Conservative Baptist Network Under Fire for Inviting Robert Jeffress to Speak at Bible Conference

“It seems that Jeffress, instead of warning others about the dangers of these false teachers and the doctrines of demons they profess, has instead fed his sheep to these people…” 

(The Dissenter) The Conservative Baptist Network (CBN) formed as a subnetwork within the Southern Baptist Convention as a means to unify against the onslaught of liberal drift in the denomination and to fight against social justice and the influx of Critical Race Theory as well as certain elements of feminism and egalitarianism. The CBN is headed up by big names such as Voddie Baucham, Tom Ascol, and Rod Martin, all fine, conservative Bible-believing leaders…. Continue reading

Karen Swallow Prior shared document at center of blackmail attempt

“Now that SEBTS has made clear that Karen Swallow Prior shared the document, it is imperative that SEBTS force Karen Swallow Prior to reveal the names of all who received the document from her.”

(Capstone Report) Professor Karen Swallow Prior shared the rough draft at the center of the attempt to blackmail Tom and Jennifer Buck with potential publishers, according to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS). Tom and Jennifer Buck claim that Karen Swallow Prior did not have their permission to share the rough draft. And in fact, the Bucks say there is evidence against her having shared it. Continue reading

The Enneagram is the Face of God and the Body of Christ?

(Marcia Montenegro – Midwest Christian Outreach) The distortions of God continue unchecked in the culture of the Enneagram celebrities. A recent example is Rev. Michael John Cusick, M.A., L.P.C., founder and CEO of Restoring the Soul, an organization in Colorado. IAN CRON recently promoted Michael John Cusick on his Typology podcast. In doing a bit of research on Cusick and his organization, I came across his podcast, “Episode 100 – Kelley Gray, ‘5 Ways the Enneagram Can Strengthen Your Marriage, Part II: Understanding How Your Partner Handles Conflict’” on Luminary. Continue reading

Who Is Running This Show, Anyway?

“Who rules? The people, articulating their interests through the metabolism of ordinary politics? Or the bureaucratic elite, who claim to discern the inevitable direction and goal of history and are prepared to marshal the coercive power of the state to prevent anything from cluttering up that highway to enlightenment?” 

(Roger Kimball – American Greatness) Some people, including me, are inclined to disparage social media as an insidious and anencephalic force. Insidious it may be, but it is not entirely brainless. As proof, I offer the fact that I just learned the valuable word “quockerwodger” from a Tweet proffered by a friend…. Continue reading

The Spiritual Abuse of Julie Roys

2 Samuel 12:5-7a Then David’s anger was greatly kindled against the man, and he said to Nathan, “As the LORD lives, the man who has done this deserves to die, and he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing, and because he had no pity.” Nathan said to David, “You are the man!

(David Morrill) Imagine that you came across the following quotes from a youth minister, written about a former student in their ministry:

How did I get entangled in an emotionally dysfunctional relationship with a former student in our church youth group?… Continue reading

Satan’s strategy is to kill our consciences

5 Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake. Romans 13:5 (NASB) 

Part of daily devotional time is to pray for personal holiness along with wisdom, discernment, and Christlikeness. Why do I do that? Just take an honest look at the visible church all around us. What is missing? Yes, we have religion. Yes, we have growing churches. But if you take a good, long, hard look at the spiritual maturity of most professing Christians in the U.S.A. what do we come up with?… Continue reading

President Trump on America and ‘Explosive’ Election Fraud

“There is staggeringly powerful video evidence of voter fraud in Detroit that recently came out. It appears to show a woman repeatedly putting ballot after ballot in a dropbox. There is evidence of illegal ballot harvesting in several states…”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Former President Donald Trump spoke up for American constitutional principles in Florida, not the distorted values pushed by the new Democrats. He also addressed the “explosive” evidence of election fraud in Detroit, Michigan. Continue reading

New Documents Suggest Democrats Sicced The CIA On Their Domestic Enemy, The President

[T]he corrupt media downplayed the misuse of the EOP DNS data by focusing on the fact that Joffe and his crew had accessed the EOP data while Barack Obama was still president. But these newly released CIA notes establish that the EOP DNS data specifically targeted Trump “after his move to the White House.”

(Margot Cleveland – The Federalist) Newly released CIA memoranda suggest the tech gurus behind the Alfa Bank hoax also tracked Donald Trump’s movements to devise another collusion conspiracy theory. While smaller in scale than other aspects of Spygate, the Yotaphone hoax represents an equally serious scandal because it involved both the mining of proprietary information and sensitive data from the Executive Office of the President (EOP) and the apparent surveillance of Trump’s physical movements. Continue reading

God Himself bears the pain, the hurt, and agony of our sins.

The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them (Genesis 3:21).

Here is the beginning of animal sacrifices: God sheds blood in order to make clothing for Adam and Eve. He made them from the skins of animals, and therefore those animal lives were sacrificed to clothe Adam and Eve. This is but a picture, as all animal sacrifices are but pictures—a kind of kindergarten of grace—in order to teach us the great truth that God eternally attempts to communicate to us as men and women. Ultimately, it is God Himself who bears the pain, the hurt, and agony of our sins. As John the Baptist said, Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away [who is continually taking away] the sin of the world! (John 1:29)…. Continue reading

Jill Biden’s Criminal Elder Abuse Is Going to Ruin Us All

“DOCTOR Jill is perfectly content to let Joe finish his long career falling apart on television just so she can have everyone in Washington suck up to her while she’s keeping the evil teachers’ unions in bed with the president of the United States.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) It’s important to keep reminding ourselves that we are, in fact, not crazy. After all, we’re living in a time when the seemingly pervasive mainstream media keeps insisting that what we can plainly see with our eyes and hear with our ears isn’t really happening. Continue reading

It’s Finally Time for GOP Lawmakers to Expose the Dark Side of the Disney Regime Once and For All

“Year after year, Disney employees are arrested in sex sting operations set up by local authorities and for possessing child pornography. And it’s not just random maintenance workers with no interaction with kids who are being arrested. Many of these alleged child predators are security guards, hotel staff, performers, and other workers who come in close contact with children every day.”

