35 Percent of Americans Support Grooming Children in Public Schools

“Ten years ago, almost nobody would have publicly supported the teaching and promoting of LGBTQ ideologies to Kindergarteners.”

(Reformation Charlotte) If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you’re probably aware of the controversial bill in Florida banning child grooming in public schools. Of course, the left frames it as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, but this, to put it in mild terms, is simply absurd. Continue reading

Blue Cities Are Literal Toilets, and Libs Are OK With That

“Do bolshie-Americans not realize how dangerous this is? More importantly, do they care? The World Health Organization (WHO) actually has people who study the effects of poor waste disposal. This is what they have to say:”

(Kevin Downey JR – PJ Media) I used to enjoy comedy road trip gigs to the west coast. Portland was my favorite city, followed by Seattle. I haven’t been there in 10 years, and here is why.

Even as early as 2011, the writing was on the walls of Portland and Seattle. Homeless drug addicts were everywhere, as were their “calling cards.”… Continue reading

Pfizer CEO Calls for Another Booster Shot for all Americans

(Eric Lendrum – American Greatness) On Sunday, the chief executive officer of Pfizer said that Americans should be prepared to receive a second booster shot of the Coronavirus vaccine, which would mark the fourth overall shot that has been forced on the American public.

As reported by Politico, Albert Bourla made his remarks in an interview with CBS’ Margaret Brennan, where he said that his company was preparing to submit “a significant package of data about the need for a fourth dose” to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Continue reading

Liberal Theology

6 Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me. (John 14:6–7 Legacy Standard Bible)

In 1980 I moved from the Washington, D.C. area to a suburb of Oklahoma City to take a new job. I was 29 years old and thought I was a Christian because of my on again, off again religiosity. I was single and a political liberal. I was also very close to being a libertine…. Continue reading

Rand Paul Introduces Amendment to Remove Fauci as NIAID Director

“We’ve learned a lot over the past two years, but one lesson in particular is that no one person should be deemed ‘dictator-in-chief,” Paul, a consistent critic of Fauci, said in a statement.

(Hannah Bleau – Breitbart – Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday introduced an amendment to remove Dr. Anthony Fauci as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), two years after the start of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. Continue reading

The Prince of Darkness

“Putin and Xi are obviously dangerous to the world, just as Soros is a danger to America.  His unlimited money is quietly used to advance the most radical politicians and causes; there is no question about that.  Again, few truly understand how pernicious this man really is.”

(Bill O’Reilly) Billionaire George Soros is after Presidents Putin and Xi of China.  He wants them canceled right this minute.  The 92-year-old Soros recently wrote an internet column saying they were enemies of democracy.  The Soros line that caught my eye: “We can only hope that Putin and Xi will be removed from power before they can destroy our civilization.” Continue reading

Phil Johnson Responds to Julie Roys in the Most Appropriate Way Possible +Demonstrates her Dishonesty

(Protestia) We have previously responded to the allegations that John MacArthur and Grace Community Church mishandled a church discipline case here. We strongly advise everyone to read it before proceeding. In the article, we offer some possible explanations of where this went sideways (if indeed it did at all) while also showing the problematic and contemptible nature of much of Julie Roys’ reporting.

Despite having the story for weeks or months ahead of time, she released the article on the 8th…. Continue reading

Biden Is So Weak, Another Big Threat Is Organizing in the U.S.

“With Old Joe Biden in the White House, the Islamic State sees a perfect time to act in the United States. And with the Southern border essentially fictional and our law enforcement and intelligence apparatus devoted to hunting for equally fictional “white supremacists,” it’s easy to see why they think this way.” 

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) The Islamic State (ISIS) is back. Five years after Donald Trump entered the Oval Office and quickly brought about the destruction of its caliphate in Iraq and Syria, ISIS is resurgent and wealthy. Could this have anything to do with Old Joe Biden’s misrule? Of course. Continue reading

Why Christians should never use The Message ‘Bible’

(John Lanagan – The Word Like Fire) The Message is not a translation of the Bible. It is not a para-translation, as its publishers have so cleverly called it. Nor is it simply a paraphrase, because its earthly author, Eugene Peterson, has added, subtracted, and altered.

We should not use The Message because it is unholy.


The Word of God is clear we are never to profane the Lord’s name. (Deut 5:11, Exodus 20:7) Continue reading

The Work of the Holy Spirit

26 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness about Me, 27 and you will bear witness also, because you have been with Me from the beginning (John 15:26–27 Legacy Standard Bible)

We live in a time of biblical ignorance. Much of the ignorance is intentional. I have been involved in some discussions over the last several days that pertained to a movement that seeks to separate Jesus from Holy Scripture…. Continue reading

Project Veritas Questions Possible Media-Govt. Collusion On Jan. 6

“Rosenberg appeared to suggest the New York Times editorial stance on the matter is shifting towards downplaying those events as if it’s no big deal [suggesting that] slanted January 6 coverage is only part of a greater narrative aimed at attacking and discrediting Donald Trump.”

(OAN) The latest report by Project Veritas is raising questions about possible collusion between the mainstream media and government agencies to discredit Donald Trump and Republican voters…. Continue reading

Judge Julie: Accusing a Shepherd

Roys’ article creates the worst possible characterization of the events and people involved, as she employs a caricature of John MacArthur the chauvinist, enabler of abuse, and church authoritarian who purposefully attacks abused women and children. This is the narrative the reader is expected to accept against decades of evidence to the contrary.

