’s call to fellow conservative pastors to stand up and preach … Continue reading 

John MacArthur Urges Pastors To Join Him By Taking A Stand On Biblical Sexual Morality On January 16

Pastor John MacArthur has written an open letter urging all pastors to join him in preaching against sexual immorality on January 16 to protest Canada’s new law that declares In the Preamble of Bill C-4 the belief that: “heterosexuality, cisgender … Continue reading 

John MacArthur’s Church Publishes ‘COVID-19 Without Fear’ Manifesto

“Western evangelicals now need to have that same resolve—and prepare ourselves for more pressure from the government and more persecution from the rest of society.” (Reformation Charlotte)  While most of the world, particularly the lost and dying world, is living … Continue reading