The Tragic Influence of Catholic Priest Richard Rohr’s Mysticism on Millennial Evangelicals

“Rohr’s spirituality is in the same camp as someone like Episcopalian panentheist Matthew Fox (author of The Coming of the Cosmic Christ). Rohr wrote the foreword to a 2007 book called How Big is Your God? by Jesuit priest (from India) … Continue reading 

Russell Moore Speaker at ‘The Gospel For Enneagram Summit’ + Joined By Some Legit Heretics

“Moore is joined by a slew of enneagram teachers, but one person we wanted to highlight is Suzanne Stabile, another keynote speaker. Can she faithfully teach on the intersection of the gospel and the enneagram?” (Protestia) A year after Russell … Continue reading 

Culture Transforming the Church

“While studying the ancient world, he realized something. Simply, the ancients were cruel, and their values utterly foreign to him. The Spartans routinely murdered “imperfect” children. The bodies of slaves were treated like outlets for the physical pleasure of those … Continue reading 

‘The Chosen’ Biblical Consultant met Christ via New Age/Eastern Meditation?

(John Lanagan – The Word Like Fire) Many of the people involved with The Chosen are now very influential–Christians listen to them. Which is proving more and more unfortunate as some things these folks are involved with or advocate are … Continue reading 

Research: Emergent Church

Emergent Church…aka Emerging and sometimes Emergence Religious leadership must end its intellectual and imaginative failure to think through what it is doing in the light of the new emerging cosmology, which is hospitable to spirit-matter theories and mindbody experiences. ~ … Continue reading 

Max Lucado’s Endorsement of Jen Hatmaker: What it Means and Why it Matters

[Paul’s] comments on unity were actually followed by specific instructions for Christians to reject their old way of life and to pursue holiness and Christlike compassion. Paul warns the readers to avoid even a hint of sexual immorality or greed. … Continue reading 

A Whole lotta ‘Christian’ bestsellers are unfit for Christian consumption

(Marsha West – Christian Research Network)  Sadly, “Christian” book sellers line their shelves with books that are clearly unbiblical. Books that put a positive spin on New Age spirituality, Eastern mysticism, LGBTQ+ issues and so forth are available through online … Continue reading 

Rosaria Butterfield Promotes Sam Allberry’s Theology, Catholic Priest Who Says God is Gay and Occultic Scholar

“Rosaria Butterfield’s hospitality theology, many of her themes and mantras, the framework for the entire SSA celibate queer movement as well as many of the talking points over at Living Out and Russell Moore’s ERLC SSA panels are regurgitations of … Continue reading 

Research: Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is the process of apparent spiritual development through engaging in a set of behaviors, termed disciplines. Advocates believe these disciplines help shape the character of the practitioner into the likeness of Christ. Though superficially similar to discipleship, spiritual formation … Continue reading 

Biola University – Going . . . Going . . . Gone As President Takes Sabbatical At Catholic Contemplative Monastery

(Lighthouse Trails) For many years, Lighthouse Trails has written about the slide that Biola University in Southern California has taken into contemplative spirituality. Our first indication that the school was heading that way was in February of 2006 when we … Continue reading