(David Morrill – Protestia) Here we go again. Much like the last time I responded to a Julie Roys hit on John MacArthur, I hesitate to lend legitimacy to her attacks by offering a response. Yet given the volume of questions we’ve been asked about her article, the number of Christians blessed by John MacArthur’s ministry who are now apparently questioning the man’s lifetime of good and faithful service to the Lord, and the pile on from many online Christian personalities (Ruslan KDSaiko Woods for example), I am compelled to respond. Continue reading

Attacking the Florida Bill Is the Commies’ Latest Attempt to Have Sex With Your Kids

Nowhere does it say “don’t say ‘gay.’” In fact, the word “gay” doesn’t appear anywhere in the entire bill. The line simply ascertains something that we shouldn’t have to ascertain: don’t bombard kids aged four to seven years old with your sick, lefty “nothing matters but skin color and chosen gender” narrative that keeps blue-haired Antifa milksops up at night.

(Kevin Downey JR – PJ Media) The left wants to sexualize kids as young as four years old and if you disagree with that wicked plan you’re apparently “anti-gay.” Are these clowns sure that’s the approach they want to take? Continue reading

Disney’s Turning Red, A Review and Warning For Christian Parents

“At the end the girl stands up to her mom and says she likes boys, music and gyrating. Says she’s 13 so deal with it! The little girl then starts twerking at her mom and smacking her butt saying “take this mom! take this”

(Reformation Charlotte) Disney has released a new movie that targets young children, but the content of the movie is definitely not for Christians. The movie, Turning Red, is about “a 13-year-old girl who is torn between being her mother’s obedient daughter and the chaos of her youth…. Continue reading

I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life

1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we boast in hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:1–2 Legacy Standard Bible)

The growing apostasy in the Church in our time is actually the culmination of decades of poor, man-centered doctrine within our churches and ministries coupled with relentless assaults of liberalism by unbelieving believers bent on remaking Christianity into a politically correct social institution. Those people behind this see Christianity as just another religion. Continue reading

Suffering as a Christian

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and unfading, having been kept in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:3–7 LSB)

I was born in 1951. I guess to some people that makes be old and not worth listening to. Since I retired at the end of 2021 it is as if my wife and I have been thrown on the ash heap when it comes to things like medical care and insurance, etc. However, that is not even close to what I see as the what it so wrong right now…. Continue reading

Doritos is cutting the number of chips in each bag due to Bidenflation and I think this may finally be the catastrophe that sinks the Biden administration

(Danile Payne – Not the Bee) Folks, March 2022 will forever be remembered as the month when the Dorito’s Index—long a reliable indicator of broad economic solvency—crashed and burned:

Food company Frito-Lay has cut down the number of chips in each bag of Doritos as record inflation has raised production expenses.

A bag of Doritos has five fewer chips than it used to, the company told Quartz. “Inflation is hitting everyone. … Continue reading

The Frictionless Souls Addicted to the Cause

“It is no coincidence that the least religious parts of America are the most invested in this war, much as they’re the most invested in wokeness, in the COVID culture wars, and all the culture wars that have come before and that will come after to fill the void in their souls.”

(Daniel Greenfield – Frontpage Magazine) Ukrainian flags are flying on buildings across the country and Russian vodka is being poured into drains. Concerts are being canceled and books are flying off shelves over a cause that the vast majority of Americans would not have cared about and did not even know existed last year. Continue reading

Todd Pruitt Offers Public Retraction, ‘Regrets’ Endorsing Aimee Byrd’s Book

“The question I get most often these days is, ‘Do you regret endorsing Recovering from Biblical Manhood and Womanhood?’ In order to avoid any confusion, I will respond directly without any nuance – Yes, I regret it.”

(Reformation Charlotte) Todd Pruitt, pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church has publicly retracted his endorsement of controversial speaker and podcaster, Aimee Byrd, after she preached a sermon this past Sunday at Covenant Church in Shepherdstown, WV. Pruitt is a popular podcaster and author at the Reformation21 blog which is associated with the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. Continue reading

Praise to the Lord!

“Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, OR WHO BECAME HIS COUNSELOR? Or WHO HAS FIRST GIVEN TO HIM THAT IT MIGHT BE REPAID TO HIM? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” (Romans 11:33–36 LSB)

I remember back in 2000 or 2001 in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, my wife and I were sitting in our auditorium at our church, waiting for worship service to start. In the seats behind us were several ladies who were of my parents generation. We could hear them talking very clearly…. Continue reading

Idaho House Passes Bill That Would Make Transgender Surgery On Kids Punishable By Life In Prison

“Idaho’s statehouse has made it clear that they’re going to protect children from the transgender [mob] who’d love to do them harm.”

(Harris Rigby – Not the Bee) This is the most awesome thing to come out of Idaho since the greatest movie of all time, Napoleon Dynamite.

Allow me to de-wokify this headline: If you allow kids to mutilate their bodies through sex-change surgery you could be thrown in the slammer forever. Continue reading

Disney CEO Wants K-3 Transgenderism in FL Schools

“You have companies like Disney, that are going to say and criticize parents’ rights, they’re going to criticize the fact that we don’t want transgenderism in kindergarten and first-grade classrooms.” 

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The new Florida Parental Rights Bill was dubbed by the WOKEs as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. The bill does not ban the word ‘gay,’ but it does ban the indoctrination of very young children into Marxist transgenderism.

There will be no indoctrination of K-3 children with transgenderism in Florida. Continue reading

The Green Immoralists

“Biden came up with the most lunatic idea in recent diplomatic history of begging autocratic and hostile regimes the world over to pump more oil to lower America’s gas prices.” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) Thousands are dying from Russian missiles and bombs in the suburbs of Ukraine.

In response, the Biden Administration’s climate-change envoy, multimillionaire and private-jet owning John Kerry, laments that Russian president Vladimir Putin might no longer remain his partner in reducing global warming. Continue reading