Teacher Arrested at His Home for Refusing to Use Preferred Pronouns at School

“You can almost hear the gears of this bureaucratic machine creaking under the weight of its own hypocrisy. How delightful to think that a Christian teacher could expect justice from someone so deeply entrenched in the very ideology he opposes.”

(The Dissenter) If you don’t think the world has gone mad, just look at Ireland and view the clip at the bottom of this article. Ireland is only a few years ahead of the rest of the Western world, but mark my words, it won’t be long. In a stunning display of state-sanctioned insanity, Irish teacher Enoch Burke has been arrested—again—for the grave “offense” of believing and teaching basic biological reality…. Continue reading

How Unclean Spirits Destroy Civilizations

“Societal decay is the result of active, ongoing struggle against the truth, and this battle requires vigilance, discernment, and a steadfast commitment to upholding the principles that sustain a just and moral society. Christians must be prepared to engage in the hard work of defending and preserving the truth, even when it is unpopular or difficult. We must be willing to stand against the tide of societal change when it moves away from God’s standards and to do so with both wisdom and courage.”

(Owen Anderson – Clear Truth Media) Our culture is falling apart. Conservatives often lament this decay, observing that as moral standards erode, communities become increasingly licentious until they ultimately collapse and require reconstruction. The standard explanation for this phenomenon is that it’s challenging to preserve societal values, whereas succumbing to immorality, sloth, greed, corruption, sexual perversion, and other vices is relatively easy… Continue reading

How to Identify a False Teacher

“The first warning in the New Testament against false teachers comes from Jesus. Jesus describes false teachers as those “who come to God’s people in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matt 7:15). Our Lord highlights the deceptive nature of false teachers, also known as false prophets…the first step to identifying false teachers is to recognize that false teachers look like sheep. These wolves do not come among the sheep of God’s pasture openly, but they put on the appearance of being part of the flock.”

(Robb Brunansky – The Cripplegate)The New Testament is replete with warnings to God’s people to beware of false teachers.

We see throughout Scripture that false teachers are deceptive. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 11:13 that false teachers disguise themselves as apostles of Christ to accomplish their deceptive work. He goes on to say in verses 14-15 that they are servants of the devil, but they disguise themselves as servants of righteousness…. Continue reading

Pope Francis Consecrates September to ‘the Cry of the Earth’

“The pope has singled out the United States as particularly responsible for the climate “emergency” because of the “irresponsible lifestyle” of its citizens.”

(Thomas D, Williams – Breitbart) Pope Francis has consecrated his monthly prayer intention to “the cry of the earth” this September, urging Christians to feel the earth’s “pain.”

“If we took the planet’s temperature, it will tell us that the Earth has a fever,” the pontiff contends. “And it is sick, just like anyone who’s sick.” Continue reading

Fake News 2024 — Now With 100% More Fakery!

“Trump was invited to Arlington National Cemetery to honor those killed by Biden and Kamala’s negligence. Kamala, who said she was the last person in the room with Joe Biden when the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was made, doesn’t want the public reminded that they are responsible for the deaths of 13 U.S. servicemembers and the catastrophic fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) Poll Perspective. On September 2, 2016, Hillary Clinton led Donald Trump by 4.1 points in the RealClearPolitics Poll Average. The mainstream media hacks who masquerade as journalists while behaving as the Joseph Goebbels Memorial Propaganda Machine for the Democratic National Committee have long been giving conservative Americans plenty of reasons to distrust and dislike them…. Continue reading

Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?

13 He also took up the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and returned and stood by the bank of the Jordan. 14 And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and struck the waters and said, “Where is Yahweh, the God of Elijah?” Indeed, he himself also struck the waters, and they were divided here and there! And Elisha crossed over. 15 Then the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho opposite him saw him and said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” And they came to meet him and bowed themselves to the ground before him. 2 Kings 2:13-15 (LSB)

As we stand in the thick of the battle, not falling or retreating, it is because we are wearing and using the armor of God. Our God is not a product of man-made religion. He is not created by man in the form of the creature. No, He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, holy, righteous, and just. The great object to be desired is God, Yahweh, Elijah’s God. With Yahweh all things flourish. His absence is our decline and death. Continue reading

It Looks Like Kamala Is About To Chicken Out of Debating Trump

“If Kamala Harris isn’t smart enough to repeat the messaging points her handlers want her to memorize, that’s their problem. This seems to be a pattern for the Harris campaign. They won’t allow Harris to do interviews, they won’t allow her to do press conferences, and now they want to give her a cheat-sheet for the debate…”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) I’m definitely seeing signs that the upcoming debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia on Tuesday, September 10, at 9 pm ET won’t happen. Why? Washington Post reporter Josh Dawsey reported on Friday that the Harris campaign has not yet accepted the rules for the debate. Continue reading

New Rules for Radicals: How to Reinvent Kamala Harris

“All anti-Democrat, anti-Harris demonstrations should be deterred. A large police presence must be proactive with as many arrests as possible, with barriers, and plenty of backup. Protest leaders should be given private concessions and incentives to tone down their people.”

