Revoice Founder Now Promotes Heretical View of Hell as an ‘Orthodox’ View Held by ‘Bible Believing Christians’

(The Dissenter) Last November, The Dissenter reported that popular speaker, author, and pastor, David Platt of McLean Bible Church, would be joining Revoice “gay Christianity” leader, Preston Sprinkle for Sprinkle’s Theology in the Raw Conference. Thankfully, Platt bailed on that conference though, sources close to The Dissenter explained that Platt’s reason for not attending the conference was due to personal family issues surrounding an adopted child…. Continue reading

Los Angeles street gangs targeting wealthy in rash of strong-arm robberies

“Police are warning people that wearing expensive jewelry in public could make them a target for thieves.”

(Jesse O’Neill – NY Post) Over a dozen street gangs in Los Angeles have set their sights on wealthy residents in the city as part of a disturbing, violent robbery pattern that has victimized hundreds of people, police said Tuesday. Continue reading

Masks fail their biggest test in Bangladesh

The mask mandate was lifted yesterday: The White House Surrenders on Mask Mandate for Public Transportation.

On April 14 Steve Kirsch published an article he wrote on the ineffectiveness of masks on the spread of SARS-CoV-2. According to Kirsch, “Masks do not work to protect anyone from SARS-CoV-2. It’s all based on sloppy science. We asked the senior author of the Bangladesh mask study to defend his study. He failed. Badly. Very badly.”

Now read Steve Kirsch’s article:

The CDC just decided to continue the transportation mask mandate for another two weeks. Dr. Bob Wachter, Chair of the Department of Medicine at UCSF, concurs with the CDC decision. This doesn’t prove that masks work. Instead, it proves that the CDC, Wachter, and most mainstream scientists (who claim masks work) are incapable of differentiating solid science from a sloppy study. Continue reading

The White House Surrenders on Mask Mandate for Public Transportation

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) On Monday, a federal judge struck down the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) federal mask mandate for public transportation.

U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle ruled that the mandate “exceeded the CDC’s statutory authority, improperly invoked the good cause exception to notice and comment rulemaking, and failed to adequately explain its decisions,” and wrote, “the Court declares unlawful and vacates the Mask Mandate.” Continue reading

The Mortification of Sin – Modernized Version

Mike Ratliff, 5/27/2020

Several years ago I did a series on John Owen’s wonderful book, The Mortification of Sin. While a great number of people participated in that study they also struggled with John Owen’s 17th Century English. He was a wonderful preacher of God’s Word and a gifted teacher. He was also mightily used by God throughout his ministry, but in our time what he was teaching seems to have been largely ignored and lost. Continue reading

Study: U.S. Life Expectancy Declines for This Surprising Group, So Where’s the Leftist Outrage?

“The study also showed that the U.S. as a whole managed the COVID-19 pandemic worse than did 19 of its peer countries worldwide. When will the blue state governors realize they hurt their citizens more than helping them with their draconian lockdowns and mandates? I know, I know; read on.”

(Gwendolyn Sims – PJ Media) According to a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed medical study conducted by three public health researchers in Colorado, Virginia, and D.C., life expectancy in the U.S. has continued its startling decline since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic…. Continue reading

Hell hath no fury like progressive Christians reading The Babylon Bee

“The Bee regularly harpoons progressivism’s sacred cows, and even more potently skewers the idols of progressive Christianity. Of course those watching their gods be torched aren’t going to be big fans of the dudes spitting the fire.”

(Peter Heck – Not the Bee) When it comes to getting progressive Christians worked into pious, self-righteous indignation, there is nothing that holds a candle to the Christian satirists who work at The Babylon Bee. Global poverty, the immigration crisis, lack of potable water in the third world, communist genocide in the Far East, or the West’s steady decline into the pit of sexual immorality?… Continue reading

Durham: Five Hillary Clinton Associates Are Taking the Fifth in Russia Hoax Prosecution

“[Durham] is now moving to give immunity to a key witness while revealing that the claims made by the Clinton campaign were viewed by the CIA as “not technically plausible” and “user created.” He also revealed that at least five of the former Clinton campaign contractors/researchers have invoked the Fifth Amendment and refused to cooperate in fear that they might incriminate themselves in criminal conduct.”

(Joel B. Pollack – Breitbart) Five associates of Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign are invoking their Fifth Amendment rights and refusing to cooperate with Special Counsel John H. Durham, according to a filing in federal court revealed later Friday in Washington, DC. Continue reading

China’s Baffling Misstep On ‘Zero Covid’ Gives America a Glimmer Of Hope

“So, what to make of all this? Since the early days of Covid, some have theorized that China “faked out” the West; publicly treating Covid hyper-seriously early on in order to trick the rest of the world into overreacting and committing economic suicide. This theory was always far-fetched, but now it is definitively debunked. Outside of a few profoundly mentally ill cities like Philadelphia, the world has moved on from Covid, yet China continues to obsess over the virus.”

