Jesus Christ Our Redemption

33 Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies; 34 who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. Romans 8:33-34 (LSB) 

The “New Evangelism” gospel is one that claims that the sound doctrines of orthodoxy which teach us about the atonement, advocacy, and propitiation of Christ for the sake of His sheep are unnecessary “add-ons“ to Christ Jesus and, in fact, simply get in the way of truly knowing and emulating Him…. Continue reading

Robert Morris, Gateway Church Sued Over Financial Fraud

“…Robert Morris and Tom Lane promised on multiple occasions that if the congregation is not happy with the use of its money, it can get the money back.”

Gateway Church boasted an attendance of 100k, making it the largest megachurch in the United States. However, it became known that its pastor, Robert Morris, was a confessed child molester who jumped right back into ministry after a brief hiatus, only to found Gateway Church and never tell anyone. Max Lucado has since been brought on to preach and stem the bleeding…. Continue reading

Despite What Crackpot ‘Theologians’ Say, Paul’s Words are the Authoritative Word of God

When people say we should “only listen to Jesus,” what they’re really saying is they don’t want to listen to all of what God has to say. Because, let’s be clear—Paul’s words are God’s words. They were inspired by the Holy Spirit. And it’s not just Paul making that claim either, it’s the apostolic testimony. Peter himself refers to Paul’s letters as Scripture in 2 Peter 3:15-16, mentioning how some people twist Paul’s words just as they do “the other Scriptures.”

(The Dissenter) I remember a conversation I had many years ago—it was during a small group Bible study at a church I attended during my college years. Someone tossed out a statement that caught me off guard—something to the effect of “We should prioritize Jesus’s words over Paul’s because Paul just had his own opinions, not the authority of Jesus.” Continue reading

Palestinian Thugs at UCLA Shut Down My Scheduled Speech. Now, YAF Is Suing.

“These institutions play a pivotal role in training the next generation, which is why Marxist entities, as well as well-heeled pro-Sharia states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have targeted them for so very long.”

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) The freedom of speech is the foundation of any free society. Without it, a tyrant can work his will unhindered, which is one reason why the Biden-Harris regime’s distaste for this Constitutionally protected right is so disquieting. The problem, however, didn’t start with Old Joe and Kamala. America’s universities for decades have been radioactive wastelands of far-left indoctrination, at which opposing views are demonized, stigmatized, and silenced altogether. But one courageous and indispensable group is fighting back. Continue reading

Slow-Walking Aid to Hurricane-Ravaged Red America Is All Upside for Kamala

(John Nolte – Breitbart) Most of the areas ravaged by Hurricane Helene are filled with Trump voters. Asheville, North Carolina is a notable exception, but we’re four weeks and change away from a consequential presidential election and two weeks away from the start of early voting in these hurricane-hit states of Georgia (October 15), North Carolina (October 17), and Tennessee (October 16).

Two of those states (Georgia and North Carolina) are swing states. So I ask you… Continue reading

Elon Musk: FEMA ‘Actively Blocking’ Volunteer Help in N.C.

(Nicole Wells – Newsmax) Tech billionaire Elon Musk took to X on Friday afternoon to claim the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is “actively blocking” volunteers who try to help the struggling citizens of western North Carolina in the wake of Hurricane Helene.

“Just received this note from a SpaceX engineer helping on the ground in North Carolina,” Musk wrote. “@FEMA is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble, but is actively blocking citizens who try to help!” Continue reading

Israel’s Miraculous Survival of the Iranian Missile Strike

(Frontpage) Proud Zionist/Jew, global speaker, and tech columnist Hillel Fuld posted a profound tweet in the wake of the Iranian missile shower on Israel:

I really don’t think you understand the absolute miracles that we witnessed last night here in Israel.

In fact, I am sure you don’t.

Let’s break this down.

Israel has three air defense systems, each one of them a technological wonder and that’s not me saying it. That’s Dr. Gold who basically invented the Iron Dome who told me that. The level and sophistication of the Iron Dome is simply unparalleled. But the Iron Dome only knows how to detonate short range rockets or missiles within a 70 km range, give or take. Continue reading

Why Celebrity Pastors Deserve Less Honor

The idea here is simple:  We honor our leaders by directing our thoughts to them. If they have faithfully led us with regular doses from the Word of God, we should be mindful of them. After all, the Lord has entrusted such men with the care of our souls (Hebrews 13:17).” 

