The GOP and the Log Cabin Republicans

“Once again, the Texas GOP made its stand refreshingly unambiguous and clear. While it may not be the popular position with many moderates and obviously with the woke Left, the party is not backing down from the battle.” 

(The Patriot Post) Over the past weekend, Texas Republicans held their convention in Houston, where the party formally adopted its platform. Prior to the convention, controversy was stirred up after the party refused to grant a booth to the homosexual lobbying group known as the Log Cabin Republicans…. Continue reading

Colleges Are Ethnically Cleansing America’s White Kulaks

“More Asians are being admitted, and there’s pressure for more blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians to be admitted too. But if those groups are going to grow, another group has to take the hit. Fortunately for America’s admissions gatekeepers, the decision is easy: just crush the kulaks.”

(Revolver) In the days and weeks after George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose, America’s universities proudly proclaimed an imminent “racial reckoning” on campus. “Diversity,” understood in a very specific way, became the top objective. Harvard’s university press published books on how to eliminate schools that were “too white.” Activists demanded the abolition of “white supremacist” standardized tests, and dozens of schools swiftly complied. Continue reading

BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Football Coach Who Prayed With His Players After Games

“Kennedy prayed with his players for years before anyone complained, but in 2015 the school system placed him on administrative leave following a warning that his prayers violated district policy.”

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) The Supreme Court has ruled in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, the case of Coach Joe Kennedy of Bremerton High School in Bremerton, Wash., whom the school district fired in 2015 because he prayed with players at the 50-yard-line following football games. Continue reading

The carnality of Christians and genuine repentance

7 What shall we say then? Is the Law sin? May it never be! On the contrary, I would not have come to know sin except through the Law; for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, “You shall not covet.” 8 But sin, taking opportunity through the commandment, produced in me coveting of every kind; for apart from the Law sin is dead.  (Romans 7:9-24 NASB) Read verses 9-24 on the site.

If we are honest, each of us would have to confess that there are sins that have an incredible hold on us. It seems that no matter how devoted we become in our walk before our Lord, there will be some sins that trip us up, making us stumble and fall to our deep chagrin. Our self-loathing resulting from this can be quite severe…. Continue reading

Blessed is the One

1 How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered!  2 How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit! Psalms 32:1-2 (NASB) 

I debated with myself for a while about the title of this post. There is a part of me that still wants the name of it to be “What a Saviour!” My brethren, there is mischief afoot caused by a misunderstanding fostered by the deceit of the enemy of our souls. That mischief is to convince Christians that there is no need to hear the Gospel anymore now that they are safe in the arms of their Saviour. What rubbish! My times of struggling with my flesh and with overcoming the world always coincide when I am overwhelmed with discernment work or some other business that keeps me from simply expositing Sacred Scripture that points me to the Cross of the Christ. Also, proper worship should also do that very thing. Continue reading

Last Night in America: Democrat Brownshirts

Protestors burning American flag.

“They’re everywhere. These people are part of subversive communist Brownshirts and our DOJ and FBI have little to no interest in that fact.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Riots and disruptive protests took place in major cities throughout the nation last night after numerous Democrats urged radical abortionists to take to the streets.

Rioters attempted to breach the Arizona capitol building in Phoenix while the Arizona Senate was in session. Continue reading

DHS Tells Catholic Churches to Prepare for ‘Extreme Violence’

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Roe v. Wade has at long last been overturned, and the Left’s response has been predictable: Leftists are pounding the walls and gnashing their teeth with rage and hatred. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Make Mine a Double) has shouted that the decision is “illegitimate” and led pro-abortion activists in chants of “into the streets.” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Unhinged) has proclaimed, “The hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them!” But no one expects the supporters of Antifa and Black Lives Matter to confine their rage to words alone: even Old Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security paused from hunting for “white supremacists” on Friday to warn Catholic churches to prepare for a “night of rage.” Continue reading

After Roe: What’s Our Job Now?

(George Grant – Ligonier Ministries) Circumstances change. Laws, courts, and administrations come and go. Elections raise up and cast down the mighty. Popular opinion waxes and wanes. But through it all, the callings and responsibilities of Christians in this poor, fallen world remain the same.

