Dr. Michael Brown Gives Cover to Todd White’s Fake ‘Leg Lengthening’ Miracles, Then Deletes Video

“Either Brown is the most gullible dupe in all of Christian history or he is intentionally participating in White’s deceptions.” (Protestia) Todd White is perhaps best known for his dreadlocks and debunked leg-lengthening scam, which is pure, calculated, and intentional … Continue reading 

Dr. Michael Brown Joining Famed ‘Leg Lengthening’ Huckster Todd White For Joint Ministry Event

“Leading figures in Christian discernment, like Justin Peters and Chris Rosebrough, have suggested that Todd White is demon-possessed. We absolutely concur and believe strongly that the extent of demonic possession over this man is more profound and apparent than most.” … Continue reading 

Justin Peters vs. Michael Brown: On Benny Hinn and Repentance

“Back in the 90’s, Michael Brown participated in the Brownsville Revival which featured falsified miracles and false prophecies uttered by Brown himself—unsurprisingly pertaining to Israel. As of 2021, Brown was defending the Brownsville Revival. Due to the age of this scandal, … Continue reading 

Dr. Michael Brown Pulls Out of ‘American Gospel 3’ Film Because They Criticized His NAR Buddies and ‘Grave Soaking’

“Brown was also upset that one episode was taking a critical view of the Bethel/ Pentecostal phenomena of ‘grave soaking,’ which is when someone lays on top of the grave of a famous dead charismatic and “sucks” the “mantle” and “anointing” … Continue reading 

Michael Brown’s Colleague and Serial Blasphemer, Patricia King, ‘Tokes the Ghost’ and ‘Injects the Blood of Jesus’

“This is not Christianity. Not even close. This is nothing but a cult and Michael Brown is the man who tries to bridge the gap between this cult and mainstream Evangelicalism.” (The Dissenter) In a recent statement by the charismatic … Continue reading 

Michael Brown Formally Endorses Raging Heretic

“Unsurprisingly, the book is rife with false teaching from front to back and functions as one big compendium of secrets “Jesus said” and other revelations Zadai has access to that no one else does. Note how casually he reveals conversations … Continue reading 

Patricia King Tells Michael Brown She Knows a ‘Church Leader’ Who Recently Had an Abortion

(Reformation Charlotte) The editors of this publication are no fans of Patricia King, Michael Brown, or the charismatic New Apostolic Reformation movement as a whole. These aberrant movements serve only to undermine the gospel, detract from the authority of God’s … Continue reading 

Dr. Michael Brown Blasts Critics Who Call False Teachers ‘Loons and Hucksters’

(Protestia)  During the October 20 Line of Fire, Jim Osman (author of God Doesn’t Whisper) called into Michael Brown’s show and criticized him for platforming the worst of the worst of charismatic ne’er do wells, telling him, “I would say … Continue reading 

Wayne Grudem, Mark Driscoll, Michael Brown Sign Joint Statement Affirming False Prophets

“After rejecting the idea that modern-day prophecy is on the “same level” as biblical prophecy–as though God’s revelation is somehow less authoritative today than it was in biblical times–the statement goes on to contradict God’s standard for prophets. One of … Continue reading 

Dr. Michael Brown – False Prophets are not False if They Were Sincere When They Prophesied Falsely

“Your notions are not only fanciful but they are heretical. Here is today’s deep theology. You cannot be a saved, blood bought believer in Jesus Christ and then proceed to lie about hearing from Him. Here is the fundamental error … Continue reading 

Does Dr. Michael Brown’s conclusion confirm he has seen and agrees with the evidence Church Watch Central provided?

…editors at CWC started collecting as much information about ‘Christalignment’ as possible, before Jenny Hodge started tampering or removing evidence that could be used against her. By the time she pulled down (or hid) a damning video of her staff … Continue reading 

Michael Brown Says a Witch ‘Sincerely Desires’ to See People Saved, He’s More Concerned About Discerning Christians

“Let’s be clear — Jen Hodge is not a Christian. She is no more “Christian” than a mambo out of Haiti who practices voodoo.”  (Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  Michael Brown is the world’s premier apologist for the ancient heresy of … Continue reading 

Michael Brown Practices Cult-Like “Fire Tunnel” Similar to Bethel Church (Republished with the correct link)

“When pressed, he will never criticize those who practice these wicked things. Why? Because he does them himself.” (Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  Do you ever wonder why Michael Brown evades criticizing those “fringe” charismatics like Bill Johnson of Bethel … Continue reading 

Michael Brown Practices Cult-Like “Fire Tunnel” Similar to Bethel Church

“When pressed, he will never criticize those who practice these wicked things. Why? Because he does them himself.” (Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  Do you ever wonder why Michael Brown evades criticizing those “fringe” charismatics like Bill Johnson of Bethel … Continue reading 

Michael Brown Defends the Worst of the Worst Blasphemer and Idolater

“The problem with men like this is that they want to speak orthodox language. They want to give a facade of orthodoxy, giving lip-service to the gospel and to the Bible, but they twist it just enough to make it … Continue reading 

New Apostolic Reformation Chooses Michael Brown to Lead Todd Bentley Investigation

“Bentley has repeatedly referred to NAR Apostle, Rick Joyner, in self defense, claiming that Joyner was aware of his past misdeeds and was working on restoring him to ministry. Joyner confirmed this in a video, in which he attacked Bentley’s … Continue reading 

Michael Brown is An Apologist for the Devil

Discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:10), and at every point possible, Michael Brown attacks that gift of the Third Person. Brown lamented that Bentley was publicly outed (again) as an adulterer and abuser. He wrote…”I have no … Continue reading 

The Forgotten Facts about Michael Brown of Brownsville

“While speaking at that Jerusalem gathering, Michael Brown proceeded to tell the attendees that “tonight,” that night, would be a “history-making” night insomuch as the Holy Spirit would descend in power and fire as earth-shaking and monumental as the literal day of … Continue reading 

Michael Brown’s Refusal to Red Flag Sid Roth Proves Brown Is Dangerous

“Most episodes of It’s SuperNatural are infomercials for the guest to pitch their products. The products usually teach the viewer some sort of spiritual trick to achieve breakthrough, healing, miracles, manifestations of God’s presence, wealth, and you get the idea. For … Continue reading 

The ‘Brown Rice’ Controversy – Michael Brown espouses prosperity heresy & falsely accuses caller of being someone else.

(Churchwatch Central) Chris Rice from ‘ThisIsNotSatire’ blog, recently rang in to the Line of Fire program (this program also uploaded on YouTube). During this call, Michael Brown went out of his way to attack the integrity of his caller by … Continue reading