(Rick White – Ceal Truth Media) A friend recently told me something with which I strongly agree: “We honor all the wrong men”. While it is true that we ought to esteem “those who labor among us” very highly, it is far too common that many Christians highly esteem those that do not labor among them – usually celebrity pastors, online Christian influencers and leaders of large churches. The difference is big. Continue reading

Am I doing something wrong if I make a huge decision and don’t wait to hear from God?

“Any precursor to decision making would assume first that one is saved. Apart from Christ, we can do nothing. (John 15:5). Secondly it assumes that the thing you’re undecided about does not involve sin. We never decide toward sin, we flee from sin. ( 2 Timothy 2:22; Genesis 39:12)….” 

(Elizabeth Prata – The End Time) Does the Bible speak to whom we should marry? Which college to attend? Whether to join the Army? Should we relocate to another state? Change careers now, later, or never? Go back to college? Continue reading

Why does God allow pastors to fall?

(Jesse Johnson – The Cripplegate) When a pastor falls morally, it has an outsized effect on his congregation. There is an uncommon bond between a pastor and his flock. If the gospel is the most important news in the world, and if the gospel transforms a person’s life from the inside out, then it makes sense that people would develop a spiritual relationship with those who minister the word of God to them.

This uncommon union is helpful—it shows the joys of following Christ and experiencing the ordinary means of grace. In fact, it is even commanded in the New Testament. The Hebrews are commanded to consider the outcome of their leader’s faith and emulate it (Hebrews 13:7). Paul tells us that we are to share “all good things” with the ones who teach us the word of God (Galatians 6:6). This sharing produces a spiritual communion and bond. Continue reading

The Whole Armor of God

This is a repost from August 2023. The reason I am reposting this is my study of Corrie Ten Boom and her family and what they endured at the hands of the Nazis during WWII because they attempted to hide and protect Jews from being deported from Holland to Germany for extermination. As I read of the details of what they went through before and after their arrest and their own experiences in a Nazi concentration/extermination camp and how God was with Corrie and her sister Betsie through it all. Their faith never faltered. They prayed fervently that they would not hate their persecutors and that His will would be done above all…. Continue reading

Kamala Will Dole Out Disaster Aid by Race and Gender

“Trump flew directly to Valdosta to deliver critical supplies to the victims of Helene. Biden was at the beach all weekend.”

(Mary Dowling) You can expect a President Kamala Harris to determine everything by race and gender. Kamala doesn’t have much of a core, but she does believe that, as she has shown so many times. She plans to dole out disaster aid by race and gender, not by who needs the help most.

The wannabe president bases that goal on Marxist equity and the false belief that whites are inherently racist and sexist. Continue reading

Betrayed: More Details About Steve Lawson’s Double Life Revealed

(Protestia) Additional details are becoming known concerning the adultery and recent disqualification of former Trinity Bible Church pastor Steve Lawson. According to inside sources speaking to Protestia on condition of anonymity, the fixture in conservative, reformed evangelicalism was “living a double life in the heart of the reformed community.”

The young woman Lawson developed an “inappropriate relationship” with is an alumnus of The Master’s University (TMU). However, the two did not meet because of Lawson’s role as head of the Doctor of Ministry program at The Master’s Seminary (TMS, which resides inside Grace Community Church, 17 miles south of the university), but due to her attendance at the church that housed the seminary where Lawson taught…. Continue reading

Evangelicals For Harris Exposed As Pro-Abortion

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) What do you get when you have a gaggle of female pastors in support of Kamala Harris? The answer is numerous attempts at justifying abortion. In a recent Evangelicals For Harris women’s “prayer call,” abortion became a top priority on why Evangelicals should support Kamala Harris for president. Evangelical Dark Web infiltrated the prayer call and has clips to unveil.

The call was hosted by Lisa Sharon Harper who is a theologically liberal author with pronouns in bio…. Continue reading

Expert Calls Out VP Debate Moderators’ Climate Lies

“When you make decisions based on what climate alarmists say, disaster is sure to follow; not a single climate doom prophecy has come true in many decades.”

(Catherine Salgado – PJ Media) Climate alarmists, despite what CBS debate moderators asserted, “can’t demonstrate that emissions are really having any effects on anything other than maybe they’re helping the planet get greener, which means there’s more life,” Junk Science’s Steve Milloy told PJ Media. Continue reading

America Has Chosen Wickedness and God is Giving America Wicked Rulers

“The blind lead the blind, and they wonder why they keep falling into the ditch. The national puppets boast about their “progressive” and “inclusive” policies, but it’s nothing more than a polished veneer on a rotting corpse.”