(Victor Davis Hanson) How do accomplished radicals elect a mediocre far-left presidential candidate?

The task might at first seem impossible.

Kamala Harris is currently a radical incumbent vice president. For more than three years, she was second in command to an unprecedentedly unliked Democrat president, his failed policies, and his unpopular record.

Harris herself had compiled a hard-left trail over her own entire career while loudly boasting indiscreetly to leftist audiences of being proudly “woke” and “radical.” Continue reading

Dr. Michael Brown Joining Famed ‘Leg Lengthening’ Huckster Todd White For Joint Ministry Event

“Leading figures in Christian discernment, like Justin Peters and Chris Rosebrough, have suggested that Todd White is demon-possessed. We absolutely concur and believe strongly that the extent of demonic possession over this man is more profound and apparent than most.”

Years ago, Jim Osman (author of God Doesn’t Whisper) called into Michael Brown’s show and criticized him for platforming the worst of the worst of charismatic ne’er do wells, telling him, “I would say that you have given a lot of shade,(cover) in fact, shade to some of the worst and most egregious charismatics, charlatans, false prophets, and hucksters that the charismatic movement has turned up in recent years, including Sid Roth and Benny Hinn and others just like it.” Continue reading

NAR Prophetess, Katie Souza, Says She’s on Assignment to Fight a Werewolf Sent by Satan

“Souza’s claim to fame? “Soul-healing” through fantastical, made-up “keys” that are supposed to unlock divine power in your life. It’s like a bad infomercial, except the stakes are far higher, and the deception far more insidious.”

(The Dissenter) If you’ve never heard of her, self-proclaimed “Prophetess” Katie Souza is the ringleader of her own spiritual sideshow, where she’s carved out a niche in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The NAR is a movement that has nothing to do with the gospel and is more about shameless self-promotion. Continue reading

One Day After Resigning, MorningStar CEO Chris Reed Admits to Sexual Misconduct

“In an article written by Rebecca Hopkins for The Roys Report she reveals that Reed, who is married and has six younger children, was involved with a student (who is an adult seven years his junior) at MorningStar named here as “Kathryn,” whom he was kissing and sending sexual text messages to in 2021, prior to becoming CEO.”

(Protestia) A day after resigning from his role as President and CEO of the New Apostolic Reformation mecca known as MorningStar Ministries, Chris Reed has admitted to sexual misconduct with one of his students. Continue reading

Venezuelan Gang Terrorizing Colorado; Has Apparently ‘Taken Over’ Apartment Complex

“Cindy Romero, a resident of The Edge, told KDVR, “It’s been a nightmare and I can’t wait to get out of here.” Romero, and her husband, Edward, had to use five locks on their door in the apartment and a door security bar jammer.”

(James Murphy – The New American) A vicious gang originating in the prisons of Venezuela has emigrated to the United States and is causing trouble in Aurora, Colorado. Video widely shared on social media purportedly shows members of the Tren de Aragua (TdA) gang brandishing firearms as they meander through the hallways of an Aurora apartment complex. Continue reading

ABC News Report: Harris Lied Her Way Into San Francisco DA Position

“It seems that we’ve come to accept lies as Americans. So, we shouldn’t wonder why truth has such a small role in our lives, especially concerning politicians.”

(Mary Dowling) In 2003, Kamala Harris was running for San Francisco district attorney. Her campaign sent mailers promoting her candidacy as a prosecutor with 13 years of courtroom experience. They claimed she had a “long track record.”

“Kamala has tried hundreds of serious and violent felonies, including homicide, rape, and child sexual assault cases,” the mailer stated, reported ABC News. Continue reading

Sola Scriptura vs spiritual blindness

13 But He answered and said, “Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” Matthew 15:13-14 (LSB) 

What is Sola Scriptura? This is a Latin phrase. Sola has the idea of “alone,” “ground,” or “base” while scriptura means “writings” and refers to Sacred Scripture or what we refer to in the vernacular as The Holy Bible. Sola Scriptura means that Sacred Scripture alone is authoritative for the faith and practice of the Christian…. Continue reading

Biden-Harris Admin Tried to Deny Trump Any Counter-Snipers

(Mary Dowling) If it hadn’t been for whistleblowers, we would never have known adequate security was denied. When extra help was requested, they were told not to request it so there would be no paper trail.

“This was an attempt to hold down the resources. This was an attempt to deny counter-snipers,” Hawley said.

“They only finally got counter-snipers to come on the day, Jesse,” Senator Hawley said. “Earlier, they had said no counter-snipers would be available. Can you imagine what would have happened if there had been no counter-snipers at all at this event? Continue reading

MorningStar CEO Chris Reed Steps Down, Mentor Implies Reasons Are Sketchy and Suspicious

“This is a serious situation, the type of which I [Rick Joyner] have witnessed several times over the 50-plus years I’ve been in ministry. I have seen it rob people with very powerful gifts of years of effective ministry. This has happened to me, as deception came upon me and cost me more than 10 years of ministry. I saw it cost Bob Jones eight years, and I think it cost Paul Cain his ultimate purpose. It is the most deceptive spirit I’ve ever dealt with, and right now I think Chris Reed is in a battle for his future.”

