The bedrock of Christianity is repentance

1 Now at that same time there were some present who were reporting to Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. 2 And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you think that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered these things? 3 I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. 4 Or do you think that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse offenders than all the men who live in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” Luke 13:1-5 (LSB) 

Several years ago I became involved in discussion on an “emergent blog” that was proclaiming that it is perfectly fine for Christians to use profanity and those who call them on it are being hypocritical and self-righteous…. Continue reading

Punching Back at Temptation

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) One of the things that people often misunderstand about the Christian faith is that Christians still deal with temptations on a regular basis. We’re forgiven of our sins, but we still face the choice to sin or not to sin every single day.

“In the last analysis it is not the temptations that meet us on the streets that determine our conduct; it is the heart of the man who faces them,” wrote the great Welsh preacher and theologian Martyn Lloyd-Jones. “Two men may face the same conditions; one falls, the other stands. The difference is not in the temptation but in the heart of the man.” Continue reading

Anti-Christian Hate Coming for Hegseth From Politico

The author is very anti-Christian, doesn’t understand Christianity, and has an overriding motive to demonize Christians, even if he has to invent problems as if he were a quack fortune teller.”

(Mary Dowling) A Politico article about Pete Hegseth sees him as too “aggressively Christian.” Author Jasper Craven called him “Joe Rogan of conservative military media.” The entire article reeks of anti-Christian bigotry, and this author is doing it openly. He’ll likely get rewarded for it. Continue reading

Obama Just Accused Republicans of What Democrats Are Doing, and It’s Nothing Less Than Ominous

“So when it came time to deliver his whopping lie at his “Democracy Forum,” did Mr. Smooth suddenly glitch himself? Does the man still have a conscience somewhere in there, a warning voice that told him that smearing his opponents with charges of which his friends and allies are guilty was immoral? Probably not, as Obama went on to make a statement that was frankly ominous.”

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) No one seems sure who first said it, maybe Joseph Goebbels, but in any case, it’s a tried-and-tested Alinskyite tactic: accuse your enemy of what you’re doing. Barack Obama is a practiced expert at this, and he gave a master class in it on Thursday at his Obama Foundation’s Orwellian-named Democracy Forum. Continue reading

Just doing church is nothing but the fruit of blind hypocrisy

25 “For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27 And which of you by worrying can add a single cubit to his life span? 28 And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.  Matthew 6:25-34 (LSB) Read verses 30-34 on the site.

To be honest, I never thought that I would ever end up in the part of the battle that I have found myself. For the first 19 or so years after my salvation, I was just your typical church member who “occasionally” found my faith peeking through into my work week…. Continue reading

Following Sexual Misconduct Allegations, Michael Brown to Take Time Off From Public Ministry

(Rebecca Hopkins – The Roys Report, a site CRN does not recommend) Following allegations of sexual misconduct, Messianic Jewish scholar Michael Brown is taking time off from his public ministry, according to Brown’s ministry, The Line of Fire.

“We have strongly encouraged Mike that he does no public ministry,” said Scott Volk, board member for The Line of Fire in a statement to The Roys Report (TRR). “He’s cancelled speaking engagements for the months of November and December. And from my understanding, he normally writes numerous articles a week. He’s not doing that.” Continue reading

Genuine Faith vs Human Faith

15 And it happened that when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, “Let us go to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 So they went in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. 17 And when they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child. 18 And all who heard it marveled at the things which were told them by the shepherds. 19 But Mary was treasuring all these things, pondering them in her heart. 20 And the shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, just as was told them. Luke 2:15-20 (LSB)

Human faith is not the same thing as Genuine (saving) faith. The former is based in Human reason and intellect. The latter is supernatural. What passes for faith in many professing believer’s “Christianity” is a belief based in who preaches to or teaches them…. Continue reading

What the Trump nominees Have Not Done—And Will Not Do

“We are going to hear some outrageous things in the upcoming congressional confirmation hearings. But one thing we will not hear about are the crimes, deceptions, and utter incompetence of prior and current government grandees.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) Deflated by the resounding November defeat, the left now believes it can magically rebound by destroying Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees.

Many of Trump’s picks are well outside the usual Washington, DC/New York political, media, and corporate nexus.