(The Dissenter) As I watched the debate last night, a grim realization settled over me—this isn’t Kansas anymore. It’s more obvious now than ever before. Something feels off, something has changed. What we once knew, the life we cherished as kids, has slipped through our fingers. It’s gone. And as I sat there, John Calvin’s words struck me, searing into my thoughts: Continue reading

Here’s Who Israel Just Declared ‘Persona Non Grata,’ Barred From Entering the Country

(Leah Barkoukis – Townhall) Israel has banned United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres from the country over his failure to condemn the latest missile attack from Iran.

“Today, I have declared UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres persona non grata in Israel and banned him from entering the country,” said Foreign Minister Israel Katz.

“Anyone who cannot unequivocally condemn Iran’s heinous attack on Israel, as almost every country in the world has done, does not deserve to step foot on Israeli soil,” he added…. Continue reading

Biden-Harris Admin Used FEMA Disaster Funding For Illegal Immigrants

(Tristin Justice – The Federalist) The Biden-Harris administration took more than a billion tax dollars that had been allocated to the agency responsible for American disaster relief and used it to offer services for illegal immigrants.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) allocated nearly $364 million in the fiscal year 2023 and $650 million for the 2024 fiscal year to the “Shelter and Services Program” “to provide humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants following their release from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),” according to the government’s website. Continue reading

BREAKING: IDF: Iran Has Fired Missiles at Israel; All Residents Ordered to Bomb Shelters

(Joel B. Pollak – Breitbart) Iran launched missiles at Israel on Tuesday evening local time, as Israelis throughout the entire country were ordered to take cover in bomb shelters until further notice.

The IDF said in a statement:

A short while ago, missiles were launched from Iran towards the State of Israel.

You are instructed to remain alert and precisely follow the Home Front Command’s instructions

In the last few minutes, the Home Front Command has distributed life-saving instructions in various areas across the country…. Continue reading

Hurricane Helene And The Comfort Of God’s Sovereignty

“It is important to remember that the promise of Romans 8:28 is not universal. It is not a promise to every human being, but to “those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” For those outside of Christ, suffering may only lead to judgment and eternal separation from God. But for those who love God, this passage offers a profound hope.”

(Keith Foskey – Clear Truth Media) I’ve lived my entire life in Florida, so I am no stranger to the dangers of hurricanes and the devastation they can bring. I vividly remember the impact of Hurricane Andrew when I was a boy and the massive relief efforts that followed in its wake. Those in Louisiana likely have similar memories of Hurricane Katrina…. Continue reading

Israeli Forces Have Invaded Lebanon

(Matt Vespa – Townhall) We have reports that Israeli forces have invaded Lebanon. It was a military operation many observers foresaw even in the immediate stages of the ground war in Gaza after the October 7 attacks. The rocket attacks from Hezbollah have led to an internal displacement crisis within Israel.

The terror group planned a massive barrage that targeted Tel Aviv that was only disrupted at the last minute by a massive airstrike by Israeli forces. They didn’t get all the munitions but severely crippled what could have been a more deadly attack…. Continue reading

Why the Crusaders Are Inspiring Young Christian Men

“The typical evangelical Christian is not only disconnected from his father and grandfather, but also from his great-grandfathers, in particular the civil and ecclesial fathers who self-consciously laid the foundations of Western society on the firm bedrock of Christian faith and practice.”

(Ben Zeisloft – Clear Truth Media) If you are a Reformed Christian who has been on social media over the past year, you will notice that conversation about the Crusades has been occurring on a fairly regular basis.

Virtually every conservative Christian male under the age of forty seems to have been newly captivated by historical accounts of the nobles who battled the hordes of Islam…. Continue reading

Hey Pentagon, Pay Attention. Israel Is Showing You How to Win Wars.

The days immediately after 9/11 were perhaps our best and only chance to reset the post-Cold War order. We didn’t, and the battle lines today illustrate that radical Islam has advanced remorselessly and virtually unopposed against the remaining bastions of Western civilization. Keep in mind that this is with no cease-fire, truce, or armistice in place with our enemies. Just because we’ve unilaterally chosen not to fight them doesn’t mean they’ve reciprocated. Why would they?”

(C.A. Skeets – PJ Media) On Oct. 7, 2001, we started bombing Afghanistan in the opening stage of Operation Enduring Freedom. That night, our intelligence  located the convoy carrying Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar as he fled Kandahar. But the reconnaissance aircraft that was tailing Omar did not have permission to fire its antitank missiles at Omar. The CIA said it would violate our rules of engagement. When Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld heard about the incident, so enraged was he that he began kicking through glass doors at the Pentagon. Continue reading