(Protestia) MorningStar Ministries, a prominent entity in Charismatic Christendom, has become a symbol of the worst excesses of the New Apostolic Reformation and Pentecostal movement. Founded by Rick Joyner in 1985, the ministry has been a platform for every false teacher and loon with a story of visiting heaven, a prophetic word to plug, and a book to sell. Continue reading

WHO Launches Global Monkeypox Strategy, Including “Strategic” Vaccinations

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced a comprehensive global strategy to halt the transmission of mpox, formerly known as monkeypox. The new plan, unveiled on Monday, focuses, in part, on a “strategic vaccination” campaign aimed at curbing the spread of the virus. The initiative will run from September 2024 to February 2025, supported by a $135 million fund. Continue reading

Hey Christians, if the world doesn’t think you’re weird, you’re doing it wrong

“God has done great, clarifying work for believers. The secular world no longer feels the need to even pay lip service to Christian beliefs, so the line between what the world wants of us and what God wants of us has never been clearer in our lifetimes.”

(Jason Anderson – Clear Truth Media) The Democrats recently demonstrated the sophistication and self-awareness for which they are known by attempting to brand Donald Trump and J.D. Vance as “weird.” And it says a lot about how confident they are in their control of the culture that they now feel comfortable defining the boundaries of normality. Continue reading

Do Conversion And Regeneration Represent The Same Thing?

9 “So then, I thought to myself that I had to do many things hostile to the name of Jesus the Nazarene. 10 And this is just what I did in Jerusalem; not only did I lock up many of the saints in prisons, having received authority from the chief priests, but also when they were being put to death I cast my vote against them. 11 And as I punished them often in all the synagogues, I tried to force them to blaspheme; and being furiously enraged at them, I kept pursuing them even to foreign cities. Acts 26:9-18 (LSB) Read Acts 12-18 on the site.

A hypocrite is someone who implies he or she stands for one set of values, but actually lives out their life doing the opposite. Since few would disagree that the post-modern church is mired in hypocrisy, one might assume that Christianity was the problem…. Continue reading

What We Mean When We Say, ‘God Created Everything From Nothing’

(J. Warner Wallace) Even as an atheist, I understood the challenge offered by the “Standard Cosmological Model” (the Big Bang Theory) when examined from my naturalistic worldview. This model infers a “cosmological singularity” in which all space, time and matter came into existence at a point in the distant past. In other words, “everything” came from “nothing”. I knew this presented a problem for me as a naturalist; if the universe had a beginning, the “principle of causality” inclined me to believe there must have been a cause. But, what could cause something as vast as the universe? Could it have caused itself to come into existence, or must the first cause of all space, time and matter be non-spatial, atemporal and immaterial? How could “everything” come from “nothing”? Continue reading

Politico Got Owned by This Fact Check About Kamala Harris

(Matt Vespa – Townhall) JD Vance is torching the Harris-Walz campaign over this simple fact: they’re the incumbent party. It’s become a laughable exercise regarding how Harris’ campaign and the media treat her as if she isn’t in the White House right now. Every aspect of Harris’ agenda is Joe Biden’s; the reversals don’t count. We all know what type of politician Kamala Harris is at heart. Yet, the media is doing everything they can to make her not seem like she’s part of the current administration. The most brazen attempt was by Politico, which had this headline: “Our corrupt leadership’: Vance tries to tether Harris to Biden during Michigan rally.” Continue reading

TGC Editor Who Regularly Watches Soft Porn to Lead 8-Week Course in ‘Faithfully Viewing Films’

“McCracken’s list of favorite television shows originally included White Lotus, as you can see from the Wayback Machine archives. He has since removed that show from his list after we exposed him for publishing it. White Lotus is an HBO television series that depicts extremely graphic and disgusting gay sex scenes,  according to IMDB.”

(The Dissenter) Every year, Brett McCracken releases his annual “best and favorite films” of the year list. And every year, normal people are horrified at what we could only see as Satan’s shortlist of things people should never see. Sometimes, I feel like TGC puts out material that’s so awful and ungodly that it has to be bait for their critics. Continue reading

Alleged ‘Special Counsel’ Tampers With Election to Show Trump That Tampering With Election Is Wrong

“Issuing charges this close to an election is unethical, but when have ethics gotten in the way of Merrick Garland, Joe Biden, and Smith pulling an underhanded devious deed? I’ll save you that microsecond of thought: the answer is never.”

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) Remember Jack Smith? He’s the Get Trump prosecutor that Florida federal judge Aileen Cannon ruled was unconstitutionally named a special counsel, rendering his cases against Donald Trump moot. Done. Buh bye. 

He’s the guy who thought nothing of getting the FBI to raid a former president’s home and go through his wife’s underwear drawers and son’s room to prove a point that he could get Trump anytime and anywhere.  Continue reading