But that is precisely the point—to insert reformers into a bloated, incompetent, and weaponized government who are not part of it. Continue reading

American Medical Institutions Get Woke Infection

“When doctors choose a political agenda over protecting children, it’s time for someone to step up and defend our most vulnerable citizens. That’s exactly what Tennessee and other states have done.”

(Brian Mark Weber – The Patriot Post) When it comes to debating climate change, pandemics, and transgender youth, those who live in the world of common sense are often told to “trust the science.” But it’s hard to trust the science these days when it’s so often tainted by ideology rather than objective, dispassionate analysis and the scientific method itself. Continue reading

Hal Lindsey’s Secret Legacy: Obtaining Extravagant Wealth from Non-Profit Organization

“In 2014, the Lindsey family purchased a 6,000+ square foot home in the Texas hill country next to a 1,300-acre golf course. The Redfin real estate website estimates the home is worth almost $2.9 million.”

(Barry Bowen – Trinity Foundation) Hal Lindsey, one of the wealthiest non-profit ministry executives in America, has died at 95 years of age.

Lindsey co-authored the bestselling end-times Bible prophecy book The Late Great Planet Earth with Carole C. Carlson and hosted a TV program airing on Daystar Television Network, costing $381,000 in 2023, and other networks over the years. Continue reading

The Christian walk that is pleasing to God

8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is dignified, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, consider these things. 9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9 (LSB) 

We live in an evil day. When “cultural relevance” carries more weight within the leadership of a church than conformity to the revealed Word of God then it should grieve those who know the Lord and are known by Him. As we have said many times here at Possessing the Treasure, there are only two religions in the whole world…. Continue reading

How Trump’s Victory Affects The Civil War In Evangelicalism

(Jon Harris – The Federalist) Over the past decade, a clear political divide has emerged within American evangelical Christianity. Institutional leaders have increasingly aligned their organizations with the leftist ruling class, while many in the pews maintain more conservative views and resist these shifts. Trump’s recent victory has intensified this balancing act for leaders and further deepened the divide within the movement.

Signaling approval for the left’s cultural dominance while maintaining Religious Right credentials has never been easy. In the 2010s, the strategy was to expand the definition of pro-life to include issues such as racial justice and left-leaning immigration policies…. Continue reading

Presidential Pardons for Anthony Fauci, Liz Cheney, and Adam Schiff?

Curses and drat! That blasted Trump forced President Biden into pardoning Hunter, and now he’s gonna make him pardon everyone else! That Donald Trump is a real troublemaker.

(Scott Pinsker – P Media) “I hope Americans will understand why a father and a President would come to this decision,” President Biden wrote in the last line of his statement explaining his unconditional pardon of his son, Hunter Biden. In doing so, he actually went full circle: The very first line of his statement emphasized their father-son relationship as well: “Today I signed a pardon for my son Hunter.”

So it was Biden’s open and close. Continue reading

What’s the Deal With All These ‘Mystery Drones’ Being Spotted Over New Jersey?

“We’re all completely unnerved,” Shavalier told NBC News on Tuesday. “I didn’t sleep last night.” Shavalier said she fears more sleepless nights are ahead.

(Teri Christoph – RedState) A mystery is unfolding in the skies over central New Jersey, and even the FBI is stumped about what’s going on.

Reports have emerged of “mysterious nighttime drone flights” appearing in the nighttime skies of central New Jersey, and some residents have taken to social media with videos of strange occurrences. Continue reading

Justice Ketanji Jackson Makes a Fool of Herself During Oral Arguments

“This is the same person who infamously declared during her confirmation hearings that she couldn’t define what a woman is because “I’m not a biologist.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) The Supreme Court is hearing arguments in U.S. v. Skrmetti, an extremely important case over state restrictions on medically unnecessary interventions, such as puberty blockers and hormone treatments, for minors experiencing gender confusion. Continue reading

Trump Needs to Make an Example of General Milley

“In the immediate aftermath of the election, the left seems to realize it is unwise to resist openly and violently, as they did for much of the Trump administration. But I believe, at the moment, they are merely regrouping and working on a strategy they believe will work.”