(Revolver News) China was supposed to be smarter than this.

For two weeks, China has had its largest, richest, and most Western-style mainland city on lockdown. Coronavirus has been spreading through the city at a rate of 25,000 new cases per day. This outbreak is China’s largest since Covid-19 first appeared in Wuhan 28 months ago…. Continue reading

The Joy of Christ’s Resurrection

22 “And therefore, you now have grief, but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice and no one takes your joy from you.” John 16:22 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

According to my stats page, What is Joy?, is by far my most popular post. It was also one of the first ones I wrote when I started this ministry in 2006 and its focus has been the focus I have attempted to maintain since I started, which is the edification of the Body of Christ by pointing all to the true source of our joy instead of what the world attempts to sell us as a replacement, which is just temporal happiness…. Continue reading

I’d Rather Have Jesus Than A Chocolate Easter Bunny

(By Marsha West – Christian Research Network) Easter congers images of decorative baskets filled with all sorts of goodies, cool new clothes, church services, the annual Easter egg hunt, families and friends gathering together to enjoy a sumptuous meal.  Doesn’t it seem a bit odd that people will spend an entire day celebrating a make-believe rabbit?

Today when Easter Sunday rolls around a good many Christians spend more time participating in secular events than celebrating the Resurrection of their Savior.  Before I move on I should point out that “Easter” is now passé.  Wanting to remove the Christian origins of our language, secularists managed to change Resurrection Sunday to Easter Sunday and Easter break to spring break – all in the name of tolerance.  Fortunately a large number of believers have caught on to their shenanigans and have gone back to using Resurrection Sunday instead of Easter.

Just as our postmodern culture has secularized Christmas, likewise Easter has been secularized and now we incorporate the Easter Bunny, hunting for colorful eggs and binging on chocolate and jellybeans.  There’s nothing wrong with Easter festivities per se — but for Christians, Christ’s triumph over death ought to be the reason for the celebration.   What does a big bunny, a basket filled with plastic Easter eggs and decadently delicious goodies have to do with Jesus? Continue reading

‘God is Queer,’ Duke Divinity Students Proclaim

(Hope Rawlson – Juicy Ecumenism) Praying to “the Great Queer One,” students at United Methodist-affiliated Duke Divinity School proclaimed God’s acceptance and support for LGBTQ relationships in a Pride worship service March 22.

Divinity Pride, a student group affirming the “dignity, faithfulness, and strength of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and gender/sexuality non-conforming Christians,” sponsored the worship service. Continue reading

The plan to destroy America: Cloward-Piven and Obama

(Wayne Allyn Root) I’m just back from Florida where I had the great honor of speaking at a “Club 45” event that had two speakers: myself and former President Donald J. Trump. Thousands of tickets sold out in 20 minutes. We had a wild, raucous, standing-room-only crowd inside the ballroom of the Palm Beach Airport Hilton.

The main themes of the back-to-back speeches of Trump and myself were A) the possibly rigged, stolen 2020 election and B) the purposeful destruction of America that is being carried out by Joe Biden, who I believe to be the illegitimate president of the United States, and his radical handlers. Continue reading

SMOKING GUN: Hunter Biden Paid Joe’s Bills, Joe Benefited From Shady Business Dealings

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Joe Biden has long denied any involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings, but according to documents reviewed by Just the News and the Government Accountability Institute, Joe Biden was very much financially involved with Hunter and even allowed his son to pay some of his bills. Emails and text messages show that Joe Biden’s involvement also included “diverting one of his tax refunds to his son, rubbing elbows with [Hunter’s] foreign clients and even directly referring a friend who wanted to ‘do some work’ with his son.” Continue reading

Jesus, Our Substitute

The word vicarious is extremely important to our understanding of the atonement of Christ. The late Swiss theologian Karl Barth once said that, in his judgment, the single most important word in all of the Greek New Testament is the minuscule word huper. This little word is translated by the English phrase “in behalf of.” Barth was clearly engaging in a bit of hyperbole in making this statement, because many words in the New Testament are arguably as important or even more important than huper, but he was simply seeking to call attention to the importance of what is known in theology as the vicarious aspect of the ministry of Jesus. Continue reading

What it means to be human…oh, what a tangled web

“The West no longer has any consensus on what it means to be a woman or even a person. And thus the ethical codes that assume such a consensus are falling apart with dramatic consequences for all sorts of areas, from Ivy League sports to the safety of our society’s most vulnerable—the very young and the very old who rely on others to care for them.” 