Taking our stand for life wasn’t first thrust upon us by the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, and we are not relieved of that duty by its now overturning this year. The pro-life movement is not a recent phenomenon or innovation. Rather, it is two thousand years old. It was inaugurated on an old rugged cross, on a hill called Calvary. It is best known as Christianity. Caring for the helpless, the deprived, and the unwanted is not simply what we do; it is who we are. It always has been. It always will be. Continue reading

Betraying Jesus

21Having said these things, Jesus was troubled in His Spirit and He testified and said, “Amen, amen I say to you that one of you will betray me.” John 13:21 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

In our last post, Lord Do You Wash My Feet?, our Lord revealed that one of the twelve disciples was “not clean” in John 13:10 and then in 13:18 He revealed that this would fulfill Old Testament prophecies about an insider betraying Him. Now, we enter that part of John’s account of our Lord’s last Passover Feast in which His betrayer is sent away to do his deed…. Continue reading

Suicide, Sex and The School Trauma Cult

“This is the “woke” house of cards. After traumatizing children with offensive drag performances, drenching them in “born that way” and “transition” advocacy, surveying them repeatedly about “orientation,” offering them homo-obscenity disguised as literature, and conspiring with them to conceal their magic potion identities from parents, experts pretend to be shocked that the most vulnerable kids are sent over the edge.”

(Linda Harvey – Mission: America) Children embody our future hopes and dreams. But some parents are willing to deal with the devil, betting tomorrow’s dreams against today’s comfort.

The bargain is suicide prevention, or so they are told. “Would you rather have a dead son or a living daughter?” asks the indoctrinated gender clinic psychologist…. Continue reading

Biden holds notes that read ‘YOU enter the Roosevelt Room,’ ‘YOU take YOUR seat’

The final bullet points read, “YOU thank participants” and “YOU depart.”

(Fox News – Joseph A. Wulfshon) Photos taken at a White House meeting with cabinet members show specific directions listed for President Biden.

On Thursday, Biden made remarks during a “Meeting on Federal State Offshore Wind Implementation Partnership” where he had a binder with talking points and was handed a chart showing how tall the offshore wind turbines being discussed are compared to landmarks like the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower. Continue reading

BREAKING: Supreme Court OVERTURNS Roe v. Wade, Casey With Dobbs Decision

(Athena Thorne – PJ Media) On Friday, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in the much anticipated Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, overturning the pro-abortion precedent set by Rose v. Wade and Casey.

“The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives,” wrote Justice Samuel Alito. “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.” Continue reading

BREAKING! Supreme Court Strikes Down New York’s Proper Cause Requirement for Concealed Carry

(Breitbart) The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled 6-3 on June 23 that New York’s proper cause requirement for concealed carry permit issuance is unconstitutional.

New York State Rifle and Pistol Association  (NYSRPA) v. Bruen centered on denials for permits under New York’s concealed carry permitting law. The NYSRPA filed suit claiming that one of its members was eligible for a permit but was denied because of New York’s requirement that concealed carry applicants prove why they need to carry a gun. Continue reading

Why the Left Will Cut Biden Loose

“Democrats will soon find no further reason to cover for Biden’s own serial abhorrent personal behavior on matters of financial probity, sex, race, and truthfulness.” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) Republican pundits and conservative activists are debating whether they can win in 2024 with the successful Trump agenda, but without the controversial Donald Trump as their nominee.

The Democrats have a similar, but far more serious dilemma with Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2024. Continue reading

Evangelical Race Consultant Says Only ‘Redeemed’ (Woke) White People Should be Hired and Promoted at Seminaries

(The Dissenter) The IF Gathering conference has been a blemish on the Evangelical Church since it started in 2014 hosting people from nearly every aberrant theological sect of Christendom while avoiding any actual gospel content. The annual conference exists to advance the “woke church” movement, the Prosperity Gospel, and charismatic charlatanry into mainstream Evangelicalism and includes speakers ranging on the spectrum from extremely troubling views to rank heretics. Continue reading

Justin Trudeau informs his subjects: ‘You have no right to self defense’

“So today Canadians were informed by their communist overlords that self defense is dependent on the weapon you decide to pick up while you are under attack…if you choose to pick up a knife, slingshot, hammer or baseball bat you presumably still have the right to fight back against your attacker, who may be armed with a Glock or a Beretta, placing you at a distinct disadvantage. Good luck, serf.”