(Christopher Roach – American Greatness) In dealing with his enemies in the Deep State, President Trump could follow one of two paths. One would be the path of peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness. This would certainly be easier in the short term and also garner approval from insiders and the media. Alternatively, he could seek to clean house and punish the worst and most insubordinate offenders from his first term. Continue reading

Public Schools Are Becoming Literal Temples of Satanic Idolatry

“Here’s where I have to ask: What will it take for parents to wake up? How much more evidence do we need that public schools are no longer neutral ground, but enemy territory? If a program named HAIL doesn’t do it, what will?”

Public schools are quickly becoming Satanic temples. Don’t believe me? Look at Edgewood Elementary in Marysville, Ohio, where they’ve rolled out the red carpet for The Satanic Temple’s new “Hellion Academy of Independent Learning.”… Continue reading

Unequally Yoked in Business?

(Tim Cantrell – The Cripplegate) “Pastor, should I start a business with an unbeliever? Would it be wise for me to partner with this person or not?” I’ve been asked this question many times, and I believe the Bible has answers.

Right now in South Africa, about 29% of the workforce is self-employed. Over 80% of South Africans believe entrepreneurship is a good career path, and there is a growing interest in starting new businesses, despite economic hurdles. But for the believer, the first question must not be, “How much money will I make? Will it succeed or not?” Continue reading

There’s a YUGE silver lining in the Hunter Biden pardon…

“Our media has become a complete and total joke. No wonder they’re on the edge of complete and total irrelevance.”

(Revolver) After months of Biden, his crooked regime rats, and their media lackeys swearing up and down that Hunter wouldn’t get a pardon, Joe just went ahead and announced he’s pardoning his son. Shocking, right? Yes, there’s a lot to be angry about—the elitism, the mockery of justice, and the immorality of it all, not to mention, once again, Hunter and Joe get away with murder. Continue reading

Dr. Michael Brown Accused of Inappropriate Relationship with Young Woman, Calls for Third Party Investigation

(Protestia) Author, apologist and The Line of Fire radio host Dr. Michael Brown has been accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a young woman who saw him as a father figure, according to new allegations by the Roys Report, which details grievances from incidents that occurred nearly 23 years ago.

In the article, author Rebecca Hopkins outlined a series of allegations from a woman named ‘Erin’ who claims that Brown, whom she called “dad,” would “frequently cross physical boundaries. He’d hold her hand, kiss her on the lips, and slap her bottom. Continue reading

The Folks Saved America

“The truth is most Americans are clueless when it comes to understanding that the more a citizen depends on government, the less freedom that person actually has. I don’t want to live in a country where pinheads dictate and impose an ideologically driven lifestyle on me and my family.” 

(Bill O’Reilly) Having traveled to 86 countries, I believe the United States is, indeed, the land of opportunity – By A LOT, as Donald Trump might say.

Many people on Earth agree.  Millions are trying to get here.  No one is sneaking into Russia, China, or even Mexico, for that matter.  The pathway to success is “El Norte.” Continue reading

Nearly 60,000 Migrant Criminals Running Around NYC

“New York City is a sanctuary for criminals. However, NYC officials have been flying some of these illegal migrants to other states, even those that are not sanctuaries.”

(Mary Dowling) If you are wondering about the stunning reversal of Governor Kathy Hochul and, to some degree, Mayor Adams, who now wants to work with Donald Trump, wonder no more. The main reason is migrant crime. Migrant gangs and other criminals have taken over the streets.

ICE reported that there are more than 58,000 criminal aliens in the sanctuary city of New York City alone. Continue reading

Here’s How Pardoning Hunter Biden Was Really About Protecting Joe

“Why does this matter? Well, it just so happens that Hunter Biden joined the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma in 2014. This means that Hunter’s pardon wasn’t merely about taxes or gun charges; it was about preventing exposure of the Biden crime family’s influence-peddling schemes.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Let’s be honest here. The only thing shocking about Joe Biden pardoning his son, Hunter, was the timing. He was always going to do it. I think most people, myself included, figured he’d wait until January.

Now, this pardon will cast a shadow over the final weeks of Biden’s presidency, but let’s face it: Joe likely doesn’t care. Predictably, some on the left are already applauding him, hailing it as the act of a “good father,” and so on. However, it’s time to cut through the noise. While the pardon was technically on Hunter’s behalf, it’s clear that this move was really about protecting Joe Biden himself. Continue reading