(Carl Trueman – First Things) Confusion over what it means to be human continues to dog public life in the West. Soon after Anneliese Dodds, the Labour party shadow secretary for women, revealed that she does not know what a woman is, U.S. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson deferred the same question to biologists. That move was odd…. Continue reading

The Children of Men: Understanding the Human Origins of Heresy

“The church should be no less busy today contradicting and stopping the mouths of heretics as it was from its beginning. Instead, many in the church have adopted the tactics and strategies of the world. They begin by labeling people who are concerned with doctrinal truth as unkind and mean-spirited and overly critical of others. Perhaps some would accuse them of being intellectual bullies. This kind of name-calling and classification is used to manipulate people’s behavior.” 

(Ed Dingess) Lately, I have been focusing my blog posts on the subject of heresy. I am convinced that American Christians, for the most part, have completely lost touch with the true nature of heresy. This is due in no small part to ignorant pastors who, for the last 30 years have been bellowing out from the pulpit that doctrine doesn’t matter. Continue reading

Think Tank Finds Lockdowns Failed To Prevent COVID Cases, Deaths

“Dr. Paul said there’s a reason to be optimistic looking forward. He claimed this year’s gubernatorial elections will be a referendum on how many governors treated their constituents throughout the COVID-era.”

(OAN) A think tank ranked different state’s COVID measures based on a variety of factors. A new report by the National Bureau of Economic Research revealed states such as California and New York did not effectively handle the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue reading

Border Agents Accused of Whipping Illegals Cleared — Never Forget the Biden Administration’s Lies About Them

“John Cooper of the Heritage Foundation compiled the smears as they happened, so I’m indebted to him for his thorough Twitter thread. But let’s look at how the administration lied about these agents and refused to walk those slanders back.”

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) It’s been a million news cycles since it happened, but back in the fall, border patrol agents in Del Rio, Texas faced accusations of using whips on illegal immigrants coming across the border with Mexico. The allegations were based on a photograph by Paul Ratje that whipped the left into their natural frenzy.

See the slanderous tweets on the site. Continue reading

What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?

“Scripture also teaches that those who are truly saved do not depart from the faith (1 Cor. 15:1-2). Preaching a false gospel would certainly be a departure from the faith. The Bible refers to saved people as “believers” (Acts 5:141 Tim. 4:12). But if you are teaching and/or believing something contrary to the truth, how can you be a believer?”

(Dissenter) Have you ever slummed through a sermon by a preacher like Steven Furtick or Andy Stanley? Have you ever really just sat and listened to them preach? It’s easy to be drawn into the charismatic mood changing, emotionally-driven style of speech or worship…. Continue reading

Congresswoman Doubles Down on Promoting Drag Queen Story Hour in Cringeworthy Tweets

Drag queen “Annie Christ”

“Replies from the so-called “bigots” included taking issue with Rep. Maloney openly advocating for the grooming of children, as well as expressing concern with the priorities at play here.”

(Rebecca Downs – Townhall) As Townhall has been covering extensively, those with an agenda to groom children are out in full force. Such issues as “gender identity” and “expression” are being promoted by teachers who are being paid to teach children but are instead indoctrinating them. A sitting United States congresswoman is doing the same time. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) posted a cringeworthy tweet on Monday from her official account, lamenting the issue of banned books…. Continue reading

The Chosen backers mock biblical opposition with devil ‘satire’

It should be very concerning to Bible believing Christians that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints a.k.a Mormonism, is heavily involved in the production of The Chosen. Mormonism is a pseudo-Christian cult. Mormons are not true believers. How do I know that? Because I researched what the church teaches about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, the Atonement and Salvation. The beliefs they hold do not come from Sacred Scripture. Mormon doctrine is the brainchild of founder and so-called prophet Joseph Smith. And yet Dallas Jenkins, creator of the series and a professing Christian, made a pact with the devil to produce The Chosen. Continue reading

You Are of Your Father the Devil

7 Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous; 8 the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:7-8 (NASB) 

Relativism is the fatal disease of the unregenerate heart. Of course, it is a self-focused relativism. Everyone is unique, of course, but we have this built-in sense of ‘fairness’ that is antithetical to God’s Sovereignty. Several years ago, my late friend and colleague Ken Silva was the subject of a satirical article meant to attack his character. If you think through that then you should immediately recognize the tactics of our enemy…. Continue reading