(Leo Hohmann) Justin Trudeau is telling his people that under Canadian law there is no such thing as the right to self defense, at least not if you are using a firearm as your defense mechanism of choice. Continue reading

The GOP’s ‘Transgender’ Strategy Is Dangerously Off Track

“The chief victims of the transgenderism explosion are not girls losing out on swimming trophies. The chief victims are the mentally vulnerable people suffering from gender dysphoria who are being “transitioned,” mutilated every which way; physically, psychologically, and spiritually, and manipulated into extreme, harmful, and irreversible life choices.”

(Revolver News) A politically damaged, barely viable President Biden has surveyed the political landscape, and, incredibly, chosen transsexualism as his field of battle. With inflation soaring, the economy collapsing, shortages ravaging America, a human invasion tsunami pouring over the border, and repeated international humiliations, Biden and his administration flunkies are declaring an all-out war effort to promote transgenderism in every corner of America. Continue reading

Lord Do You Wash My Feet?

6 Then He came to Simon Peter who said to Him, “Lord, do You wash my feet?” 7 Jesus answered and said to Him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will understand after these things.” 8 Peter said to Him, “Never will you wash my feet even into the age.” Jesus answered him, “Unless I wash you, you do not have a share with me.” John 13:6-8 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

As I write this and work on this translation of John 13:1-19 I am listening to a CD from Sovereign Grace music titled “No Greater Love.” Right now, my favorite song on that CD is playing which is titled “Know You.” Why am I sharing this? The heart that knows the Lord is so because the Lord knows that person by and through the power of the Cross…. Continue reading

Domestic Terrorists Put Justice’s 7 Children in Danger – No Word from Biden

“They are looking to get someone killed, even children.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Radical domestic terrorists doxxed Justice Barrett’s home, her church, and her children’s schools. This is extremely dangerous but these radicals want blood in the streets. Not a word from Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, or any of the Democrats. Continue reading

The Gun Bill Just Dropped. Here’s What We Know.

“If the Democrats manage to save face in November you can thank John Cornyn, Thom Tillis, Roy Blunt, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Rob Portman, Mitt Romney, and Pat Toomey. They’re basically asking the base to stay home.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) The “compromise” Senate gun bill is here, and if you’re a conservative and/or Republican who thought that November’s midterm elections were a done deal you may want to take a breath. Continue reading

Guilty of Christian Nationalism?

(Peter Jones – truthxchange) The latest critics of the Christian faith accuse Christians of being selfish, out-of-date, non-constitutional “Christian nationalists” who would impose all the Christian rules on everyone around them. Think Ku Klux Klanners parading through Washington, DC in the 1920s to defend “Protestant America.”[1]  Or the The Handmaid’s Tale or a Christian version of 1984. Christians will, they believe, impose an Old Testament-like Christian theocracy on all citizens of the modern state, in which only Christian truth is allowed and the death penalty is employed for various sinful acts. Christian nationalism is decried by many who cry “fascist,” or “domestic terrorist.” Some Christian liberals see their understanding of Christian Nationalism to be “a threat to national security and domestic cohesion,” and even “the greatest threat to the witness of the church.” Continue reading

Tony Evans’s Daughter, Priscilla Shirer, Preaches at Joel Osteen’s Church

(The Dissenter) We’ve written a lot about Tony Evans in the last few days after his appearance at the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting to preach a heretical view of the Trinity. But what we don’t do very often is talk about his daughter, Priscilla Shirer.

Priscilla Shirer, daughter of false teacher, Tony Evans, is a good friend and a disciple of well-known prophet-preacher Beth Moore…. Continue reading