(Revolver News) Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just struck a heroic blow against Disney with the recent passage of a bill that would dissolve Disney’s de facto private government and threaten the numerous tax perks that go along with it: Continue reading

MSNBC: Jesus Would Be a Groomer- DeSantis Is Like Russian Rapists

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) MSNBC has really gone off the rails. MSNBC analyst Matthew Dowd claimed Wednesday that if Jesus Christ were still on the Earth today, he would be called a “groomer,” “woke,” and a “socialist.”

“This is something that I have tried to talk about: Being a Christian, having grown up Catholic [link added], having been an altar boy, and all of that.  How the faith has been captured by a small segment of our society who have tried to define it in a way that Jesus never had defined it. And actually the opposite way of Jesus,” Dowd claimed. Continue reading

How America Became La La Land

“Biden has no solutions to these self-created problems because of the ideological restraints the Left has imposed on him. The administration fears the anger of the hard Left more than the furor of the American people. So it will not change, preferring to be politically correct and a failure than to be ideologically incorrect and successful.” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) America these last 14 months resembles a dystopia. It is becoming partly the world of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, partly the poet Homer’s land of the Lotus-Eaters.

Nothing seems to be working. And no one in control seems to care. Continue reading

Confessions of a Disney writer

“Parents are now furious about Disney’s woke agenda to sexualize children, and they’re organizing and protesting. Will their consumer boycotts of Disney’s products and theme parks have a long-term impact on Disney’s bottom line? It’s too soon to tell, but Disney’s hostility to traditional family values is not winning it friends, and its brand magic seems to be evaporating.”

(Stella Paul – American Thinker) For many years, I made my living writing TV shows for Disney. I was proud of my work, considering it a privilege to make kids laugh all over the world. But in light of Disney’s disastrous embrace of pro-pedophilia policies, I’m glad that I grew disillusioned with kids’ TV and walked away from the field. Continue reading

Elon Musk Says ‘Woke Mind Virus Is Making Netflix Unwatchable,’ and Subscribers Are Fleeing in Droves

“The letter did not, of course, mention anything about the relentless politicization and Leftward cultural tilt of the material Netflix is producing, much less consider that as a possible reason why people are turning away in droves.”

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) “The woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable,” Elon Musk tweeted Tuesday, and with good reason: Musk was commenting on news that Netflix has lost 200,000 subscribers during the first quarter of 2022 and its stock is nosediving…. Continue reading

Justin Peters Issues Open Challenge to Charismatic Prophets: ‘Here’s Your Chance to Embarrass Me…’

“Calling out several prophets by name, from Kris Vallaton to Troy Black to Kat Kerr, he notes that they claim to be in constant regular, face-to-face contact with God and many like Kerr claim to be constantly visiting heaven to get their daily download. Kerr claimed just the other day that God has told her what color of outfits she needs to start wearing,…”

(Protestia) Noted apologist Justin Peters has taken to social media and issued an open challenge to all his charismatic detractors and to all the so-called charismatic prophets out there claiming to regularly hear from God and issuing forth prophecies: ‘put up or shut up about your collective prophetic acumen, and answer this one question’. Continue reading

Christian Suffering and Perseverance

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 PETER 1:3–7, ESV

Because of God’s grace and regeneration, believers are changed forever. However, they are not immediately at the spiritual maturity level that God desires for His people. Therefore, from that point until they go home to be with their Lord, all genuine Christians will go through a series of tests and trials that put pressure on their faith…. Continue reading

FDA Admits Prenatal Screening Tests Are Often Wrong, Leading Parents To Make ‘Inappropriate Health Care Decisions’ Like Abortion

(Mary Margaret Olohan – Daily Wire) Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy reacted Wednesday to news that the Food and Drug Administration had admitted many prenatal screening tests have been giving false results.

“Yesterday’s admission by the FDA regarding the inherent risks of NIPT screenings marks another step towards protecting life by the most pro-abortion administration in American history,” Roy told The Daily Wire. Continue reading

False Teacher, Sid Roth, Starting Cartoon Series for Kids

Sounds just like the kind of man you’d want to turn your children over to for Bible teaching, right? Well, you’re going to have that opportunity now as Sid Roth starts his new kids’ cartoon series,  Supernatural Sid.

(The Dissenter) Sid Roth is one of the charismatic cult’s most notorious false prophets who peddles stories about so-called “supernatural” encounters with God that, for the most part, contradict what the Scriptures actually teach about God…. Continue reading

Southeastern Seminary at Center of Plot to Damage Tom Buck

(Capstone Report) A plot to harm conservative SBC leader Tom Buck involves numerous connections to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary including professor Karen Swallow Prior and SEBTS President Danny Akin.

Karen Swallow Prior blamed the victim and refused to Tom & Jennifer Buck.

SEBTS professor Karen Swallow Prior was one of a few who saw a rough draft of a blog post by Jennifer Buck that was weaponized to harm conservative Southern Baptist Pastor Tom Buck. Continue reading